Salubrious (Jason McCann)

By AlexisIsAWeirdo

1.7M 50.3K 46K

*Book Two of the Neurotic Series.* Salubrious [suh-loo-bree-uh s] : favorable to or promoting health; healthf... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 39

23.7K 693 713
By AlexisIsAWeirdo

Jason's POV

October 31st: Halloween

"It's not funny." I groan, looking down at this ridiculous costume I'm wearing. "It is, you really look like him." Mal giggles, covering her face up.

Ugh, I fucking hate this costume. But I have to wear it- I kept a promise and I almost never break them. Plus, my kids want to see daddy all dressed up; so I have quite the people to impress today. Hell, they're going to get a laugh out of this Peter Pan costume I'm wearing. Yes, sadly I'm dressed up as that dude who flies around, and doesn't want to grow up. Mal says I need to find my inner child, all because I'm way too "serious". She's the one who made me get this stupid outfit, knowing I hate the color green. It doesn't go well with my skin complexion whatsoever. Although, she says differently about the color choice. Her being the little flirt she is; she told me she loved how I looked tanned wearing the color green, and how my tights clung to my thighs. Those fucking tights, those damn tights! I'm mad... I feel like a woman wearing these things.

"I hate it." Grumbling to myself, I roll my eyes at my reflection in our huge mirror. "Well I love it, and you should too." She wraps her arms around my waist, looking at us around my body to look at us in the mirror. I roll my eyes again, blowing out a heavy breath; looking away from the mirror. This looks like something Cal would wear.

It's my own fault though, I put off buying myself a costume up until early this morning: the day of Halloween. I thought since I didn't get it yesterday, Malarie would let it go. Nope, her ass woke me up at eight o'clock this morning to go to some store called Party City. They have everything from costumes, to party essentials for any type of event you need decorations for. When we made it to the store, I was reminded several times to find something with tights. I was okay with that, since I wanted to be a manly super hero anyway. I had already made up my mind to be Captain America, with the tights and everything. I actually liked what I had chosen, but of course Mal had to shake her head in refusal. She explained to me it was too manly, and that she wanted something soft for me. I didn't want anything soft, I wanted what I wanted.

Me being the macho man I am; I huffed loudly, throwing the costume down to the floor. She proceeded to laugh at my actions, picking up the outfit, and putting it back in its place. The next thing she said was her picking up the forsaken Peter Pan outfit; with her exact words being said as: "Baby, or should I say Peter, I found your here costume. It's time to go back to Neverland, and be reunited with the lost boys." I knew right then and there she found my outfit. Since I have never dressed up for Halloween, I didn't realize there were lots to choose from. I was actually in awe at all the many of cool costumes there in the store. My first time ever dressing up for Halloween, and I can't believe I'm going as... Queeter Pan. To make matters worse, she felt the need to make me shave off my precious facial hair! It took forever for it to grow in on my face, and she wanted me cut it all off. Just for it to be smooth like a little baby's butt. She even gave me rosy cheeks with her blush pallet makeup thing. I don't even know what it's called.

"Jason." Mal calls my name like that Asian woman in that one Jason Derulo video, bringing my attention to her. "What do you want, woman?" I pout, lightly kicking at the floor.

"I like it, and you should like it too. Now bend down so I can adjust your cute little hat on your head." She holds back more of her giggles, with me turning around to bend my head down to her. "This is not fair, I shouldn't have promised you I would dress up in a costume with tights. You always want to make me the butt of a joke. If you think about it, this is a bet your clearly won." I speak my mind, feeling her hands fixing my stupid hat.

"Oh stop it you're over dra- oh my gosh! When did you get this tattoo?" She gasps loudly, tracing my freshly tatted wings on the back of my neck. "I got it the day before yesterday, I just forgot to tell you... my bad." I slightly chuckle, feeling her kiss it.

"I like it, and I'm not making you the butt of any joke. I just want to see my man finally have some fun," she talks as she still fixes on my hat, with me holding her waist. "Stop being such a damn adult all of the time, loosen up baby, you have to loosen up. You look great, and your penis can't even be seen, you have a long shirt on." She looks my body over, with me looking down at my ugly brown costume shoes.

Her mean as made sure I got the ugliest poor man shoes she could find in that stupid ass store. She didn't laugh up front in my face, but I knew she was laughing in her sneaky mind. She's not slick, I know what she's doing. She's been wanting me to dress up as Peter Pan since three years ago... when I refused to dress up with her. She getting me back, and she's getting me back good.

"You think I look great?" I gaze into her eyes shyly, not really believing her. "Yes, I think you look absolutely amazing. You have nothing to worry about babe." She stands on her tippy toes, kissing me on my cheeks.

"I guess you're right, I just feel stupid. Please don't make me wear this costume, baby. You've finally seen me as Peter Pan, so can I take it off now?" I practically plead with her, giving her my best of the best, pouty lips I could make. "Jase, I want you to wear it. I like how you're participating on this day with not only me, but our children. Just imagine how the kids would feel like if you took off the costume, they'd be sad their daddy wasn't participating." She picks a piece of lint off my shirt, showing me her big, adorable puppy dog eyes. Ugh, I can't say no to those baby blues.

"Fine." I sigh in defeat, looking down at her face. "Yeah?" She questions in astonishment, clearly taken back by my answer.

"Yeah, I'll dress up as this dork." I shrug my shoulders, turning around to face the mirror again. "You're my dork." She smacks my ass, giggling.

"Yeah, yeah. So since I'm Peter Pan, you're going as Wendy, right?" I look at her through the mirror, with her shaking her head in devious refusal, with a smirk on her face. "I got a costume I think would be way better than that coy Wendy Darling." Her hands are placed on her hips the whole time she talks to me.

"Well... what are you going to be then?" My curiosity getting the best of me, with me walking over to her. "It's between me being Mrs. Claus or a Candy Can lady. I don't know, you'll just have to tell me. Let me go put it on for you, then you tell me, yeah?" She smiles at me brightly, with me nodding my head slowly.

I watch her briskly walk into our walk in closet, making sure to close and lock it while she was at it. I look at the closet double doors; suddenly hearing lots of movement inside. I squint my eyebrows in confusion, wanting to know what kind of costume she has in there. As I decide to wait for her to come out, I walk over to our bed to relax. Better known as laying my ass the fuck down. I close my eyes, putting one of my arms over my eyes, as the other rest gently on my stomach. Maybe she's dressing up as Superwoman... or Cat Woman. Mmm, both are pretty sexy. A little revealing, but overall very sexy choices. But knowing Mal, she's insecure about her body, so maybe she'll be something more covered up. Maybe a nice clown, or one of those ketchup or mustard type costumes. I like those for her; simple and easy to slip on and off. Damn, what's taking her so lo-

"I'm ready for you to see me, Jason," her voice sounds a bit deeper and lust filled, scaring the complete shit out of me. "I like it, and I think you'll like it too." Now her voice sounds a little nervous, which scares me as well. Mal, what are you up to?

I slowly take my arm off from shielding my eyes, blinking a couple of times, just to get my vision back to normal. I look up at the ceiling of our room, not yet sitting up to look at her. I hear her lightly clear her throat, causing me to slowly sit up. My stupid hat falls off my head, but I don't care, I dislike it any way. I rub my hand through my hair, finally being able to touch it. I hear another throat clearing, this time I look up at Mal in a VERY revealing costume. And I'm not just saying that either; it's extremely revealing. All I see is thighs, thighs, cleavage, thighs, shoulders, arms, thighs, leather, a Santa hat, and a big ass candy cane looking thing, coming out from her back somehow. 

"Bab-" I'm cut short by her clapping and going on with her talking to me. "Oh my gosh Jason do you like it? I like it- I like this costume so much! It's so pretty, and I have these wings that are huge candy cane hearts! How cool is that, right? It took such a long time to get it made, and I just love the whole layout of it! Me and Becca thought the leather boots and gloves would totally go good with it, and the little frilly things around the dress is so se-" me raising my hand, saying my next response makes her stop her rambling on.

"No, no you're not wearing that out with me and the children. Not showing all your business like that, no you won't." I sternly crush her wants to wear this outfit, receiving a pissed face, and hands placed on the hips from her. "I'm wearing it, I don't care what you say. My sister, Becca, and me all worked hard on this outfit, not for me to wear it." She puts her foot down, being sassy as ever.

"I said you won't, and that's final." I point even more strictly at her, still sitting calmly on our bed. "Seriously Jason? Are you freaking kidding me? Why in the hell not? I like it, and you told me if I liked something, I should go for it." She throws my past words at me, only causing me to shake my head.

"I know I said that, but I didn't mean when you're wearing something slutty," I speak freely, just now realizing her gasping and raising an angry eyebrow. "Fu- shit, I didn't mean it like that. I'm not calling you slutty, I just mean you look like a slut wearing that." I motion to her outfit, with her shaking her head rapidly. I guess what I said didn't work either, because she begins cursing me out.

"I'm not a fucking slut! Don't you dare call me something so disgustingly low like that! For your damn information a slut is a woman who has many casual sex partners. If anyone's the slut it's you, you fucking prick! I cannot believe you just called me that because the costume I'm wearing. I thought you would like it, I thought you would find me sexy in this. I guess you don't; because I what? Look like some slutty slut, right?" She turns around from me, walking towards the bathroom, although not before snatching off the candy can wings she's wearing, throwing it down on the floor. "You're such a fuck head, you know that? You call me a slut, when your dick has been in loads of skanky women. You have me all sorts of fucked up, you dickhead." She attempts to unhook her dress from behind, but she struggles instead.

"Look I didn't mean it like that, and you kno-" I attempt to say my apology, though she interrupts me. "No, you meant it, you meant everything you said to me! You always want to put me down, even if it's the littlest of things." She walks up to me, holding her head up high, looking like a crazy woman as she yells at me.

"I didn't mean to call you a slut, Malarie! I'm just really frustrated about how revealing your outfit is. It just slipped out, a-and sometimes I say stupid things I don't even mean. You do the same exact thing to me; like calling me a fuck head. We both know that I'm not- hell, I don't even know what a fuck head is." I look down at her short ass, trying to reason with her. "You are a fuck head, and you're being the biggest dick of the century. All you could've said was, 'babe I love the outfit', but no, you want to down me and call me out of my name." She walks away from me again, going back to struggling to get the dress off.

I growl loudly in an animalistic manner, going over to punch a wall... but I don't. Instead I pace back and forth in the middle of the room, pulling and tugging at my hair. I also listen to Mal mumble things about me I much rather not hear at the moment. I had to stop once I heard her grumble about kicking me in the balls at our wedding. I will myself over to her, firmly turning her body towards me. She being her, refuses me, yet I keep her body in place.

"Let me go Jason! All you want to do is cause me stress and put me down! Like call me a slut, and probably think I'm a fat slob as well." She shouts, shoving me in my chest. Okay, whoa. "Damn it, Mal! You don't look like a slut, alright?! And you sure in the hell don't look like a so called fat slob; you're beautiful. Fucking beautiful, you hear me?! And this costume of yours; shit this damn costume- it's fucking sexy and my dick is so hard because you look edible as fuck right now. You just- you're just- FUCK! You're just showing way too much skin, and I don't like it one bit. It's not about you, it's about my own stupid ass insecurities. I can't have you showing that much ass tonight, I just can't. You're mine, and only mine. Your body belongs to me- well us, but it's all mine when we're making love. Babe I don't want anyone to see your special foreign places, because that's something a person should only reveal to their companion. I'm sorry if I made you feel like utter shit, it's just I'm an insecure bastard, and I don't want any other men looking at you. Especially when you're looking hot as hell in this sexiness." I point to her outfit, looking pained as can be. My dick is ready to be released.

