The Reaper's Keeper (UNEDITED)

By stefymay

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I always thought that when you die that would be the end and you would see a bright light and the pearly gate... More

Authors note...
The deads love Poem
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chpater 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 37

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By stefymay


“Violet, promise me. You’ll leave me and find a safe place.” He looked deep into my eyes, I could see the concern that was now etched into his face, the hard lines around his mouth that spoke of stress. I had watched Ethan and the other Reapers endlessly training and teach each other, Ethan was really good, so anyone of those things getting passed him was near impossible.

“Fine.” I agreed reluctantly. He let out a breath I hadn’t noticed he had been holding and crushed me into his arms.

“Good, because I don’t know what I’ll do if I ever lost you.” I took a deep breath and breathed in Ethan’s familiar scent. I closed my eyes forgetting for only a moment that we were in danger, that the world was nearing the end and just, for once lived in this moment. I wrapped my arms around him and just pretended that I was just a normal girl standing in the woods with her boyfriend and not the key to the apocalypse and the end of humanity.


Chapter 37

The base was filled to its capacity, every house in this ghost town was occupied, and looking like it was back to its working metropolis, other than what it really was. A way point for a war against Death, a meeting point for those who would fight to stop the apocalypse.

Everyone was on edge, you could feel the tension in the air. Conquest hadn’t returned or sent word on whether she was successful or not in convincing War to join us or at least not to join D.

D was getting closer, I knew this because the nightmares where becoming more frequent and ghosts started to show up within the town. They were nearing, closing in on us, that or D had killed a butt load of people and there were now more ghosts than actual humans, which I really don’t think D was dumb enough to waste his one and only power source for controlling the army he so much wanted, so that only left one option, they were near. Ethan tried to send us away but he was reminded that if I leave D will follow me, because the ghosts followed me and there was no way Van and my Aunt would leave me while all this was happening.

So we stayed and prepared the town for the fight. We had a special room to hide in, it was called the salt room. It turns out Ethan had thrown Vicky’s ghost with salt from the River Styx, that’s how he scared her away and he collected more, getting enough to mix into cement and apply it to the walls of one room with no windows. We were ordered to go in there and wait until the war was over. My reply was a snort and a as if I’ll let someone else fight my battles. So once it was clear that we weren’t going to hide under the bed and wait for some to come and get us, Ethan agreed that it would be okay if we shot from a distance, only when we absolutely needed to, so that we wouldn’t give our positions away and when there was trouble to flee to the salt room. To me, it sounded like he was telling us to do the exact same thing as before, but I figured he was right and I did after all have to think about the safety of my little sister. So it was back to hide and wait till the coast is clear.

I was out in the woods practicing when I caught a flash of movement in my peripheral. Slowly as not to spook whatever it was, I lowered my rifle to look around, I didn’t want to shoot anyone accidently, especially not any of our allies. When there was nothing I figured that it must have been my imagination. I had been putting in long hours of training and getting a little sleep because every time I closed my eyes, I would dream of someone’s death, or worse, I would wake up in a place I had not originally fallen asleep in.

Ethan and my aunt started tying me to the bed, because the last time they had locked me in the room I broke a window, injuring my hand.

I sighed and aimed at my target, a small bottle of blue colored water was tied to a tree. It swayed in the wind, making it harder to hit. I took a deep breath, and pulled the trigger, hitting my target making the bottle explode from the impact. There was a knot in my shoulder from the long hours of practice, I lowered the gun and rotated my head to try and loosen the knot.

“You’re pretty good at that.” I jerked at the familiar voice, too scared to turn around.

“Better than you were when we played house of dead at the arcade.” The voice said getting closer, but no snapping twigs or ruffling grass and leaves could be heard.

“Vicky.” I said in a whisper, I felt a dampness on my hand and saw a translucent hand on mine.

“You should leave. He will be here soon.” She said, stepping around to stand in front of me.

She looked the same as the last time I had seen her. Her hair was soaking, plastered to her face, her clothes stuck to her body like a second skin, her lips were blue, and her face was pale, her eyes standing out in stark contrast.

“Are you… I’m sorry Vicky. I-I’m, so sor-“

“Don’t Vi, it wasn’t your fault, things just… happen.” She said shrugging. She seemed to be taking her death really well. If I was her, I would be screaming to the powers that be, cursing whoever got me there.

“You have to listen to me. D is closing in, he’ll be here before this week is over. He wants you Vi and there is nothing that’s going to stop him from getting you. Everyone here is in danger, his army has grown and he controls more of those…. t-things. You need to leave now.” She said, clearly scared out of her freaking mind. She grabbed my hand, and the chill of her skin made me jump. It was like she touched me with an ice block, when she noticed that I had flinched she pulled her hand back and stepped away from me… almost like she didn’t want to scare me.

