
بواسطة tremaCA

4.6K 234 155

Teen fiction + Paranormal An interracial romance novel. "Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he nev... المزيد

I. Chats With Ghosts
II. The Shifters
III. Be Prepared
IV. Acting Normal
V. Restroom Incidents
VI. Psychic Immigrants
VII. Homefront Battleground
VIII. Inquisitive Encounters
IX. That Logan Boy
X. Alcohol and Magic Spells (I.)
X. Alcohol and Magic Spells (II.)
(XI.) - Part One
(XI.) - Part Two
(XXVI.) - Part One
(XXVI.) - Part Two
(XXIX.) - Part One
(XXIX.) - Part Two
(XLII.) - Part One
(XLII.) - Part Two
(XLVII.) - Part One
(XLVII.) - Part Two
XLVIII. The Monster Within
(LII.) - Part One
(LII.) - Part Two
(LIII.) - Part One
(LIII.) - Part Two
(LVI.) - Part One
(LVI.) - Part Two
LXI. In Between


65 3 6
بواسطة tremaCA

Fifteen minutes later, a Ferrari pulled up near her. The driver's door opened and a young man got out.

"Good afternoon, Miss Snowden. Sorry for keeping you waiting."

She rolled her eyes and moved past him into the backseat, while he shut the door which he'd held open. "This better be the last time."

"Yes, Miss Snowden." He got back into the driver's seat.

As they left the school compound, Jess checked her phone. She sighed when she saw Zoe's message.

"Guy, change of plans. Head to Eternal now."

"Yes, Miss Snowden."


"How was the first day of the new semester?"

Eric trudged into the kitchen but his mom wasn't there.

"I'm in the den."

He frowned, wondering what she was doing there at four in the afternoon. "What's up?"

She was tying a knot on a green rope. There were several knotted ropes littered around her. "I had a vision."


"An attack. Benedict is coming for us." She picked up another rope and started a complicated knot.

"So," he looked around her, still frowning, "what's this for?"

"A barrier spell. It's a complicated spell Sophia taught me. This is just the beginning." She tossed the fiftieth one to her left, before facing him. "And school?"

"Great," he murmured distractedly. He was still surveying the green knots and reading their auras.

Chelsea cocked her head to a side. "Eric. What happened today?"

He snapped up his eyes at her and heaved a sigh. "Not typical."


He slumped down onto one of the small coloured cushions on the floor. "We need to talk. Where's Dad?"


"We'll talk later."

"I see a lot has happened." She leaned towards him and brushed back a stray lock of hair dangling between his eyes. "Hope you're okay."

"I'm fine, Mom," he grumbled with a roll of his eyes. "Stop worrying."

"It's my duty to worry about you." She pinched his left cheek lightly and he swatted her hand away.

"Even when nothing's going wrong?"

Chelsea frowned. "Did you hear my earlier words? Benedict Fisherman is hunting us down."

"It's not gonna be a problem, Mom. Trust me."

She looked into his eyes and sighed. "I always wonder when we'll be forever free from all this." She swept an arm over the mess she'd created. "But I doubt it'd be anytime soon."

"I'm glad you know that."

"This thing you want to discuss with me and your father, it must be serious."

"You have no idea," he muttered, rising to his feet. "My wolf needs a run. I'll be back."

She coughed behind him. "Be careful."

His body became instantly rigid and he slowly turned to face her with wide blue eyes. "Mom, what's wrong?"


The blonde lady at the front desk looked up from the book in front of her. A bright, welcoming smile instantly slapped itself on her face as she saw the teenager who'd just come in.

"Is my mom in?"

The lady's smile faltered and a puzzled frown marred her pretty brow. "Excuse me?"

Jess heaved an exasperated sigh. Of course, the staff here didn't know her since she hardly came to the store. "Where's your boss?"

The girl blinked, and began to stutter, "In... in... the back room."

She rolled her eyes and marched off to where Zoe was. She knocked once, and opened the door. Two women, who'd been talking animatedly, stopped abruptly and both faced the door.

Jess stared daggers at one of them. "What the hell are you doing here?"

Zoe scowled at her younger daughter. "That is not how to greet your aunt, Jessica."

She scoffed loudly. "She doesn't deserve my greeting. I want to know what in Hades she's doing in Miami. She shouldn't be here."

Her aunt gave her her own scowl. "My business here isn't yours, Jessica." She turned to her sister. "I thought you said she's of a better behaviour."

"Well, it is," Jess snarled, "since you'll do a perfect job of trying to ruin my entire life. The day you'll receive a warm welcome from me is the day hell becomes Antarctica."

"The feeling's mutual. Now, I see why Mother despises you."

Jess snorted and folded her arms. "Your old, foolish mother got what she deserved when she showed up last year, thinking she could win favours. Well, you should know that, just as I'd told my mom, that your mother is a gold-digger. She thinks she can buy her way into--"

"Jessica!" Zoe sharply cut her off. "I didn't call you here for this sort of conversation."

Jess turned on her heels. "Too bad. I can't help but feel snarky around Audrey Cashmore." She sauntered off without looking back.

She was right. She couldn't help but feel snarky around the woman. Somehow, her mother's family didn't like her. She was their niece and cousin for God's sake, but they liked to treat her like an outsider sometimes. Family reunions were a waste because she ended up having an animous conversation with one or all of them.

Besides, Zoe didn't try to ease the tension. She gave her daughter weird, suspicious looks and saw her as a rebellious child. Jess knew she wasn't the best child any mother could have, but any mother should try to show their child enough love.

When Ken was alive, things were much better then. At the reunions, he made sure Jess was involved and felt among, while Zoe got engrossed in one conversation or the other with her siblings. He'd take his daughter to a private place when she was left out, so they both practised psionics. Jess loved those moments and cherished them till present.

Since Mike married her mom, there'd been only one reunion held. There, he'd tried to play the father role by talking to and about her. She'd been shocked at how much of her he knew. Well, except the psychic part. However, his audience was half-interested. The moment he was done talking, everyone had resumed their previous conversations as if he hadn't said something. Even Zoe ignored him completely.

If Audrey intended to stay with them, things would go down and Jess knew it. She could feel it, even without a precognition.

She returned to the Ferrari and Guy drove her home.

A strange voice in the living room stopped her in her tracks. She walked inside and traced the source. It was a girl about her age or so. She was sitting cross-legged and talking to Phyllis.

She walked towards the girl, placed a hand on her shoulder and turned her around to face her. The girl scowled at her. Then, it turned to shock. Even her mouth hung open.

"Who're you?" Jess snapped.

Phyllis frowned at her. "You don't snap at guests, Jess. Besides, she's family."

"Uh-huh?" She snorted. She glared at the girl once more. Audrey's daughter, of course.

"Marilyn Cashmore," the girl replied softly. "I didn't know we're cousins, Jessica."

Jess frowned in thought and folded her arms. "We don't interact at the reunions."

Her face fell. "I know. I'm a junior at Einstein's."

"Mmhm? Anything else I don't know about?"

Marilyn's brows rose. "I don't know."

"What I want to know is what you and your mother are doing here."

The girl's frown returned. "Why is that your problem?"

"That's because Audrey always carries doom whenever she's around."

The brunette shot to her feet and drilled dark-eyed glares into her. Her fists clenched as she snapped at her. "That's my mother you're talking about, bitch."

Phyllis hurried out of the kitchen she'd slipped into a minute before. "What's going on?" She exchanged glances at the two girls.

"No wonder everyone sees you as a bitch in school," Marilyn went on in her tirade. "Because that's what you are."

Jess rolled her eyes. "Anything else?"


"Why the heck are you a brunette? Your mother's a dark South African." A brow went up. "Oh. She went for a rich white man like the gold-digger she is."

Marilyn's eyes now bore lasers. "So is your mother."

Jess sighed. Yeah, people saw it that way, too, but it wasn't her problem. Zoe shouldn't have married Mike in the first place, anyway. "Whatever. BTW, we'd be seeing in school. And that means you should watch your front, because that's where I'll always be. Ahead of you." She did a haughty toss of her hair to the side, then sauntered off to her room.

Marilyn took a deep breath and slumped into the plush sofa. Phyllis sat beside her and placed a soothing hand on her shoulder. "How do you put up with her?" she asked her.

The older girl sighed. "It's not easy, but I try."

"We're in the same school, same class. Guess I won't be avoiding her anytime soon."

"I see."

"Today's her first day but most of our class see her now as a bitch. Especially after she mocked Ivy Borndair publicly."

Another sigh. "That's Jess. Always making enemies."

"Even out of her own family?" she murmured with a frown.

"She's very self-centered, that's why."

In her room, Jess didn't give a care in the world. She turned on her jukebox and blasted the best of Taylor Swift and Nikki Minaj into the air, which she gyrated her body to. She paused to think if she had any first-day-in-school assignments.

Yeah. There were. The perks - or sorrows - of being in an advanced school. Every waking moment was an opportunity to test the brain.

She took down her big Gucci handbag she'd taken to school, from the hook beside her wardrobe. After taking out her physics notebook, she sat at her study table, music still blaring in the background.

Jess' room here was a little bigger than the one she had in the mansion back at Tucson. The lilac wallpaper had green flowery designs; the ceiling designed with stars and thunderstorm clouds. Her queen-sized bed leaned midway against one wall. To its right was the door to her dressing room half the size of her room, but still big anyway.

