Different Worlds (H.S.) ( #Wa...

By GoggaDahab

7.5K 1.5K 711

Avril has always been stuck up,rich,and rude.She lives a life full of lies ,and may or may not be completely... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 7

372 101 28
By GoggaDahab

Avril's POV

I knew everyone loved Zayn,even I did.He had that reputation that you would believe,not even knowing why.He could act really well,making you believe the whole 'he's amazing' theory.

I was one of those people too,he was my ultimately number 1 crush.When we met and he told me he wanted us to be serious ,I was on cloud 9.But when I found out he was cheating on me,I was literally dragged down to cloud -9.He was my first love,and he broke my heart.Before him,I was really insecure about everything.And I didn't really trust anyone that much that I fell in love with them.Zayn was the only person I actually trusted,and he broke this trust in pieces.

Moving on from Zayn,today,I decided I would go for a jog and just do nothing the rest of the day.I knew that paps knew I was back and were ready to take as much photos as they can,even if I was doing the least interesting thing ever-running.

       I chatted with Harry on Kik that morning,completely ignoring the fact that he,too,was blinded about the whole Zayn thing.

       As soon as I started jogging in a park near my house,flashes could be heard and I didn't even bother looking at them.It wasn't me,but I had to act like a stuck-up bitch,probably most of the time.I had my headphones in,and after 25 minutes,I began feeling tired.I went and sat on a bench that wasn't too far away,panting heavily.

      I turned off the music that was playing from my iPod,took my headphones out,and hung my head down.After a moment,I heard a guy gasp loudly.I turned around to see a brunette guy with blue eyes looking at me.

      "A-Avril Lavigne?",he stuttered ,covering his mouth with his hand.I nodded at him,remembering to act all rude.I didn't want to be mean to him,but I definitely didn't want the paparazzi to see me drooling over him.I'm not even gonna deny,the guy was cute.

    The guy frowned at my attitude,realizing something and quickly getting up.I knew he was a bit disappointed with how I treated him.

     "Wait.",I looked down,not wanting the paps to know I was talking to him.He turned to look at me.

      "Put your number in my phone,and I'm sorry for what's gonna happen now,okay?I really am,just go along with it.",my head still hanging low,my hair covering my face.I shook my head to the right where my bag was.

    He leaned down and took my phone,and even though he was still confused,he punched in his number and went back to put it in the bag.While he was on my left,people couldn't really see what he was doing.When he put the phone in my bag and lifted his hands back again,I pushed him.

      "Hey,douche!Did you just push me?",I shouted in his face,standing up with my bag.The guy looked horrified,shaking his head.I turned around so the paparazzi were facing my back,and signalled to the guy to frown and act angry.

     "I didn't do anything!Find someone else to fooking blame!I don't have time for this!",he frowned.I couldn't help but smile at his accent.

    "Well,do you know who I am?",I shouted in his face.

    "I don't even care!I hope you have a good day,not.",he said as he went to walk away.

    "Well,I'll text you then.It's gonna be a private number.",I said in a low voice ,turning around to face the paparazzi.Putting on an angry face,I turned around to leave.

     Knowing they barely heard anything we said,I smirked and walked back to my flat.

Louis' POV

   What the heck?I just met Avril,and she was a complete bitch.Then she told me to act up and that she'll text me?This has got to be the best day ever.I couldn't wait till I tell Harry.

   I literally skipped down the road till I found a taxi.I got in,giving him the directions to the flat.

      When I arrived,I gave him the money and quickly hopped outside the car.I walked in the building and took the elevator,counting the seconds left till I can tell Harry.

   I walked out of the elevator when it reached our floor,unlocking the door to the apartment.I heard some noises as I stepped in.Harry was sitting in the living room,playing some game on the Xbox.I shook my head as I walked up to him.

    My whole acting session was over.I started jumping up and down,squealing.Harry turned to look at me.Confused,he put the controller on a table next to him and turned around to look at me.

    "SO,TODAY I MET AVRIL AND SHE TOOK MY NUMBER!",I shouted in his face.


