The Boss Affair {ManxMan}*Sho...

By SailorPeach5

255K 5.9K 1.1K

Alex's story on how he fell deeply in love with his deviously handsome boss..By starting a accidental affair... More

The Boss Affair {ManxMan}*Short Story*
6th+The Disturbance
7th+ The Advertisement
8th+The Confusion
*Sneak Peak* {Chapter 8.5+Drunken After Party}
9th+The Envelopes
10th+ The None Accidental Accident.
11th+ Nutella Kisses and Complications
11.5+ Unexpected Twist Ending? (Belated April Fools)
12+Preparation for a Downfall
60K reads!?? Thank you!!
13+ The Discussion
14+The Hospital Bed
15+Startling Feelings
16+ Current Feelings


18.1K 452 68
By SailorPeach5

Hey Babes!

On August 15 The Boss Affair made short story #319 for like the whole day XD I know its not high but that's still super awesome!!! Thank you for commenting, saving, sharing, and reading! This is all because of you guys! :)

DECIDICATED: for all of those who comment and vote~ You guys make my day :)

Enjoy! (The song on the side is "Killer" By The Ready Set, describes Liam perfectly)

Warning: Sexiness up ahead if you want to skip wait until you see "~~~~" in 3. :)

~ ~ ~

They walked together inside the conference room.

"Stop staring at me like that!" Alex groaned as he tried to set up the boardroom for a very important conference. The client wanted us to feature in a new magazine, he wanted us to drag in a different crowd.

"I cant help it..i really want to fuck you."

Alex hid his blushing expression. "We're working don't say stuff like that!" He turned his back to Liam as he walked over placing a poster on the wall. Suddenly, the president was behind him resting his arms on each side of Alex, trapping him in the wall. The secretary turned around and his boss's eyes were dilated covered in lust.

Looking into his deep dark eyes he began to feel hot. 'L-Liam?"

Inching closer Liam covered his lips with Alex's pulling him in a deep kiss. Alex's heart started to beat widely as he wrapped his arms around Liam's neck pulling him closer, complying. Willingly he moaned as Liam licked his lips prying them open.

Everything went out the window as Liam slid his knee in between Alex legs. The more dominate of the two began to grind their harden erections together. "Fuc! L-Liam.." He gasped feeling his boss's hard on against his. Alex then remembered who they were and what was happening. He tried to struggle but he was too empowered. Or maybe he liked that, to be submissive by his boss.

He squealed as hands traveled to underneath his legs grabbing them. Liam wrapped his legs around his waist and pushed him onto of the boardroom table. It felt so hot, he looked at the clock behind him, only 5 more minutes until the next meeting!

None, of that matter as soon as Alex realized his zipper was undone...and so was Liam's.

How the firetruck did he do that so fast?

Liam broke the kiss, a trail of saliva breaking in between them. Alex gasped and snatched his head back in ecstasy as his boss touched his hard length with his slipper hands. He shivered as Liam touched their d!cks against each other.

"G-God! Liam..they're going to enter any minute now...!" He moaned out as Liam nibbled on his neck softly, his teeth scraping against Alex's sensitive collarbone. The presidents other hand ripped over the secretary's dress shirt, buttons landing on the floor. He leaned down and sucked on the sect's harden nipples. Nibbling on them as Alex was getting close.

"N-No! Don' gonna..."

Looking up again he saw two minutes.

"L-liammm.." The black-haired man sucked harder.

One Minute.

"I-I'm!" Liam smirked in satisfaction.

The sound of the door opening was ignored by Alex's climax....

~ ~ ~ (Coast is clear) ~ ~ ~

"No fucking way..."

Alex sat up in his bed, abruptly. "Seriously..." He groaned as he felt the wet stickiness in his boxers. He felt ashamed and embarrassed. Why was he thinking of Liam like that...and in a conference room? How unprofessional. Laying his head back on the bed he sighed.

Something was wrong with him. That dream was so ridiculous.

Crawling out of the bed he stripped his pants, and began to rinse them. Sighing he shook his head, why was he thinking about him like that? Maybe he needed to tell Liam to stop playing so many games and he couldn't be thinking this. Maybe It was a good thing, a way for him to let out all his fanst- nightmares!, instead of having to do them in real life.

Nodding he gathered up all his sheets and ran his shower water.

Alex smiled as he stood under the warm water. The water washing down all the filth from his body gave him a calm feeling. A feeling that yes, everything was going to be all right. That no matter how much he wanted to slit his wrists from work, everything was going to be fine.

But everything wasn't fine. The recent feelings arising in his chest when ever he thought of Liam-

No, he wasn't even going to think of him. Not during his happy time. Hell no.

