What is Stronger Than Love? (...

Por Reesezpieces

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After an accident in the past, is it just an accident that you meet up again? Will friendship be restored? Wi... Más

(Chapter 1) Trains Aren't the Only Things that Blow Smoke
(Chapter 2) The Past Effects the Future
(Chapter 3) Secrets Aired Live On T.V.
(Chapter 4) Game Shows Don't Play Games
(Chapter 5) The Things That Went Unsaid Resurface
(Chapter 6) Love Interests and Bullet Wounds
(Chapter 7) Love in an Empty Liquor Bottle
(Chapter 8) Feeling Like an Empty Bottle
(Chapter 9) One Sided Love
(Chapter 10) Stay Away From Shizuo Heiwajima
(Chapter 11) According to Plan
(Chapter 12) This One is for the Broken Hearted
(Chapter 13) What it is Like to Love Someone Who Doesn't Love You Back
(Chapter 15) The Raging Storm
(Chapter 16) Everyone Has Their Own Savior
(Chapter 17) The Search is On
(Chapter 18) The Known Unknown
(Chapter 19) Abrupt Awakenings
(Chapter 20) Love is a Powerful Drug Vs Drugged In Love
(Chapter 21) Lead Showers and Red Rain
(Chapter 22) A Tearful Embrace
(Chapter 23) Safe and Sound
(Chapter 24) Beautiful Morning
(Chapter 25) Unfinished Business
(Chapter 26) The Truth in Betrayal
100th Vote Celebration Chapter: (LEMON) Shizuo's Wet Dream
(Chapter 27) Nearly Happily Ever After
(Chapter 28) Home is Where the Heart is
(Chapter 29) I Feel Like A Hero, And You Are My Heroine
(Chapter 30) The Party And The After Party (GRAND FINALE LEMON)

(Chapter 14) The Calm Before The Storm

2.2K 76 14
Por Reesezpieces

NOTE: (y/ln)=your last name
            (y/fn)=your first name
            (y/ec)=your eye color
            (y/hc)=your hair color
            (y/hl)=your hair length
            (y/w)=your weight
            (y/fc)=your favorite color

--- Shizuo's point of view ---

Shizuo was roaming the streets of Ikebukuro. He had just finished his first day back on the job with Tom since his mandatory vacation.

It felt good to be back. Even though he hated his strength it was nice to be back doing what he did best... Kicking ass.

Also the blonde had to admit that his life had now for the most part returned to normal.

Well there was no such thing as normal in Ikebukuro, especially not when your name is Shizuo Heiwajima but some sort of routine beyond his morning awakenings did exist.

Even a cat and mouse chase between him and Izaya was well over due.

Shizuo was still roaming Ikebukuro, a cigarette resting in between his lips, a trail of smoke brining up his rear, and every person in his path made sure to get out of his way.

However, there was one person who stood in his path that did not move.

All down the block every person stepped aside for Shizuo to pass. However at the end of this block, a pesky informant was standing in the middle of the increasingly deserted street.

Shizuo looked ahead, and there he was. That damn pesky flea. His fur coat fluttering. His Raven black hair framing that permeant smirk on his face.

That bastard.

"Hello Shizu-chan," Izaya taunted, "it's good to see you back to your old self... Not that that's a compliment."

Shizuo tensed. His blood boiled. His eye twitched. He bent the cancer stick and tossed it on the ground to be stomped by his black shoes.

He was growling as that flea just stared and smirked.


And with that a blonde ball of brute furry was barreling towards Izaya. Shizuo cocked his fist back and gritted his teeth, only to find that the flea jumped onto the top of a light pole and judged him from a new angle.

"Oh Shizu-chan, I live in Ikebukuro currently, kinda hard to not show up when I live here!"


The ex bartender pulled the light pole out of its socket in the ground as the informant jumped a few yards away to a new spot on the ground.

Shizuo was swinging the light pole as though he was Derek Jeter hitting a home run. Rather than hitting the flee he brought a building to its knees and people cowards and ran in all directions leading away from the fight.

