Chapter 9

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Avril's POV

    I stared at him,not knowing what to say.He was waiting for an answer,and I won't be giving it to him anytime soon.I took off running in the opposite direction,oblivious to what else I could've done.He was angry ,and I knew I messed up big time.I went over to the girls' bathroom and just washed my hands,mumbling incoherent words that I couldn't even understand.But that was all because of them .I've never felt like that in my whole life,feeling the need to fake my identity because I was too ashamed of who I was.I grimaced as I heard a girl laughing,I figured she was on the phone since no one else's voice was heard besides from hers.

"Oh my god!I know right,this bitch is gonna ruin her whole reputation today."

And I knew better than overhear people's conversation ,but my curiosity overpowered the little ethics I had left.

"So I'm just gonna pour water all over her,and then tell her to go change into one of the dresses that are gonna be hung in a room.Then,I'm gonna have a small hard-to-even-see camera,and shit's gonna go down.",I turned the hallway in the bathroom like a secret agent,trying not to be seen.

My jaw almost fell to the floor as I saw Tessa laugh when the person on the other line replied.What the actual -

I heard a slam,making me jump back and place my hand on my uncontrollably fast ,beating heart.A girl came in and glanced at Tessa.Unknown Girl obviously knew the plan since she smirked evilly.Tessa hang up and high fived Unknown Girl,both of them laughing like maniacs.

"It's gonna be gold!We're gonna be the crowd's favorite guests ,I'm so excited.They're gonna love us.",Unknown Girl spoke.

Who was the  victim of such poor shit?
I had to figure out.

I waited till they giggled a bit more and walked out.I quickly stepped out of the washroom and looked around ,frantically searching for the poor girl.I stopped once I saw Tessa and Unknown Girl point at a room, telling a girl to go in and change.
The girl looked like she was ready to cry as she thanked them sincerely for the dress,not knowing what was gonna happen next.I ran up to her and grabbed her arm,dragging her away.

"Look,don't go in this room.You know what?You've had enough of their crap today,just stay here ,I'll bring you a dress.You're almost my size so I'll try the dress out and meet me in the bathroom,yeah?",the girl looked relieved and nodded,smirking then scurried to the bathroom.I wondered in confusion but quickly shook it off.

I looked at Tessa and gave her a fake smile as I told her I'll bring the dress to the girl they were trying to embarrass.

I quickly went into the room the cameras were supposed to be in,but stopped once I saw there were plenty of dresses there.I heard shouts from outside but I chose to ignore them.I was deciding on which would suit the girl better.I decided on a navy blue dress,and I quickly ran out of the room to another one,making sure not to get spotted by the camera.I took off my clothes and hurriedly put on the new one,seeing it was exactly my size.I quickly took it off again and wore the dress I came with.I ran out of the room and into the bathroom,knocking on the bathroom stalls to check where the girl was.

   I heard laughing which made me stop.

"She fell for it ,oh my god!She's so stupid."

   I turned to the bathroom's hallway to find the laughter was coming from the girl that I was helping.

  I quickly looked around frantic,not believing what I just heard.Now I was angry.I stormed out of the bathroom and saw everyone laughing and pointing at me.I looked in confusion but quickly gasped as I saw myself on the big TV .It showed a video of me ,taking off my dress only to show my SpongeBob undergarments.

Different Worlds (H.S.) ( #Wattys2016 )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن