I Never Thought It'd Be You {...

By xNeverSayNeverx

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Katy Mantell is a 17 year old girl that happened to get dragged to a Justin Bieber concert by her best friend... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 - FINAL CHAPTER

Chapter 5

2.7K 45 2
By xNeverSayNeverx

- Katy -

"Mom, have you been drinking again?!" I shouted, my voice raspy and filled with nervousness.

I started to get worried.  Back when I was ten, my mom was addicted to alcohol.  That's the main reason why my dad left when I was almost eleven.  After my dad left, my mom started abusing me.  I remember all these memories like it happened yesterday.  When I was fourteen, I was fed up with being beaten every day by my own mother, so I told my current boyfriend about her.  Instead of him comforting me, telling me that everything would be okay, and going to help me get help, he called me a "freak show that has a freak show family," laughed at me, and left me for the school's slut.  He even hit me before he said "we're through."  I was heartbroken for weeks, and my mom's continuous daily beatings didn't help.  But, I was happy that that boyfriend never told anyone that my mom abused me.  Finally, when I was fifteen, I decided to go to my school's guidance counselor to get help.  She called a rehab center and my mom got treated.  My mom hasn't touched any alcohol or hurt me since.  Justin looked at my mom, then me, confused.

"What's going on?" he mouthed to me.  I (very) quickly told Justin everything I just told you.  He looked at me, very surprised, and he brought me into his arms to try to protect me.

"Is that Justin B-Beaver? What the h-hell is h-he doing h-h-here?! I told you no d-dating! Especially no dating f-fags and b-b-bitches like him!" my mom stuttered and pulled me by my hair away from Justin.

Justin tried to help me and get me back, but I stopped him.  "Justin, please just don't tell anyone! And please don't come inside, you'll get hurt and it won't be pretty! I'll be fine!" I shouted, tears streaming down my face while my mom dragged me into the house.

I braced myself and prepared for what I knew was going to happen next.  All those memories from when I was younger came back into my mind.  Bracing myself, the beating, and afterwards.  This happened everyday for practically five years.  It became my daily life.  Those images of back then just started flashing in my mind.  You could say my younger life flashed before me.  My whole body is trembling.  Why has she started to drink again?!  She was doing perfectly fine.  This is strange, too strange.  And then there she came, one of her belts in hand.  I tensed up.  I felt terrified.

She came over to me and held the belt up.  "No dating fags, you l-little bitch!" she shouting while hitting my back with the belt.  She hit me with the belt about 10 more times while shouting swear words then she punched my face.  I was slowly collapsing to the ground.

I screamed in terror with so many tears coming out of my eyes.  All I can think about is Justin.  I'm hoping he'll come through the door any second.  I'm starting to regret that I told him not to come inside.  "Justin!" I screamed while she was hitting me.  "Justin please help!"

My mom pushed me to the floor completely, punching my stomach in the process.  "No t-talking about that b-bitch! If he c-comes inside, I will kill you!" she screamed and kicked my side, hard.  Those words made me get major chills.  She has never threatened to kill me before.  What is even going on?!  Is this just a big nightmare??  It has to be!

I heard the doorknob turn on the door.  "Justin don't!" I screamed through my tears, but it was too late.  The door flew open and there was Justin in the doorway.  "Katy!" he screamed in horror, utter shock written across his face.

"I told you I'd kill you if he came inside!!" my mom shouted and grabbed a kitchen knife.  She held it up to my throat.

"Justin!" I shrieked.  "I love you," I mouthed to him.  Pretty romantic words considering I just met him, but our relationship could have become something amazing, so I'm saying it for the time I'm not going to get.  I closed my eyes tightly and braced myself, because any second now my life will be over.

Suddenly, I heard a body drop to the floor and the sound of metal clink clank to the floor.  Wait, am I dead?  I didn't feel a knife go into me...  Maybe I'm in Heaven or something?  Or maybe this whole thing was just a dream.  I opened my eyes and looked around me.  I was still in my kitchen, and my mom was laying on the floor beside me with a bloody nose, passed out.  The knife was lying close beside her.  I looked up, and there was Justin.  He must have punched her out.

"Oh my God, Justin," I whispered loud enough for him to hear and I ran into his arms.  Well, I didn't really run since it hurts a lot to move anything.  Justin brought me into a big, gentle hug.  I cried onto his shoulder.

"Katy...I'm lost for words...I don't know what to say...I'm just happy you're alive," he whispered and kissed my forehead.

"Why did she go back to drinking? I thought this would never happen again," I cried into him.