"Now now Shizuo let me live so I can see (y/fn), she's so pretty... I just might make her mine."

The mention of the girl pissed Shizuo off even more. He was getting so good at forgetting her. He had reminded himself that he had been without her before and he could be without her again, but the mere thought that she could belong to not just a pansy model but a dirty flea like Izaya made him even angrier.

He did nothing but roar and attack. None of his punches or swings or throws ever made contact with the informant. However Shizuo's determination to kill Izaya lead him on a war path through about half of the city.

It wasn't until the two were standing in the middle of sunshine city did the fighting pause.

Shizuo was huffing. He was not injured in any way, but he was filled with fiery rage. He was bent on killing Izaya. Izaya on the other hand had broken little to no sweat in this game. He was without a scratch, but wished he could say the same for the city Shizuo had torn to pieces.

Izaya smiled at the angry beast once again provoking him.

"Shizu-Chan, you better conserve some of that energy. Next time you are going to need it!"

And with that the informant stunted his way away from Ikebukuro's strongest man by scaling a building and then darting away from a billboard.

Shizuo watched annoyed as Izaya bounced off of the billboard and out of sight. He bounced around just like a god damn flea.

It pissed him off, but the chase had ended fruitlessly for the blonde once again. He stared up at the billboard and felt a secret pang in his heart.

The billboard had (y/fn)'s figure on it. It was an advertisement.

"Special event: one time only: (y/fn) performing live in the center of Sunshine city."

Shizuo read the date, "that's this Friday," he thought to himself as he dug around in his pocket for any cigarettes.

He read all of the names of featured guests.

He assumed that it was the make up event for the ruined first show she had. He assumed correctly of course.

However his eyes narrowed when he read the little lines of names.

One of the featured guests was...

"Yuhei Hanejima"

His brother, Kasuka Heiwajima.

--- Izaya's point of view ---

Izaya smirked like a devil. He knew he had left Shizuo staring in awe at the billboard.

He was so easy.

Izaya skipped his way back to his apartment as fast as he could. He had a meeting to attend.

--- time skip: Izaya's apartment ---

Izaya swung open the door of his apartment.. He danced into the entrance but was stopped.

"These men came to see you," said Namie.

Izaya looked to her and her lifeless face and then turned to the men. There were three of them. Each dressed in black suits. All of them were people you would not want to meet. However you had met them before. Except that time they were wearing yellow, and a time before that they were clad in biker gear.

Izaya smiled at his guests, "welcome men welcome! Please sit down lets chat!"

The men followed Izaya's orders rather obediently and seated themselves on his couch. Izaya motioned to Namie to get tea for his guests.

Once all of the men took their seats, Izaya took off his jacket and sat down.

"What are we doing with the girl this time Orihara?"

"Each time we've gotten her it's been rather annoying to have to let her go."

Izaya nodded his head and sipped his tea.

"This time we won't be letting her go."

"What is the plan?"

Izaya placed his tea down and clasped his hands together. He couldn't help but smirk from ear to ear. This was the big one.

"Friday, I want a repeat of the first attack. I want half of your men dressed as yellow scarves and half of your men as bikers. Storm the stage, beat anybody in your path! And I mean anyone!"

He couldn't contain his chuckles he was so excited . This time he'd have her.

"There will be no Shizuo to save her this time."

"And this time I plan on watching it all play out."

The men nodded their heads, understanding their orders.

"Haha, but there is one thing. Do not make it look like you are after her. Make it appear to be after Yuhei Hanejima."

"Then how will we get her?"

"It's simple. Gas the entire place. Flash bomb Yuhei and knock him unconscious. She will attempt to protect him. Then as smoke and fog bombs go off, kidnap her."

"Just make sure she's alive."

The men again nodded.

"Isn't Yuhei a strong fighter?"

Izaya leaned back and thought for a second.

"I suppose he is, but like her he's no match for sheer numbers and your men's skill. Just knock him out quickly and the rest will fall into place."

The men absorbed the information and were already mentally plotting the attack.

"You're confident there will be no interruptions this time?"

