A Thug's Bliss

By YouAhStupidHoee

1.5M 54K 24.3K

17 year- old Mickie Thomas has a rough life. After her father dying in a terrible car crash and her brother's... More

A Thug's Bliss: One
A Thug's Bliss: Two
A Thug's Bliss: Three
A Thug's Bliss: Four
A Thug's Bliss: Five
A Thug's Bliss: Six
A Thug's Bliss: Seven
A Thug's Bliss: Eight
A Thug's Bliss: Nine
A Thug's Bliss: Ten
A Thug's Bliss: Twelve
A Thug's Bliss: Thirteen
A Thug's Bliss: Fourteen
A Thug's Bliss: Fifteen
A Thug's Bliss: Seventeen
A Thug's Bliss: Eighteen
A Thug's Bliss: Nineteen
A Thug's Bliss: Twenty
A Thug's Bliss: Twenty One
A Thug's Bliss: Twenty Two
A Thug's Bliss: Twenty Three
A Thug's Bliss: Twenty Four
A Thug's Bliss: Twenty Five

A Thug's Bliss: Eleven

62.9K 2.2K 677
By YouAhStupidHoee

 Excuse the mistakes. Thank you to everyone who is commenting and voting. Next chapter will be better, this was kind of rushed because people were asking me to update and I hate keeping y'all waiting. I have school, so don't be mad, I have slow updates!!


| Chapter 11 |




           I caught the bus to the other side of town. It was around midnight and I had to admit I was scared. All I was wearing was a black hoodie, jeans and some old Nikes. I wasn't trying to impress anybody and get unwanted attention from men in the night.

I looked behind me and walked faster. I was still kinda paranoid about that boy holding me at gunpoint, trying to rape me.

"Yo!" I heard someone call to me. That voice sounded so familiar, that I looked over my shoulder to see who it was. I squinted trying to remember where I saw him before. Then it struck me. It was Trey's friend, Reese. The one that kept calling me 'baby mama.'

"Hi," I gave him a small smile out of shyness. "Where you headed?" He approached me. He was fine, but not Money fine.

"Uhm," I pointed down the street, "To my Grandma's house." I lied.

"Word?" I nodded, timidly.

"Tell my Grandma in law, I said hi." I giggled at his comment.

"I like yo laugh. It's sexy." A smile grew its way on my face as I looked every where but his face.

"You should let me do that."

"Do what?" I said, not understanding what he was talking about.

"Make you laugh." I looked down at the concrete, self-consciously. "Can I get yo phone number or somethin'?" I nodded, reaching in my pocket to give him my phone. No one ever asked me for my phone number before, except Money and I was surprised to get this kind of attention from boys all of a sudden. Did my physical appearance change over the summer or something?

After we exchanged numbers and said our goodbyes, I continued to walk down the block.

I was so happy and smiling like a fool, that I didn't even notice Patrice on a street corner with Caramel crying. "What's wrong Caramel?" I said, bending down to her level.

"Fuck her. Stop babyin' her, she bouta be three real soon." I shot a look of disgust at Patrice who was puffin' away on a cigarette. I knew Patrice was a bad mother from the start.

I mean, who names their child Caramel?

Patrice had nothing on but a short black dress that barely covered her ass and clear stilettos heels. She had on heavy makeup, so I knew she just left where she worked which was the hottest strip club, Daddy's Little Girls. Patrice was bad, but one day all that smoking was goin' to catch up to her.

Caramel was dressed in a light blue spaghetti strap dress with gladiator sandals. Her hair was brushed in to a bun and her edges were laid. Although, Patrice was a bad mother, she made sure Caramel looked good because she said she had a 'reputation to keep.'

"She's only two and you got her out here on the corner!" I rolled my eyes at a man who walked by, fox whistling at Patrice.

Patrice winked at the man. "At least she learnin' the ropes while she young." She said, turning her attention back towards me. How could she say something like that? 

I shook my head at her. "Come on, sweetie." I spoke sweetly to Caramel, clutching her tiny hand.

"Where you goin' wit my daughter," Patrice snapped, taking a puff from her burning cigarette. "I'm takin' her away from here." I responded, bitterly, mad at the fact that she was treating my baby cousin like this. I thought of Caramel as my daughter.

"Fuck you bitch," She spat, sticking her manicured middle finger up at me. I looked at her and scoffed before walking away to the bus stop. I picked Caramel up and placed her on my hip, figuring that she must have been walking all day.


"Thanks Katalina." I said, handing her a wrinkled 20 dollar bill. That was all I had on me. I left the rest of my money at Money's house because I didn't want to walk around with a lot of money in my pocket. What if I got robbed?

"Can she please stay here, tonight? I have m-"

"Keep your money, Mickie." Katalina cut me off as she refused to take it. I helped her washed the dirty dishes that piled up in the sink. "I'll watch her. But, tell me about that note you left me and why you're out so late."

I sighed, looking down at my phone. LL was suppose to call me and he still hasn't. I was starting to get worried about Aubree.

"I left you that note because I'm going to stay with a friend." Katalina looked at me, like I was crazy.

"And who is this friend, Mickie? He better not be some boy and--"

"He's my boyfriend." I blurted out, lying. She would never let me stay with a boy unless he was my boyfriend or family.

"Boyfriend? I never knew you had a boyfriend," Katalina smiled, showing off her pretty deep dimples.

"Yeah, for two months now." I lied again. I reminisced on the time I met Money. Although, he wasn't my boyfriend, I sure wished he was.

"So, he would let such a beautiful girl like you out by yourself night?" Katalina arched her eyebrow in suspicion. I could tell she knew something wasn't right. "He's down the block. I just told him to wait outside while I brought Caramel because I didn't need you grillin' him." I joked, playfully.

Katalina rolled her eyes. "Pssh, girl please." I couldn't help as I continued to check my phone. I hadn't gotten a call from LL like he had promised me.

After staying at Katalina's house for 15 minutes too long, I decided to leave. It was clear as day that he wasn't going to meet me anywhere. Where was he anyway?

"Well, I have to go now Katalina. Goodnight." I said, hugging her. "Be safe." She told me in response, walking me to the front door.


"Chill, don't kill him." I said, making everybody look at me crazy. 

"The fuck you mean don't kill him!" Money barked, ripping the black bandana he had from around his face.

LL was tied to a metal chair, bleeding from his forehead and nose from where Money had pistol-whipped him. I knew we was gone catch this nigga slippin'. I wanted to grill LL at least before we killed him. Money was the type of nigga to kill first, then ask questions later and that ain't never get you no where.

"Let's just ask him some questions. If we kill him, we'll never know where Aubree is being held at." I loved my babygirl and if something ever happened to her, I wouldn't know what to do wit myself. I already fucked up by letting her get kidnapped by some niggas.

"Hurry the fuck up! This bitch got 5 seconds!" Money seethed, pulling out a Black N' Mild from his pocket. He always smoke those nasty shits when he's stressed out.

I approached LL making the goons disperse from around him. They all stood in the far off corner, holding their guns in their hands. These niggas were all trigger happy.

"Where you got my girl at," I asked, bending down to his level. That was the only reason why I ain't fucked with LL. However Money never liked this nigga, it was something deeper that went on between them, but he ain't never told me. Money was my nigga, and whoever he had beef with, I had beef with no questions asked. He paid my mother hospital bills before she passed of breast cancer when we was younger and he just started hustlin'. When he got his empire, he put me on and I owed my life to that nigga.

"Look, I don't got yo' girl. You gotta believe me man!" LL coughed up blood. I stepped back, this nigga messed up my sneakers!

"Dre' hurry the fuck up!" Money yelled at me. I knew his trigger finger was itching. I ignored him, looking back at LL. "But yo nigga, Danger said--"

"I don't fuck with that snake ass nigga no mo'. He was movin' funny and I found out he was stealin' from me and shit. Had a nigga all fucked up. He was 'posed to be my homie." LL spoke as the blood trickled down his face.

"What the fuck? You mean to tell me you ain't did this shit, this whole muthafuck--" I stopped myself, not believin this shit. I felt like a cunt.

"So, you mean to tell me you ain't got my girl? Danger dead now, but how he knew all that shit 'bout Mickie then?" I continued.

"He used to fuck wit her brother Mikey! I can't believe this dock nigga slipped up and got killed! He was working with somebody else, though! His snake ass!"

"Brother?" Money voiced my thoughts. Damn, I ain't knew Mickie had a brother either.

"Who? I kno' you kno that nigga like the back of your hand. Who he was fuckin' around wit?" I said, getting back to the point.

"I don't know." LL spoke, shaking his head. I pulled out my nine from my waistband. I tried to be cordial with this nigga, but he was just either a good ass liar or he truthfully didn't know.

"You got five seconds or I'll--"

"Man, man. I don't kno!" LL had straight fear in his eyes. "If I knew, I wouldn't be in this predicament, for real, B!" LL said, his New York accent coming to life.

Two bullets entered LL's forehead, but not from my gun. I looked down at LL who was missing half of his face.

''What the fuck, Money!" I yelled already knowing it was him. I sucked my teeth, stepping back in disgust. His brains were splattered all over my white t-shirt!

"Since he ain't knew who Danger was fuckin wit, why keep listenin to him speak his shit? Clean this shit up!"


 I closed the double doors behind me, locking the locks and let out a breath that I was holding in. I just came in Money's house and so far, I haven't been caught. I didn't see his half a million dollar car lurking outside, so I knew he was still out.

"So, where you been?" I jumped at the smooth voice. I turned around slowly to see Money at the foot of the stairs, staring at me. He was still in his street clothes, so I knew he must've came back from whatever he was doing. He looked kind of mad, but I couldn't really tell.

"Uhm, out." I said, quietly. I didn't want to tell him I was about to meet LL for that matter. He would probably catch a heart attack.

"You betta not been with some nigga!" Money said with an attitude and I did not know why. We weren't together and wasn't Alaysia his girl or something like that?

I shook my head, quickly. "When you livin' wit me there's rules." I looked at him, waiting to hear what these 'rules' were.

"No niggas and tell me when you boutta leave. Is that too much to ask?" I shook my head no. "A'ight. Now take yo' little ass to bed you kno you got school in the mornin'."

I laughed a little, cracking a smile, "Okay."


1 week later...

I ran my hand through my 16 inch black weave I got installed. I never had a weave before and I always wanted one. I was tired of wearing my usual bun, because that was all I knew how to put it in.

Money said that I had until 10 p.m. to get ready for our date and I hadn't even taken a shower yet. I was too excited about my new weave. I thought it was a new look for me and I actually thought I looked good in it. As always Money was out. He said he had 'business to handle.'

After taking a 35 minute shower, I came out at 9:17 with a white towel wrapped around me. The towel was long so it fell below my knees. I took off the purple bandana I had wrapped around my hair, to protect it from the water. I looked around for my lotion, perfume and deodorant. I remembered I had gym today and left my deodorant in my bookbag downstairs.

I sucked my teeth and tied a tight knot on my towel before racing downstairs. I heard the door unlocking, making butterflies in the pit of my stomach. The door opened before I could get back upstairs.

Money's eyes widen once he saw me in just a towel. I awkwardly grabbed the deodorant out of my book bag.

I rushed up the stairs, being careful to not give Money a show.

I heard footsteps going up the stairs as I walked into my bedroom. I knew it was Money and I knew he was horny. I turned around to close my door, but Money barged in.

I don't know what came over me, but I kissed him. He wrapped my legs around his waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck as our kissing got intense.

He gripped my ass as we stumbled blindly back onto the bed. Once my back hit the bed my towel popped open. I rose up from my bed, feeling self-conscious. I tried to close my towel, but Money pushed my hands away.

"Your beautiful, Mickie. Don't hide your body from me." I let Money's words reassure me as I laid back, opening my towel again.

Money got back on top of me and we were back at it again. We were kissing and grinding and to be honest, I still was a little nervous. I didn't know how far we were gonna go, but it was the least I could do after he let me stay here with him.

Money stuck a finger in me as he began sucking on my neck. I couldn't help it once I started moaning. He circled my clit with his thumb and glided his index finger in and out of me faster at the same time.

"Ahh...ahh..." I moaned. I had never felt something that felt so... good. I felt something at the pit of my stomach as I squirmed around in pleasure.

My legs shook and my body jerked as I came all over his fingers. I watched as he licked his fingers clean.

It made me shivered. If he was that good with his fingers, imagine how he would be with his....

I don't think I would be able to handle all that. Money started to unbuckle his pants, but he caught himself. "You lucky you a virgin." I smiled a little. I might've gotten a little too carried away, but I wanted to stay a virgin for a long time, until I was sure I was ready.






"You ready, Mickie mouse?" Money smiled at me. He made me get dressed up in a dress & heels, that I could barely walk in, but he was in true religion jeans, a black shirt with a white Polo horse on it and the new Jordans. And of course he had on his Rolex and cross chain.

I nodded, smiling. I was too hype, and this was actually the first time I've been happy since Aubree vanished. "Hold on, I'll be back." Money disappeared up the stairs, making me go in to the living room and sit down on the couch.

As I kept touching my hair, I couldn't help but notice Money's iPhone on the coffee table and the vibrating noise that kept coming from it.

My curiosity got the best of me and I grabbed it, and slid my finger across the screen, unlocking it. I made a stank face once I saw it was Alaysia who had texted him.

I clicked on her name and scrolled through the messages they shared. Most of them were Money not responding to her and the others were, when and where they was fuckin. I looked at the text, that Alaysia just sent to Money.


I scoffed so loud, that I was sure Money heard me. I quickly placed his iPhone where I got it from and got up from the couch. As I was walking up the stairs, taking off my heels, I bumped into Money who was coming down the stairs.

"What's wrong, Mickie?" He said, noticing the look that was plastered all over my face, no matter how hard I tried to hide it.

"Nothing. I don't want to go. I have homework," I lied. Money frowned, looking at me with worry in his eyes. "Whatchu mean? I thought you said you was done with all lat." He scrunched up his eyebrows.

"I don't wanna go!" I snapped, storming past him. Once I got in my room, I slammed the door. I already knew I had developed some typa feelings for Money.

I liked him ever since I laid my eyes on him! The way I always had butterflies when I was around him was crazy, but I couldn't continue to put up with Alaysia's petty ways. I was about to stop fucking around with Money, forreal.

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