Chapter 10

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Quick A/N: I've changed Chapter 1 a bit,and added some stuff to the beginning which might be a big part in the plot (maybe?).So go check it out if you want to :) .Thank you guys for 3K ,770 votes ,and 400 comments.Please , don't take any offense if you're a fan of Kristen ;this is a fanfic and what I write may not exactly be what I think.And the same goes for all the characters .I hope you guys enjoy the chapter .Love you x


Avril's POV

I knocked on the front door of the house in front of me as I tried controlling my anger.I was furious.

Andy tried to calm me down several times but gave up once he found out I wouldn't be killing those thoughts inside my head,anytime soon.My thoughts were all filled with one thing I wanted to do so much currently.Punching the shit out of Tessa.

The door opened ,revealing a confused looking Sarah (Tessa's oh-so-not-real- mom).

"Why you banging on the door for?It's 2 am."

"Where's the bitch?",I gritted through my teeth.

"Excuse me?",Sarah said ,gasping in shock.

"I'm here.",I saw John (Tessa's oh-so-not-real dad) appear next to Sarah.

"What?No,I don't want you both.Yes,you're both bitches but I need to find the other bitch.She's gonna be buried today.",I smirked at them as I pushed my way through them to the stairs and into her room.

She was currently sleeping ,her face bruised and a bag of frozen pees (which were melting ) on her stomach.She was snuggled up in the duvet so I grabbed the duvet and pulled it with all the energy I had left in me ,making her fall on the floor.I smirked triumphantly and watched as she screamed in pain and looked up at me.

"What the hell?",she screeched,getting up from the floor .The bed sheets that fell too ,wrapping around her ankles tightly ,making her fall face first once she tried stepping forward .I laughed heartlessly,then grabbed the collar of her pajama shirt and pulled her up.It was either I lifted weights in my sleep or she was as light as a feather.Both ways,I couldn't care less.I glared at her as I grabbed both her arms and pulled them behind her back when she tried scratching my face.

"What?You're a cat now?Tessa,do me a favor and walk or I will make this night a living nightmare for you.",I looked down and quickly untied her feet from the sheets.I pushed her forward,making her stumble a bit .

"So you saw the video?",she smirked ,apparently proud of her stupid game.

"You started this.Now ,you know I never settle for even.You should sleep with one eye open.Wait ,that might actually explain your resting bitch face.",I quickly pushed her in her walk-in-closed and locked the door.She screamed and starting pounding on the door as if there was a lion waiting to be fed in the room.Her family all came up to her room,staring at me in shock and asking me what I've done.

"All of you.Out.Now!",I screamed at them once their voices,all mixed up together, became too noisy.

I searched around Tessa's room ,trying to find her phone.Finally,I found it hidden under her drawer.As I reached it for it,I found it lighting up and many notifications were on the screen.Most of them were complementing her on how smart she was,to capture the video and upload it.I groaned in frustration and immediately unlocked her phone,going on YouTube and deleting the video as fast as I can.It already reached 17 million views.

I went into her Twitter and tweeted:

Love_Beauty12_Tesss: All of you are stupid to see such a video.It was all a joke,and it was leaked.Disgusted by the fact that they hacked my acc and uploaded it.For all who saw it,freaking losers.

I laughed at her stupid ,pathetic username and knew I couldn't do that to her in front of the media.I was gonna do more.But definitely not now.

She screamed from inside the closet,banging her head on the door. I quickly changed her Twitter password ,deleted the video off her camera roll,and changed her phone's passcode.Before I left,I grabbed her closet's key and went down the stairs.I left the house ,of course not before flipping her family off.


I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of my phone ringing.It was 4 am and someone was calling me.I rolled over and answered the call.

"Avril,hi!",a familiar voice greeted me.

"I'm sorry,who am I talking to?",I said confusedly ,sitting up in my bed.

"I'm Perrie .I got your phone number from Liam.Now come over here!"

"What?It's 4 am,are you sure we live in the same continent ?"

"I know it's 4 am,you silly.Just come over,I'll send you the directions.We're playing some games and having a sleepover ,just like 12 year old girls.Everyone is here."

"You guys are crazy.By everyone you mean...?"

"Liam ,Louis ,Niall,my friends ,me,and Harry.",at the mention of Harry's name ,my heart started beating fast.

"Okay,I'm coming with my pj's .I don't even know what this is.I've never done anything like this before ,and I basically can't see anything so if I get into a car accident..."

"You won't .Now,bye!",she hung up .

I knocked on the door and waited for someone to open the door ,but to my luck,I stayed outside ringing the doorbell and knocking for five straight minutes.I was starting to think they fell asleep and forgot about me coming over.I sighed in disappointment and turned around,making my way back to my car.It was freezing cold.I knew they wouldn't actually want me to hang out with them though.No one really did ,and when people did want to spend time with me it was because they wanted a bit of fame.I stared at the sky,looking stupid as I stood there in my pajamas .They told me they would all be ready to sleep when they felt tired  so I also got my shorts and a crop top .No one could find me here since it was far away from the center of the city,it was located away from everyone.I don't know how Liam could live in such a place,he seemed like a type of guy to pass by your house everyday and the neighbors just to tell them good morning .Not love away from everyone ,but that was so me though.The apartment building only had a few floors,approximately 5 other people living here. Talking about that...

     Suddenly,shock took over my body and it froze.A sharp feeling ran through my spine ,as I was being soaked wet with cold water.I looked up  to find an old woman gasping.

  "I'm so sorry dear!My daughter left me with her kids and they just emptied out ice blocks into a bucket,I had to get rid of it.I didn't know anyone would be here,it's late."

"It's fine .It was stupid of me to stand here anyways.Have a good day.",I began shivering in place and I was so sure it wasn't only  because of the cold.Things were getting too rough and I had enough .With Zayn reentering my life ,Tessa uploading the video,Harry almost finding out the truth,and my parents secretly getting a divorce was all too much for me to handle.

   I sobbed as I decided it would be best to stand on Liam's doorstep so they don't think I ditched them for my beauty sleep.Even though I would say they were the ones that did so .But I couldn't blame them,I would ditch me too.The only thing I had was the money and the fame ,and they were useless to me.I couldn't understand how Liam could meet those three boys and then have them sleep over at his house the same day?How Perrie could just agree too when they only met that day?I couldn't do any of that.

    I can't invite anyone over ,I can't get people to like me,I can't get people to hang out with me.I was honestly pathetic .


     I don't remember much after that.I only remember  figments of me shivering from the cold,my coat falling off my body,and my body giving up and sliding down the wall,my legs finally meeting the soft feeling of Liam's front door mat..

Different Worlds (H.S.) ( #Wattys2016 )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon