Unwanted By Him (On Hold, sor...

By FreakyNinja23

244K 3.3K 531

What happens when your mate not only rejects you, but physically hurts and humilates you in school? The only... More

Night Shadows
Crazy Mind
Changed Forever
Crazy Beautiful Life
Oh Joy
Dangerous Zone
I Like You
Swim Party
Fight For Her
Great, Just Great
Run Away
Voices in My Head Plus Paint
So We Meet Again

Unwanted By Him

49.3K 307 42
By FreakyNinja23

Hi readers! First, I'd like to say that I'm glad you are reading my book. I've written other books before, but I have a good feeling about this one. I know there are other books about being rejected by the persons mate, but I am not trying to steal. I've come up with my own plot, even though it may seem similer to others. Again, thanks for taking an interest in my book! And now.... to the story!!

Unwanted By Him


Angelicas POV

I hold my breath as I step off the yellow school bus with the number 23 painted on the side. I shove my hands farther into my sweatshirt pouch, hoping that I'd get into the school unnoticed. No such luck.

"Hey Icky going to have an ice-cream at luck today?" a guy snorted out as I walked past him. Most people at Woodlight High aren't the smartest. What the guy just said counted as an insult.

I just quickened my pace, trying to avoid any other fat jokes from the smarter kids, the football players, and the cheerleaders, and werewolves.  "Angelica" I heard a taunting voice call out. I didn't look up, and kept my gaze on the ground. "Look up" a voice commanded, and I obeyed. It was the Alfas son, I didn't have a choice, at lest I think.

I looked up, but clenched my eyes closed. I knew what was coming. I'd probably be pushed around, make fun of, then left alone. "Look at me" Jason said with the Alfa command. I unwilling opened up my eyes to see a mob had surrounded us, well, me and the football players.

"Well fatty" Jason started, and laughed as I winced "Let's have some fun".

I heard laughs from around us. I prayed that somebody would defend me, but nobody did. Nobody ever does. I hoped that it would be quick. I couldn't risk being late to homeroom again- "Fatty!" Jason shouted and I winced.

"Y-yes sir?" I asked sadly, forced to respond to him. Briefly I wondered if he even knew my real name, Angelica.

"Are you listening to me?" Jason smirked evilly.

"I am now" I told him. From behind my glasses I looked around, hoping, praying, for a teacher to come out and help me, but it was in vain as Jason probably told- ordered, the teachers to not come out.

"Well, I was saying that first I'd do this" Jason shoved me back, and the crowd of people who were behind me backed up like I was the plague. "Then I'd do this" Jason lifted up a hand and slapped me. I winced in pain as he was an Alfa, with more strength then an average human, making the slap so much worse. "And this" Jason punched me in the stomach, making me double over in pain. "And lastly, this" he leaned down and pulled my pants down.

My cheeks turned bright red as everybody saw my fat legs and my underwear. I pulled up my pants and looked at Jason, who had a smug look on his face. How could somebody be this cruel? "Oh look. The suns coming up" Jason pointed out. "I guess you won't be needing these then" he lifted up his hand once again and tore of my glasses. I squeaked and closed my eyes, hearing the sound of my unneeded glasses hitting the ground.

"I thought I said look at me!" Jason shouted in his Alfa voice. It fought it though, but it hurt. You see, when an afla, or somebody directly related to an alfa, commands you to do something you have to so it or it feel like knifes are twisting in your stomach, it gives you a head ache as well.  

"No" I squeaked putting my hands over my eyes. The crowd gasped, I guess it was a rare thing for me to talk, and it was even more rare for me to disobey an Alfa order.

"Now!" Jason shouted angrily. I assumed he was mad because I wasn't listening, I was disobeying, and it was messing with him, possibly embrassing him. He couldn't force me to look at him since he wasn't full Alfa yet, or at least that's what i susprect since I am not following his command.

I felt hands grab my wrists and I jumped back in shock as I felt tingles run up my arms. I removed my hands from my eyes and looked at the ground. Did I really feel those tingles, or was that just my imagination? "Better. Now look at me" Jason commanded, but my gaze remained on the cement. I would not look at him. I don't want to feel his tingles. “Fine, I don't want to see your ugly eyes anyways" he told me, then shoved me onto the ground. I whimpered in pain as my leg scraped the ground.