On the opposite wall were her dresser and small closet, the dresser wider than the closet. Beside it was the door to the white-tiled bathroom, that was almost as big as the dressing room. At right angles to the bed were her study table and chair. A low bookshelf was beside it.

As usual, her room was a mess. Clothes, soda cans, cake and pizza crumbs. Almost everywhere.

Ten minutes later, she was done with the assignment. She put it back into her bag and continued with her wild dance.

The persistent knocking on her door minutes later made her grumble and walk towards it. She opened it and was surprised to see Cody.

"What?" she sighed at the ten-year-old.

"Mom wants you downstairs. She says to dress up accordingly." He frowned. "I don't know what that means."

Jess didn't say anything. She looked down at her baggy gray T-shirt and blue shorts. Then, she stepped out the door.

Cody raised his brows at her but was quiet as well. They walked down the hallway in companionable silence. Then, he asked, "Why are you angry?"

She looked down at him with a frown. "What do you mean?"

He cast a glance at her before looking ahead and shaking his head. "Never mind."

She still gave him that curious frown till they got down the staircase.

When they got to the foot of the grand marble stairs, Jess knew why she'd been called. In the living room sat the entire Cashmore family. Including the man himself. Mr Cashmore was the only one giving her a smile.

"So, the whole house is here?" she drawled looking at all of them. She held Audrey's gaze only for a brief scathing moment before the woman averted her eyes. Good. Know your place here, woman. "And the incredible Dylan Cashmore."

His smile widened. He was certainly incredible because he was the only one in the Cashmore family who smiled at her. "How are you doing, Jessica?"

"Good." She sighed and looked around once more. "Where's Mom?"

"She's upstairs," Cody replied.

"And she wanted me down here. Does she want the monsters to eat me?"

Just then, Zoe walked down the stairs. Her eyes rounded on Jess' attire and narrowed in disapproval. "You're not wearing that to the dinner table, Jessica."

Jess shrugged. "It's not dinner time yet." Then, her eyes met the face of the huge ornate wall clock near the staircase. "Six o'clock already?" she screeched in shock. As quickly as it'd come, the shock left and was replaced by her usual flat look. "My dressing doesn't matter." Really, it didn't. She didn't understand why her mom made a big deal out of the dress code for dinner, especially when there were guests.

"It does, Jessica. I want you here in five minutes in appropriate clothing."

She flung her arms in frustration. "For the love of God, this is a new century. My mouth's eating the food, not the fabric on my body."

Zoe walked past her and sat on an armchair beside Dylan. "It matters to me. Now, go."

Her daughter gave her a long, scalding glare before huffing and going up the stairs. But she didn't go to her room. Instead, she headed off to the attic.

Recently, it'd become one of her hideouts whenever she wasn't in a good mood. And she was rarely in a good mood.

She pushed open the flap door and climbed in. She set the lock in place and took a deep breath. A sigh of brief freedom. Freedom from family issues. Freedom from stupid rules.

Dinner could wait.

Although Zoe was against any of them missing dinner, she'd eat much later, after everyone was done. After all, Heather wouldn't deny her food. Yeah, the woman was still their housekeeper even here in Miami.

Unlike stereotypical attics, there was no clutter here. Zoe was particular about ridding this place of any junk. So, what occupied it was just a chest of drawers, which Jess liked to call her safe.

It was securely locked up and only she had the key. However, the first top drawer was always unlocked. She slid it open and took out the packet of candles and matchbox inside.

She turned on her heels and suddenly felt the aura around her change. Curious, she looked around with a slight crease between her brows. Her eyes stopped at a corner and the objects in her hands instantly dropped onto the wooden boards below. Her mouth hung open and her big eyes went wide.

"Who the fuck are you?" she finally gasped.

What she was looking at crept out of the shadowed corner and locked gray orbs with her. "I have a message."

"What?!" She blinked twice. A ghost. There was a freaking ghost in her freaking attic. And he was talking to her. When was the last time she'd let a ghost talk to her?

"This message is very important." His voice was low and monotone. Yet it carried gravity and chills.

"From who?" she enquired, rubbing her hands on her upper arms in response to the sudden drop in temperature.

He stood there, tall and rigid, with a stoic face. "It's a message from your father."


Chelsea coughed once more. She tugged the blanket around her tighter. This was strange and she didn't like this feeling at all.

"Here." Eric placed the rim of a glass cup to her lips. Through its transparency, she saw the green liquid swirl. "I'm not sure if I got the potion right," he murmured.

She took a small sip and backed away, letting the little liquid run down her sore throat. "I can't believe," she paused for another small cough, "this is happening after a hundred and seventy years."

