Black as death, White as puri...

By LaRose966

161K 4.8K 1.9K

Elizabeth lived a normal life. Her family and her were very close but she always felt like her life was missi... More

Black as death, White as purity (Slenderman Love Story)
Chapter 2, Finding Him.
Chapter 3, Lets Go Talk.
Chapter 4, I Couldn't Leave...
Chapter 5, Is This Love?
Chapter 6, They Took Her..
Chapter 8, Just One Touch...
Chapter 9, Patience...
Chapter 10. Wanted.
Chapter 11. No.
Note to the readers.
Chapter 12, Offender.
Chapter 13 Romantic Day
Chapter 14 The End

Chapter 7, Black as Death

9.3K 306 49
By LaRose966

Elizabeths POV

I cried myself to sleep, or at least I think that’s what happened. I woke up with my eyes sore and my body still tied up to that tree. The minion was up and packing his things, rolling up the tent and getting ready to leave.

“ Ah youre awake..” he said “ well lets get this over with, my family is expecting me back home”

“family?” I asked puzzled..Slendy didn’t have a family, why did this guy?

“ yes. I have a wife and two children” he tied his tent together and shoved it in a bag. Then he stood up and grabbed a book. “now…” he said flipping through the pages “ ah! Here it is..ok are you ready?”

“ are you honestly asking me if im ready to die?” I asked

“ yes.” He chuckled “ I suppose I am.”

“ in that case no…id like a raincheck.” I said sarcastically. Who the hell did he think he was anyway.

The tall minion chuckled and waved his hand up, in a flash the ropes that bound me were gone and I was free. “ don’t think about running..” he murmured “ im much faster than you are.”

I stood up, not really knowing what to do. Then the minion waved his hand and was whispering words I couldn’t quite hear.

Then the pain hit.

I cried out in agony as I felt my leg breaking. I fell to the ground hard and screamed loudly. Tears were running down my face as he began to break the other leg.  I screamed louder and louder hoping someone would hear me. 

Slendermans POV

I had ran through the forrest all night, with no luck of finding my Elizabeth. I leaned up against a tree and closed my eyes, listening hard for a rustle or twing snapping or something. But it was dead slient.  My shoulders slumped slightly but I picked then back up. I couldn’t give up…

Then I heard the scream.

It jolted through my body like a burst of electricity. I took off in its direction and as I got closer the screams became more frequent and louder.

“ don’t let it be too late..” I whispered.

Running through the trees I came across a small clearing.  In it was the minion holding a book, murmuring the death spell for humans. I glanced across from him to find Elizabeth on the ground screaming, her face covered with tears and her legs red and bleeding.

I snapped then. My anger overtaking me, my tenticles reached out and took the book away from the minion. His head snapped up to look at me, but before he could do anything I jumped on him. My claws scratching him and tearing his flesh while my tenticles held him down.  He slithered and squirmed trying to break free but I was too strong. I let go of one of his arms to wrap the tentacle around his neck, choking him hard. Then I heard a click, I looked down and the minion was holding a pitch black gun with a sliver tip. A Slender gun. The only type of weapon that could kill me, and he had it pointed at my heart. I choked him harder making him suffocate, then shoved my hand into his chest and grabbed his heart.


Pain filled my chest as I ripped his heart out.  His hand holding the gun fell to the ground limp and dead. My tenticled slithered back into my body as I felt the poison travel and burn everything in my chest. I fell backwards hitting the ground and paralyzed from the pain. My vision was going foggy when I heard “ NO!!! no no no…please no!!!” elizabeths voice was coated with pain. I never wanted her to be in pain. I saw her face appear over mine and she was crying, I reached up to brush a tear but the poison had already hit my nervous system so my arms fell limp.

“ slendy!!! No no! please don’t die! Please!” her sobs shaking her whole body. She leaned down and held me close “ I love you..” she sobbed.

I wanted to tell her that I loved her back. That she ment everything to me, but my vision faded until I could see nothing at all..then I could feel nothing at all….

Elizabeths POV


 I watched as the minion shot a bullet into Slendys chest. Slendy ripped out the minions heart and hunched over in pain.