Like who did he think he was? Okay, so maybe he was the boss of a billion dollar company. Okay, so maybe he was super handsome. And maybe when he touched Alex he felt incredible. He refused to be tricked! He was only messing around. He didn't have feelings.

As many time as he thought that, in all honestly it didn't make him feel any better.

Wrapping a towel around his body he stepped out of the Shower. He tilted his head and sighed, only 6pm. Yeah, today was going to be one hell of a day.


"I believe everything going on with you an Cam are bullshit."

Alex sighed and looked up from his computer. Truthfully he just sat here waiting for him to say something. Literally, the President walked into his office and sat on the couch across from him staring at his secretary while he worked.

Which was fucking creepy if you asked Alex.

He ignored him of course. From him doing all this weird stuff meant maybe the president was slightly bothered by one of his sex friends missing. Was Cameron that important?

Who would've guessed!

"Its just that, you both hated each other. Couldn't even be in the same room without starting a fight and now your fucking him? Now he's calling you "Lexy-poo?" Which is quite ridiculous. It just doesn't seem right!"

Alex saved all his documents before looking up, leaning back in his office seat, gazing at the President. "I think your problem is that you know that you've lost another one of your fuck buddies. Mr.President I think you may have attachment issues."

"Don't go Dr.Phill on me!-" Liam walked over to the desk and crossed his arms leaning against it. "-Look it's a good development for you guys but its unnatural. How can you go from fighting on day and love each other the next. I call bullshit, simple as that."

"Sir-" Alex said bitterly, " -I hope you know that we are old enough to talk things out. We are adults"

Alex started into Liam's eyes. At first glance he didn't look bothered, but deep inside he knew that he was indeed bothered by it. Alex tilted his head wondering if it was because he thought he was genially jealous. If so, he would have to congratulate him.

"When I first met you I thought you were a dick, by now I know your actually a funny, charismatic man who truly loves to give to other people and help the community-" Liam smiled, ready to say something, "- before you say anything, don't get all excited. Your still a dick...just a nice dick." Alex smiled.

"Hey, After all this, lets go out and get white castle. I would love to try that again with you."

Ales looked at his boss in surprise and frowned. "I cant, I'm supposed to meet Cameron after work."

Liam frowned and stood up away from Alex's desk. "Alright, maybe another time." he said walking out of the room not waiting to hear for Alex's response. Alex could only flinch at the sound of the Presidents door slam behind him. The fuck was his problem?

Alex glared at the door for a good minute before attempting to concentrate on his work.

"Fuck it!" He groaned shutting down on computer. There as no way he was going to be able to concentrate after all that. He actually felt bad for rejecting him. Even though it wasn't his fault.

God! He cant work right now.

He stood up and walked out of his office. Maybe he'll go down to the bakery, get a glazed donut or something. Anything to take his mind away from Liam.


Walking in the elevator he banged his head against the wall, making everyone in the elevator look at him.

"Don't look at me!" He barked at them. They already hated him. Fuck them, he didn't need to impress anybody.

He banged his head against the elevator again. Why did everything have to come back to him? Why did it slightly bother him that Liam was jealous. The ding door distracted him. This was his stop. He strolled out of elevator, he stopped a flash of blond sitting a near by table. Smiling he went over to greet him. This wasn't the crazy psycho blond.

Fuck no.

This was a friend. Jake Metric, also know as Mr. Smiley. A famous director, known all around Chicago. He had light brown eyes that shined as he smiled. Alex felt a bitter sweetness, for the young man. When ever he looked at Liam his cheeks would flush, he would smile uncontrollably and even giggle.

Love...He loved Liam. Anyone could see it.

He always left the office with a sad smile on his face. A dejected look that made Alex want to just hug him and tell him everything was going to be okay. But it wasn't. He was in love with the president for Christ sakes. Jakes love life was never going to be fine if it involved that bastard.

"Mr. Metric?"

The blonde looked up from his magazine and smiled "Alex, right? OH, how are you?" he smiled. Alex nodded toward the seat in front of him and the blonde moved his things. "Sit, Sit" He smiled again.

Alex took his seat and smiled. "How have you been?"

"Pretty good actually"

"That's great! So, why are you at the agency?'

Jake's cheeks showed a tint of pink.

Cute, so cute! Like a puppy...

"Me and Liam have an appointment. I'm just a little but early" Alex nodded.

"Have you and the president been in with relationship long?"

To his surprise, Jake didn't even bat his eye at the sensitive topic.

"Well, for a while. We started going out when we entered university," he said, his voice was distant and longing. "It was only me back then. Then Cameron walked in on us one day and he got very jealous of me. He talked to Liam about us, he wanted to be in it too. He agreed-" Jakes voice cracked slightly."I don't know how Mavis and Carvel got mixed up in this, but that's how me and Cam did.

"You don't sound too happy about this Jake."