He rubbed my back.  "I don't know why, and we probably won't know why. But you know I'm always here for you, and I can come here at any time," he said.

"Please, don't ever leave me alone," I said in a raspy voice, tightening my grip around his neck.  "Sorry, I just need someone," I apologized for my grip.

He took my hands.  "I won't, and it's fine," he said, trying to cheer me up.

"How bad are the...marks?" I asked Justin and shivered a bit.

"Let's go into the bathroom, you can look and I can help you clean up," he said and smiled a warm smile that made me feel a little better.

We walked upstairs to my bathroom and I lifted up my shirt to see my stomach that my mom had kicked and punched.  I traced my finger along the big, aching red mark and soon to be bruise.  "You know Justin, I'm happy you're here. When I was younger, I had no one here to help me since I'm an only child. Whenever my mom beat me, straight afterwards I used to come up here and cut myself. Since you're here now, you can watch me and make sure I don't. Though I don't really intend to cut ever again.  Oh and one time, when I was 13, I even tried to kill myself..." I told him, the upbringing of the memories in my mind not pleasant.

He looked like he had tears in his eyes.  I could tell he felt terrible, knowing that all this horror was my past.  He brought me into a hug again.  "I'm here, and I will be," he simply said.

"This day has been so freaking unbelievable," I said while Justin was helping me clean the cuts on my face.

"How so?" he asked while rubbing cleaning alcohol on a cut.

"Owwwww it buuuurns," I complained.

"It's either this or an infection," Justin replied, in a cute-like serious manner.

I chuckled at his tone.  "Okay, so answering what you asked.  Well, first, I went to your concert that I really didn't want to go to.  Then, I get picked to be the One Less Lonely Girl.  After the show you offer me a ride home and we have a picnic.  Next, we kiss and I freak out.  Fifth, I realize that I actually may like you, and I tell you, then you ask me out, and we're dating.  Then, my mom starts drinking again and she abuses me. Now you're helping me clean out my wounds made by my own mom. Justin freaking Bieber is helping me clean my cuts. I swear I'm dreaming," I explained to him.

He laughed once he heard the last part of what I said.  "The only good part about your day seems to be the part when we got together," he said.

I cracked a small smile.  "And I'm happy I have you," I told him while looking into his eyes.

He smiled and we quickly kissed.  The rest of my wounds got cleaned and I looked in the mirror.  I gasped when I saw the black eye, cut up lip, and fresh cuts all over my face.  The biggest cut is across my cheek, and it's kind of deep.  I think my mom scratched me.  Good thing I didn't look at myself before Justin helped me clean up, because the blood and everything would have made me scream and throw up, probably.

"I look terrible!" I shouted, in shock.  "I better break out the cover up again," I said with a sigh.

"You look beautiful to me," Justin said with a smile.

I smiled a little.  He doesn't know how amazing it feels to hear those words, especially whenever I don't feel really loved and wonderful right now.  Justin and I walked into my room.  I dug in one of my drawers.  "Here it is," I said, holding up my half used bottle of cover up.  "This little bottle was my lifesaver. Well, technically bottles, because I went through a LOT of cover up back then. If I didn't wear cover up, people would know I got beaten and they would judge me. Or they'd think I'm emo or something," I quietly whispered.  Justin just nodded.  I'm not going to yell at him for not saying anything, because what are you supposed to say to a girl that has been abused when you never have been?  You don't really know what to say.

Trust me, Chrissy didn't know what to say at all when I told her.  Chrissy is the only one that knows my mom abused me in the past, except for my ex-boyfriend and the guidance counselor.  And of course Justin knows now.  I can't wait to tell Chrissy everything about tonight.  I'm saying 'can't wait' sarcastically.  She's going to freak out over Justin and I dating then she's going to be beyond pissed whenever I tell her my mom starting drinking and abusing again.  In the past, you should have seen Chrissy.  After my mom beat me, and I cut, I called Chrissy and told her that my mom abused me again.  It was actually a good thing, because she helped me through a lot.  Chrissy got so used to getting those calls day after day that we even made up a code for "my mom beat me again."  The code was "the French unicorn snapped the brick again."  It was just something random we made up, plus my mom used to hurt me more when she heard me talking to Chrissy about her.  Also, it made us chuckle a little bit whenever we were hurting, and that was a really great thing.  Chrissy would get so pissed when we talked, though, saying that she was going to murder my mother, figuratively, and that's she's a major bitch and torturer.  Chrissy even told me she was going to call the police once, but I told her not to, and that it'd just make things worse.

