A Lion in the Midst

By Dare2Dream9813

273K 7.2K 1.3K

Charlotte was born a royal, a princess. A Lannister. Through the acts of thievery, she ends up in Winterfell... More

1| The Great Tragedy
2| Duty, Morals and Honor
3| Charlotte Stark
4| Kings and Queens
5| Scars of the Past
6| Birthright
7| Softened Hearts
8| Betrayals and Broken Things
9| Sibling Rivalry
10| A Mother's Love
11| Fatherly Surprises
12| Kingsroad
13| All is Fair with Love and War
14| Hands of a Lion
15| Common People
16| Blood Stained Bricks
17| How to Not Conquer the North
18| Reign of the Golden Princess
19| The Essence of Fire
20| Third Step
21| The Devil's Sword
22| Lion Blood
23| Tomorrow Never Comes, Fate Never Ends
24| Blood of Valyria
25| Intertwined Fates
27| Secret Motion of Things
28| My Greatest Blessing
29| Submission
30| Mercy
31| Ashes in the Wind
32| Once a Stark, Always a Stark

26| Imprisonment of a Wolf

4.6K 132 11
By Dare2Dream9813

"Love is poison. A sweet poison, yes. But, it will kill you all the same."

Charlotte's POV

I held two letters tightly in my hands, tears threatening to escape from the corners of my eyes. Robert Barartheon has died, and Prince Joffrey will soon take his father's crown as Protector of the Realm. Anger steaming from the depths of my being. Joffrey doesn't deserve the crown. I wanted another conversation with Robert... I may have disliked him with every inch of my being, but I didn't want him to die.

He had answers. Answers I needed about my role in this forsaken realm of Westeros. A dragon? A witch of sorts? A Queen?

The second letter...

My dearest daughter,
I apologize with every bone in my body for the pain I have caused you. I just want to know that you are safe and well. I love you,
Charlotte, and will until the day I die.
Stay safe, my love.

My mother's heartfelt words seemed to tug at the thin strings in my heart. Each word pulling the strings tighter and tighter, until a point where I could no longer breathe for I all I could think of was her. She has to know that Jaime is not my father, yet she let me believe so. What mother does that to her child?

My tears stained the creased paper, causing the written words to smear black and blend together. A fathomless black hole enveloping everything that I was trying to hide. I've had two different mothers, three different fathers, and about eight different siblings within my lifetime. Yet, I felt withdrawn from the world with nobody who understood me.

I folded up the letter from my mother, and stuck in back into a small envelope. CLINK. A small pendant falls to the floor, a charm wrapped together with a bright golden chain. I should've known she would do something like this...

I reached down to pick up the pendant, finding a beautiful lion traced within the white-gold steel. For my Lion Princess... It was an identical pendant she had given Myrcella when the little girl turned five, and now she was giving one to me.

The metaphorical needles shaking in my hands wanted me to throw the pendant across the tent, hoping to never find it again. Whilst, the constant thud of my heartbeat wanted me to put the pendant around my neck, so I would have that small connection with my mother, because I may never see her again.

Too many high hopes... Too many disappointments.



I heard his voice before his face even came into sight. The deep bass of his voice reverberates through the walls of the tent, chills being sent up and down my arms. "Sebastian, is that you?" I flipped the red waves behind my back, and exited the tent.


I look in all directions, not able to find his face in the crowds of people.


I pushed myself forward, propelling through the guards that were surrounding my tent. "Let me go... I have to find him." One of the guards held their arms in front of me, preventing my escape. "I'm sorry, Princess. We cannot allow for you to leave this tent..." I stared into the darkness of his brown eyes. "You are indebted to me... The three of you serve me. Should my grandfather hear of this act of defiance, I will make sure the three of you will be out of Casterly Rock in the fortnight."

I turn to the other two. "Should you refuse, yet again... The three of you will lose what makes you men. I will do the removal myself." My blood was boiling. At this point, I finally understood what it meant to be a dragon. I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.

The three men eye each other for a mere second, proceeding to drop their arms and let me go.

"Thank you, kind men. I hope the three of you will remember my threat in the future if this situation were to ever arise again." I walked away triumphantly, my head held high. Mother would be proud of me... Not that I'm trying to make her proud. 


I faintly heard it again. "Charlotte..." Muffled, and distant.

I knew where it was coming from. My grandfather's tent.

