Hidden Hearts

By 52Mila52

353K 16.4K 2.6K

*This is a fan fiction based off of C. L. Stone's Ghost Bird series. Sang Sorenson is a very perceptive girl... More

Chapter 1. The beginning
Chapter 2. She who sees everything
Chapter 3. She who says it all
Chapter 4. She who hears everything
Chapter 5. Mr. Blackbourne
AN: Just a quick explanation...
Chapter 6. Gabriel
Chapter 7. Victor
Chapter 8. Kota
Chapter 9. And so it begins... or not?
Chapter 10. She who disappeared like a ghost
Chapter 11. Back to the beginning
Chapter 12. The half-naked girlfriend
Chapter 13. Dead meat
Chapter 14. Group hug!
Chapter 15. Silas
Chapter 16. Storm
Chapter 17. Nathan
Chapter 19. Grumpy bear
Chapter 20. Dreams and wishes
Chapter 21. First day
Chapter 22. First day part II
Chapter 23. What one does for family
Chapter 24. Sleepover
Chapter 25. First kiss
Chapter 26. Dominatrix?
Chapter 27. Missions and Retribution
Chapter 28. Moving
Chapter 29. Toasts
Author's Note
Chapter 30. The Academy - Aware
Chapter 31. Academy - Present
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33. Fire
Chapter 34. Family
Chapter 35. Bonding
Chapter 36. Academy - Request
Chapter 37. Academy - Inside
Chapter 38. Stalker
Chapter 39. Laying down the law
Chapter 40. When truths come to light
Chapter 41. Shortie!!
Chapter 42. Girls
Chapter 43. Boot camp
Chapter 44. The end

Chapter 18. Dogs and bitches

8.5K 414 104
By 52Mila52

The first thing to come to my attention when I woke up was the scent of leather and Cyprus in the air, mixed with those of spice, berries and orange' blossoms in the air. Taking a deep breath I let my lungs fill with the delicious, familiar scents.

"Come on, sweetie." The scent of spice became more pronounced and I felt the air shift close to my face before Kota's hand touched my cheek, his fingers tucking my hair behind my ear. "Open those beautiful eyes. We want to see them."

I never thought there was anything especial about my eyes before, but if this gorgeous guy though they were beautiful I was not going to argue with him. Opening my eyes I saw Kota's smiling face, he was leaning over me, his eyes showing a bit of concern he was obviously trying to hide. On my other side was Nathan, his cheeks a bit flushed and looking very serious as he studied me.

He was dressed... sadly...

Oh, my god! Figures that the first time I get to see a guy naked I end up knocking myself out!

Seeing that the boys had been talking with me while I spaced out I focused my attention back on them.

"I'm sorry. What was that?" I asked. Checking my surroundings I saw that I was lying in Nathan's bed, he and Kota sitting beside me and Gabriel was at the doorway, looking torn between being amused and worried with the whole situation.

Kota was frowning in concern now. He adjusted his glasses on his nose and asked again "How are you feeling, Sang? Any pain, dizziness, nausea?"

I felt a little throb at the back of my head and guessed I'd have a good-sized egg there for a while, but that was all. "I'm fine." I said as I tried to sit up. Kota put his arm around my back to help me, his hand on my shoulder, and I put my hand on his chest to keep my balance. His arm embracing me spread warmth through my body.

"Of course you are fine, Trouble. You aren't being subjected to the horrible sight of Nathan's junk again! Even I would faint in your place." Said Gabriel, trying to keep a serious face but his lips kept twitching in the corner.

Nathan's head shot up and he glared at Gabriel, "Stop talking shit, Gabe! There is nothing wrong with my appearance!"

They both started arguing over my head, turning to Kota I smiled at him. His green eyes sparkled behind dark rimmed glasses. Today he was wearing a long sleeved, white shirt, with only the first button unbuttoned. Some people would think he was just a normal nerd, but I could feel the mass of muscles under my hand. Looking up at his face I saw that he was blushing a little. Kota was so cute when he blushed... his cheeks all red, his lips so kissable... I came out of my daydream only to find my other hand raised, reaching toward his face. I was not going to pinch his cheeks! Nor kiss him! Damn...

Blushing furiously I pulled my hand back and hid it behind my back. He looked at me confusedly and then asked, "Is something wrong?"

"No." I squeaked. Just me being a creep...

I didn't tell him that though. Instead I scrambled out of the bed and started heading out of the room, my heart thundering in my chest.

What was wrong with me? Why did all these boys keep affecting me like this? I didn't even know some of them! Was I so starved for affection that my body was willing to throw itself at any caring person on its way?

I didn't understand. But I knew I couldn't tell them. If they knew how much I was attracted to all nine of them they would never accept me in their family.

I had always wanted to have a family. It was my dream and the reason why I fought so hard all these years. And even with all my self-doubt and knowing that it had been a long time since I last saw them; I had always hoped that these boys would one day be my family. I didn't want to lose them.


