My Possessive and Sexy Alpha...

By AlphaLover18

2.8M 49.8K 10.1K

"You know you can't resist me much longer." He continued to trail kisses down my neck and jaw. I bit my lip t... More

Rogue on the Run
I Don't Care if You're my Mate
Playing Dirty
The Luna's Blackmail
Character Descriptions
My Decision has Been Made
Sneak Peak
I Didn't Know You Were Jealous
Meeting the Pack
Another A/N
So Incredibly Sorry
The Departed
Love Me Not
Stand By Me
The Final Battle

New Alpha

122K 2.5K 540
By AlphaLover18

Picture of Alpha Drake on the side

IMPORTANT- Liam is the third command, I forgot to mention that in previous chapters- sorry


~ New Alpha ~

"Carter, I want to go with you today. I've been locked up in this house for days." I groaned. He frowned and shook his head.

"You haven't been locked up, I only keep you here to protect you."

"If protecting me means not being able to leave, then you are protecting me very well." I snapped.

Carter was getting ready to go do some pack business, once again leaving me at home. This mansion was huge and I was sure I've only seen half of it. I wasn't in the mood to go exploring around the house, but to stay with Carter. Lately my wolf has been very persistent on being attached to Carter's side all day. Not that he had any objections.

The house always seemed lonely without him even when Liam or Travis were here. My wolf missed him and craved for his attention, especially when we were in our heated make out sessions she would urge me to complete the mating process.

I knew Carter wanted to and he probably would've the first day I came here under different circumstances.

"You know very well that the upcoming war with the Imperial Pack will be happening soon. We need to plan battle strategies and train the younger generation of pups, I can't have any distractions around."

"So now I'm just a distraction to you?" I say a little offended. He runs a hand through his already messy hair and kneels down to meet my gaze on the bed. He pushes my legs apart and puts his upper half between them.

"I feel safer when I know you're at home with guards watching you. My wolf doesn't like to put you in any danger." I frown and shake my head.

"I wouldn't be in any danger I would be with you the entire time. Are you trying to say that you're too weak to protect me?" His growl vibrates throughout the room and he grips my waist tightly. His claws extend slightly and his eyes swirl with black.

I knew very well that he could protect me better than anybody could, but I enjoyed getting under his skin.

"I am not too weak to protect my own mate. I am the Alpha of this pack and would kill anyone who would try to harm you. You're mine." He snarled out while crushing me into his chest. He nuzzled his nose into my neck, inhaling my scent to calm down his wolf. I didn't say anything so I didn't make him more angry.

After a couple of minutes, when his wolf was starting to calm down, he got up and walked to the bathroom. Seconds later, the sound of the shower turning on was heard. I laid down on the bed rubbing my face with annoyance.

Carter was over reacting and I would be sure that I'm getting out of this house today. Carter couldn't keep me in here when he was gone, my last option would be to sneak out.

I walked into the closet and searched through the racks of clothes I had. It was easy to choose a simple shirt, jeans, and flip flops. Right after I slipped on the shirt, the door to the bathroom opened and a delicious looking Carter stepped out.

His damp hair was all over the place from the towel he ran through it. The only clothing he had on was a pair of dark wash jeans that hung dangerously low on his hips, showing his v lines. His bare chest had water droplets running down the smooth plane of his abs.

I looked up to his face and his lips were curved into a smirk. I furiously blushed and turned my head away, smoothing down my shirt. I could hear his footsteps coming closer until they stopped right in front of me. His rough, yet smooth hand cupped my cheek and moved my head until I was staring up at him. He was so tall that I had to crane my neck high up just to see him. His hands went to my hips where he pulled me closer. His lips were inches away from mine and I could feel his mint breath blowing across my face.

"Why are you all dressed up?" He questioned with an eyebrow raised. I smiled and put a hand on his chest, rubbing it up and down in a teasing manner. His eyes instantly turned charcoal and a hungry expression filled his eyes.

"I'm going with you today." I said while moving my hand lower until I was on the belt loop of his jeans. I pulled him closer to me so that our chests were touching. My smile turned seductive, at least I hoped it was.

"No." He said sternly.

"Please." I said while kissing his chest. He closed his eyes and leaned back. His groan made me smile and continue my seduction technique. He ran his hands down my waist until they came to my bum. He suddenly picked me up, making me squeal in surprise. He laid down on the bed, bringing me on top of him.

"Carter, we have to leave or we'll be late." His hands started trailing up my shirt, bringing shocks to my bare stomach.

"I don't care." He replied huskily. I let out a moan as soon as his lips made contact with my mark. I felt him smirk against my skin and use that to his advantage. "Let's stay home today." He whispered. That offer was very appealing, but I knew what that entailed.

