Unwanted By Him (On Hold, sor...

By FreakyNinja23

245K 3.3K 531

What happens when your mate not only rejects you, but physically hurts and humilates you in school? The only... More

Unwanted By Him
Night Shadows
Crazy Mind
Crazy Beautiful Life
Oh Joy
Dangerous Zone
I Like You
Swim Party
Fight For Her
Great, Just Great
Run Away
Voices in My Head Plus Paint
So We Meet Again

Changed Forever

17.4K 264 48
By FreakyNinja23

Dedicated to WolfLover74. Thanks for taking time for commenting on my writing. I'm so lucky I have fans like all of you guys.

I love all of the opinions of Jason, and I do admit I felt sorry for him... hehe. This chapter is all about Angelica by the way.  I hope you all enjoy chapter 3!!

Be sure to remember that this Takes place 6 months after Angelica was rejected.

Unwanted By Him

Chapter 3

Changed Forever

Angelica's P.O.V

(6 Months Later)

"No" I shriek playfully as I run as fast as I could through the forest, hearing the quick footsteps of Zack chasing me, but thankfully I was just slightly faster- "oomph!" I run into a really hard warm tree- wait, since when are trees warm, and hold you captive?

"Parker!" I yell at Parker as I heard Zack get closer and closer. I wiggled and squirmed until I hear Emily’s’ laughs nearby.

"Emily you have to help me! Please Zack, he- he's going to... NOOO!" I yelled as Zack came into my line of vision.

Parker suddenly let go of my arms and I laughed joyfully, running for my life again, but it was too late.

"Gotcha" Zack whispered in my ear as he tackled me, though keeping me off the ground by letting me fall on top of him, but quick as a flash he rolled over and he had the advantage.

He smirked evilly and started to poke at my sides teasingly. "No please" I begged, giggles bubbling up through my lips.

"You want more?" Zack cupped his ear pretending he didn't hear me. "Okay" he smirked and started viciously tickling me.

I started half crying and half laughing like a maniac being tickle to death. "Please" I gasped for breath.

"I'll need a gift in return" Zack whispered into my ear, causing tingles to run up my spine.

"What's that?" I gasped again, still out of breath.

"A kiss" he smiled at me, kissing my neck and sucking on it.

"Just a kiss?" I double checked.

"Yup" He replied happily.

"Let me catch my breath" I pretended to breathe hard. "Okay" I smiled as he helped me up like a gentleman. I pulled his face down to mine as I kissed his cheek, trailing kisses to the corner of his lips, then I turned and ran, leaving him in a daze.

“Wha…” Zack stood like an idiot for a moment, before turning to look in the direction in which I was now hiding. I squealed and ran again.

I followed Collins sent until I reached him. I pretended to gasp and wheeze "Collin help" I took a deep breath "Zack is out to get me" I shuddered, almost bursting out in laughter at his facial expression. "Hide me?" I made my voice small and gullible little- well not-so-little Collin nodded and pushed me behind a tree with a thick trunk.

Soon Zack raced by "Where's Angel?" he asked Collin, making a big smile light up on my face.

Everybody called me Angel now because I've honestly never liked the name Angelica; it just brought up bed memories of a rotten me. I never thought that it could happen, but it did. Parker, Zack, Collin, Mike, and Emily saved me. My pack revealed the true me, the carefree one with a voice, the complete opposite of what I was.

It took some time for me to get used to the guys crazy antics, and even longer to participate in them. I loved my pack like I should have loved Jason. My new pack was everything I wanted, a family, and a loveable one at that.

Parker was the 'responsible' pack leader, but I swear he was the one who caused the most trouble! Parker was caring and just plain fun to be around, even if he was ridiculously goofy.

Mike was just shy at first, but I always attempted to talk to him because he seemed nice, and at the time his looks had their own affect on me, but not anymore because he's like my brother now! Mike is nice, he’s very thoughtful, and once you get to know him you would think What have I gotten myself into because his wild side is pure wild.

Zack is third in command, and the most intriguing. He seemed hostile at first, but he was completely wild once he warmed up to you. As you can see now, he's chasing me though our home just to tickle me for a kiss! Zack took the place in my heart, the one that Jason should have, but doesn’t any longer.  He is more them family to me.

 Emily is Parkers mate, but she is the sweetest and kindest person I've ever met. Emily has a pure heart and never judges anybody. She was the one who helped me get over Jason the most. I’venever seen Emily frown once, unless Parker had done something to upset her, and even then she tried to stay positive.

Collin, oddly enough, is Zack's brother, but they are nothing alike. Collin was with me every step of the way. He was like a loyal lapdog, except more gullible. He was fun to tease, but on the downside he was generally a quiet person. Collin is like a very gullible younger brother to me, even if he was older than me.