"100 percent."

With that the men took their leave, agreeing on a payment for the model after the attack had been carried out.

Izaya left the couch and stood at his window, viewing Ikebukuro and all of its unholy glory.

He couldn't contain his excitement for Friday.

Namie on the other hand, interrupted his joy.

"I can't believe even you'd go through so much trouble for a girl."

Izaya peered behind his shoulder and spoke to her,

"She's not just any girl. She's a goddess."

--- (y/fn)'s point of view ---

You were standing on a stage set, sweating and tired. Your workout spandex shorts and sports bra clung to your body more than they did before.

You had just finished another practice round of the performance.

Staff and stage directors and all of the other behind the scene people are planning the finishing touches to the upcoming performance.

Kyo pats your back, "that was amazing."

You nod your head and put your hands on your knees in a pathetic attempt to open up your air ways.

"You kids are great," your manager was cooing.

"All of this is going to make up for the past mishap!"

He was bragging to all around him about how great his two company prodigies were.

You looked up and there was a large poster of yourself on it.

"This Friday everyone will be here," you thought.

"That was a lovely performance (y/fn)," a calm and collected nearly monotoned voice came.

"Yo Kasuka," you spoke even before turning, you knew that voice anywhere.

The two of you were face to face. His bored deep Browns analyzed you.

"Are you glad to be back?"

He didn't reply, he was never one for speaking much, he only nodded his head in empty confirmation.

Kasuka had always been silent, especially compared to his erratic brother.

Even back in highschool when you met the middle school version of the now famous actor he was nothing but mysterious silence.

However, the male broke his silence,

"(y/fn), did you visit Shizuo?"

His question was not really a question, you both knew the answer, and it was even more obvious when you tensed at the memories.


He nodded his head and took his time as though reading your actions and recalling information the media had covered.

"How was he?"

You couldn't help but look at the male and smile. Your smile was laced with a tinge of sadness, but it was genuine.

The fact that he still cares for his brute of a brother was and admirable thing.

"He's doing just fine," you assured him.

Before Kasuka could speak again his own manager arrived and dragged him off to his own stage set to practice his part of the performance.

--- Kasuka's point of view ---

Kasuka looked back at the model one more time as he was being dragged off. He could see her "boyfriend" Kyo approaching her.

He glared at the male for his brother.

He questioned how true their relationship was since he himself had always known the girl to claim it was fake. However he kept himself up with the recent series of unfortunate events and was beginning to question it. Although Kasuka couldn't judge. His fake relationship ended up being real too.

However for his brother's sake he secretly hoped the relationship was fake.

Kasuka had known (y/fn) for a long time.

--- flash back: about eight years ago ---

Kasuka was in middle school. His older brother was in high school.

For the last few months he had heard of a girl named (y/fn).

He met Shizuo at a specific stop sign at the end of the street each day his school let out. His brother was often accompanied by his only friends Shinra and Kadota.

"I'm telling you man, why else would a girl like that hang around you?"

"She's probably just trying to be cute and nice," Shizuo had blown them off. He was lacing his hands behind his head, slightly annoyed by his friends.

"No no Shizuo," Shinra pitches in, "she's already cute and the whole school is her friend, there's no point in pretending to be nice if she already is."

Shizuo ignored the boys and nodded to his brother who waited patiently for him. Kasuka stared blankly at the older boys who were engulfed with this female character. He could tell his brother was annoyed while the others were clearly interested.

"I hope she sticks around, I wouldn't mind trying to score with her."

Shizuo rolled his eyes at Kadota's sureness.

"Like she'd be into you," he scoffed.

The boys continued their bickering the entire way home as Kasuka followed silently beside his brother.

Even he was beginning to wonder just who was this mystic girl they were so enthralled with.

Her name even began to trickle into Shizuo's accounts of his day. Their mother would make food for the boys and attempt to get them to sit down like a normal family. Sometimes it worked, and on the days it did the family heard of (y/fn).

"Yeah (y/fn) and I-"

"Is that your girlfriend," their mother asked.