“ no…” I breathed and tried to get up. My legs were shattered and I couldn’t move them. I grabbed the ground and began to pull myself towards him,  I HAD to help him.  I watched as slendys body his the ground and his breathing got slower.

“NO!!! no no no…please no!!!” I screamed. Don’t die on me, not like this…

I continued to pull myself towards him. As fast as I could. As I made it too him his hand rose up towards my face then fell limp.

Don’t die please..i need you.. I thought.

I sobbed over him so terrified and not sure of what to do. “slendy!!! No no! please don’t die! Please!” I cried out and hugged him close. “ I love you…” I wanted him to know that. To know that he was something special to me. His breathing continued to slow. I remembered in that article that the poison would spread. I cried more thinking about all the pain he could be in.

Then I remembered…the article said you could save him, if you gave him your blood.

I picked my head up and grabbed his hand, his sharp claws still out. I closed my eyes and pressed the claw into my skin on my arm. I cut it straight down the middle from my wrist to the inside of my elbow.  I placed my arm over his mouth and watched the blood flow. As I did this I felt myself become light headed and dizzy, I stayed up for as long as I could. Making sure he got every ounce of blood he possibly could. I wanted him to live, even if I could not. I laid down on the ground next to him, making sure that my arm was still bleeding over his mouth. Then I slowly felt death overtake me..

Slendermans POV

I thought I had died, but I guess I had only passed out. It wasn’t long before I began to regain consciousness. As I did I felt something warm and think running into my mouth. I still couldn’t move so I just laid there trying to focus on my body reviving.


I was alive? But how? I was shot with a Slender gun…the only way a Slender can be revived from that is if..

Is if you drank blood from a human. My vision began to come back to me and I started to feel my limbs. I tasted the sweet taste of blood in my mouth and felt something begin pressed against my lips. As I slowly regained the feeling in my body I reached up and picked up what was on my lips. It was an arm, with a large cut deep into it.  I turned my head to find my love lying next to me, her body pale with no color in her cheeks. She was dead.

I actually began to feel tears running down my face as realization came to me. She had given up her blood for me. She had died for me.

I sat up and pulled her lifeless body into my lap, her face weak and pale. I didn’t like seeing her this way.  I kissed her forehead and felt her cold skin under my lips.

“Elizabeth…” I murmured. Then I remembered what she had said to me before I had passed out.

I Love You…

Tears rans down my face fast and heavy, “ I love you too…” I kissed her forehead again and repeated those words over and over. I knew she couldn’t hear me, but I had to say it. For once in my life I had found love, I wasn’t lonely anymore and I was happy. happiness is dead. I sobbed and held her close to me, I glanced up to kiss her again when I noticed her face what completely white. And her legs were no longer broken. I studied her wondering why that was.

As I watched , her copper hair turned brown..then darker then darker until it was pitch black. It grew longer and longer under it rested at her hips. Her legs grew to longer and ripped the jeans she had on. Her torso grew too along with her…um…chest. Her arms grew as well, ripping the shirt she was wearing. Her nails turned pitch black and grew longer.

Then finally, her face…disappeared. She had become a Slenderwoman. I realized that was what happened when a human gave their life to a Slender. It was made that way so humans would be afraid to save a Slender.

I felt her chest fill with air and then release. She was breathing again. A groan came from her throat and she flexed her fingers. She sat herself up in my lap and stretched.

“Slendy.. youre alive..” she murmured, looking at me with a blank face that matched mine.

I large idiotic grin flashed across my face, I kissed  her long and hard and held her body close to me. She giggled and I pulled back from the kiss. “ Youre alive too darling.” I said. “ and youre taller too” I smiled

She looked puzzled for a moment, then she looked down at her legs. She raised up her hands to look at them then smiled “ im just like you.” She giggled.

I nodded “ and theres something I need to tell you” I held her cheek.

“ whats that?” she smiled and blushed slightly.

I pulled her into a kiss that wasn’t as eager as the last. It was sweet  and gentle, she sighed against my lips and I whispered against hers “ I love you too…”

A small tear ran down her face and she said “ oh Slendy!” and she wrapped her arms around my neck. 

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