I finished applying my cover up and looked in the mirror.  "Now I looked like I wasn't abused. Thank you once again, cover up," I said with an exhausted sigh and put the bottle down on the dresser.  "Justin, where am I going to stay? I don't feel safe in this house alone with my mom, or even if you're with me. She could hurt you next, and I don't want that to happen.  Plus, overall, I just don't feel safe in this house," I told him.  I looked over at him and he was looking at the pictures around my room.

"You can stay on my tour bus, or at your friend's if you want. But I'll be with you anywhere," he replied.  He smiled, walked towards me, and put his arms around me.

I smiled before I said something, at the warmth of his embrace.  "Let's stop at her, aka Chrissy's, place for a little, then I can go with you. Chrissy is probably going to make you sign everything she owns and take about 1,000 pictures with you, just warning you," I responded with a chuckle.

"Anything for my girlfriend's best friend," he replied with a smile.  We quickly kissed.

I grabbed a bag out of my closet and starting shoving clothes and stuff into it.  Justin looked at me, confused.  "I don't want to come back here in a while. Can't you tell? And you thought I was slow."  I laughed.

He laughed and I finished packing everything I needed.  I also threw my cover up in there when Justin wasn't looking.  Something told me to put it in there, even though I don't know why.  "Let's go," I whispered to him.  I grabbed my cell phone and bag and we started walking downstairs.

"I'll call my limo driver," Justin informed me as we walked through the kitchen.

I glanced at my mom.  She looked so cold and lifeless, just lying there on the floor.  I do not want to see her or see what she does when she wakes up, so I nudged Justin and he knew I wanted to get out of here.  We walked outside faster and Justin dialed a number on his phone.

"Hey, can you stop by Katy's house again?" he spoke into the phone.  "Yeah, we are," Justin then said, using a happy tone, and I saw him blush.  Whoa, he's REALLY cute when he blushes.  Maybe he was talking about us?  "Okay thanks, bye," he said and hung up the phone.

"Were you talking about us?" I asked him.

"Yeah," he said while looking into my eyes.

I felt my cheeks get warm.  I started to say something, but Justin leaned in and kissed me.  The kiss got deeper and more passionate quickly.  Aw, our first passionate kiss.  It was amazing, okay.  So amazing that we didn't even see the limo come.  When it honked, I got startled and accidentally bit Justin's lip.  "Oh my gosh Justin, I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed.

He felt his lip then quietly chuckled.  "It's okay. No blood. Too bad," he teased.  We both laughed.

We walked over to the limo and got inside.  "Nice to see you again, Miss Mantell. Congratulations on being with Justin. Now where to?" the driver greeted us.

I felt my cheeks get warm again.  "Thanks," I quietly said, to the Justin/Me remark.  "And to my best friend, Chrissy's, house, 573 Green Lane."

The lights suddenly dimmed in the limo.  "For you two," the driver said happily and a bit seductively and slid the private screen across.

Justin looked at me and I did the same.  We were just looking into each other's eyes.  Then, as if on cue, we both leaned in and started kissing.  It got intense at some points.  I hate when some people say to you "OMG you shouldn't be making out with your boyfriend! You're too young! It's not appropriate! You just met!" or whatever.  You only get to live one life, why not enjoy it?  Plus I'm 17, I think I'm old enough to handle making out.  It wouldn't be the first time I have.  The lights went back up in the limo again after maybe ten minutes.  I guess we're here.  Justin and I pulled away.  That ride was the best ride of my life.

"We're here, Mr. and Mrs. Bieber," the driver opened the screen and joked.  Justin and I laughed.

"Thanks. Just wait out here, we'll be out in maybe 30 minutes?" Justin told the driver.

I laughed.  "Chrissy's going to just talk to you for over an hour, besides having you sign all her stuff and take a million pictures," I whispered to Justin.

"Oh yeah I guess Katy's right... Well, you can wait here or leave. I'll call you when we're ready either way," Justin said with a kind smile to the driver.

"Okay, Mr. Bieber," the driver replied, returning a warm smile.

I grabbed my bag and Justin and I got out of the limo.  It's like 10:30 at night, I surely hope Chrissy's parents don't get furious with me.  Well, they shouldn't, because once I went to Chrissy's house at one in the morning and they didn't yell.  But me walking in their house with Justin Bieber may be a different story...


Author's note: Whoa, how did you guys like that twist? I was listening to "For the Love of A Daughter" by Demi Lovato, and I was thinking "hmm, why don't I add a twist to Katy's past and make her mom be an alcoholic and abuser?" So yeah I hope you like! :)

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