Older Brothers

By candycat27

387K 8K 1.7K

Drama. Drama. Drama. That pretty much describes my life. I mean when your living with your 7 older brothers... More

Older Brothers
★house tour part one: bedrooms★
house tour part 2: rest of house
Yo im aliveee


8.4K 205 26
By candycat27

The next morning, I woke up alone, as in no one is in the room. I got up and looked at the time: 6:37 a.m. I inwardly groaned and went to the bathroom. I got a shower, dried my hair, applied natural makeup to cover any acne that I may have, and get dressed (top/side).
I just brush my tangled, but dry, hair. I decided to just leave it down cause I'm just that lazy.

I walk out of the room and into the living room. I see Oliver, Sam, and tabby sleeping on the couch.

I walk into the kitchen where almost everyone is anyway.
"Why are they still sleeping?" I ask sitting on an empty stool.

"They don't feel well. Cole is staying here to watch them and everyone else is either working or going to school." Logan replies. "Oh and guess what!"


"Emmett is working at our school now, as the councilor (lol is that how you spell it?) since the other one quit," I just nodded and scrolled through Twitter.

"Arent you going to eat, Lils?" Will asked. I just shake my head.

"Hun you have to eat. You didn't eat last night and you only drank some of your mountain dew at the mall. Are you feeling okay?" Marshall said, and I could see the concern in his eyes.

"I'm fine. Just not hungry, so please leave it alone. You can all stop babying me, I'm not two anymore. Im sick and tired of everyone treating me like a baby!" I storm upstairs to put my shoes on, when my phone buzzed, signaling I got a new message. I unlocked my phone and saw that the number was private.

Private number: your so worthless. No wonder your brothers hate you.

I just started at the message before replying.

From lily: who is this?

From private number:your worst nightmare.

the messages brought unshed tears to my eyes. How did they get my number anyway? Why would someone be this cruel?

I straitened up and got everything together. I walked back downstairs and to the van. I sit in my normal seat, feeling a tad lonely since Sam and tabby aren't here and no one wanted to sit by me. And it hurt.

We arrived at school, and everyone went seperate ways. I mean everyone! Including Logan! He always walks me into school. I guess that person was right. My brothers hate me.

I walk in the doors and notice Jacklyn and her gang snickering and calking things out to me. I just ignore them and continue walking to my locker. I do the combo, opening the black metal door, and a note falls out, onto the floor. I pick it up and cautiously opened it.

Watch your back you worthless piece of trash.

I almost crapped my pants. I just stuffed it in my pocket, along with my phone, and grabbing my books for first period.

When I got there, people through paper and pens at me. And the teacher didn't do anything to stop them, just acted like he didn't notice.
Unfortunately, my phone volume was up all the way. My phone went off, and the teacher was mad.

By the time I got to the office, I had fears running down my face. My brother was in the office at the time, and he was the first to notice me.

"Oh my gosh lily, are you okay?!" He asked concerned. He pulled me into a hug and led me into his office.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong?! Did someone hurt you?!" I shake my head. "Okay hun, can you tell me what's got you so upset hm?"

"I was in class and my phone went off, but I could have sworn I had it on silent and my teacher started screaming at me and told me to come down here. I didn't mean to I swear! And-" I cut myself off. I can't tell him about the bullying. Im a big girl I can fight my own battles.

"And it just really scared me" I finished.

"Well, your teacher shouldn't have yelled at you, that was completely out of order. Also, you shouldn't have had your phone in class."

"I know, but I wanted to make sure I had it incase one of you guys needed to contact me. I'm sorry Emmy" I said. He sighed.
"Did you look at your phone to make sure it wasn't one of us?" He asked. I shook my head and took my phone out; it was a message from the private number.
"Um, it was just a game notification. Nothing important." I lied. He looked at suspiciously but nodded anyway.

"I'll let you have your phone for the rest of school, but as soon as we're in the car to go home, I'm taking it for the rest of the night. You can have it back tomorrow morning. Okay?" I nodded. "I don't want anything like this happen again, understood?" I nodded again.
"Good, and for lunch I want you and Logan to eat in here got it?" I nodded once more.
"Now, get back to class loser" I rolled my eyes.

"Yes sir"

I walked out of the councilors office and back towards my class. I took my phone back out of my pocket and decided to look at the message. I know I shouldn't, but the curiosity was killing me.

From private number: you're so disgusting. everyone hates you. No wonder your parents are always gone, they can't stand to be near you.

My heart literally stopped. Sobs escaped my mouth, and showed no sign of quieting down. I couldn't help but think it was true. I mean, my parents can't be away that long with the single excuse of work.

I sat down on the floor, back against the wall, and knees pulled to my chest, sobbing.

"Lily? Is that you?" I heard someone ask. I lift my head and instantly put it back down.

"Oh my gosh, lily are you okay?!" Collin asks frantically pulling me off the ground, making sure I wasn't physically harmed in any way before pulling me into a hug, sliding to the floor again. I just shook my head. I feel him taking out his phone and calling someone before turning his attention back to me.

"Baby, did someone hurt you?" He asked. I shook my head. I heard more footsteps. I turned my head and saw Emmett running down the hallway.

"Oh my gosh what happened?! You were just at my office 10 minutes ago! Collin go get the rest of the family and get down to my office. C'mon lils, back to the office." He said taking my hand and pulling me up, hugging me to his side.

When we got there, he had me sit on the couch while everyone else was just coming into the room.

Logan and Toby sat my be while everyone else either stood or found a chair to sit on.

"Lily, love, I need you to tell us what happened" Emmett said softly. I shook my head. They don't need to worry about me. All the sudden my phone went off again.

"Lily can I see your phone for a moment? Emmett said. I shook my head again.

" lilian Rose Cavern, let me have your phone. Now." He said again, sternly this time. I shook my head again.

"I'm not going to ask you again. Give me your phone." I started shaking slightly as I took my phone out of my pocket and handed it to him. Wait, I have a password. He won't be able to get into my phone.

He turned it on and typed something in, a second later hearing it unlock. how did he know the password?!

He went straight to the messaging app, with everyone behind him. I kept my head down and heard them gasp. I could feel the tension in the air.

"Lily, what is this?" William asked.
I rolled my eyes. "It's nothing. J-"
"Lilian Rose, tell us this instant. I will not hesitate to ground you if you do not tell us who's sending you these messages. This is serious!" Emmett exclaimed.

"I don't know who's sending them!" I lied, again. It seems like all I'm doing is lying.

"She's lying" Logan spoke for the first time since we've been here.

"I am not! " I gritted my teeth.

"Yes, yes you are. I know you lily, your my twin. I can tell when your lying. If you won't tell them then I will. I'm so sorry I didn't stop them before it got this far. Your my little sister, I was meant to protect you, but I obviously didn't. Are you going to tell them or am I?" I glared at him. He sighed.
"I guess I will. It was Jacklyn Barnes, Addison Day, and Jessica Miller. And he came home from the mall early because they were bullying lily in the bathroom, not because she didn't feel good. I'm so sorry I didn't say anything before. I don't even know why! I'm such a horrible brother" he said, with tears in his eyes. I instantly wrapped my arms around him and held him tight.

"Your not a horrible brother. I didn't want you guys to find out. If I did, I would have talked to you about it. Okay? Youre an amazing brother and I'm proud to call you my twin." I say sincerely. He hugs me so tight I could barely breathe but I was hugging him just as tight back.

"Right. Now Lily, I dont really want to say this, but your grounded. No phone, no computer, no nothing for a month. Got it?" Emmett said. I nodded and got up to hug everyone. My last person to hug was Emmett.
"I love you so much lily pad, you have no idea." He mumbled into my hair.
I gave him a tight squeeze. "I love you too, mamma" I whispered. He hugged me so tight, all full of love. I haven't called him that since I was 8. I have special names for everyone else too (I was a creative child)

Jason: domma
Emmett: mamma
Cole: camma
Collin: Alma
William: dola
Colton: solma
Logan: lulu

"How about we all go home, yeah? I'll deal with those girls tomorrow." Emmett said.

"I'll sign all of you out. Go get your school bags and whatever else you need." We all nodded again and left his office once more. I was wrapped in a huge group hug from everyone. I smiled to myself, thinking of how much I love my family. everyone pulled away and left for there lockers, except Collin and will.

"Listen Hun, I don't ever want to see you crying like that ever again okay? It breaks my heart to see you so upset. If anyway ever makes you feel like that again, get someone. Whether it's us, Jason, Cole, Emmett, even any of the cousins. It doesn't matter of we're in class, call us or something, okay?" He lectured. I nodded and he kisses my head.

"And I don't want to be the one to find you next time. I don't think I could stand it if I ever saw you that sad. I love you Rose" he said hugging me and kissing my cheek. I hugged back and we just stood there in each others arms, swaying back and forth. Gosh, I love my family.

A/N hey guys! Sorry for taking forever but this is my longest chapter yet! Those nicknames were so hard to come up with, no joke. Sorry for the crappy chapter, but then again, I just finished it and it's 2 in the morning, sooo. Yeahh. The word count is 2025 :). It's not edited. By babes! Love you lots!

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