“I know, we’re waiting for the last of the Reapers, then we’re going to attack them.” I said, trying for a comforting smile. “Our army has grown as well. You see the size of them. There is literally hundreds, maybe even thousands of Reapers waiting to fight him. ”

“I know, I can sense the Reaper’s in the town, but it’s still not enough. He controls, ghosts, those soul eating Demons and the shadow creatures. They out number you ten to one and it’s not easy to take out the shadow monsters. They will kill everyone and take you, you seriously need to run Vi, this isn’t a game.” She said, sounding really scared. I stared into her eyes not wanting to run, because if I ran, I’ll always be running.

“You owe me that much Vi.” She said playing the one card I had hoped she wouldn’t, using my guilt over her death to get me to do what she wanted.

“Vicky… I – I can’t. If I run now, I’ll never stop and he would eventually get me.  I need to stand up to him… I have to at least try.” I said after a long silence, she looked at me, her mouth tight and her forehead creased with concern, then finally letting out a breath as if she gave up.

“He will use you and then kill you; I understand why you feel the need to fight him… but it’s a losing battle with only one outcome. Please listen to me Violet, you’re smarter than this, you can’t beat him; he’s just too strong.”

“I can’t keep running. He’s going after my family… my friends. I can’t let anyone else get hurt because of me. I’m sorry Vicky, but I have to do this.”

“I won’t be able to help you, you know that right.” She said clearly miffed about this little fact.

“I know.” I said recalling how D controlled her, which made me think of something else.

“How come you could grab me at the church, but you can’t grab me now?” I asked her

“It’s kind of complicated to explain. I have to concentrate really hard and sometimes it just happens when my emotions are high. I can’t do it too much because it uses a lot of energy to be corporal, but when I’m around you…” She trailed, reaching out and touching my hand, I could feel that it was freezing cold and damp. I jumped again at the contact.

“With other people I can move stuff when I concentrate, but I can’t touch them… but you’re … different. It’s almost like I’m alive again. I can touch, I felt the warmth of your skin, I felt the breeze on my face. It is… amazing.” She said her eyes lighting up at the thought, then it went sad again as if she remembered that she wasn’t alive anymore, and that she’ll never have that feelings again.

“Oh… I see.” It all made sense now why every ghost in the world was attracted to me.

“Connor was looking for you.” I said remembering the way Connor reacted when he heard about Vicky.

“I … know.”

“You know? Then how come he’s not here with you now?” I asked finding it weird that Connor wouldn’t be by her side. Ghost or not.

“Because it’s complicated.” She said, looking like she wasn’t going to elaborate on what was so complicated. I opened my mouth to ask where he was, because Ethan was really worried about him. We hadn’t heard anything from him or Tatiana, we weren’t even sure if Brandon made it out of the waterfall alive or where he even was.

“Do you hear that?” Vicky asked tensing, and glancing up at the sky.

“What? What is it?” I asked in a whispered also glancing up.

“I hear wings.” She whispered back and then in the distance I heard screeching. They were here, they had found us, and I’m alone in the woods.

“Vicky I-“ When I turned to her she was gone.

“Crap.” I said while snatching up the rifle, slinging it over my shoulder and ran towards the village like hell was on my butt… which if you thought of it, it really was. Vicky must have left when she realized D was near. She couldn’t be made into a puppet again, forced to fight her friends. The screeching and howling where getting nearer, I glanced back to see if any was behind me and then I heard a whoosh overhead.

I looked up right into a demons face, he was smiling down, showing off the whitest and straightest teeth I had ever seen. It kind of reminded me of a shark, right before it chomped down on some victim.

It swooped down to try and grab me, but I always carried a set of hand guns, since I also train with those. I pulled it out and shot it right in the chest while I ran, purposefully missing the heart. I was a little uncomfortable with killing another thing even if it was a demon. I glanced back to see it crashing to the ground, landing with a loud shriek of pain.

I turned back around when I stumbled a little, I could see the town in the clearing, hear the voices of the people within. As if the sight gave me the extra boost I needed I picked up speed, almost there, just a few more steps. I was five steps away from breaking out of the woods when one of the demons landed right in front of me.

I screamed from freight and stopped so fast I nearly fell forward right into the demons hands. The most beautiful man I had ever seen, well aside from Ethan of course, landed in front of me. His hair hung until his ears in glassy auburn waves around his face. His eyes were as green as the forest leaves and they were speckled with golden flecks, making them appear to change color with his every move. His body was really toned, it looked like he didn’t have a single ounce of fat on him, just lean muscle.