 Once everybody left I stood up and grabbed my backpack. I located my glasses, and noticed thatmultiple people had stepped on them. I sighed and put them in a pocket of my backpack. I didn't need them anyways, I never really did need them. I've just worn them for as long as I can remember.

I rushed in the hallways and ignored how people laughed at me. Jason was so stupid. How could he pant me! I reached my locker to see a note stuck to it. I grabbed it off and read it silently to myself. This wasn't the first time I've recieved a note to me on my locker.

            Dear Fatty

      Hahaha! Dora underpants, I'm so glad I panted you.

Your day is going to be so much fun little piggy. Ohhhh

 by the way... I'll be waiting for you to gave you a gift for

disobeying me.

                        With hate-

                             Jason :)

I growled under my breath and crumpled up the note then shoved it in my pocket. I grabbed my books for class and hurried to homeroom, science, almost tripping when multiple people stuck out their feet. I finally reached science, 10 seconds before the bell rang. I breathed a sigh of relief, one more time being late and I'd get detention.

Mr. Warder walked into class soon after the bell rang and started talking about how cells are built, and their uses. I had already memorized the stuff we were learning but acted like I was paying attention anyways. No need to get on the bad side of Mr. Warder- or any other teacher.

After second period it was lunch time, and I was ready as I ever could be to be humiliated. I brought my lunch today, in hopes of avoiding the chaotic lunch line. I was one of the first to reach the cafeteria, and I quickly grabbed a lunch table in the corner of the room where nobody would (hopefully) bother me, and I could daydream about finding my mate.

Nobody seemed to be paying any attention to be at lunch, thankfully. I ate my lunch in silence, first my peanut butter sandwich, with my Oreos, and lastly my grapes. When I finish my lunch I lean back in my chair and think of what my mate would be like.

I'd certainly leave for my mate as soon as possible, this place was horrible, and he'd love me with all his heart. We'd have a beautiful family together in a different pack where nobody would make fun of me. Now that's be the life.

I glanced up as a chair scraped the ground at my table. "What?" I grunted at Jason. He already punched me, panted me, slapped me, and humiliated me. What else could he do? I turned my gaze back to the table; I didn't want Jason to see my eyes.

My fat are eyes too big to fit my face and very ugly. They weren't blue, or brown, or even a sparkling green. My eyes were silver, a milky silver blue. My eyes sunk into my face, and they were big like a does eyes. They've made fun of every part of my body, except my eyes. I planned to keep it that was.

Jason coughed. I jumped about a foot into the air. I guess I was in my own world once again. "Did you get the note" Jason smirked. I just nodded meekly, and watched out of the corner of my eye him get up and leave. All that attention that had shifted to us was now back on themselves.

The bell rang shortly after Jason had visited my table and I stood up to go quickly. I turned around and fast-walked down the hallway. Nobody had a chance to trip me since I was the first to leave lunch. I reached my locker and spin the knob '03-02-04' and opened it.

My next class was newspaper, the only class I have with Jason. Thankfully you don't really have to work together in partners during class. We just have to discuss what to make it about. Some kid suggested the raising sales of Dora underwear, and a different kid commented on how only a select few wore Dora. Everybody agreed with the kid.

That class finished without any major problems. I just thought that Jason was laying off the prepare for his attack on me after school.

One more class to go, and it was over quickly. I knew everything about what we were learning and didn't pay any attention. I just begged time to go slower, but it didn't. I pack my backpack, take a deep breath, and shut my locker. I exited the school alert and looking around.

"Looking for me" Jason said behind me, and pushed me forward. I stumbled, but caught myself. After talking another breath I turned around to face Jason, with my gaze on the ground of course. "'Ay guys!" Jason called out, gaining the attention of the rest of the students. It was a repeat of this morning.

"Now let's see those ugly little eyes of yours" he pushed me again.

"No" I refused. I've never been able to refuse him before, I’ve tried.

"Wrong answer" Jason informed me as me punched me in the stomach. I doubled over, gripping my stomach. I felt a tug on my head, and noticed that Jason had taken hold of my short ponytail. I gasped as he handed my hair to a players who forcefully pulled my head up. My eyes started to water from the pain as I was physically forced to look at Jason. I froze, my wolf howled.

