Ouran High School Host Club [...


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Being given a special scholarship to the elite school Ouran high school for your smarts and talent in arts, y... Еще

Ouran High School Host Club [RP]
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 1o
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Tamaki's ending~
Kyoya's ending~

Chapter 9

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“Oh? You think you’re so tough, don’t you? I can crush you with my bare hands.” The boy smirked as he charged towards you. All of you previous training came rushing back to you and you made a conscious effort to relax and calm your mind. Fight angry and you will make mistakes, and a mistake can be fatal. Just one single mistake. That was one lesson your teacher had drilled into you, especially given your unusually impulsive nature when angered or irritated. You dreaded the mistake you had made when those two guys had attacked Haruhi.

The boy still wore his cocky smirk, as if he knew he had already won this battle. He brought his left hand up in a punch aimed at your throat. You saw the blow coming and with a quick step to inside, you blocked the punch with your right forearm and then using your head you head-butted him in the nose. He groaned and stumbled back, you followed with another punch to the nose. You heard a crunching noise and were pretty sure his nose was broken he screamed in agony.

He pushed you back with great force sending you through your front window. To your surprise, instead of the guy attacking you again in anger he ran through your house to your ‘back door’, which made you smile only because you knew you didn’t have a back door. One way in one way out. When you got to your feet, you winced. You must have twisted it when you were either fighting or thrown though the window. You weren’t able to move fast but still able to none-the-less. You were going to be late to class, you ankle was swelling a bit and you had some shards of glass in your legs.

The only thing you kept telling your self was to keep calm, you wobbled to your front door and grabbed a school book and hid yourself outside the door. When the guy comes running out you’d just hit him with the book and take things from there. You heard a lot of things breaking and the guy yelling in frustration. You weren’t sure if you should laugh at his sad attempt to get out or be pissed that he was breaking your stuff.

You heard his heavy footsteps come running towards the front door where you were currently hiding along the side. You flung your body weight into the book as the guy slammed right into your plan. He didn’t have any time to scream in pain he just fell to the floor, you probably broke his nose even more. “Wow, that worked out a lot better than I thought it would have…” You stared wide-eyed at the bleeding guy that laid in your door way.

“OH MY GOD!” You yelled as you looked at the book and realized it was completed warped, the guys face was implanted into the pages! You stepped over the guy making sure not to hurt him even more, he probably wont wake up for a couple hours. At least that’s what the book says.

You heard [your favorite song] ringer go off,  grabbing your phone you read who it was on the caller I.D first before you answered it.

‘Incoming Call Honey✿’

You couldn’t help but smile a bit when you answered it. “Hi, Honey-Senpai~”

“[Nick-Name]-Chan! Where are you?” He asked, you weren’t sure if you should tell him about the robber or not.

“Mm, don’t worry~ I just had to take out the trash.” You giggled at your own little joke, “Oh! Can I talk to Kyoya if he’s around, please?” You asked- he was the one you trusted the most; you were able to open up to him first, completely. “Sure~”

“Hello?” You heard Kyoya’s voice on the other line, he sounded like Tamaki was bugging him early this morning.

“Hey, Kyoya.” You greeted.

“You’re late.” He skipped the ‘hi’ greeting back and skipped to the point.

“I know, I’ll probably be a bit later? I’m sorry!” you exclaimed,

“Oh? Why is that?”

 “Um, well, I actually to see if you could pick me up and bring a band-aid, I was robbed and the robbe-” Your sentence was cut off short by a click.


“Kyoya? Are you there?” All you received was a dial tone!

The next thing you knew there was a helicopter flying over your house and men wearing protective gear came out of it off of ropes. You weren’t sure what to do, so you just stood outside and watched all the men jump out with everyone else that came out of their houses. You eyes were wide and your mouth was open, a fly could have flown in and out and you wouldn’t have noticed!

The men ran up to you, “Miss [Last Name]?” One asked with his weapon drawn, were the weapons necessary?! You felt light headed and ignored the simple question that could have been answered with a nod. “Are you [Last Name], [Name]?!” He yelled, you were sure it wasn’t out of anger it was probably just what he had been taught.

