Love Triangle|L.r.h|

By 1dlover26yay

1K 52 22

Luke and Niall fight over a girl. Could that girl be Louis Tomlinson sister. Read to find out! More

What happend happend
Chapter 2
Authors note
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Arthours note
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Not an update (sorry)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 11

41 3 0
By 1dlover26yay

I know this is early but on Monday I won't be able toby to update so yeah. And it might be short.

Ashton's POV

Me and Liz walk out of forever 21 and go to IKEA.

"Wait are we going to IKEA cause you just wanna play on the furniture." Liz tells me.

"Uh wwhhaaatt noooooo." I say trying to hide the lie.

"Uhuh." She says.

"Ok yeah I do wanna play on the furniture." I say confessing.

"I knew it. But ok if you want to let's do it." I say.

"Ok." I say.

We are only a bit away from IKEA so we yeah.

"RACE YOU." Liz says and starts running. I then start running.

"IMMA GONNA WIN U." I say all ready behind her.

She starts running in zig zags. And I don't know were she's gonna go but I still win her.

"UGH you always win." She says breathlessly.

"Hah I know." I say giving myself a pat on the back.

"Ugh whatever. Come on let's go find some furniture." She says already walking to the furniture area.

I find a few desk and liz found a bed. She's is reading the sign that clearly states. No jumping on the bed. So she moved on. But I of Course got on the bed and started jumping on it.


"Nah I'm fine." I say still jumping.

"Ugh Ashton i fucking hate you." She mumbles under her breath.

"Love you too." I say and she smiles. God, I just love her smile. I have to admit I kinda have feelings for her but I just can't tell her that I do cause that will ruin or friendship. And I've kissed her before so yeah and I've seen her naked she even seen me naked. I know its weird but we are best friend.

"I was kidding. Now come on let's go and buy a few things and you could flirt with girls or whatever." She says. But I actually don't go out flirting with girls I go and try to find something for liz's birthday Christmas or our best friend anniversary we invented that in 4th grade and did it ever since.

"Uh ok." I say getting down.

She walks and I follow she goes to the section of ladies she get two shirts three jeans two shorts three bras and two underwear. And I go to the men section get there jeans and three shirts.

Now me and Liz are at the cashier. I have my arms around her waist and I'm behind her. And my chin is on her shoulder and she's taking to the cashier.

"Ok that will be $94.99." The lady says putting everything in the bag.

"K thanks." Liz says giving her the money.

"Wait wait I will pay." I say stop Liz from paying and I pay.

"No ash it's fine." She says.

"Nope I'm going to pay." I say paying already.

"Ok god." She says giving up.

I pay and we leave and go back to forever 21. And get the boys we go to different stores and stuff and it gets my mind off the reason I was crying.

We leave 6:40 and Liz invites me for a sleep over and of course I said yes. And she has some clothes of mine cause she has an extra drawer and some of my clothes is in there.

So I go to her house and we just talk and at around 11:00 went to sleep.

Short. I know but I had a little bit of time I'm not gonna update on Monday this is for Monday. I didn't check for mistakes so yeah there might be a few mistakes.


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