Was I Meant for This?

De Shelly14

137K 1.2K 361

Stacy Thompson has just found out she is a witch and will be attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wiza... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 (Part 1)
Chapter 18 (Part 2)
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Into Draco's Mind
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 27

2.4K 20 6
De Shelly14

Once I had my bags packed, it was already noon “My dear are you ready to leave?” I had just walked into the living room when Voldemort walked in as well.

I levitated my trunk to my side when Minni disapparated with it, I then turned to Voldemort and nodded “F-father how long am I staying there?”

“Until Potter shows up and you destroy him.” I felt a lump in my throat and grabbed a hold of his arm.

We were pulled through the air and landed in a dusty torn down room, I looked around and noticed an old woman standing in the doorway. “Ahh very good Nagini. I don’t think Potter will know the difference between you and the real Bagshot.”

Voldemort turned back to me and glared “You will try to destroy Potter once and for all. I will have Nagini lure him to you, but if you so dare to disobey me. Well we shall not speak about it because I know you will not let your father down.” he disappeared into smoke on the spot.

I turned back to Nagini, but she was gone; I couldn’t help but think how great of a Christmas I am going to have waiting for Harry to show up. “How do we even know he is going to show up? He is smart enough to know that my father is waiting for him in such an obvious place.”

I heard a hiss right beside my ear “There is nowhere else for Potter to go. This is where he was born and almost killed, he is bound to this place.” I stayed perfectly still knowing that Nagini would attack if I so much as tried to harm her in any way.

I walked into the next room where I found my trunk and placed it in an empty room; I sat on a dusty bed wondering what I would do in this place by myself. I decided to take a walk around Godric’s Hollow, as I walked in the foot deep snow I came upon a cemetery.

I went through each row of tombstones even though I didn’t know why I was so intrigued to know who was buried here; once I got to the back I noticed a big tombstone with two names inscribed into the gravestone. I bent down to see the names and noticed they were Harry’s parents, but what caught my eye was the gravestone right next to theirs.

I slid over to see the names and wanted to sit in the snow and cry “In Loving Memory of Craig and Linda Thompson” I sat in the snow and felt my cheeks start to freeze from the tears that stained them. I conjured up a wreath of lilies for Harry’s parents and a wreath of roses for mine as I placed the wreaths against the gravestones I heard a pop in the distance.

I got to my feet quickly and hid behind a tree, I peeked out from behind the tree and noticed two figures in the distance “That can’t be Harry there is only two people and I know for sure that all three of them are together.” I whispered quietly to myself.

As the figures got closer to me I heard them talking and I knew right away that it was Harry and Hermione, but I couldn’t help but wonder where Ron was. I slipped from behind the tree and made a break for Bathilda’s house when Nagini came into view as Bathilda “Harry’ss here, I can feel him.” she hissed to me.

I only nodded and headed back to the house and waited for you to lure him back here. Once I was inside I hurried to the room that my trunk was in “What am I going to do? I didn’t think he would actually come here. Harry you are so stupid for coming here.” I kept telling myself as I paced in the room back and forth.

I knew I only had a little bit of time before Nagini would have Harry and Hermione in the house, I thought of what I would do to help them without raising Nagini’s suspicions. I heard the door open downstairs and thought quickly to make myself invisible; I started to slowly walk downstairs when I caught sight of Nagini luring Harry towards the attic. When they were out of sight I walked down to where Hermione was left by herself, I noticed that she was looking through a book with Dumbledore’s picture on it.

I slid behind Hermione and got close enough to her ear to hear my whisper “Hermione you need to get Harry out of here. It isn’t safe for both of you here.”

She jumped right beside me and scanned the room but couldn’t see anyone around her. “Who are you?” she asked as panic started to strike her.

I didn’t know whether I should tell her it was me, but just as I was about to she opened a door to find Bathilda Bagshot’s body on the floor. Just then we heard a crash upstairs, I took off my invisibility charm and ran upstairs behind Hermione. Harry was fighting off Nagini, I stood watching not knowing what to do. Hermione started shooting spells at Nagini but she dodged them easily. I felt my arm start to burn and I knew that Voldemort was on his way.

I read Hermione’s mind knowing what spell she was going to cast next. I looked around at where they could escape before he got here, but there was only the window behind them. Just as Hermione raised her wand, I placed a protective charm over Nagini causing Hermione’s blasting curse to rebound and force them out the window. I felt my heart drop as I saw Voldemort come into contact with Harry; I could only think of one thing and that was to control Voldemort’s actions. I closed my eyes to try and concentrate but a piercing yell filled my ears, I opened my eyes to see Voldemort at the window looking out.

“How could you let him slip through here? Have my threats not put fear into your mind?”