You looked at the guy once more only to see his mouth moving and no words coming out, you weren’t even able to hear the helicopter anymore! Something was wrong, very wrong. Your body felt extremely hot and you felt sick to your stomach. You vision became blurry all of a sudden and then everything went completely black.


“Hey~ [Name] is waking up!” You groaned and your eyes fluttered but they didn’t open, you could tell you were laying on something soft, a bed? Maybe a nice couch?

“Do you think she’ll mind if we join~?” Came the voice of the twins, you rolled over ignoring them. “Aw, look she even made room for us” They teased as your eyes snapped open you sat straight up all robotic-like. You hair was messy and covering your eyes. If the twins kept up with their act you might just kick them.

“It looks like you-” “just got finished rolling around in the sheets with someone.” They teased again, making you shoot a glare their way. It wasn’t your normal glare though; you were just irritated that they woke you up from your sleep! They both cowered in a corner and held each other. You were in the host club’s room, in Honeys ‘nap’ bed.

You heard Kyoya’s normal chuckle, “Don’t you two know that [Name's] blood type is AB-” yes, shame on them. You fell back into the bed and covered yourself up.

“Here [Nick-Name]-chan you can hold Usa-chan while you nap!” Honey exclaimed as he crawled on the bed placing the pink bunny on your stomach, Takashi walked over and took Honey away. “Now is not the time, Mitsukuni.”

“Oh, my precious flower! How is your ankle!?” Tamaki asked as he ran over to you halting everything he was previously doing. You sighed, knowing that they would all probably want to ask a question similar to that one.

“It’s fine, you guys didn’t have to send in a flipping army!” you yelled throwing a pillow a Kyoya which he easily dodged.

“Why’d you call Kyoya-Senpai instead of the police?” Haruhi asked, her hands planted on her hips. She looked like a mom ready to scold her child for doing something bad. It was a good question, even though you never called Kyoya, Honey called you and you asked for Kyoya. It never went through your mind to even call the police, not once. Did you really trust Kyoya that much? He was the first person to give you a sympathetic ear and a shoulder to cry on, in a way.

You smiled knowing what was bugging her, “what’s wrong with you?”

Her lip twitched in frustration, she was wearing a white dress and probably heals too. Since she was wobbling while she was standing, “I’m wearing a dress.” She dead-panned.

“Way to point out the obvious. Everyone looks … really nice. Why are you guys dressed up?” you asked looking at everyone, they wear all wearing heavy looking armor. “Tell me flower~ what do we look like to you?” Tamaki asked as he did a stance and pulled out an invisible sword.

“You look like cosplayers.” It was a nicer answer to his question than, ‘you guys look good, but you’re all /beeping/stupid for wearing that. Do you even know how hot it is?’ Tamaki’s ego visibly popped like a balloon.

“D-Did she just say… cosplay?” The twins asked, you were sure you heard them stutter.

“Yes, I did. In a way you guys kinda look like characters from-” You paused to think, you couldn’t put your tongue on it… “Oh! Sengoku Basara! Minus the crazy helmets they wore.” You laughed lightly.

The twins were whispering to each other, keeping you completely out of the loop. Honey was too busy playing with Takashi’s armor, while Takashi looked like he was bored you knew if Honey was with him he’s be fine.

“Our guests requested we do a ‘Knight in Shining armor’ look” Kyoya answered your question from a few seconds ago. That would explain why Haruhi was wear such an extravagant looking dress, in a way she looked like a snow white queen.

“So, I guess we will be Haruhi’s Knights?” You smiled looking up to meet Kyoya’s eyes, “Well, you’re half right. To make this more entertaining you will also be in a dress, you can thank ‘daddy’ for that.” Kyoya smirked, he explained to you in detail that there was a ball coming up that the Host club gets to choose and they’re all debating on either a simple Spring ball that can be held both inside and outside and it wouldn’t be as formal as any of their last ones. Or a Masquerade ball, that would be held both inside and outside too but this one would start right when the sun sets. Haruhi is on the Spring side while you’re on the Masquerade side.

