Cigarettes ~YoonMin AU~

By bandlover198

225K 9K 5.2K

When Jimin works at a bar, and Yoongi is downing shots, the meet and befriend. A lota shit happens, idk what... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 18

7.3K 285 161
By bandlover198



"Mother, Father." I greet them, they look at mine and Hye's intertwined hands. "So, you got yourself a girlfriend?" My dad asked. "I told you, I knew he wasn't gay." My mom said smiling. "Okay, you know what. Shut up. I went through all of this shit, I wasn't able to talk to my son. I didn't care if he was gay. It was all because of you." My dad says, angry. He... Doesn't care? 

"No, you shut up. This is why I want a divorce." I smile at what she said. "You guys are getting a divorce?" I ask. They look up to me, who was standing while they were sitting, and nodded. "Dad, you.. Don't care if I'm gay?"  I ask him. "Son, you can be whatever you want. No matter, you'll make me proud. Your mother on the other hand, doesn't agree with it." He says. 

"Leviticus 18:22 reads: "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." And that is absolutely true. Man shall not lie with man." She says, sitting up straighter and closing her eyes while reciting. I've had enough. "Mother, what cloths are you wearing right now? What fabric are they made of?" I ask. She looks at me and thinks a little bit. "A polyester blend, why?" She asks. "Well, Leviticus 19:19 reads:"You are to keep My statutes. You shall not breed together two kinds of your cattle; you shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed, nor wear a garment upon you of two kinds of material mixed together.So you, my dear mother are disobeying the bible." I tell her. 

"But-" My dad cut her off. "No. Son, are you really dating this girl?" He asked. We both shake out heads, removing our hands. "Are you dating any one?" He asks, Yoongi and I look to each other. I was going to say the same thing that I said to Tae's mom, but he smiles. "And you are?" He asks, turning to Yoongi. "Min Yoongi, sir?" He says and places his hand out for my dad to shake. He shakes and nods his head. He then goes to Tae. My mom just sitting there, shocked. "My son, is not gay." She says, getting up and going into the house. "Kim Taehyung is that you?" He asks. Tae smiles and nods his head. He bear hugs Tae. "Jeon Jungkook. Little Kookie?" He asks. Jungkook blushes a little and nods. "Okay, quick question. Whenever I saw you two together, I thought something would happen. Did anything happen?" He asks, they nod their heads and intertwine their hands. "I knew it would happen." 

He walks over to Hye. "Hello." She says politely, leaving her hand out for him to shake. He takes it. "I'm Hye. I was their classmate a while back, but never really talked to them. We recently made friends, around a year ago." She says, he nods. He walks over to me. "Jimin." He says, quietly, pulling me into a massive hug. Me hugging back. We just hug like that for a little, "You've grown so much. Your damn mother made me miss out on what amazing people you three kids have come to be." He says, shamefully. I shake my head. "Nothing much has happened." I tell him. "A lot has happened. Taehyung and Jungkook are together, you might be with someone, and you have new friends too. It hasn't been that long. Two years at most, but you guys grow up too fast. You go through like, 12 puberty's in one year. And you even colored you hair." He tells me. "Dad, dad, stop. It's okay. Really. You've made it up. Dad really. It's okay." I tell him.

He nods and pulls away from the hug. "Let's go do something. While you guys are here. Your mother is either packing her things, or my things, or throwing my things out. I can't wait till this divorce is official." "Okay. Where to?" I ask. "Your favorite place when you were younger." He says. "You don't mean." He nods. "Really. Okay well when are we going to leave, we should get some stuff on the way there, you know, so we can be comfortable. We don't just want to be sitting on hard concrete, or whatever the floor is made out of. Like blankets and pillows, we should also get some food. And do you still have the projector thing that we used when we used to go camping? And Disney movies, yeah Disney movies, like Bambi or Ratatouille, or Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs." I almost yell. I'm sorry I just get excited. We're going to the abandoned trains. 

"Yes, Jimin I still have it. And we'll gather everything. Maybe get some fast food?" My dad asks. I nod enthusiastically. "Jimin, does he mean the trains?" Tae asks, smiling ear to ear. "That was my second favorite place, how we used to play hide and seek in the dark. Kookie, do you remember?" Tae asks. Jungkook nods his head. "I went there a few times with you guys. It was fun, and Jimin would always bring that one girl, who was the fourth wheel while the three of us had fun." He says, now all three of us smiling. "Let's go!" My dad shouts. We enter the house, me going to the closet and my old room to get some pillows and blankets and sheets. I didn't even take a glace to the room and got all of fucking pillows on the bed ripping the sheets off too. I was about to exit the room, but my mother enters. 

She only looks at me, and then walks towards me. "You. Are. Not. Gay." She says through gritted teeth before slapping me. It left a sting. But I just let her do it. She repeated it, slapping my face, yelling how I can't be gay and she won't allow it. I let her do it. I'm guessing it took a little bit because he didn't know where to go, but Yoongi came into the room, along with Tae, Jungkook, Hye, and my father. Hye stopped her, grabbing her hands and putting them behind her back. Tae and Jungkook removed the stuff from my hands, and I just stand there, feeling the sting on my face and in my heart. I knew she didn't accept, but she never called me anything, never told me anything else, and I was okay with it. I was okay with her calling me a disgrace, calling me anything she could. But there was one word she would never call me. But she just so happen to have called me that today. 