He closed his eyes and breathed in deep, then slowly his eyes opened, his slow smile stretching his lips until all you saw were teeth.

“You are pure of heart.” He whispered, “Pure in thought and deed.” He added, his voice had a husky melody that could hypnotize even the most tone deaf person.  

“Y-you talk.” I stuttered, of all the dreams or memories I had of them, never had any of them spoken to anyone or said anything to each other.

He didn’t reply, just stood there and stared at me with his creepy smile. When I remembered I still had the gun in my hands I quickly raised it, making him unfurled his raven wings, fingers spread like he had claws and a quick glance confirmed that he did.

“S-stay back or I’ll sh-shoot.” I stuttered, stepping back with every step he approached. He didn’t listen he just kept moving towards me.

I could feel my heart beating in my chest, hear my frantic breathes as I panted from my run. He kept coming the smile on his face stretching as he said, “You are pure. You cannot do it.”

“I said stay back.” I took a step back and pulled the trigger. The demons face twisted as he reached up to his chest and slowly glanced down at his blood covered hand, when he glanced back at me his face showed confusion and surprise. This one I shot in the heart, not wanting to take any chances, that he might attack me and drag me to D.

“You… shot me.” He stuttered right before he fell backwards, rolling into the clearing of the town and into the view of two training Reapers.

My arms stayed up, the gun still pointed at him even as he stopped rolling and the other Reapers rushed towards me

“Shit. It’s a Cecidit, they’re here, sound the alarm.” I heard one of the Reapers say right before I heard ruffling close by then a soothing voice say “Violet you done good, now lower the gun we need to get you to safety.” He was a Reaper, I think his name was Jet. He was from the south, I wasn’t sure what south; he never mentioned it and I didn’t ask. Ethan once said that Reapers try and break their accents, it allows then to protect their past and any existing family and to blend in with their surroundings. Jet was new so he still had a little southerners twang.

“I-I shot him.” I said still looking at the lifeless body.

“He’s a demon. A little shot to the chest won’t kill ‘em. You just slowed ‘em down is all.”

“He’s not d-dead.”

“Nah, look he’s twitching already. I’ll finish him off, you go on to your aunt and lil’ sissy.” I nodded my head as I watch the demons fingers twitching with life. I felt pressure on my arm for me to lower the gun and looked at Jet.

He had golden hazel eyes that reminded me of honey, with light blond hair. The other Reapers called him Twilight because of his unusual eye color.

I nodded and he gave me a friendly reassuring smile, but he soon went serious, yanking me behind him as he created a spear and threw it. It happened so fast the movement was a blur, I heard a screech and then a loud crash.

“Go.” He shouted as I heard an answering howl. I turned to see two more demons emerge. Jet created a sword and shield, I felt someone pass me and two hands grab me. I pulled back my hand with the gun in it ready to pistol whip whoever grabbed me,

“Violet it’s me.” I recognized the voice and let out a deep breath I hadn’t known I was holding. I let myself be pulled towards the relative safety of the town. As I ran, Reapers started emerging, ready for battle. When we had reached the safe house, Ethan turned and locked the door.

“Are you okay? Did they hurt you?” He asked.

“Ethan?” I said in a shaky voice. I looked up into his worried face and hugged him and he hugged me back.

“What’s going on? What’s happening?” I heard my Aunt ask and turned to see Van as well as my aunt in the doorway.

“We’re under attack.”

“Are you serious? Now? But it’s not even night yet.” Van said

“Where’s Lily?” I asked looking around.

“Oh god, she went out to play. She’s out there with those things.” My aunt said, launching for the door, but Ethan grabbed her before she got out.

“You guys stay here, I’ll get her. Violet, protect the house.” I nodded and took a deep breath, reaching for my gun. “Both of you. I suggest you seal up any exits or entry points. This will be the safest place in the town. Be ready for when I get back.” We nodded, Ethan grabbed me and kissed me hard, then left.

Van and Aunt Carry started to seal the windows, propping couches and cabinets up against it, while I ran up the stairs to give Ethan cover. I knew that there were some windows and the backdoor was nailed shut, making the only real entry point the front door and I knew that they would also be stuffing the chimney, activating an explosive trap one of the Reapers rigged up at the chimney, as an added extra protective caution.

I watched Ethan do his Reaper thing, they called it shadow run, and to me it looked like a smoking snake slithering as fast as python through the jungle. He shadow ran into houses calling Lily’s name, now and then a demon would appear and he would need to fight it. All the while I kept my gun trained on him as if he was the target.