Your knights agreeing with you are Takashi, Honey and Kyoya. While Haruhi gets the twins and Tamaki. Whoever’s team gets the most votes for them though this day of hosting gets their choice of ball for the end of this month! It sounded fun, plus you were on the right side! You had always wanted to go to a Masquerade dance before, just never got the chance.

“Sounds fun!” You exclaimed, “Plus, I have better knights too~” you mused in a lower voice while you watched Tamaki and the twins start up their teasing arguments and Haruhi sigh and lower her head. Kyoya couldn’t help but smirk, he didn’t know you had such a competitive side. The host club room was even changed up a bit differently, they decorated it half spring themed with bright flowers blooming basically everywhere and the couches were there for mingling casually. The other half was a bit darker and elegant than the other side, drapes and a few roses in nice huge vases but it was mostly cleared out for dancing.

“[Nick-Name]-Chan~! You should put your dress on!” Honey commented, bowing to you as if he was treating you as a Queen, his actions made you blush and step back. You told yourself he was just getting into character, “y-yeah, sure.”


It had been awhile since you wore a dress this nice, actually you never wore a dress this beautiful before! Your dress was completely opposite of Haurhi’s, it was black and embellished with a lot of rine-stones and feathers. You had black laced fingerless gloves that matched the dress completely. Hell they even put a wig on you; you now had long [hair color] curled hair that was covering your shoulders. You also wore a gold half mask that made your [eye color] look brighter. You lips were painted red.

Thankfully the dress itself didn’t cut down to show off womanly figures, not like they would see anything over then duck tape. You laughed at the thought.

“Are you ready?” Kyoya asked, you still had not come out of the dressing room.  You weren’t sure but nodded to yourself, “Uh, yeah…?”

“It doesn’t sound like you are.” He replied back. You sighed softly and opened the door, “I just don’t feel like [M! Name], I feel more like [Name]…” You admitted, not looking at him at all you face turned away in embarrassment. You hear him laugh quietly, with wide eyes you looked at him.

“What?!” you snapped a bit, not very harsh like. He shook his head “just be yourself, [Name]. That’s what a Masquerade is for, right?” He did have a point; the mask was what probably let you drop the whole ‘male’ act, but what if your customers didn’t like it? You heard Tamaki having a fit while walking towards you and Kyoya. You giggled lightly and shook your head; he was always so dramatic about everything.

“Oh my goodness! My precious flower looks so beautiful!” Tamaki stopped his little fit and ran over to you, only to spin you around in a tight hug. “Ta-Tamaki! Lemme go!” You squeaked only because of his tight grip! You never knew he could be so strong! He slowed down and let go, 

“Tamaki~ Come to the dark side~” you giggle out waving your hands, “Ah! I must resist! I fight for my white queen!” He exclaimed stepping back as if he were stepping back from someone stronger than him.

You laughed, “I see darkness in you Tamaki~”

“NOOooo!” Tamaki screamed dramatically and fell to his knees. He clutched his chest with one hand and the other hand reached up to the light shinning down on him. His yell echoed off the host club walls and bounced back!

“Boss? You okay over there?” The twins asked, although it sounded like they really didn’t care. “Mama… Why is… is [name] so mean? I don’t have darkness!” Tamaki whimpered his puppy dog eyes look towards you and Kyoya.

“My lady, what do you wish we do with him? He is on our territory” Kyoya ignored Tamaki’s sobs and directed his attention to you. You were actually surprised; you didn’t think he would get that into character. He was even on one knee bowing his head to you!

 Should you be all epic and say ‘OFF WITH HIS HEAD! >:O!’ or just tie him up? You figured you could try to bring Tamaki onto your side too? But, what’s the fun with that? “Give him to Honey. If he’s able to read him a good nap story he can go free.”

Kyoya chuckled, “How cruel.” Tamaki took it differently though, “Thank you so much! I knew you had some light left in you!” He was acting like he was being released from so sort of purgatory! “You better hurry Tamaki, before I change my mind.” He ran away after he heard you say that.

You held out your hand offering to help Kyoya get up but he ignored your offer and stood up on his own. It didn’t insult you nor surprise you, “we can't have our queens hands get dirty.”