"So you do like the outfit?" She mumbles, asking me the question as she looks down at her hands. "Yes, of course I like it. I love it in fact." I frown, disliking how she only got that I liked her outfit from my heart felt explaining.

"It's for you- the outfit is for you," she looks up from her hands, biting on her small bottom lip. "And you think I'm beautiful?" She looks at me, questioning how I think about her outer appearance.

"Hell yeah I do, Mal why are you aski-" she covers my mouth, going to ask me another question. "Do you like how my thighs look? I know I have tiny stretch marks on my breast, but do you like those too?" I look her body over, inwardly taking off every single article of clothing she has on.

"Yes, I love everything about you. From the top of your very head, to the soles of your feet. Baby, what is this about? I told you before, you're not fat, nasty, ugly, or some slob to me. You're my Sex Bunny, and I love you. I love everything about your sexy ass. If I could, I would fuck you right here in the middle of our bedroom. Like I said before; I love the outfit, it's just I don't want you wearing it in front of other guys." I pull her closer to me, hugging her as if I would never hug her again. "That's good to hear, because now I can take off this costume I made for you, and put on my Wendy one I bought so we could be a pair." She says what she has to say, followed by her cute fits of giggles. Huh?

"Wait, what?" I lightly push her arms distance of me, looking at her giggling face in pure confusion. "What are you talking about, Malarie? How can you be Wendy, if you're a sexy Mrs. Claus, with candy cane decoration things?" I question quizzically, just to receive more giggles from my crazy girl.

"Oh Jason you're so clueless. Babe I'm not wearing this costume tonight, nor am I mad at you. I got the answer I wanted to hear from you. You like my outfit, and you only want me to wear it for you." She smiles brightly, rubbing my hipbones softly. "So you played a damn joke on me, you ass crack? You could've just asked me if I liked it or not." I glare down at her in fake anger, rubbing her ass.

"Uh huh, I sure did. I had to somehow loosen you up a bit, babe. You're too tense, too serious all of the time. I could've just asked you, but that would've been too easy. I wanted to see your reaction." Her chuckling makes me crack a small smile, sighing in relief. If anything that did not loosen me up, it put me more on the edge. "I guess I do have to loosen up. But tha- oh shit! Babe I called you a slut though, I'm so fucking sorry. Damn it I'm such a douche." She stops her little chuckles, smiling pleasantly at me.

Should I add a smile I could clearly see that is fake as hell. That smile doesn't reach her eyes at all. Right then and there I knew I really hurt her feelings, even if she was faking being mad at me. I still hurt her feelings by calling her a slut. Not thinking about anything else, I smash her body into mine, hugging her as tightly as I possibly could. She was startled at first, though she relaxed, excepting that I knew I fucked up in that sense. I just kept clutching and unclutching the back of her skin-tight dress in my hands. I'm sure she knew I was upset, because she rubbed my back so very affectionately. Just like she always does when I'm upset.

"Is it too l-late to say sorry now?" I mumble in the crook of her neck, hearing her giggle a little bit. "Of course not, my Chubby Cheek Baby." Her voice sounds as if she's smiling wide as she possibly can.

"Well I'm so, so, so, so sorry I called you a slut. I was just frustrated, mad about you not wanting to listen to me, jealous of other men seeing your body, a-and- fuck I suck! I'm horrible for calling you that. It's such a derogatory remark that a man should never ever call a women; who is clearly not one." I turn my head away from her ashamed, ashamed I said something like that to her. I haven't called her a slut since what? Three years ago. "I forgive you. It's my fault anyway," I look at her as if she's crazy as hell, yet she holds her hand up to me. "I kind of provoked you to call me that, but it's also your fault as well. I did in fact come out your mouth." She chuckles, rubbing my cheeks with her thumbs.

"I'll take full responsibility for my words I said to you, and I'm just really sorry. You're not a slut, but the outfit is slutty... just for me." I watch my words, not wanting to confuse her in thinking I'm still calling her that mean name. "Well girls who display good behavior in public, are bad girls in the bedroom." Her eyebrows wiggle in a suggesting manner, causing me to grasp her face in my hands.