"Carter we're leaving now." He growled at me. I gave his chest a light shove and crawled off his lap. I could tell he didn't see this coming or it would've been harder to push him away from me.

My wolf was shouting at me to complete the mating process. She craves Carter's touch as much as his wolf craves mine.

"Natalie." He growled out, he clearly didn't want me to stop. I know I went past the boundaries of acceptable teasing, so I opened the door and ran downstairs. "Natalie!" His growls were heard from behind me and by the time I reached the stairs, he grabbed a hold of my arm.

"We're going to be late if we don't leave now." He sighed and closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose in the process. I couldn't help but notice how much like an Alpha he looked like when he did that. "Why don't you want me to go with you."

"Its not that I don't want you there, believe me I do. Its just that I don't want you to have to worry over anything."

"I'll be fine, don't worry about me. I just want to go with you today, I want to see what you do all day." He kept looking into my eyes with a look of uncertainty. I could tell he was a debating with himself if I should be allowed to come.

"On one condition." He said serious. I looked at him skeptically, wandering what he was thinking right now. If only I was able to look into his mind.

I didn't say anything so he continued.

"You have to behave." I rolled my eyes and leaned up on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek.

"Don't I always behave." I said while walking downstairs. I could hear his chuckle close behind me. I walked to the front door and opened the door to see it close to raining. I realized that I never ever did get a rain coat. Carter walked me over to the car and opened my door. He helped me into the car then we were on our way

The meeting room we were in was quite large. The table dominated most of the room and Carter was seated at the head of the table. Hayden was in here and so was Liam. The patrol just headed out and the pack house was buzzing with wolves. With Alpha Drake coming in two days, we were making preparations with the rooms and a new security system just in case anything happened while they we here.

With two Alphas in the area, the pack was on edge. Even though they we close, Alphas liked to be in control so two in the same area could be dangerous.

Carter was excited for one of his best friends arrival, after all the last time he saw him was over a year ago. It made me happy to see him so excited. He told me stories about when they we pups and when their dad's were still Alphas. He seemed so relaxed when he talked about his childhood. It was a lot different than his hard shell Alpha personality.

I didn't know much about Carter's childhood, but now I was fascinated to learn more about him.

I wasn't listening to much of their conversation, I only got bits and pieces of it. We've been here for only two hours and I already missed Carter's house. Believe me it was nice to see some new scenery, but I only had a handful of people I actually new to talk to and they were busy.

I got up from my seat and walked towards the door, wanting to go to the restroom.

"Where are you going?" I turned around to see Carter looking at me suspiciously.

"I'm going to the restroom." He nodded his head.

"Make sure you come right back when you're done." I mumbled an 'ok' and walked out the door. I already knew where the bathroom was when we came here. It was only a couple of hallways down. This place was huge and easy to get lost in if you were a human, the scents were the only things that helped me find my way. As I was aimlessly walking through the halls, I came across a huge glass backdoor. It had a beautiful view of a small stream and the surrounding woods.

I casually looked both ways to see if anybody was watching and was lucky that there wasn't. I turned the door handle and slowly opened the door, in case for any creaks. When the door was finally opened, I stepped outside and the cool breeze of the fresh air immediately attacked my senses. I closed my eyes, breathing in the delicious woodsy scent. I missed the sound of the wind rustling the leaves and the feel of my paws running on the hard earth. My wolf wanted out and I agreed with her. The last time I shifted was over a week ago and ever since she has been itching to be let free

I walked to the stream and sat down by the water. The wind was blowing my hair in every direction and some sprinkles of rain began to fall. I took off my shoes and slipped my feet in the water. The water was ice cold and made my feet feel like they were getting pricked with needles.

This moment I had no cares, no worries, or fears. Right now I felt at piece and content with how my life was. I knew Carter would be furious when I didn't come back, but like I said, I couldn't care.

I got up from my sitting position and rolled up the ends of my jeans so I wouldn't get them wet. I slowly walked across the stream and onto the other side of the the small water. The rain was falling harder and my clothes were beginning to dampen. My long hair was sticking to my face and clothes. I started a light jog away from the pack house and gradually began going faster. I didn't want to shift into my wolf form until I was running back.

I knew Carter was now searching for me since I was gone, but the rain would mask my scent, making it nearly impossible to track me by scent. I ran a good two miles into the territory before I wanted to stop. My body wasn't even out of breath and my bones ached to run more. I knew the territory perimeter didn't end for tens of miles, but I thought here was a good enough spot.

I leaned my back up against a tall oak tree and closed my eyes. The rain was now pouring down and my body was completely soaked. My body was a little cold even with my heightened temperature. It wasn't enough to make me shiver, but enough to wish I had a nice, warm blanket.