       After I told him everything that happened,my phone buzzed next to me.I took it out,seeing it was a text from an unknown number.I squealed,knowing exactly who it was from.It read:

I'm sorry for what happened in the park today lolll.You know,reputation and all so I had to act mean :/ .

  I showed Harry the text, he frowned as if he realized something,but he quickly shook it off.He grinned at me,still surprised by everything I told him.He shouted at me to reply back.

   It's alright haha XD .Why did you take my number btw?Not to be rude lol.

She quickly replied.

   Cuz I was really sorry for my attitude and I wanted to apologize.Plus,you are a nice guy,bro.Soo

I shoved the phone in Harry's face,not being able to contain my excitement.

Me:Ohh .Thanks haha.I'm really awkward so ,I'm not always like this tho.

Unknown Number: :)) it's okay.I gotta go,talk to you later.

I replied and out my phone aside.I looked at Harry.

  "So,do you still think she 'wouldn't even look in my face'?",I smirked smugly.

   "Oh shut up,she's known as the bitchiest person on earth.",he waved his hand,nearly hitting my face.

"Whatever you say,Harold.Wanna watch a movie?",I asked,standing up to sit on the couch.

   Harry chose a movie and came to sit next to me.Halfway through the movie ,Harry pulled out his phone and started texting.

   "Who are you texting?",I asked him.

   "Some girl on Kik.She's pretty funny,but surprisingly annoying too.",he said.

   I raised my eyebrows,moving to sit opposite to him,so I was facing him.

    "Does Hazza have a little crush?",I said in a baby voice.Harry immediately blushed and shook his head quickly.I shook my head and smirked at him.I decided it would be best not to annoy him.I continued to watch the movie,my mind in a totally different world.

Avril's POV

I was taking with Harry right now,and he was telling me about how his life is so boring at the moment.

Wthavomg:Tell me something interesting in your life ugh.

HES:Well,it's not in my life really,but my best friend met a famous person today.

Wthavomg:Cool,what happened?

HES:She took his number loll

Wthavomg:Ohh okay?Why tho

HES:Idk TBH apparently to apologize.I don't like her TBH.But eh.You're similar tho,you both text with "lollll" and "bro",but I guess that's common?

Wthavomg:May I ask you who the person was?

HES:If you're not like one of those girls who love her style so much and always copy her tho 😂.

Wthavomg:Lol don't worry,I'm not.

HES:I didn't even tell you the person yet lol.

Wthavomg:I just never really copy anyone bro.

HES:Well,it was Avril. (R✔️)

     My phone fell from my hands,as I stated at nothing in particular,my jaw nearly touching the floor.Could it be?The guy I talked to today was friends with the guy I'm talking to right now?The guy that hates me?The guy I think would be a "good friend to me"?Is living with the guy I talked to today?

     I didn't even know if I should be happy or sad about it. 1) He hates me. 2)He will probably always hate me. And 3) He hates me.

  I could be happy about it though,since,
1)He's a really nice person and he may or may not give me a chance(?) . And 2)I really,really would love to meet him in person.

   I looked at my phone that was on the floor and went to pick it up.

HES:So you do love her then lol?

Wthavomg:No I'm sorry,my friend came over and basically threw my phone out of the window.

HES: ?? Why would she do that?

Wthavomg:She hates my phone.

Smooth Avril ,smooth

HES:Well,I gotta go.Goodnight,Avonlea.


I couldn't sleep that day,and I knew that if we did meet,Harry would flip his shit because 1)I'm Avril and he hates me , and 2)I faked my identity and lied to him .

I sighed and looked at my phone,the clock reading 3:08 AM.

My phone suddenly rang.My 'manager' was calling.

"Hello?" ,I answered.

"Avril,thank god you're awake.You have to attend the party Zayn's hosting tomorrow.And you can't say no,I already informed him you would be there.",she hung up.I stared at my phone in shock.

If I'm going,might as well make the party lit.Because tomorrow ,I'm gonna be finally getting revenge.

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