I shot a demon now and then, knowing that it wouldn’t kill it, which made shooting them easier. The Reapers had their weapons dipped in holy water and blessed in some kind of ritual. To kill a demon, you would need to cut off its head with a blessed weapon.

If you were an angel Ethan said it would have been easier, they were after all soldiers of God and all that.

Soon Ethan had searched all the houses on this street and had vanished from my sight, now all I had to do was sit and wait… and pray that he finds her in time and gets back here safely.

“We’re ready Vi. Any sign of them?” I heard Van shout from downstairs.

“No, not yet. I’ll come down with Lily when Ethan gets back.” I called back to her.

“Okay… just … be safe Violet.”

“I will… you too.” I called back and then heard their footsteps dim until there was nothing but silence and the distant echo of the war happening only miles away.

From my position in the window, I noticed small flying creatures at the edge of the town, which I knew where the demons. I noticed the sun setting which meant that the inks where going to soon join the ranks of the Demons, tripling the amount of their ranks. The Reapers would need to take out as many as possible or they’ll be outnumbered, not that they were already according to Vicky.

I swallowed, he was taking long, seconds ticked by, each one felt excruciatingly longer than the last. I felt every one of my heart beats like a hammer in my chest, the screams in the distance only added to my fear.

Lily, oh god please let her be okay. I was twitching, loosening my grip of the gun as I scanned the streets again.

I should go check, I shouldn’t just sit here and wait. What if they were in trouble, what if they need me?

I debated with myself when I heard a loud screech, it sounded like it was right outside of the window; I jumped at the sound, nearly dropping the gun. I glanced down the road, and saw Ethan just about turn the corner, carrying Lily and with him was Connor and not far behind them was Demons, about six or seven of them.

All that practicing out in the woods, all that long hours of training was for this moment right here. I readied my gun, taking a deep breath, tracking their movements as the swooped and dived for them and begun firing at them, hitting the closes one to Ethan right in the head.

More began appearing, and the sun was setting fast, making the shadows of the buildings grow. I could see creatures crawling out of them, growing as the sun sank below the horizon.

“Run Ethan.” I shouted as I reloaded my gun and took aim.

As Ethan and Connor ran the emerging inks reached out to Ethan, trying to grab him, Connor attacked them protecting Ethan as he ran the streets towards the safety of the house. One of the inks reached for Connor and missed him by inches, while the Cecidit kept up their pursuit of them. It looked like they were after Lily, because she was a pure soul… an innocent. They wanted to … feed off her soul. With that realization, I started shooting more off them, loading as soon as my gun was empty, and as soon as they were nearby I grabbed my gun and dashed down the stairs towards the front door.

Unbolting the door for Ethan and Connor; I threw the door open and without thinking, I started shooting the Cecidit around them, one actually managed to grab Ethan, but I quickly put a bullet between his eyes. I stepped aside and allowed Ethan to burst through, but Connor stayed outside.

“Get in here Connor.”

“Ye get te safety. I’ll hold them off.” He said plunging his sword into a nearby Cecidit and striking out with his other at a nearing ink. I shot two that got too close to him.

“Damnit Lass, I said get inside.”

“But what about-“

“Doona worry about me, ye take care of the wee lass.” He said, his accent was more pronounced than what I remembered from the last time. I reluctantly nodded and closed the door, bolting it.

I turned and saw that Ethan had set Lily down and was talking softly to her. She looked freaked out.

“Lil’s hon, are you okay? Are you hurt?” I asked rushing over to her. She turned to me and shook her head no. I grabbed her in a crushing hug.

“I was so worried.” I continued and glanced over at Ethan and gasped,

“You’re hurt.” I said looking at the cut running along his face.

“I’m fine. I’m a Reaper remember. I heal fast.” He said getting up.

“You need to bolt and block the door like I showed you and then get both of you to the safe room.”

“Wait… What? Are you going back out there?”

“I need to help Connor and the others. Now do as I say, we’ll protect the entrance.”

“I- … okay.” I said not liking that he needed to go out there and fight those things and Connor did needed his help.

“Stay here Lily.” I said stuffing her out of sight behind an over turned table and walked towards the door with Ethan.

He turned and said, “If I don’t make-“        

“No! Don’t you dare say goodbye. You make it back or I’ll personally go wherever Reapers go and drag you butt back. You make it back to me Ethan.” I said angrily.

He smiled a small smile and tipped an imaginary hat, “Yes ma’am.” And then leaned down and kissed me, gently caressing his thumb across my cheek.

“I love you Violet Spencer.”

“I love you too Ethan Leeds.” We reluctantly broke apart and I readied my gun as he reached for the handle.

“Ready?” He asked, I nodded and said,

“Be careful.”

“You too.” He replied the small smile still on his lips then he’s face hardened as he built his smoky blade and opened the door.

Jonathan was with Connor as well as War in all his glory, setting the Cecidit alight and he was on a red horse laughing as he severed a head of a Cecidit. Blue flames danced on his skin and his blade looked like it was made of lava. I was a little awe struck but soon snapped out of it, when the clashing of metal sang in the air.

Ethan had safely reached Connor and they were fighting back to back along with Jonathan and a few other Reapers. I shot a few, empting my gun, while I was reloading, I saw a Reaper get lifted into the air and then get his throat torn out, as his soul was sucked from his body. The Cecidit dropped his lifeless body to the ground mere feet from me. I jumped back and shot him, missing my first shot because my hands were shaking so much, but got him on my second try.

“Violet get inside.” Ethan shouted and I dumbly nodded, backing up and slammed the door shut, bolting it as well as pushed a nearby cabinet in front of it.

The door thudded and groaned as the Cecidit tried to break down the door, when I was sure that the door would hold I turned and grabbed Lily’s hand, running as fast as I could towards the safe room in the basement down the stairs, but Lily was too slow, so I had to sling my rifle onto my shoulder and pick her up.

I ran as fast as I could, the sounds of battle right at the door. I glanced back when I heard a crash of glass braking and saw smoke pouring in.

What the hell? Was it a reaper? Or D… crap that could be D. I pulled my hand gun and fired off a few rounds and when it was clear the bullets were doing nothing, I ran harder for the safe room.

“OPEN THE DOOR!” I screamed at the closed door, slowly it opened and my Aunts head popped out, and when she saw me running she threw the door open and then she saw the black smoke trailing me.

“RUN VIOLET. IT’S RIGHT BEHIND YOU.” I wanted to shout at her that I knew that and that was the reason why I was running like I was at the freaking Olympics, but I couldn’t get two words out from my panting.

I was nearly there when something sunk deep into my ankle. I looked right into my aunt’s eyes which was as big as saucers and tossed Lily at her, “Catch.” I shouted as I went down hard, the wind getting knocked out of me, leaving me wheezing for air and my rifle skittering across the floor.

I felt myself being pulled backwards, I stretched out my arms in front of me and tried kicking my attacker in an effort to get away, but that only made my wounds worse and his hold stronger.

I screamed as I was pulled backwards, grabbing onto a water pipe. I saw Van running towards me with something in her hand and I dimly thought ‘what is she doing’. When in no time she was above me, I saw her raise something and swing.

I shut my eyes on instinct, expecting a blow to the head when I heard a crunch and then the force that was pulling me went limp. I then heard a clang of a metal pipe dropping to the floor and hands pulling me up, I opened my eyes blinking through the dim light.

“Come on Vi, that things not out. We need to get to the room.” She said as she helped me run. I was limping moving slower with my shredded ankles, the trek seemingly taking the last reserves out of me.

“Come on Vi, we need to move, like yesterday.” She said when I wasn’t moving fast enough.

“I would like to see you run fast when you had your ankles ploughed through like some vegetable patch.” I scolded back at her.

I heard a groaning sound and turned back to see what had grabbed me but couldn’t make out what it was in the shadows. Maybe it was one of those things.

The light bulb overhead started to surge and then it went completely out, I started to hear creatures and actually saw something crawling out of the floor from the shadow. The light of the safe room was like a beacon, shining as bright as the sun and I put every ounce of strength I had to get to it.

When I was a foot away I threw myself through the door, right on my heels, and once we were safe inside my aunt slammed the heavy metal door shut and sealed us in. There were shelves with water and food as well as some candles in case the lights in the room went out. 

“Do you think that this room will keep them out?” Van asked through heavy breathes.

“I don’t know, we’ll just have to wait and see.” I said from my perch on the floor in front of the door.

“Violet, you’re injured.” My aunt said, rushing over to see how badly that thing whatever it was raked me.

“Lily, get me that first aid kit over there.” My aunt ordered as she looked at my ankles. They hurt more now than when it had first happened, maybe because the adrenaline was most probably wearing off.

Lily came back, first aid kit in tow and my aunt was about to start cleaning it when Van said shakily,

“Violet something’s happening with the door.” I turned towards the door and the black smoke that dragged me was seeping through from under it, and building up.

“I thought this room was supposed to be safe.” Van said stepping away from the door.

“I thought so too.” I said as I watched the smoke seep through. What are we going to do now? The room was a dead end, no window, no back door, not even a sizeable air vent. What is D going to do to my family once he gets in?

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