Sang's jumping out of my bed brought me out of my discussion with Gabriel. I didn't really care about what he thought about me, but the memory of Sang's getting hurt because of me had me feeling a little off kilter. I didn't like the thought of any female hurting, but this one in especial was very important for our family due to how much she'd helped us in the past.

At least that is what I told myself... I wasn't ready to admit that she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, nor how much I admired her for her strength of spirit.

Turning to her I see the beautiful girl heading straight to the door, her face flushed and a look of panic in her eyes.

I jump out of the bed, my shoulders tense, not liking the look in her eyes but not knowing what to do to dispel it. Was she afraid of us? Of me?

She had just woken up in the bed of a stranger after having seen him naked. Did his presence and size scare her?

"Hold your horses, Trouble. I am not done with you, yet." Gabriel said, stepping in front of her, blocking her way out of the room.

I watched as her shoulders tensed, her fists clenched and her feet separated, standing with them shoulder width apart. Was she going to punch Gabe? That I would like to see...

Instead she relaxed her posture immediately. We will have to be careful with her; she might react badly if she feels cornered. The time she spent in Hell was obviously traumatic.

"And what is it you were planning on doing, Meanie?" she asked, her voice a soft and quiet sound that hit you straight to the heart.

Gabriel smirked "Oh, I don't know... I plan on doing so much to you Trouble, but we will settle in finding you a coat for now."

The dirty bastard...

The innuendo wasn't lost on Sang who blushed scarlet. I wonder how far that blush goes... Ugh! Focus Nathan! This is so not the time to have these kinds of thoughts!

"Well, then, let's get over with it then!" She squeaked. Even her squeak was cute.

Gabriel took her hand and led her out of the room, heading towards the guest room in my house where the guys kept some of their things.


Kota's voice makes me turn to him, my attention picked by the command in his tone.

"Yeah, man?" I question him, curiously.

"What do you think about Sang?" he asked, his eyes were focused intently at me, as if trying to read my thoughts. I knew most people would find the look unnerving but I was used to it by now.

"It is too soon to tell. Why do you ask?" I knew why he was asking. I had seen the way he looked at her.

Mr. Blackbourne and Dr. Green had always wanted Sang on our team. The rest of us had agreed that having a girl in the family that we could all love and share had been a good idea since the academy kept our lives too chaotic to be able to give a girl the necessary attention. The problem was, now they were nine instead of seven. Their team was a handful, and any girl who chooses to love them would need to be strong and big hearted. The prospect seemed impossible.

Who would put up with nine guys, especially with group as diverse and strange like theirs? They were demanding, overprotective, cavemen.

Focusing back at the present I saw that Kota hadn't answered my question and was just studying me quietly.

Seeing my attention was back at him, he said "We need to have a family meeting. We can do this later today, or tomorrow at Victor's."

I agreed. It would give me some time to get to know the tiny bombshell that my brothers were all obviously falling for.


Coming out of the fourth phone store he'd visited that day, Victor finally felt satisfied with what he had bought.

The first three ones didn't have any pink cellphones or even a pink cover for it.

He'd considered ordering a customized phone for her, but those products tended to take too long to get ready and he wanted to give her a phone immediately. It was important, in case of an emergency...

He wasn't doing this just because he wanted her number... No, really.

He'd loved watching her squirm and protests his gift. As a child she hadn't cared about his money, and the thought of him spending it on her now seemed to make her very uncomfortable.

As much as he didn't like to cause her any discomfort, the knowledge that she still didn't care about his background warmed him, her no's having the opposite effect on him, making him want to buy the world for her, wishing she belonged to him so he could spoil her silly even while he knew she'd never grow rotten from it.

Over the years he'd learnt his worth to his team and he knew they all sincerely cared about him for the person that he was, but would he finally find a girl who loved him and not the image his family had created?

The sound of a melody drifted through his mind. The notes were sometimes soft as the wind and other times strong like thunder.

Since Gabriel had called him to tell him about Sang he'd been hearing more and more music in his mind. It had been a while since the last time he composed a song, and even that one had been about her.

He'd already bought a pink laptop and ordered another black credit card from his bank. This one was still on his name, but he would give it to her, with a very tidy allowance, for her to spend. He wouldn't give them to her right away because he didn't want her to feel like he was buying her, but he really wanted to see her smile at him and didn't know of any other way to do it.

He hurried to get back to Nathan. His heart was pounding in an excited tempo. He wanted to go back to her, to talk with her, hold her soft hands on his own and get to know her better. He felt like there was something interesting that might grow between them and he wanted to explore it. He was impatient.


Parking his car in the same park he'd always visited with his mother in the past, Owen Blackbourne got out of the vehicle and headed towards the lake's dock. Walking slowly to the very end he stood still, his outward appearance that of a man quietly watching the calm waters.

Inside he was anything but calm.

Yesterday he'd visited an old friend of his, Henry Anderson, who had spoken with him about how his team had met their wife and how they had worked through all the issues their unusual relationship had brought up.

Owen knew that implementing the same sort of relationship between his team and Sang would be complicated but he really wanted to try.

The academy was already asking questions about her. They would soon be swamped by other teams wanting her to join with them. Sang had said that it would be her choice but she'd not said what her choice would be. Or even if she'd already made one.

