The Runaway ***NIAM AU***

By kaylahardy120

47K 1.3K 208

Liam begins an online chat session with a boy named Niall who he immediately starts a friendship with. But wh... More

The Runaway
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 - EPILOGUE(mature)

Chapter 17

1.1K 44 7
By kaylahardy120

 This chapter sucks and I'm sorry. 



****Liam's POV**** 

"We're friends, I wouldn't hurt you," Niall grinned as he smiled at me seductively while he laid on my bed. I bit my lip to try and hide my grin, but it was no use. 

"I know you wouldn't," I whispered as I hesitantly made my way over to the bed and lingered over Niall. He smirked up at me and I looked away. 

"Liam," Nialed whispered softly as he grabbed my hand. I looked at him and he kissed my hand gently before he smiled genuinely. 

"I love you," he whispered as a blush filled my cheeks and I crawled into the bed with him. He wrapped his strong arms around my torso as he kissed my neck; sending shivers down my spine. I was slowly beginning to doze off when I heard Niall get up. I slowly rolled over and yawned. 

"Niall?" I asked softly, but no reply came. I sat up and frowned as I figured maybe he went to the bathroom. 

"Niall..." I whispered as I flicked on the light and I saw Niall with a gun aimed at me. 

"Are you sure you didn't kill him Lou?" I heard a very faint voice say. 


 My head was throbbing as I slowly start to regain consciousness.  I swallowed hard and went to move my arm, but I shrunk down in pain. I opened my eyes quickly and looked down at my wrists where the pain was coming from and saw my ankles and wrists were tied to a chair...with barbed wire; there was no way of escaping this nightmare.

"There! He's awake!" a voice came from my right and I snapped my head to see two boys looking at me like I was some sort of animal. 

"Please! Get me out of this," I begged softly and the boys exchanged glances before they burst into laughter and I burst into tears. I heard the door swing open and the two laughing boys quickly shut up. I craned my neck and saw someone moving in the shadows before a tan boy stepped out in front of me with cold eyes looking at me. 

"What's so funny?" he snarled as he snapped his head to look at the two boys who were mumbling pathetic apologies. The tan skinned boy grumbled and rolled his eyes before they focused back on my own. 

"Harry, Louis," the boy said and the two boys fed into his sides. 

"What's your name?" the boy asked softly and I swallowed hard as I tried to find the words. 

"What's your name?!?" the boy screamed, sticking his face close to mine and I chewed on my lips. 

"Li-Liam," I stuttered nervously and he backed up, folding his arms across his chest and sitting into his right hip. 

"You knew Niall," he said more as fact rather than a question. I nodded my head gently as my dream came flooding back and caused me to panic. I tried to move my arms again, forgetting my restrains, and let out a whimper as the barbed wire dug deeper into my skin. 

"Yes...he stayed with me for about a month," I whispered, hoping this kid would see I had nothing to do with whatever he wanted and then maybe he'd let me go! 

"He take anything from you?" the boy asked with curious eyes as I slowly shook my head. The boy's eyes widen in shock and he looked back at his two partners before looking back at me and shaking his head frantically. 

"Where is he now?" he grit his teeth and I swallowed hard as I chose my next few words carefully; fearing if I said one wrong thing this boy would beat the hell out of me. 

"Jail..what do you wan-" I started, but before I could finished the boy had me by the throat and I was gasping for air. 

"LIAR!" he spat and I felt the wires digging in my skin as I tried to wail my limbs to free myself. I shook my head as tears sputtered from my eyes and I screamed. 

"I'm not lying! I'm not!" I screeched as best as I could as I felt lightheaded and the room started to spin.

 “How is he in jail then?” he gritted his teeth. I coughed while I tried to explain and he finally got off my throat and let my breathing return to a somewhat normal pace.

“Why does it matter to you? Who are you?” I asked frantically and I knew I was pushing my luck, but I didn't want Niall in any more danger...even if he was a supposed killer...Niall had meant something to me and I didn't want these psychos doing anything to him!

“Tell me how the fuck Niall got in prison,” he growled, nearing me with a gun and that was enough for me to answer right away.

“I found out he was a murderer and called the police!” I exclaimed and the boy's eyes went wide with rage as he neared me with the gun, his eyes lit up with fire as his finger seemed deathly close to pressing the trigger. I whimpered and shut my eyes before I heard him sigh.

“If Niall would've done what the fuck he was supposed to!” the boy screamed as he dropped the gun and looked at the two other boys. He spun back around and looked at me and grinned an evil laugh. 

"You like Niall?" he asked as he moved closer to me and I shook my head gently. 

"He's a killer," I whispered and the boy and his friends burst into hysterical laughter. I frowned at them, hoping they'd let me go soon.

"Niall? A killer? Please!" the boy continued to laugh as he shook his head and wiped at the corners of his eyes. I looked at the boy in mass confusion as I chewed on my lip nervously and waited for the boy to explain. 

"What are you talking about?! I found a WANTED sign and it said he'd murdered someone! How do you even know Niall?" I asked quickly as I tried to find out as much as I could about what was going on. 

"Niall was in my gang...I killed that guy and told Niall to take the blame! Niall's just as sappy and innocent as you! He couldn't hurt a fly!" the boy exclaimed as he went over to his friends while I sat, absolutely defeated. I couldn't be sure this boy was telling the truth, but it did make sense seeing as Niall had done nothing to me for an entire month! 

"We're going to find him and we're going to kill that little-" the boy growled as he turned back around and I screamed shaking my head furiously. 

"No! No! Don't hurt him! It was my fault!" I cried and the boy rolled his eyes as he smacked me. 

"Yeah, and I'm going to punish you for ruining my plan by killing your little friend Niall, and I'm gonna kill Niall because he couldn't carry out one fucking deed! All he had to do was take some of your money! But no...he softened," the boy spat before he turned away and headed for the door. He gave a nod to the two other boys and they neared me as the tan skinned boy left the room. 

"Goodnight!" the curly haired boy sang as he began to bludgeon me with a metal bat. The last thing I saw before I passed out were the two boys laughing and talking about how much fun it was going to be to kill Niall...

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