Shizuo visibly tensed and stared.


"Oh well we seem to always be hearing about her," Kasuka nodded agreeing with his mother's observation, "perhaps you'd like to invite her to the house some day?"

Shizuo didn't say anything. He took a long drink of his milk and then concentrated on finishing his food.

However one day Kasuka did come to meet the infamous (y/fn).

He was waiting at the stop sign. Expecting to see either Shizuo and his friends or just Shizuo himself.

However when his brother's newly blonde hair came into sight, he noticed someone else with him. It was a female form. He could see the curves of her waist moving from where he stood. Flowing (y/hc) locks caught a rays of the sun.

Then he could hear it, his brother was laughing.

"Ahaha, shut up!"

It was short and quick, but it was there. It brought an expression of surprise onto the expressionless boy.

His brother and the girl approached. Kasuka finally got a better look at her. She was gorgeous. Her hair was a silky and shining (y/hc). Her eyes were captivating orbs of pooling (y/ec). Her face was perfectly sculpted and she had the most radiant skin tone. Her lips formed into a smile as she looked at Kasuka.

He secretly cursed himself for being younger than the beauty.

"What's good Lil' Shizuo?"

Shizuo growled, "his name is Kasuka."

"Oi, Kasuka! I'm (y/fn) I'm friends with your brother."

Kasuka said nothing. He only stared at the beautiful face before him. He dared not to show any sign of interest. He was confident his brother would raise another fridge against him if he did.

"Come on Kasuka lets get home."

He listened obediently to his strong older brother and followed the teens.

"Don't you talk," the girl asked.

"He talks, he just doesn't want to talk to you," Shizuo was smirking at his remark.

The girl scoffed, "you didn't want to talk to me at first either but now look at you, taking me to your house," she cooed.

"Hey!" Shizuo was clearly growing flustered. "I didn't invite you here you insisted on coming!"

"Cuz it's Friday! Everyone hangs out with their friends on a Friday night!"

"Then go hang with your friends! I'm staying home."

"But Shizuo!!!"

Kasuka stared at them.

"You wanna hang out with me little buddy," the girl asked him.

Her bright eyes and welcoming aura made it impossible for the typically mute boy to remain silent.

"I'll hang out with you if Shizuo won't."

Immediately his older brother was seething and looking down on him.

"What the hell?!?"

The girl was jumping up and down happily. She pulled Kasuka to her and nearly suffocated him in her breasts.

"I've got a friend to hang with! Guess I don't need you Shizuo!"


Kasuka only looked to his brother, who was now wide eyed and panicked. His lips tugged up inadvertently at a smile.

Shizuo must really like this girl.

They ended up at the house and Shizuo nearly kicked the front door in.

"So where do you wanna go Kasuka?"

The boy shrugged. In all truth she was the kind of girl a man would follow to the end of the universe.

"Hummm how bout a party? You're cute and look a bit older! It's never too early to start raging," the girl winked at him and it took all of Kasuka's might to not blush at the compliment.

"You're not taking him anywhere," Shizuo had grumbled.

"He's jealous," Kasuka openly observed.

It was a mistake on his part, but he could not resist. His brother grabbed the nearest object, being the coat rack and lifted it over his head prepared to strike.

If (y/fn) hadn't stepped in the way, the boy would of died that day. However she stood between Shizuo and him boldly.

"Don't get angry milk man, just come with us."

Kasuka mentally cursed at the time. She was literally begging to be killed. She was infuriating the beast.

Yet her words did not make Shizuo's blood boil. It was much the opposite. The male became visibly at ease. He placed the coat rack down. His shoulders shrunk and he ran a lazy hand through his hair.

"Alright fine," he mumbled.

It surprised the little brother, to see such ease come so easily to his untamable brother.

This girl was magic.

She soothed Shizuo effortlessly.

It was amazing. To think that such a girl or really anyone could have that kind of effect on Shizuo...

--- time skip ---

The teens changed and were now standing in an arcade at the Sunshine city mall.

(y/fn) was the only one out of the three who knew how to have a good time.