“Oh my! Is that [M! Name]?!” A girl asked in a whisper but you could still hear her, damn Kyoya for making you go out in this! You felt very … weird having everyone look at you as a “girl” rather than a “guy”.

“He- HE LOOKS SO CUTE!” you laughed lightly at the crowd of females you were attracting unwillingly. Kyoya asked you if you could get the Music Club for which ever ball the host club would be hosting. Free of charge of course. You only agreed to it because you thought it would really bring in some new music goes to them too!

You smiled and gave the girls a curtsey and with your normal voice “I’m sorry, but could you ladies point me in the direction to the music club?”  If you were dressed like a girl in their eyes they should be able to understand your change of voice.  They all pointed in the same direction, you couldn’t help smile “Thank you very much!” as you walked away they were either whispering to each other, squealing or passed out on the floor. You were still unable to get over how weird the girls at this school were!

As you walked down the hall the heels you were wearing made the ‘clink’ noise with each step, you actually were able to walk in them unlike Haruhi. Dispite your hurt ankel! It took you a bit longer to get to the room, but you ended up there somehow.

“Oh? Are you new to Ouran?” someone asked you, you knew that voice it was the guy ‘William’ who was part of this music club too! You turned around and when you did a blush covered his face! You didn’t want to play the part of being a girl and toy with him, so you snickered.

“Oh? You’ve fallen for me already?” you asked with your male voice that everyone was oh-so used to and played with your fake hair with a smirk.

“AHHH! WHAT THE HELL?! [M! NAME]?!” he yelled completely startled but still blushing, “You have!” You fist pumped and laughed. He pushed you into the music room with all the other members of the club. '~[Name] taking the hearts of both men and women! Go me!'

“Hey!  Welcome to the music club!” Alice cheered and jumped up playing with a pair of drum sticks. Did the mask really hide that much of your appearance? “Alice, stop! Don’t be fooled! It’s just [M! Name!].” William glared lightly at you making you smile.”Don’t laugh!” You begged as Alice began to have a laughing fit. You shook your head realizing that time was flying by with them, whenever you were at the music club it was always everyone laughing having a good time.

“Would you guys like to play at the ball the host club is holding this week? I know it’s super late notice but, we’ve been working on a lot of music lately and I think it would be great!”

They all looked either shocked or happy, Alice was the first to say something “YEAH WE WOULD!” You explained to them how it would work out and how you thought it would help the club in the end too.

“I disagree,” William started as he shook his head. “How could you, Will~?” You whimpered in your normal girl voice making him blush and yell “STOP IT!”

In the end the music club will be performing at the Host Clubs ball or dance.


Since the masquerade side of the host club wasn’t meant for socializing the ‘Spring’ side was packed with guests while your side was empty! Even a tumble weed made it’s was onto your side! You laughed, “oh well, I guess we thought too far ahead?”

“Aww! This sucks! Even Usa-Chan got dressed up!” Honey pouted holding his bunny rabbit covered in armor up high. Mori just patted Honey’s head softy as if he were comforting him. Your knights looked a bit down actually; you didn’t like that at all! Just seeing them a bit upset made you want to cheer them up.

You thought for just a couple seconds before moving to stand in front of your three knights, “If we won’t be able to have a masquerade dance I want to at least dance with my knights!” You mused with you normal voice, it’s not like anyone was listening and even if they were you were just in character to them.


You held out your hand to Honey and smiled, “Can I have this dance~” You asked with a smile. Honey nodded, since you were a lot taller than him just like everyone else and you were wearing heals you picked him up and he wrapped his arms around your neck holding Usa-Chan behind you as you stated to dance.

Maybe you looked like a complete fool but, you were having a great time. “Spin~ Spin!” Honey giggled and you did as you were told and spun a couple times. No music what-so-ever was playing on your side it was a complete disaster, but in your mind you won. You felt Honey’s grip around you tighten slightly, “Honey-Senpai?” you asked quietly but kept dancing,

 “[M!Nick-Name]-Chan you don’t know how to dance!” Honey giggled but you could tell he was a bit scared which is probably why his grip tightened on you. “Hey, I’m trying! I never took any dance classes before, I can’t be that bad!” you smiled, it was true too. Even though you were probably just spinning around on the floor, dancing while holding someone was actually difficult!