"Is it too late to ask for kisses?" Being shy as I can be, I feel her shake her head no. "It's definitely not too late for kisses." With that, we share a chaste kiss with one another.

"Mmm, give me another one." Mal mumbles when we pull away. "Okay, but after I want to see you model this outfit for me." She nods eagerly, before we go back to exchanging kisses amongst each other.

I'm not too sure how long we were kissing for, but I know I liked every single bit of it. I know my Malarie did as well. Every time I go to pull away, she just brings me closer to her body, ravaging every inch of my mouth. We even somehow managed to get on the bed, with her on top of me, just kissing my lips hungrily as ever. As we kiss I didn't even want to flip her over so I could have my chance to straddle her; all I could think about was her and I sucking faces.

I don't know what's got into her, but I like it. She even so much as snatched, and I mean snatched my costume shirt off, kissing all over my chest. The whole time it felt as if she was teasing me; especially with the grinding of her lower region on top of mine. She made me rock hard within an instant, and she knew it. Her teasing ass kept rocking on top of it, causing me to moan in her mouth. I guess my non manly moan turned her on, because she went straight to giving me a hickey on my neck.

"Babe, you're sucking the life out of me, vampire girl." I stupidly moan again, while I rub Mal's back as she sucks the life out of my poor neck. "I'm almost done, be still," She mumbles her response to me, pulling away after a couple more seconds. "Okay, I'm all done." She slowly pulls away from me, leaning back in to kiss the side of my neck.

"How big is it this time?" That's the first thing I ask, knowing she likes to put several huge huge marks on me. I'm the same way. "It's not too big." She sits up on my lap, looking down at me with forced shyness in her eyes. Her ass is totally lying to me.

"Uh huh, you damn lie. It's probably big as the screen on my Michael Kors watch," As soon as I said that, is as soon as she starting laughing really loudly. "Fuck, it is, huh?" I widen my eyes, taking her off my lap to rush over to our mirror in the room.

I look myself over, not seeing any signs of any bruising hickeys on my chest. Although as soon as I turn to the right, I am met with several hickeys all over my neck! I pop my mouth open, lightly running my fingers over the bruising on me. I hear a little snicker behind me, causing me to turn towards her quickly, putting on a pissed off face. She of course gives me those batty eyelash movements, pocking out her bottom lip.

"Mal, you gave me not one, not two, but a bunch of big ass hickeys." I look at her with my hands on my hips, waiting for her to say something in response. "Correction, I actually gave you six." Her being the smart ass that she is, she cockily answers me.

I growl loudly as I can, dashing over to her, and attacking her on our bed. I guess I caught her by surprise because she screams at the top of her lungs, laughing and giggling at the same exact time. I drop my being pissed at her, going to place hickeys all over her. If she thought I wasn't going to give her as many as she gave me, she's sadly mistaken. She's going to get WAY more.


"Work, work, work, work, work, work, work." Mal sings Rihanna's song loudly, strutting the "runway" for me in our room. "Fuck, you better work. You gave me the biggest stiffy ever with all those hips switches, and those low dips." I speak almost out of breath, but managing to hold up our special video camera, and my phone in one hand.

I mean I do have to video tape, and take pictures of her sexiness at the same time.

"Then you give the audience; as better known as you, a little wink and a blow of a kiss," She demonstrates, gigging at my painful groaning noises. "And then boom, you give the crowd those fierce eyes." She gives me some sexy eye contact, causing more groans and moans from me.

"Wait babe, don't move!" I yell too loudly, startling her scary ass. "Stay posed just like that, I want to take a picture." I close the video camera, taking a picture on my iPhone. Absolutely stunning as always.

I was taken by surprise when she switched her pose... basically telling me to take more pictures of her. I did, and just like that we were having a mini photoshoot in the middle of the bedroom floor. My wife to be is so damn bad, like every single thing about her is so damn flawless.