“Angel” Collin hesitated. Oh yeah, that was the bad thing about Collin; he sucked at lying. “She is um…” he looked around “She is umm... shewent that way!” He pointed in the direction that Zack just appeared in. What a stupid boy!

“Oh really?” Zack arched an eyebrow at Collin who looked like he was about to faint.

“Um, uh yeah” Collin stuttered. Awe, he was just so sweet attempting (and failing) to lie for me. His mate was going to be so freaking lucky.

“Okay” Zack turned around and started jogging the way he came, and my mouth dropped open in shock. He-he actually believed Collin? Oh that was too good!

Collin turned to look at me peeking at him from behind the tree, his shocked face mirroring mine. “What just happened?” He asked quietly.

“Honestly, I have no clue” I grinned at him, but screamed when a hand covered my mouth.

((Again, I was tempted to stop here and leave a cliff hanger :p))

“Gotcha” Zack whispered into my ear once again as I wiggled as hard as I could to get out of his grip. “Y’know” Zack started “That was very rude of you to tease me” he told me, removing his hand from my mouth and snaked it around my waist.

“Sorry?” I mumbled leaning into Zack’s body.

“Sorry won’t do it” Zack grinned and suddenly threw me over his shoulder. I remember the last that time happened…

Zack ran to out cabin where the pack lives, yes all of us live together in a cozy home in the woods. Since our temperature runs somewhat higher than humans we can survive winter with minimum heating, and we just wear less clothing during the summer. Today’s weather was near perfection; the summer heat was just starting to reach its peak, and soon the air would be cooling down.

My birthday was coming up. My birthday is June 23, while today is June 5th. I couldn’t wait for my birthday to arrive, not because I loved getting presents, but because it would be my first birthday with my new pack.

“Cough cough” Zack said, snapping me into attention. I realized that we were now at the lake that was behind our cabin. Oh no, I can see where this is headed.

“No Zack, please no” I pleaded with him innocently, though I knew it was no use, so I changed my tactic. “Zack if you toss me in there I’ll kick your butt” I threatened him to no avail.

Zack snorted “I could take you on any day” then he tossed me into the lack. I surfaced shrieking at Zack.

“How dare you!” I yelled at him, and then an idea popped into my mind. I grinned mischievously as I called out to Parker.

‘P-Parker’ I called out through mind link, though including the whole pack.

 ‘Yes Angel?’ Parker replied.

‘Zack…’ I trailed off to make it more believable. ‘He-he hurt me’ I made my words in their head out sad, and depressed.

‘What!’ Zack shouted though mind-link ‘I did no such thing!’ he continued.  

‘What’d Zack to?’  Parker ignored Zack’s protests

‘He picked me up then through me in the lake, but the water really hurt me’ I told Parker, almost bursting out laughing at Zack’s expression. Oh this is priceless.

‘Okay’Parker replied and I heard footsteps coming over to the lake, a second later I was Emily and Parker, holding hands, walk over. Parker whispered something in Emily’s ear then walked and stood beside Zack. Suddenly Parkers hand shot out and shoved Zack into the lake, a smirk instantly appearing on my face.

Zack resurfaced and Parker grinned innocently “Sorry, my hand slipped”

Zack snorted “I’m sure it did.” then he started swimming toward Parker, who saw Zack’s intentions instantly and backed away from the lakes edge. I laughed loudly as I saw Emily run up behind Parker and shove him in. She giggled innocently at Parker.

“Sorry, my feet slipped” she mimicked what Parker said just moments before.

Parker just laughed and pulled himself out of the lake. “It’s okay babe” He smiled kindly at Emily, sneakily nearing her. When he got close enough and Emily was distracted by his eyes he lifted her up and jumped into the lake with Emily in his arms. I was still cracking up.

Then Mike can running in, pulling Collin behind him. He laughed seeing all of us fully clothed starring at him in the lake. “Again guys?” he groaned, still pulling Collin and running. He ran full speed as close to the edge of the pool as possible, the stopped. Collin was still running, and ran straight into the lake with a shocked expression on his face, I just laughed harder.

Mike on the other hand had stopped without running, so he toppled over and fell face first into the water. I cracked up, and gripped my sides as they were beginning to hurt from laughing. I gaped as my head was dunked under water, and I resurfaced starring at Zack. I swam away from Zack, then I sent a bunch of water his was, but he ducked under it and the water hit Parker in the face.

Emily giggled, and hell broke loose.

So what do you think? Do you like Mike, Parker, Zack, Collin, and Emily’s personalities?

I was thinking about putting this in the Watty Awards, what do you guys think?

How do I know what my book is listed on the What’s Hot List?

Thanks everybody who fanned, voted, and commented!!

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