"Of course not...i always thought I was special. But I'm not, none of us are."

"You sound as though love with him"

Jake raised his gaze to meet Alex's. They looked at each other, their eyes open wide as if they were finally seeing each other for the first time in their lives.

Alex didn't know what to say; he couldn't read into those eyes. Jake stared at him for a few seconds, until he suddenly chuckled and his gaze softened.

"Love? I'm not sure if it's love," he said, sadness was apparent in his tone and a sensation to hug him wanted to overtake Alex. "You know what, I think I'm going to go. Tell him something came up please? Thank you. I'll see you soon Alex."

The brown-haired man could only watch as the blond gathered all his things and walk off. He knew that he was too good for Liam. Just by hearing the way he talked about Liam he was deeply in love. But the sadness and hurt he held from Liam's previous acts are still a soft stop.

It was good that he talked to Jake. It reminded him something.

Do not fall in love.


Cameron came again the next day, exactly when the office was getting ready to close. Alex gave him props for being able to have such determination to keep doing this everyday. However it was starting to become a little unsettling. He needed to put a stop to this as soon as possible.

At the same moment he entered as Liam was leaving. The more powerful black-haired man didn't look surprised seeing Cam. All though the look and the aura surrounding him made Alex know that he was more pissed than anything.


Liam and Cameron shared a look what seemed like only a millisecond before Liam continued to walk out of the office, hands bawled. Stopping he looked back at the couple.

"I'm leaving, have a goodnight both of you." he said coldly. Cameron smiled trying to act like his usual excited self. "Yes Liam! Good you too!" He failed miserably.

Alex and Cameron waited until they were sure Liam was gone. The usually sarcastic blond was quiet as they waited.

"Why are you so quiet today..?"

The blond looked at Alex before walking ahead of him, staying deadly quiet. "You don't need to come tomorrow, They're going to be an event so you don't need to try and impress that bastard."

Cameron looked up and glared him "Don't fucking insult him!"

Alex's eyes widen, then shrugged his shoulders. "Fine. Are you still coming over?" The blond did't say anything. They continued to walk the usual way to his apartment, in silence. Alex didn't know what got into the blond.

Of course, he loved the silence, the blond could be so fucking annoying.

But no...not this. This was an eerie silence.

He peeked at the blond who's eyes looked down at the ground as he walked. See! Being all gloomy, what happened? Yesterday he was so energetic, the fuck happened between them that quickly? Because how the blond was acting was not natural.

Alex pulled out his keys and opened the door, opening it so the blond can come in. He immediately ran to his bed and yanked off his tie, eying the blond who stood by the sink.

"If your not going to say anything just leave."

"We need to talk!" Cameron said folding his arms.

"About? And can you make it quick. I'm tired...Some people have to actually work all day to make a living." Alex mumbled, taking off his shoes.

"Fuck you. Why did Liam look at me that way?"

"What way? I wasn't paying attention."

Cameron frowned, glaring at Alex. "Like he was mad at me!"

"Well what did you think was going to happen!"

Cameron's expression softened. "No, You don't understand...he looked at me like. He was mad at me."

Alex stood up and rolled his eyes. "okay? You are the one that stopping being his fuck buddy. Its your fault."

Hands pushed Alex's shoulders making him fall back on the bed. Cameron loomed over him fuming. " No! He looked mad at me, not because I'm with you. B-Because Your with me. He looked mad that your with me."

Alex stared at the very upset blond. "What does that mean."

"Your so fucking stupid Alex! It means that he was mad because I took you away from him. Not the other way around. It was wrong! This plan was completely wrong. He's jealous of me, not you!"

His jaw dropped which only fueled the Blonde's anger. He watched as the blond pacing around the living room. "h-hey there...your reading too much into it."

He ignored Alex and screamed in frustration. "GOD! I cant believe I lost to some poor kid! This is bullshit!"

"Listen, Cam there's no way it's true. That guy only likes to molest me!"

"What, you're saying that Liam likes to touch you? Your such an ass Maxwell! Is the revenge? Because I fucked him and you didn't? Huh! You pretend to help me, while your against me so you can fuck him! I bet you think that with is fucking funny! Go to hell, you son of bitch! I NEVER WANNA SEE YOUR FACE!"

Alex heard a cracking sound, he turned around and saw that the blond kicked his TV in. Before he could react he was already gone.

The fuck just happened.


Hey guys! Sorry if its kind of short, stayed up till 6am typing a chapter for another story last night my hands hurt :D

How was the scene at the beginning? Was it good? Was it too much?

How do you think Alex would be handling kids? :)

COMMENT!!!(Tell me what you think about these questions^)

VOTEE!! (Pretty Please *o*,,,)

FANN!! (Cause that would be super awesome!)

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