She called me worthless. And to me, being called worthless is far worse than being disowned. A tear escaped my eye, and I almost fell. Yoongi caught me, I knew because of the smell of cigarettes. He pulled me out of the room, further away from it, the rest following behind. But he took us away from them. He took me down some random place he didn't know and he slid down the wall, still with me in his arms, causing me to slide down with him, more tears falling. He hugs me, while I try to go deeper into his chest. I wasn't bawling. I wasn't sobbing. i was just letting tears fall. 

"She called me worthless." I say and look him in the eye. "She's called me everything but worthless. I was okay. But that word. That word hurts me more than being disowned." I tell him in a whisper, a few more tears falling. "You're not worthless, Jimin. You're amazing and here because you can be." He tells me. "Jimin." He says, looking away and then looking back. He lifts up his hand and wipes away tears. He kisses my forehead. "What food and movie make you happy?" He asks. "Pizza and Ratatouille." "Well, lets get some pizza and whatever we need and go watch Ratatouille where you want to." He says, trying to cheer me up. I smile a bit. "Thank you." "No problem, now, do you know how to get to the living room and to the car?" He asks. I nod and we get up. Before we start to walk, he grabs my hand and pulls me towards him. He hugs me as if I'm falling apart and he's trying to keep me together. I hug back in the same way. 

We let go and I lead him to the living room. The rest are there and my father hugs me, telling me he's sorry, Taekook run up and hug me as well, while Hye leaves her hand on my shoulder and gives me a look that I understand. "We have everything in the car. We just need to get the food." My dad says, I nod and we all head out to the car. My dad and Yoongi talked and we entered the car. Two people in the front. My dad and Hye, and then Yoongi and I in the middle, while Taekook was in the way back. The pillows and sheets in the middle of me and Yoongi. 

We stop by the pizza place and enter. "Jimin!" A boy yells and tackles me into a hug. We both fall to the ground and he attacks my face with small kisses. I push him off. "The hell?" I ask and look at the boy. I inspected him and his facial features. "Jae?" I ask, he nods his head. Yoongi helps me up and I help the guy who rejected me a while back up. When he gets ups, he hugs me again and I see Yoongi tense up a bit. I don't hug back because he said he never wanted me to do anything with him. "Aw, Jimine why don't you hug me back, last I checked, you liked me." He said with a smile. "Last I checked that was 6 years ago." I tell him, looking past him to Yoongi, playing it as if I was looking at the menu. 

"Don't be like that, darling. You still love me. I know it." He tells me. "You wouldn't have known my name so fast if you didn't." I roll my eyes. "You know, Jae? I haven't thought you for five years. It took me minutes to recognize you, it takes me less time to remember a song from when I was five. The only reason I really remember you is because you're the first confession that I made." I tell him, still looking at Yoongi. "That hurt, Jimine. How about a kiss to make it feel better." He tells me, I look and see him puckering his lips. "No thanks." I say and push him out of the way, going over to the counter to order some pizza. "Yoongi, I know what everyone else like on their pizza. What do you like?" I ask, looking over to him. "Anything really, I actually prefer the bacon and ranch one, though." He says, going to stand next to me. I nod and order the pizza.   

A pair of arms wrap around my waist and a shoulder on my head, I notice Yoongi still next to me, so I step on the persons foot. He yelps in pain and lets go, going to hold onto his foot. There were booths, so we went to go sit down. My dad sits by the window, I sit in the middle, and Yoongi sits next to me. We wait until they call our order, Jae trying to talk to me. 

"Jiminie. Please."  He said. I had my hand on my knee, and then I felt hand being held. I followed the arm and saw that it was Yoongi. I smiled. Was he jealous? I squeezed his hand, trying to ease him a bit. I fixed out hands so the fingers were intertwined, and not cupped. I like this way a lot better. 

"Um, Park Jimin?" A the man called, it was our order. Yoongi and I get out, forgetting that our hands were intertwined and walking to get the order. Jae gasps. "You are with someone?!" He shouts. "And with him?" Yoongi lets go, me a little upset because I missed the warmth. We get the pizza and leave, letting him be there. We get into the car and drive the little way to the tracks. i was quiet the entire time, me just holding the six boxes of pizza. 

We arrive at the tracks, seeing the same trains there. I smile and get out. Yoongi grabs the sheets and Tae grabs the projector. My dad has the movies. I enter the train and smile even wider. 

This was my second home. 

I put the pizza boxes down and helping Yoongi with the sheets. I placed them down on  the floor, and getting the pillows and setting them down around. My dad sets up the projector, the rest of them just standing, not knowing what to do. I get a flashlight from the back of my dads car, he always has one back there. I take it and give it to Jungkook, telling his to face it up to the roof. I close the door and the flashlight is helping my father see to finish his job, final thing is to place the movie inside. 

The previews before the movie start to play and we see it on the door. "Turn off the flashlight." I tell Jungkook. He does so and we go to separate blankets. Yoongi and I, TaeKook and then my dad and Hye sitting on the other one. 

The actual movie starts to play and we snack on the pizza happily. 

Too bad we're going to have to leave after this. 


It took me like, 5 hours to write this chapter. 

some deep shiz happens, huh? 

well, not really

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