We needed to make a plan, keep her close, and maybe by the time the academy came she would have chosen them.

He could only hope.


Gabriel was sitting on the bed in the guest bedroom from Nathan's house while he watched Sang wearing his jacket, a strange sense of possessiveness filing him in seeing her dressed in his clothes.

He was trying really hard to stop himself from falling for this girl. It had been only a day since she came back into their lives and he didn't know if she'd come to stay.

He had broken yesterday, when she'd told him she had no home. She'd looked so sad and terrified to him, and he didn't like that look on his fierce Trouble. He knew, without even asking, that she was feeling very vulnerable right now, after having gotten through such a traumatic experience she was back amid a group of people who sincerely cared about her and that ought to mess with her feelings and make her feel confused.

The panic he'd seen in her eyes when she'd tried to run from the room had spurred him into action, and he'd almost gotten decked in the face for his trouble.

She really is Trouble, but I would lo... like her anyway.

He'd spent the whole morning drawing her and was still unsatisfied with what he'd managed to do. Now, watching as she put on his own jacket, which was too big on her, he thought that she looked like the cutest thing to ever cross his way, and he would need more paper and pencils. Maybe paint too...

"Is this okay, Meanie?" she asked, her fingers raising to her lips as if she were unsure of her appearance.

Silly girl... you are gorgeous and don't even know it...

"Just perfect, Trouble" I stood up from my place on the bed and grabbed her raised hand before I put my lips where her fingers had been.

"Come on. Let's join the others." I said as I dragged her out of the room and back to the patio.

North was plating the burgers and passing then on to Luke who was setting the table. Kota was serving the drinks and Nathan and Silas were carrying the pans from the kitchen. Victor hadn't arrived yet.

Just as they were sitting down, Trouble at the head of the table so that no one could argue about sitting beside her, we heard the sound of a car arriving and parking in the front of the house. A car door opened and closed and we all knew that it was Victor, back from his shopping trip.

He needed to take Sang on a shopping trip...

Soon enough Victor appeared, coming out of the house and looking straight at Trouble. His smile was big and hers was shy and a little awkward. The girl really didn't know how to receive a gift.

The thought saddened him because it meant she hadn't received many gifts in her life.

She got up from her place on the table as Victor reached her, the phone bag on his hands. He handed it to her, still smiling but she simply dropped the bag on the table and went to hug him, her face hidden between his shoulder and neck.

He wrapped his arms around her, his face showing his happiness at having her in his embrace.

Seeing them together didn't really bother me, it just made me want to hug her too. Turning to look at my other brothers I studied their reactions.

Kota looked serene and happy, Luke was beaming happily while saying he wanted a hug too, Nathan was quiet, observing everyone like he was, Silas was smiling calmly and North looked thoughtful. It seemed that they all wanted her.

So far, so good. Let's just hope pans don't fly when the kissing start...

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Danielle suddenly appeared on the patio, having come from the same way as Victor, as if she owned the place.

"Hello guys! Hi Nate!" said the disgusting girl. She was wearing an slutty outfit composed of a too tight red shirt and a black, leather skirt that was in danger of showing more than he was interested in seeing from someone who was a bitch.

Sang let go of Victor but stayed close to him, blushing prettily while looking at Danielle who was completely ignoring her.

Kota, Victor and Luke looked annoyed, North and Silas were staring confusedly at the girl. Nathan grumbled like an old bear but didn't say anything. He was obviously trying to control himself from swearing at the tramp in front of Trouble.

I didn't have the same difficulty...

"What the fuck are you doing here Danielle?" I asked her.

The bitch turned toward me, her hand on her hips and her eyes shooting daggers in my direction.

"Shut up you faggot! I am not speaking with you!" She screamed, her face going red. Her blush was ugly compared to Sang's.

I was about to answer her when Trouble herself beat me to it.

"Excuse me, could you bark a little louder, please? We can't hear your voice from here."

My head spun around to watch as Sang crossed her arms under her breasts, displaying the lovely mounds... Bad! Focus Gabriel!

My eyes snapped to her face to see that she was staring angrily at Danielle. "Holy fuck, Trouble! Did you just call her a bitch?" I asked in amazement.

Most of the guys were staring wide-eyed at her, which was making her blush and shift uncomfortably. Luke had started to laugh after he got over his shock and began to gasp between breaths and giggles. "She..." laughs, "totally called..." gasp, "Danielle a bitch!" laughs some more, "And she was all polite about it, too!" the idiot fell from his chair at that.

Turning my attention back at Danielle I saw that she was about to release that sharp tong of hers at Trouble but before I could do anything, Nathan, who had gotten over his own shock, was beside her dragging the crazy girl out of his house.

"Everything okay there, sweetie?" I heard Kota asking Sang.

Looking at her I saw her settling back in her chair, a frown in her face. "I'm okay, Kota. I just don't like her talking with Gabriel like that." She said.

To hell with being cautious and not falling in love. My heart is hers and I will belong to this girl for as long as she will have me.

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