
By melissamashi

316 54 4

I thought my life was perfect until he came. That was the day he changed my life... My life was perfect well... More

Mr. Goody Good
Does He Like Me?
Truth Or Kiss
New Kid
Home Alone With Him
Stranger Danger
Feeling Better
Mom's Home
I'm Back Baby
He's Back
Is She Gone
Relaxation. Or So I Thought
Back To Hell
Whenever Something Is Going Good Something Goes Bad
Feels Good To Laugh For Real Until It Ends
New Couple
Important Update
I'm Sorry
Update for the last time

Friends and Enemies

13 3 0
By melissamashi

So we made it to lunch walking through the halls with every staring at us. We get to the lunchroom and I see Delilah and Crystal. I was about to walk over when Cameron came over to us. Cameron is the most popular boy in school and my best friend.
"Hey Melissa i wanted to know if-"
He was talking when Lucas cut him off "she's busy sorry" said Lucas in almost a mocking tone.
"So what are you her new assistant" said Cameron
Now Lucas got cut off by Cameron
Then Calvin said "actually you know what I don't care how funny" in a mocking tone. I got mad at Lucas and Cameron so i walked away to Delilah and Crystal. I sat down and Delilah said "ooh who's the new hotty" and when she said that I just laughed
"haha hotty haha"
"Whats so funny he's cute"
"Haha you think he's cute that's funny I find him obnoxious"
"Umm Mel-"
"Haha gimme a second haha"
"Ha wat ahh my stomach hurts from laughing"
"Behind you"
"What?" I said to her confused.
"Behind" she said
"Uh huh😕" i said
"You" she finished
"What oh hi hello whatsup Lucas"
"Uh huh" he replied
"So-" i was saying till he cut me off
"Lets go"
"No?" He questioned me
"No" I replied
"Mel are you gonna introduce us to your friend" said Delilah and Crystal.
"Haha thats funny you think he's my friend well he's not my friend and never will be" i said
"Why not" he looked at me with a puppy face and said. "That won't work on me" i told him
"Awww why not"
"Because, now shutup Cecile is coming"
"Whos Cecile"
"The biggest brat ever now shutup she here"
{Cecile aka bratty,popular,rich,snob you get the point anyways back to the story}
"Hi Delilah, Crystal, new kid woah wait new kid hey hotty well i got to go but heres my number and don't worry i didn't forget to say hi to you to loser"
I was lifting my arm to puch her but Lucas grabbed my arm and grabbed me then picked me up and dragged me out. So I kept kicking and screaming "let go of me" We passed the office so I screamed again but this time I screamed "I'm being kidnapped" the principal came out running and saying "whos kidnapping who" then he saw me on Lucas's shoulder and just gave me a blank stare like this😐.
"Why were you screaming that Mrs. Smith and Mr. Woods why is she on your shoulder you better have a good god damn explanation for this I got so worried"
"Well-" I was saying till Lucas cut me off.
Then Lucas said "she was gonna pull a prank so I stopped her"
"I was n-"
"Shh its okay for Mr. Fuller to know" he said putting his finger over my mouth with me still on him
"Why you little" i said and kicked him at the same time.
I guess it hurt cause he dropped me and I hit my head and everything became blurry. Last thing I remember was someone screaming get an ambulance I dont think she's alright.
I woke up in a hospital bed with Lucas sleeping on a chair near the bed so I did what any normal person would do and scream so I screamed "ahhhhh Lucas watch out". Oh boy you should've seen the look on his face and how high he jumped it was pricless. He fell off the chair and I was laughing so hard that my head hurt me so I fell back onto the bed.
"Melissa are you alright" Lucas said
"Umm i think so what happened why am I here" i said in a stuttered tone
"Weelllll you-" he got cut off by Delilah running in screaming out the way she's my BFF. Then I heard someone fall and she screamed again don't mess with me. So me and Lucas laughed.
"Mel are you okay they tried to stop me from coming in here but i slapped them and well kinda-" said Delilah
"We know we heard hahahaha that was so funny hahahaha" i said
"Yeah so are you okay" said Delilah
"I've been bett-" i was saying till I was stopped
Then a security gaurd came in "there she is get her"
"Oh crap I got to go see ya in school love ya"
Then she runs out. Haha that's why shes my BFF.
Then the doctor comes in
"Miss Smith"
"Well Mr. Woods can you step out for now"
"It's alright if he stays" I said with confidence.
"Only if your okay with it"
"Well he was the one there so he should know"
"Ok so everything is fine but you will just need a parent to sign you out"
"A parent?" I said in a worried voice
"Yes is there a problem"
"Well they dont know I'm here and they are both away on a business trip and they will flip out and-" the doctor stopped me
"Melissa calm down your blood pressure is rising"
Then Lucas pretends like he's on my phone and he's saying stuff like uh huh sure no problem. I just look at him puzzled and he winks. I think Okaayyy🤔 whats that about?
Then the doctor said "Melissa you can't leave without being signed out by a parent"
Then Lucas speaks up and says "I just called her mom she's in a meeting and said I can sign her out and she has to stay with me"
"Okay but if Melissa leaves your side I will call your parents understand?"
"Yes sir"
"Okay get signed out before i change my mind"
"Okay" Lucas and I said together.
So we get to my apartment.
"Sooo I'm gonna take a shower you do whatever you want"
"Okay" said Lucas as he sat down in front of the TV.
I come out 20 minutes later and I see Lucas passed out on the couch. So I figured I'll leave him, for now 😉 next time I am so pranking him.
So I just go to bed.
Thanks for reading follow me on instagram. I'm trying to make the chapters long for you but I'm doing what i can. Also I tried doing an episode story but it's so weird I don't know how to do it so I'll probably just watch a YouTube video on how to anyways bye till next time.😘

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