"Ooh babe I'm tired, help me take all of this off, please?" Mal speaks a bit out of breath, walking over to bed. "Yeah, for sure." I crawl to the bottom of bed where she's already sitting down, going straight to her leather boots.

I unzip the zippers on the boots for her, taking them off her probably sore feet. I mean she has been modeling and dancing for me about thirty minutes or so. As I take her long boots off, I see the hickeys I placed on her inner thighs. She thought she was a tease, with all her grinding movements against me as she kissed me. Well, I'm the biggest tease of all; especially when it comes to thighs. That's about one my favorite body parts on a woman. She has several love bites extremely close to her gateway to heaven... as better known as that pussy of hers. There's even more on the tops of her breast, just how I like to see when she wears a sexy bra. Then we have the spot everyone places hickeys on: The neck. I would've placed more on her, but I assumed she had enough squirming underneath me for the day. I lost count on how many I gave her, but we all know it's more than six.

"Alright, boots off, now let's take the rest of this costume off." I wiggle my eyebrows, receiving a light chest smack. "No funny business, mister. We have to hurry so we can make it to the kids Halloween parade." She taps my nose, making me remember that they're at school.

"I rather have a parade right here with you. Just let me show you how one time, just one round before we get the kids from school." I whisper in her hear, with a pinkish blush making its way on her cheeks. It's funny how my flirting ways still can get to her like this. "We never have a "one time" thing, it's always several rounds after that." She tells the truth, with me nodding my head in agreement.

"Hey, never say never, I just might go limp one day and you'd go crazy." I bite back my wanting laughter, looking at her nervous face expression. "Oh hell no, you better not be a one minute man. I would literally start crying if you did that." She looks horrified, with me laughing at her precious face.

"I mean I still have to get old someday, Mal. I'm going to get weak." I chuckle, unzipping her dress. "But you're not old now, your stroke game should be above average still." She takes off her leather gloves, and shimming her way out of her dress; it landing on the ground. Damn, those breast, those legs, those thighs. My throbbing dick.

"You know it's always been you, right?" I start, with her with her looking at me like a deer in the headlights. "Yes." That word coming out of her mouth is simple, yet laced with nervousness.

"Then you know we're going to be a little late picking up the kids," I stand up, standing taller than her as always. "It's only because I want to make irrefutable love to you. You're all that matters to me, and if you let me, I'll show you." I lean down to capture her shocked looking lips into a passionate kiss.

"Jason, what about the children?" Her breath coming out in heavy pants as I back her to our bed. "Forget about them for about an hour, okay? Plus, the twins are with your parents for the afternoon, and the others don't get out until 2:30. I'm sure they can wait a little." I lay her down on the bed gently, looking at the clock, seeing a 1:55 flickering back at me.

"Okay, love me." She whispers, kissing me passionately on my lips. "Of course, you'll be one less lonely girl. Not that you are, you have somebody to love- somebody who loves you so damn much." My voice growing heavy and lust filled at the end.

Softly grasping her naked breasts in my hands, I lower my mouth on the left one, foundling her right one in my hand. Her moaning lowly in her throat made me pick up my speed of sucking on her pink nipple, although not too much. I want to take things slow, and be nothing but loving to her. I mean she is a beautiful flower... my precious little sunflower.

It was like a blink of an eye; us tenderly making love with one another. My grunts rasping in the crook of her neck, her soft moans echoing over and over again in my ears. Nothing but pure sparks flying around in the room, nothing but her and me. I just can't believe I'm making love to the girl of my dreams, the girl God brought back to me. When she's around I feel nothing but joy. I always thought love would never treat me right until I met her.

"I love you." She whispers, holding onto my neck, feeling every inch of my deep yet soft thrusting motions. "I love you too, forever and ever, for the rest of my life." She's my entire life, she's all I've ever asked for in a woman.

Sorry children, but daddy and mommy are going to be late picking you up from school. Oh, and twins, don't shit on grandpa too much. Now back to love making time.


- Yay! Chapter 39 is finished, but updating later on.

- Alexis -

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