"You guys! That guy at the counter just gave me these free all access passes in exchange for my number! But the best part is I gave him a fake!!"

The girl was laughing and applauding herself for such a strong curve.

The brothers stared blankly at her, however Kasuka was well aware that secretly Shizuo was angry.

Once the girl composed herself, she gave everyone their passes. "

"Now we can play any and every game for free!"

With that the games began. The girl beat Shizuo in a shooting game which resulted in a broken video game.

Kasuka put his name on the leader board of a pacman game.

The neon lights of the black lit place characterized their time. Enjoyable and fast paced but odd. It was the first time either boys had been out on a Friday night with a friend.

(y/fn) on the other hand, knew many people. Boys and girls alike came by to say hello to the girl.

Eventually they had played through the entire arcade and the only thing
that remained was a game of laser tag.

The kids grabbed their guns and suited into the colorful vest. There were only teams of threes. It was Kasuka, (y/fn), and Shizuo against everyone.

Before he knew it, they were shooting in a blacked out arena.

(y/fn) was sweeping through the completion and clearing a path up to a makeshift sniper tower. Shizuo had gotten shot and resulted to chasing after his target rather than shooting them.

Kasuka on the other hand moved swiftly and silently. Although as strange as the night was, he was well aware that his brother enjoyed every moment spent with (y/fn).

Eventually the night came to an end and the trio were headed to the Heiwajima's home.

(y/fn) was carrying the trophy they won for being first place in laser tag.

Shizuo was relaxed and Kasuka was secretly smiling in the darkness of the nighttime street.

Eventually they reached the house and (y/fn) moved to leave.

"Later guys thanks for coming!"

Kasuka nodded his head and moved to open the door as Shizuo stared at the girl who was preparing to retreat in the night.

He could see the dust of pink on his older brother's face. His honey orbs were analyzing his options of walking the girl home or letting her go out into the darkness.

Kasuka spoke softly, "go."

He didn't need to tell the blonde twice, he was already walking back to the girl, "I'll take you home."

"Shizuo Heiwajima since when were you such a gentleman," the beauty teased.

"Shut up!"

With that Kasuka was well aware, this girl is the only girl for his brother.

--- end of flash back ---

Time had been cruel to his older brother. His strength made it hard to get a job and even harder to keep friends.

Kasuka knew how much his brother suffered from (y/fn)'s injuries.

He knew that if he could go back in time and stop it he would. His brother deserved a pacifier. He deserved a girl like (y/fn) and Kasuka knew that (y/fn) loved Shizuo for who he was, even after being hurt.

Yet the two were not together.

--- time skip: day before the performance: Thursday ---

"So you two will come in here, (y/fn) and Kasuka will introduce another star right after 4K's performance. Everyone will be just fine security is already prepped for tomorrow."

"Nothing like last time," Kyo questioned.

"Nope (y/fn) will be our top priority incase if anyone tries anything."

You rolled your eyes. "Wow thanks."

All of you were sitting at a table being debriefed on tomorrow's show. You were seated beside Kyo and his brothers. Kasuka was on the other side of you, watching everyone and everything carefully.

The entire show was planned. It would be bigger and better than before. The crowd would be larger than before, security would be strong. Everyone was excited except for you. For some reason you had a feeling that things never go as planned.

Yet you were going out on the stage tomorrow, wether you like it or not.

--- to be continued ---

Oh shit everyone the next chapter is the big show and shit is about to go down!!! I'm super excited to write it. I cracked my phone but am getting a new one Tuesday so I'm sorry for any typos cuz I can barely see.
Also I've been adding in a lot of different character's point of views to kinda play in with the whole durarara style where everyone is connected in some twisted fashion. A lot of spoilers came out of the Izaya point of view but I felt it was kind of necessary to keep the story going. I really liked Kasuka's part although he's super hard to convey as a person, but he's very important to the next chapter!!!
I'm sorry for the long wait but the wait is over because spring break is here! Thank you so much for reading and I'm so glad you are as excited as I am !!!

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