*~* King's Landing *~* Third Person POV

"All hail, His Grace. Joffrey of Houses Lannister and Baratheon. First of his name. King of the Andals, The First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realms."

With the City Watch behind him, Lord Stark centers down the walkway of the Throne Room. Tension filled the air as Knights of different allegiances meet. The sound of his wooden cane hitting the floor echoed in the silence of staring.

"I command the council to make all necessary arrangements for my coronation. I wished to be crowned with the fortnight. Today, I shall except oaths of fealty from my loyal councilors." Joffrey speaks with a stern voice, his attempt at commanding the room, which was somewhat a success.

Lord Stark meets Cersei's eyes, and he could see the pain reflecting deep within them. Her pain masked with anger and rage. Lord Stark knew that whatever would befallen Charlotte's Lannister family, would hold no meaning in her heart. If so, his next words would've never escaped his mouth. "Ser Barristan, I believe no man here can question your honor?" He pulls the parchment from his pocket, and hands it to Ser Barristan.

"King Robert's seal... Unbroken." Ser Barristan's words traveled through the room, none not touched by them. "Lord Eddard Stark is herein named Protector of the Realm, to rule as Regeant until the heir come of age."

Cersei, oblivious to his words, stands quickly. "May I see that letter, Ser Barristan?" The Golden Knight surrenders the letter, handing it to Cersei.

"Protector of the Realm? Hm..." Cersei proceeds to rip the letter into multiple piece. "Is this meant to be your shield, Lord Stark? A piece of paper..." An intake of breath fills the room. Ser Barristan shocked by her actions. "Those were the King's words..."

She smiles softly. "We have a new King, now." Cersei turns to her enemy, the one whom she had never hated more. "Lord Eddard, when we last spoke, you offered me some council. Allow me to return the curtesy... Bend the knee, My Lord.  Bend the knee and swear loyalty to my son, and we shall allow you to live out your days in the gray waste you call home."

"My loyalty only rest in of one your children, Charlotte. She is, however, not here, nor do I think she will ever be returning. You son has no claim to the throne."

Her face contorts with disgust. Joffrey, sharing in her shock. "Liar! You will not love my sister, You will love me! She is a piece of northern trash, who should be rid of the world once and for all." Cersei freezes momentarily, staring at her son with nausea growing in her stomach. Charlotte, sentenced to death? She could not let the feelings in her heart overrule her judgement. She turns to Ned. "You condemn yourself with your own mouth, Lord Stark. Ser Barristan, seize this traitor."


Cersei found herself walking into her son's chambers, finding him sipping on a large glass of wine, a crossbow in his lap. "You have to remove the bounty you've placed on Charlotte's head... She is your sister. She does not deserve to die."

"Do you love her more than I, mother?"

Their eyes meet, and then she knew. She knew that Charlotte was the one her heart belonged too. Yes, Joffrey was her son. But, Joffrey was also her revenge. He had a part to play in this forsaken kingdom. His hands would do her bidding. Charlotte, from the very beginning, had been her sweet surprise.

A daughter born of stag and lion. Prophecies would be spoke about her. How did Cersei even manage to conceive Charlotte... Her and Joffrey were born at the same time, but had different fathers. She didn't often share nights with Robert, however, he managed to give her a child. That's the beauty of the Gods. People would want to be her, and everyone would love her. Charlotte held the beauty of a lion, but the blood of a stag.

She was the true born heir to the Iron Throne, and when the time came, she would rule.

At a lost for words, Cersei turns to the decorated walls, drawings depicting great battles of dragons and Knights. Wars that lasted for decades, and ended in one night. Kings and Queens ruling, their heirs becoming parts of history. "I love my children. Charlotte is no different." Her words were not a lie, but far from the truth.

"Then, it shall not be removed. I will once again, be the only child you truly love. You will not think of her. You will not make contact with her. If I find out you are, I will send for her head faster than ravens fly. Do you understand me, mother?"

"Yes, my son. I will never mention her again." Cersei slowly walks out of her son's chambers, tears streaming down her face. For in her hand, she held onto one thing that Charlotte had not taken with her, a piece of the blanket she had taken from the West Wing. A blanket belonging to her when she was just a babe. A baby that had been taken from her, and it would be as though her daughter had never returned.

Any reminder of Charlotte would be removed. Myrcella and Tommen were forbidden of every speaking of her again.

It was as though Charlotte had never existed in King's Landing.

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