Help! (An Alex Constanico lov...

By Samxpottorff13

8.7K 130 33

(Complete) Just read it and find out. More

help! (an Alex Constancio love story)
How it started
getting help from my best friend.
Flashback of hate
Shirtless boys
Getting ready for school
Robert and Elizabeth?
Please read a/n
Getting ready
The Club
Drama and a date
Make up
Talking to austin
Be mine


274 3 0
By Samxpottorff13

~ steph's POV~
Me and Alex walk out of Pizza Hut hand in hand and start walking to mine and Liz's house.

"I need to tell you something." Alex said nervously.

" you can tell me anything Alex. You know that right?" I said worried.

"So as you know Austin got a record deal and moved to Miami. And he's going on tour with Taylor swift. And Me and Robert are going on tour with him." Alex said.

"When did you find out?" I questioned.

"A week ago." Alex said nervously again.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!" I was trying to keep calm but I failed and yelled at him.

~ Alex's POV ~

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!" She yelled at me. I could tell she was trying to keep calm but she failed at it.

I knew she was going to yell at me. I mean I did keep it a secret for a whole week. But still-

"When are you leaving?" Steph asked interrupting my thoughts.

"I leave in 2 days." I said.


"I DIDN'T WANT TO HURT YOU!" I yelled back. I was getting angry.

"WELL YOU ALREADY HURT ME ALEX." She yelled at me with tears in her eyes.

~steph's POV ~
"WELL YOU ALREADY HURT ME." I screamed. I really need to calm down before I punch someone so i ran the whole way to me and Liz's house.

I opened the door and ran past Liz, Austin and Robert. I really didn't want them to see me cry.

~ Liz's POV ~

Me, Austin and Robert were all sitting on the couch. Austin and Robert Were watching tv and talking about random stuff and I was on my phone.

All of a sudden the door opened and slammed shut. At first I thought someone was going to kill us. But then Steph ran passes us and went to her room.

I got up and went upstairs. I tried to open the door but it was locked.

"Steph can you open up the door and tell me what happened." I said as calm as I could. I swear when I find out who did this I will go all ninja on them.

"Leave me alone." She said. I could tell she was crying.

"Please open the door before you hurt yourself." I said.

~ steph's POV~

Once I got to my room I slammed the door and locked it. I went over to my bed and grabbed the pillow and screamed into it. God I really need to control my anger issues.

After a couple minutes I heard Liz say "steph can you open the door and tell me what happened."

I was going to open the door but I was really angry and sad that if I saw someone I would probably punch them in the face. So I said "leave me alone."

"Please open the door before you hurt yourself." Liz said. She sounded frustrated.

"Fine" I said. I got up to see Liz standing there with a pissed off look.

"Steph what happened?" Liz asked concerned.

"Me and Alex had a fight." I said.

" WHAT! ABOUT WHAT!" Liz yelled. I shushed her cuz Austin and Robert were most likely still be downstairs.

< after I told Liz what happened>

"I'm going to kill him!" She whisper yelled. She hates it when people make me cry, that reminded me of my last boyfriend nick.

€ flashback €

Nick just broke up with me and I was in tears. I decided to text Liz and tell her what happened.

S: hey. The worst thing happened 2 me 2day

E: hey. What happened?

S: nick broke up with me :(

E: ugh I'm goin to kill him >:(

S: you don't have to do that.

E: gtg ttyl

S: ok bye

After about 30 minutes I got a picture text from Liz.

It was a picture of nick sleeping with pink hair and marker on his face.

€end of flashback€

"Your not going to do what you did to nick. You just need to calm yo tits." I said.

After we talked for a little while we went downstairs. When we got down stairs I saw............
Cliffhanger. So what do you guy think. When school starts I will be updating less cuz I'm going into middle school so ill have more homework and stuff so I just wanted to let you know. School starts the 26th. So yeah vote and comment me what you think.

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