“You’re not bad at all.” There it was Honey’s personality change. His voice would change, it wasn’t that you didn’t like it, you just weren’t used to it at all. You two stayed dancing for about 3 minutes in total; Honey kissed your cheek before you set him down, making you blush.


To you all the guests weren’t here, you looked towards Mori and he held his hand out to you. You were actually surprised by that, you were thinking he would want to stay with Honey but you gladly accepted his offer and gently took his hand.

He is a man of very little words, but the silence was comfortable. You smiled as you followed Mori’s lead to the empty music not playing. You were enjoying this,

"If you’re enjoying this, then I am too." Mori murmured, your eyes slowly opened to looked at him. His gaze looked the same as it always does, but he had a small smile on his lips.

"You’re so sweet  …  I’m happy." You happily confirmed as you two fell back into a comfortable silence, merely enjoying each other’s presence and simple dance, a smile still present on your face.

 Thankfully he was leading; otherwise this wouldn’t have gone as smoothly as it did. Poor guys though, must be hell to dance in that armor! You never even thought of it until now! The dance with Mori was short just like Honey’s maybe 3 minutes as well. He lead you back over to the side where Kyoya and Honey were currently at and did the same thing Honey did.

He gave you a kiss on the cheek as well; you weren’t sure what to think. You did have the same reaction though; your face had a pink tint to it now. You weren’t sure why they would do that, physical contact was more of Hikaru’s and Kaoru’s thing.


Kyoya came up to you this time and held out a hand for you to take. Of course you did, you did tell them you wanted to dance with them. “I’m curious to what Haruhi brought up earlier.” He stated, unsure of what he was talking about you hummed, “hmm?” You followed his lead just like how you were doing with Mori, except Kyoya was a bit more difficult to follow.

“Why did you ask to talk to me instead of calling the police?” He asked sounding completely amused, you ever tripped over his foot when he asked you that! It kind of threw off your groove! You were now embarrassed. “Uh, well, to be honest.” You started, “I guess I trust you the most. If you wouldn’t have hung up on me you would’ve know I was fine.” You growled under your breath remembering he hung up on you! He seemed satisfied with your answer and smiled! Kyoya actually smiled! You were shocked by it; you wondered why he didn’t smile like that all the time?

He seemed to notice because you kept stepping on his (poor) feet! He pulled you closer to him, making you hold your breath. It felt so weird being this close to a guy because you never really had any interest in guys after Aneru left.

You could feel your face heat up with the closeness, you were pretty sure you had stepped on his feet about 5 times already. It was weird how clumsy you were becoming because you never really were much of a klutz.

Once you two finished dancing you couldn’t help but apologize to Kyoya repeatedly for stepping on his feet. Kyoya didn’t kiss your cheek like Mori and Honey did, but did kiss your hand.


“AH~ That was beautiful! Dancing with your knights! Moving as one with each of them! Daddy is next?!” Tamaki yelled running over his armor ‘clinking’ with his quick steps. He looked really excited!

Making a stop sign with your laced hands you held them up, halting Tamaki in his path to you. “Pass.” You muttered bluntly turning him down, making Tamaki run back to his side crying. You laughed lightly, you didn’t notice until Tamaki came over to you that a lot of the guests were watching. Turning your attention to your ‘Knights’, you asked them “Are you guys up for more dancing?”

Though this whole hosting day you and your knights were taking guests and dancing with them. None of them seemed to mind that you were in a dress, actually they loved it. Which confused you but, you weren’t going to complain! You danced with over twenty girls, Mori, Honey and Kyoya probably up in the numbers too!

Maybe the masquerade ball will win~?


Okay,~ The next chapter will be the Ball and it will have results! ;D It may take a bit longer only because my school is having an art competition and I have until the 1st to enter and I want to badly! XD My chances of winning are like 0.0000001% but hey I still have a shot! Aha! 

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