"Can't believe it, too." He glanced at the wall clock, wondering where the hell his father was. His mate needed him here.

Chelsea sighed beside him. "Don't worry. He'll be here soon."

"How soon enough?" he nearly growled at her. "It's forty fucking minutes. Where could he be?"

Another deep sigh, followed by a cough. "Must be traffic."

Eric snorted. "I doubt--"

He was cut off by the front door flying open and someone dashing in. Within seconds, Chelsea was gathered up in her mate's arms. He crushed her to his chest and inhaled deeply.

"I'm so sorry, my darling. Forgive me."

Her smile squashed against the front of his wrinkled shirt. "Understood."

Beside them, Eric released an audible snort. "You should've been here earlier."

Connor could feel his son's gaze shooting invisible darts into the side of his head. "Something came up. Benedict."

Eric heaved a sigh. "Which is why I need to talk to both of you."

Their heads snapped towards him.

"A wolf that calls himself Dane, showed up in school today. He didn't hurt me," he added, seeing their scrutinizing expressions. "He said Ben wants me to present myself before the council, and I have forty-eight hours."

Immediately, his parents were at his sides. "We won't let you out of here," Chelsea growled. For a "sick" woman she sure held a lot of fire.

"Not on my life," Connor added.

"He gave me a condition," Eric went on with a frown. "I either show up or he kills Mom."

At that, Connor growled angrily.

His eyes shifted to his dad's golden ones. "And he'll have you speared."

Connor's golden eyes went wide. "Speared with hot silver," he murmured to himself.

"The attack will be unexpected. But I have to turn myself in."

Chelsea hugged her son tight and coughed roughly. "You... I won't lose you."

"You won't, Mother," he whispered into her hair. He pecked the top of her head and stepped back. Connor took his hand and squeezed it.

"Nothing will happen to you."

"I know. That's why I'm going."


The double wooden doors of Safe Haven seemed bland to any passerby. It held nothing interesting to ordinary eyes. Even the building lacked lustre. However, Logan knew what was within.

Surprisingly, the place was packed with people. At seventeen hundred hours.

He went straight to the bar, ignoring cat calls from the young half-naked women. The bartender acknowledged him with a nod.

"Where's Stefan?"

"In the back."

Logan went around the table to a door labelled 'PRIVATE', hidden in an alcove. He cast a quick glance around, twisted the door knob and pushed his way into the dim room.

"When the birds pray."

Those words signified that Stefan had sensed him and wanted him to speak at once. He cleared his throat as he approached the blue-eyed blond hunk seated behind a desk in a large swivelling armchair.

"This is..."

"About the hybrid," he cut him off, waving his hand with a scoff. "I know. I heard Alpha Ben would be here for him."

"Word does spread fast," he muttered under his breath.

"This is my territory, boy. Don't think I wouldn't have found out. If the supreme alpha is to come here, I should know." He steepled his fingers and rested his elbows on the surface. "Now, I want to know why this hybrid in my territory is wanted."

"About that..."


Eric rose to his feet and stretched. His tense muscles relaxed and recoiled into their normal length. He looked down at the bed a few feet across.

His parents were cuddled in each other's arms, sound asleep. Actually, Connor's huge arms were wrapped around his wife and his senses were still alert.

Which is why he spoke when Eric walked to the door. "Where are you heading off to?"

"Logan called."

He let out a grumbling sigh. "For what?"

"I have a meeting with Stefan."

He relaxed visibly but his open green eyes held caution. "Be quick."

His son rolled his eyes before walking out the door.

Twenty minutes later, he was in Stefan's office in Safe Haven. The older Talgan regarded him for five minutes with cool, scrutinizing eyes. Throughout the time, Eric held his gaze without blinking.

"Eric Ashers." He leaned back in his leather chair.

Eric returned a blank stare.

"You show up in Everglades and drag the supreme alpha along. What did you do?" No beating about the bush, no pleasantries. Typical alpha.

"It's between him and I."

"You're on my pack grounds and you have the right to satisfy my curiosity."

"I answer--"

"To no alpha," he finished for him, cutting him off. "Yeah, yeah. I get it. The ultimate Talgan hybrid with the blood of Vibue and Trincula vampires." Eric cocked a brow at him. "I can tell. That's enough reason, I think, for you to be very unsubmissive, even to the alpha of all werewolves. Alpha Ben must be having a hard time trying to figure out how to deal with you." He leaned forward and clasped laced his fingers on the table surface.

"Now, back to my question. What did you do to the Silence Pack?"

Eric heaved a sigh and relaxed back. "You won't like it."

Stefan didn't reply. Instead, he glanced to his left. Someone, probably a servant, hurried to his side and dropped a tray in between the two men. "Now, how about a shot of brandy?"

Please, tell me what you think of this chapter.

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