Maidens of depravity. (Sequel...

By KnightoftheRWBYVerse

2.3K 84 26

Dedicated as always to Monty Oum. Forever will your spirit rise and live on my mentor. Ruby Rose infused with... More

Summer and Winter.
Appearance of increasing Darkness.
Mistril a new chapter. New Beginnings
Swamps....Swamps and you guessed it more swamps.
Haven Academy. The painting and the rooms.
Awakening and Wonderland Love and Care?
Summer and spring?
Seasons past away.
Chapter 11. Haven Havoc??? Part1
Haven Havoc part 2 death but for who?
Birth of a new maiden.
Power of 3 Part 1
Power of 3 Part 2 Attacks by the Witch.
Jaune Arc's resolve.
Jaune Arc's Despair
Start of the end
Beginning of the fall of Haven
Battle of Remnant. Part 1
Battle of Remnant part 2
Battle of Remnant part 3

Emerald and the past.

129 4 5
By KnightoftheRWBYVerse

Fighting a losing war is never fun. Hell fighting any war is never fun. We must bring the peace and keep it. Ozpin is gone. We cannot afford to not find his subordinates. Glynda, Ironwood, and my Uncle Qrow. The easiest should be my Uncle. Let the good fight begin.-Ruby to Blake and Weiss.

Emerald's POV

The wind of the forest of forever fall was scented with cherry blossoms despite the deep blanket of snow. The cherry blossoms made the snow look like a blood stained white sheet. As it was about to be.

I did not want to be doing this with my life. The flashback of my life came back to me.

I was born into poor parents who taught me how to be a thief at a very young age. At first it was just food from bazaars and then into bigger things like money into jewelry. It didn't take long for me to master the craft with the help of my parents.

The flashback started into the worst day of my life. A Mistral rebel raiding party came into the city attacking it for resources they needed to continue fighting the government.  Mom and dad happened to get caught in the crossfire as they pushed me into a alley that saved my life.

Mom and Dad lost their heads in front of me. The fear and despair that I felt caused me to use the only thing I knew how to do to survive. Steal.

I would steal jewelry and sell them when I could to pawn shops in the city until the day Cinder found me and took me in.


A/N Just a little into what I think happened to Emerald as a side chapter. The next real chapter will be up soon as I can get it complete.

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