I clenched my fists tightly “If it wasn’t for me your precious snake here would be nothing, but ashes. Would you have rather had me risk Nagini’s life to capture Potter for you?” I stated matter-of-factly.

Voldemort looked a bit taken back by my comment, but only raised his wand to me “I will let this slide, but only for your allegiance to Nagini.” I let out the breath of air that I had involuntarily held waiting for my punishment.

“Come now the Malfoy’s are waiting for you at the manor.” I grabbed my trunk from downstairs and apparated back to the manor.

Voldemort was already waiting for me there “I am going to need you very soon my dear. I believe that I am getting close to figuring out who is in possession of the Elder Wand.” I agreed and made my way towards the stairs “I take it Bellatrix spoke to you about our plan for your child.”

I stopped and stared down at a step “Yes, she spoke to me last month when you informed her to call for me. I completely understand the situation.”

“Ah wonderful I knew you would understand that this needs to be done for the greater the good of the wizarding world.”

My mind wandered away to thoughts of not having a normal life and did not realize that I was standing in front of Draco’s door. I shook my head trying to think straight and walked into my bedroom where I crawled into bed. My mind started to wander while I slowly drifted off to sleep.

I felt something heavy on my chest and started to panic because I felt as though I couldn’t breathe, my eyes shot open to see Draco hovering over me.

“Morning beautiful. I thought you weren’t going to be home today, but I’m glad you came home in time to open your gifts.”

 I tried to pull a smile on my face but it only made a grim line “Yeah, I’m glad I could make it to open gifts too.”

I sat myself up and grabbed the box that Draco placed right beside me; I opened it to find a photo album filled with pictures of Draco and myself since we got together. I went through all the pictures to find the most recent ones where I noticed the baby bump under my clothes, as I turned the next page there was a blank page. One thing caught my eye about the page at the bottom of the page were the words “Our Angel”

I felt a whimper leave my throat and Draco sat down beside me “I made it myself. I figured we could tell our child how we came to be together and show it the progress that you made while pregnant.”

I hugged Draco beside me “It’s beautiful Draco. I love it.”

“Come on mother wants you to open the gifts she bought you. She is really excited this Christmas, I have never seen her so happy.”

I smiled “That’s great. I will be down in a minute once I get changed.” he kissed my cheek and left the room.

I got out of bed and quickly changed, I walked downstairs into the living room where Lucius and Narcissa were sitting in chairs away from each other. Narcissa passed around the gifts and I realized that all my gifts were for the baby and myself; I couldn’t stop thinking to myself how bad I wanted all this to be over.

Valentine’s Day:

I sat in the great hall by myself ignoring all  the whispers about me being pregnant since I had already entered the last trimester and there was no way I could hide it any longer. I noticed that everyone was coupled up today and wondered why there were so many couples around “Feeling a little lonely?” I looked behind me to see Blaise standing over me.

“No just enjoying some alone time.” I retorted sarcastically.

Blaise sat down beside me “You do know that the only reason you feel so lonely is because its Valentine’s Day and everyone has their special someone.”

I scoffed “Are you here to be my special someone and keep me company?”

“Well someone has some hormones to figure out.” Blaise mumbled.

I rolled my eyes and got to my feet wobbling a little; before I got to the door of the great hall Blaise yelled out behind me “Hey wait up!”

I stopped and let out a sigh “Blaise why are you around me? You have never taken any interest in me before.”

I noticed a slight blush rise up in his cheeks “Draco’s a really good guy and I promised him I would keep you company since he is too busy to be with you on this special day.”

“Well then let’s head over to the Slytherin common room because I have an essay that is due for Transfigurations and McGonagall already hates my guts. Not to mention I am failing about all my classes.” Blaise just nodded and followed me to the common room, while I sat on the couch doing my homework I noticed Blaise kept looking back at the door.

“Is there something that you are waiting for?” he jumped at my question but just shook his head.

After about two hours of writing the same thing over and over in my essay I saw Milicent walk into the common room and whisper something in Blaise’s ear.

She left right after and Blaise stood up stretching “I’m pretty hungry. Let’s go get something to eat in the great hall.”

I looked at the clock “Dinner hasn’t even started yet and-” without letting me finish Blaise grabbed my arm and pulled me up carefully making sure not to hurt me.

Blaise dragged me up to the doors of the great hall which were closed “I told you dinner hasn’t started why did you drag me all the way up here?”

“Just go inside will you?!”Blaise screeched at me.

I shrunk back a bit but did what I was told and opened the doors, when I was inside the great hall everything was dark.

“Hello?” I asked out to no one since I figured I was by myself in the great hall.

Suddenly, candles flickered on all around me and a magical orchestra started playing on the stage of the great hall. A spotlight landed on me and then I heard the clicking of feet walking towards me “Happy Valentine’s Day Stacy.”

Draco stood before me holding his hand out for me “Care to dance with me?”

I smiled and grabbed his hand while he pulled me close to his chest and wrapped one arm around my waist while he held my other hand to his chest. I laid my head on his chest while the music played softly in the background “Stacy?”


Draco pulled me closer to him “I have the greatest plan for after we finish Hogwarts. I will buy us our own little house far away from everyone else in the world where we can raise our child and live our own life. We won’t have to worry about anyone else, no war and no Dark Lord.”

Tears started to trickle down my cheek as I thought of how wonderful that life sounded but knew that it could never happen.

“Hey I have come up with names for the baby.”

I stared up at Draco “We don’t even know if it’s a boy or girl, we chose to wait until it was born.”

He smiled “I know but I had been thinking about it for awhile and I have the perfect name whether it’s a boy or girl. Angelus, for a boy and Angelis for a girl. Just like on the photo album it will be our angel.” he rubbed the bump.

I noticed the happiness in his eyes “The names are beautiful Draco.”

I wanted to break down and cry but I had to be tough and hold my tears in. After dancing for a bit it was time for dinner and Draco returned the great hall back to normal; I tried to make myself feel as happy as I could without letting Draco know that something was wrong with me.


The anxiety that I would have a baby next month was starting to get to me and I knew I had to talk to Cross soon. I concentrated my mind on him and thought to him to meet me at the Black Lake in ten minutes. I walked slowly to the black lake and sat on a rock near the water, I heard footsteps make their way to me and knew it had to be Cross.

I stood up when a shock of pain went through my abdomen and I had to grab on to the rock so I wouldn’t fall on the floor; Cross ran to me and held me up “Are you alright? Do you need me to get you anything or call anyone?”

I shook my head and sat back down on the rock “No the baby just kicked.”

Cross kept staring at my belly as though he feared it, I smiled at him “Would you like to feel it?” his head shifted between my eyes and my belly.

I grabbed his hand and placed it onto the spot where I felt the baby kicking me; his eyes widened as he felt the tiny movement. “Wow. I don’t want to worry the moment but aren’t you due next month?”

His hand left my belly “Yeah that is why I called you over here. I need you to be there when I give birth, I don’t remember the whole plan but I do know that there is something you need to do when I have the baby.”

Cross nodded his head and helped me stand up “Yeah I do need to be there. We should go talk to Snape about this as well, so we can be prepared when you have it.”

“Yeah let’s go.”

As we walked back towards the castle Cross kept shifting his gaze from the floor to me, I started to get annoyed and couldn’t stand it anymore and shouted “What is it Cross?”

His eyes moved back to the ground “How is Draco taking all of this?” I bit my tongue and knew better than to respond to that so I just kept walking.

“You haven’t told him have you? Does he even know what the Dark Lord wants to do with the child?” I averted my gaze away from Cross and he stopped me “Stacy how can you do this to him? He is going to be broken from what’s going to happen.”

“Cross I can’t tell him, he was devastated when I asked him if we should even keep it. And just so you know I don’t know what is going to happen either once I give birth, so do not tell me that I am wrong to not inform Draco about any of this.” Cross just shook his head and we continued on to Snape’s office.



I fidgeted my fingers a bit but knew this was as much as I could do for Draco “No matter what you have to do, can you make sure that the baby is named Angelus if it’s a boy and Angelis if it’s a girl. It’s all I can do for Draco, he picked out the names and I want the baby to have a part of us.” he nodded his head and we entered Snape’s office.

“So you have decided that Cross will be there when you give birth.” I nodded in agreement.

Snape walked over to Cross “You will need to be there at the manor during Easter break in case she has it during that time because it will take too long to retrieve you from here. Now when she gives birth you will apparate to St. Mungos and call for Madame Rosa, she will be the midwife to help you. Although I must point out that you will need to use the imperius curse to make your plan go through without interference because she will not know of it.”

“I understand and I am willing to use whatever is necessary.” Cross replied.

“Alright that will be all.”

We stood up and started for the door “Stacy may I speak with you for a moment?”

I stopped and turned back to Snape “Yes sir.”

Snape walked right up to me and put his hand on my shoulder “Be careful and be strong. I know this must be hard on you and it will be even harder when the time comes for your plan to go through. Just listen to me and do not let yourself fall into a state of mind that you will regret, Stacy if you need anything I will be here for you remember that.”

I laughed the tension off “Professor I will be fine, I think that I can handle my own plan even if I can’t remember what it was.”

I backed away forcing a smile on my face, but once I got to the door I heard his voice behind me “You will need someone after this.”


Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Let me know what you think and vote if you loved it. Next chapter will be during Easter break so there will be action and drama and emotions all over the place.

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