"You’re my mate" I whispered to myself. I should've seen it coming. Everybody else tortures me, so why wouldn't fate? It wasn't like I could lose anything else.

Jason doubled over in laughter as soon as the words slipped out of my mouth. "You" he cracked up again "my mate?" he snorted along with the rest of the wolves. Once Jason had stopped laughed he looked at me "You will never be my mate, my mate is someone ten times prettier then with. Somebody who won't say I'm there mate for attention"

'Snap' what was that noise? Oh yeah, my heart. My ugly, ugly, eyes started to water, and I wrapped my arms around my stomach where it felt like I had been torn open and ripped to pieces. My mate didn't want me. He didn't want me. My knight in shining armor was my torturer after all. I'd never been saved from this pack. I'd never get to run away with my mate. Oh wait! That's it- I could run away. No need to have my mate.

I realized that I was still in school, and people were staring at me oddly. I quickly turned around and quickly walked down the path that would lead to my neighborhood, but I wouldn't make it to my house. At the most I'd make it halfway.

All men shift when they are age 16 through 17, and all girls shift when they meet their mate, or they turn 18. Since my mate rejected me I wouldn't turn into my wolf, but the pain of it and the emotions would cause me to shift, painfully.

I started shaking- a sign of shifting, and raced into the forest where I would stay for the next hour. I got as deep as I could into the forest, when I collapsed onto the forest floor. My muscles started twitching, another sign, and I school even more violently then before. I curled up into a ball, still feeling the aching pain that Jason left. I cried softly as my finger bones started to break, them my toes. I had a 30 second break before my leg bones shifting, and breaking. I hurled out my lunch and rolled away from my stomach contents. My arms broke next, and my bones started to shift inside me, the pain from that cause me to pass out and let the process go on without me knowing that there was any more pain.


I opened up my eyes to see that night had fallen, and the moon was up. I groaned and it came out as a whimper, then the memories came rushing back like a train on full speed; the humiliation from being panted, the pain from being slapped and punched, the sinking feeling of being rejected by my mate. I was a wolf now, not forever, but until I had control over my emotions to shift back to human form.

Normally when a person shifts it's quick and only somewhat sore at times, and that's for girls who are 18, or have met their mate (and weren't rejected) and all guys age 16-17. If a person shifts because of emotions it's painful, and slow. Nothing could ease the pain of shifting when the time isn't right.

I lay my head on the forests floor, exhausted, I mean, how could I not be? Today’s events were bad, being punched multiple times, having my pants pulled down for the whole school to see, and being rejected. Being rejected is by far the worst thing that’s happened to me, ever.

I reopen my eyes as I hear the crunch of leaves nearby. Quickly I stand up, ready to defend myself, even against my own pack member. My eyes scan the area of witch the crunch of the leaves came from. I see two eyes peering back at me. The eyes were a human like green that I have seen somewhere before. Those eyes- they belong to Jason! I take I step away from my mate, and torturer, my abuser who should have been my prince. But when I take a step back Jason takes a step forward. I’ve rarely seen anybody in wolf form, only the Alfa and sometimes just people I don’t know. I’ve never seen Jason as a wolf before.

I whine at Jason as he gets closer to me, I don’t want to be near him, the pain just comes back, a hollow feeling inside of me, and I don’t want the ever again. ‘Angelica’ he thinks to me and I meekly nod. Jason takes another step, but I step back again ‘Don’t be afraid’ he says inside of my head, but I am afraid. I’ve reliving what happened at school, and it’s hard to not be afraid. Jason just stares at me sadly, but I just discreetly take a look at his wolf. His wolf was bigger than mine, naturally, and it was grey and black in mixed patterns with some white thrown into the mix, it was breathtaking but that’s only because I’m his mate.

Jason stakes another step toward me, but I’m still scared, and a newly shifted wolf with a mate that rejected me. I do the best thing that comes to mind, flee. ‘Don’t come find me. Don’t look for me, I h-hate you’ I tell Jason through the packs mind link then I turn and run away.


Sorry if it's short, on Microsoft Words it's either 10 pages or 5 and 1/2 pages, so :). I hope you guys enjoy, and any comments and votes will be loved equally!!! I will try to uplode chapter 1 as soon as I can!! All Rights Reserverd.

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