My scent would be completely lost now, no matter how hard they searched for it. It was nice being alone for once. Usually I was always with Liam or Travis during the day and Carter came right home when he was done with pack business. I was always excited when Carter came home because I missed him so much.

I heard a howl in the distance, one that sounded full of worry and anguish. Carter. He was looking for me and was probably thinking I ran off. I regretted my decision as soon as I heard his howl. I sat up from my comfortable tree and began walking.

But something was off.

I felt like somebody was watching me. The air suddenly felt like it got thicker, harder to breathe in. The rain seemed to pour down harder and the light of the day turned darker from the large grey clouds.

I turned around and searched through the heavy rain, trying to see if anybody was there. I couldn't see far or smell any scents except for the rain. I felt so helpless that I couldn't see if anybody was following me.

I felt so human.

My wolf wanted to take control, but I reigned her back in. I wanted to stay in human form and not shift.

A crack of thunder sounded and I jumped from fright. The only thing I wanted was Carter. I started walking a little faster than before. My senses were on high alert and every few seconds I would make sure somebody wasn't following me.

I felt like they were gaining on me. I didn't know who it was but they definitely didn't want to be seen by my eyes.

Now I ran faster.

I was hoping that I'd be able to outrun them in case they came after me. I did have beta blood in me and I was marked by an Alpha so my speed would beat any she-wolf's. Any ordinary male wolf however, would still beat me. I didn't like those odds.

I heard the thundering of paws to the left and got ready to shift into my wolf. As I took a closer inspection, I realized they were Blood Moon members. I sighed loudly, relieved that it was somebody I could trust. But I still couldn't shake the feeling that somebody was still watching me.

The six pack members sprinted over to me, relief currently etched onto their faces. The biggest wolf in the middle I knew was Hayden. He shifted back and stood there with nothing on but his birthday suit. He looked furious and the rain was pouring down his muscular body. One of the guys gave him a pair of shorts and he hurriedly slipped them.

"What the hell are you doing out here?" He yelled at me. I flinched away from his tone and wiped away some of the hair from my face.

"I came out here for a run." There was no point in lying to get me out of this, even though I really liked that idea.

"By yourself? You know that Carter doesn't want you to go anywhere without him or your guards. There could of been rogues or a wolf from another pack came across our border. Did you know that you could of gotten yourself killed!"

I winced at that one and shook my head. I didn't think of any of the consequences of coming out here by myself. All I wanted was to run and be alone to collect my thoughts. Now I had a whole pack and Carter wandering about my safety.

"I'm sorry." I said guiltily. Saying it didn't really help my case or help me feel better, but that's all that I could say.

"Damn right you should be. Carter has been going crazy thinking you got hurt or you ran away." He scolded me like I was a child. I couldn't say anything back to that so i hung my head in shame.

Moments passes where nobody said a word, the only sounds were the crack of thunder above us. I could feel their gazes on my face, but I didn't dare look up to meet them. I was too embarrassed.

"I messaged Carter, he'll be here any second."

My stomach instantly turned to knots while I majorly regretted my decision to go outside without telling anybody.

But I didn't think it was that big of a deal. I stayed miles within territory lines and was safe the whole time. Besides the time when I thought somebody was following me.

I could sense Carter's wolf before I even saw him. My mate's presence was always known when he got close to me. My wolf, who was always so excited to see her mate, was now cowering away in fear from him. She hated when I disobeyed him in even the smallest way. She wanted to be the perfect mate for him.

His big black wolf came barreling through the trees, the same time Hayden and the guys ran off into the trees. I wanted to tell them to stay, but I figured Carter ordered them to leave.

His imposing wolf ran towards me until he came to a sliding stop a foot away from my face. His wolf was way taller than me, so I had to look up to see him. His breath fanned across my face and his chest was furiously beating.

"I'm sorry." I said to him. He growled so loud that I took a couple steps back from the impact of it. He clearly didn't accept my apology. "I wasn't thi-," He shifted into his human form and the familiar sound of bones cracking hung in the air.

"Clearly you weren't thinking!" He snapped at me. His body was completely nude and I resisted the temptation to check him out, that would only make him that much more angry. "I gave you one simple order and that was to behave. You disrespected my order by leaving." He ran a hand through his hair with a frown on his face.

"I know but I just wanted to go outside for a little bit, I stayed within the territory the whole time. I didn't do anything wrong."

"Didn't do anything wrong?" He mocked me. "You didn't obey my commands when I told you to behave. You caused our pack to go hunting for you in the pouring rain. I sent them inside since it was beginning to storm. Then I waited for you to come back and you never did. Did you know how worried I was?" His beautiful blue eyes were beginning to swirl with black.

"I was fine, I was by myself the whole time."

"That's my point," he growled, "we are at war with another pack right now. They know they can't win against us but if they took you, our pack would fall. They wouldn't hesitate in killing you to get to me. How am I supposed to live if you were gone." He said with his hand on his chest.

A pang went straight to my chest and if he wanted me to feel guilty, he's doing an amazing job at it. We didn't say anything while Carter was calming his wolf down.

"Shift." He said right before he shifted into his own wolf. He left no room for discussion. I shifted into my wolf, keeping my clothes on in the process.

He started running in the direction of his house. I followed quietly behind, trying to keep up with his fast pace. He wasn't running full speed, for my benefit, though it was pretty close. We reached the pack house in mere minutes at the speed we were going. He shifted back right away and opened the front door for me. I didn't want to shift in front of him, so I ran up the stairs and into our closet.

Carter came upstairs right when I finished changing. The tension in the air was thick, I could feel his Alpha power radiating off of him.

"Did you run away?" Carter asked, frowning.

"No, I just wanted to go out for a quick run."

"Why didn't you ask me first?" I shrugged my shoulders and he continued. "I need to know that you're safe at all times. My wolf wanted to tear up every piece of this land to find you."

"I didn't think it was that big of a deal. I've been stuck in this house for days and my wolf wanted out."

"Part of that is my fault, I should've taken you on a run earlier in the week." I wanted to smirk that he was taking part of the blame, that it wasn't all my fault. "But, there was no reason why you shouldn't have asked to go." He said, slightly raising his voice.

"Now I have to ask you permission if I want to do something? You know I don't like to be bossed around."

"Natalie, all I'm saying is that you can't go anywhere by yourself. You need your guards or myself with you."

"No I don't, I can take care of myself. I don't need any babysitters following me around all the time."

"I'm not taking any chances with your safety. I don't care if you agree with my decisions or not, but you will follow my orders." He said with his hand on the door knob. "This is not open for discussion." He opened the door and slammed it shut. I stood gaping at the spot where he was just standing.

He dare he tell me what to do. I huffed and laid down on the bed. I was too mad to do anything other than sleep. I wanted to go down stairs and yell at him, but I fell sleep with my angry thoughts.


The next day went by in a breeze; Carter and I still weren't on good terms, we rarely spoke a word to each other. He didn't sleep with me that night, I woke up the next morning with an empty bed. Travis and Liam were down stairs with me the next morning, they both gave me an earful about leaving all alone.

Today was the day Alpha Drake came to our territory. The pack was alert and we had our best fighters in standby just in case the need for them arose.

Carter also gave me a lecture about behaving today. He told me I should be on my best behaviour.

The pack house had rooms set up for our guests and some of the war plans were in Carter's office. He wanted everything to run smoothly, and everyone in the pack had something to do. They would be meet us at the mansion in half an hour so about fifteen men including Hayden and Travis were at the house. We were all seated in the living room with football on the tv.

Carter kept me close to his side, much to my protests. His grip on my waist was tight and he was a little tense.

"They're pulling in now." Carter said, pulling me up with him. The rest of the men were following us outside while we waited for Alpha Drake to come. Carter was in the front with me right by his side and Hayden and Liam were flanking Carter. Travis was right by my side and the other men were behind us.

Five black escalades pulled into our driveway and they all parked in a row. The doors all opened and the men hopped out of the cars. The escalade in the middle was the one with Alpha Drake in it. He stood out from the men, his height and build stood out from his other pack mates.

He was incredibly attractive with his dark brown hair and brown eyes. His height was similar to Carter's and so was his build. He walked towards us, flanked by his men. To his right, I was guessing was his beta. He too was taller, but not as tall as his Alpha. They stopped in front of us and now I could see how intimidating Alpha Drake was. He screamed strength and his penetrating gaze frightened me.

"Drake, it's a pleasure to finally see you in such a long time." Carter said politely while nodding his head at him. Drake nodded too, and kept eye contact with Carter.

"It certainly is and the last time I saw you, you were mate-less." Drake said, moving his gaze over to me. "Luna." He said, bowing his head at me. I nodded at him and gave him a small smile.

"It's nice to meet you Alpha Drake." Carter dug his fingernails tighter into my waist, almost like he was telling me I was doing a good job.

"This is my beta, Kade." Drake said, motioning to his beta beside him. I nodded in respect to him and pushed myself closer to Carter's side.

"I hope your travel over here went smoothly?" Carter asked Drake.

"Yes, it went quite well. We didn't see anything out of the ordinary on the way here." Carter nodded at him.

"Shall we go inside and talk?" Carter asked. Drake nodded and took a step towards the door. Carter tensed up and a growl escaped his lips. Drake's beta immediately went to Drake's side and so did some of his men.

"Carter what's wrong?" I asked him worriedly. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, but when he opened them, they were swirling with black.






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