He's Back

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Since I left it as a cliffhanger I will repeat the story from the beginning of Lucas's point of view. Enjoy
{Lucas's Point Of View}
I've been waiting for 10 minutes. I decided to knock on the door until I see Mr. Fuller coming.
"Um Mr. Fuller weren't you with Melissa in this room" I asked
"No why"
"Crap" I get into the room and no one is there but the window is open. Great just great.
"Lucas is everything alright" Mr. Fuller said. I forgot he was there
"Ok get to class"
"Okay" I ran out of the room to go find her.
{Melissa's Point Of View}
We are about to turn the corner by the hall and I see Lucas running by so we quickly hide. We went back out and he was gone so we set up for the prank. 10 minutes after we finished and we heard someone come in so we went out through the window.
{Lucas's Point Of View}
I figured she might be in Mr. Fuller's office because thats where they were planning to pull the prank. I see Mr. Fuller so I ask him if he's been in his office since he saw me last. He said he tried to but the door was locked. So we go to get the key and unlock it. The room was full of balloons. Melissa's been here. We look for scissors and they were all missing. Well played Melissa. We eventually find scissors and start popping balloons. Mr. Fuller screamed. I turned around to see he was soaked. I wanted to laugh but I couldn't.
"Go find Melissa and bring her back." Mr. Fuller said. I could tell he was pissed but it was funny.
I walk out then start laughing. I see Melissa run so I run after her
{Melissa's Point Of View}
I turned the corner because I heard Mr. Fuller scream. I see Lucas. I hope he didn't see me so I run. I turn to look if he saw me and he did because he was running after me. I run into the janitors closet and lock the door. I hear him trying to open it.
"Melissa i know your in there" he said
I just kept quiet.
"Fine I guess your not in there" he said sarcastically. I could hear his footsteps go away. He was gone. Phew. All of a sudden I hear someone trying to unlock the door crap. The door opens and the janitor is staring at me.
"Sorry I was hiding from someone"
"It's alright" he said. Wow I never knew the janitor was so nice.
"Your really nice thank you"
"No one in this school has ever complemented me thank you"
"Well you deserve it. Crap he's who I'm hiding from" I point to Lucas coming. He pushes me in gently trying not to hurt me and locks the door. I can hear Lucas talking to him.
"Hi do you mind if I check if someone is in there"
"I was just in there I would know if someone is in there" Mile says in a pissed off tone
"Oh um ok thanks anyways. But if you see a girl brown hair and brown eyes she's short." He says. Oh hell naw he did not just call me short when I get out of here he will be the one hiding.
"I saw someone pass by that looked like that but she's not short"
"Then I don't know if we are talking about the same person" Lucas said. Really wow I can't believe he said that what a jerk. But I can't believe the janitor is sticking up for me haha.
"Well anyways she went that way"
"K thanks" I hear Lucas run off.
He unlocks the door and looks at me for a minute until he says "Your not that short." We both laugh.
"Thanks" I say
"No problem anytime"
"What's your name"
"Mike, yours?" He said
"Melissa" I say
"So your the one who pulls all those pranks I have to clean it up"
"Sorry" I say
"Don't be his reactions are priceless plus I get bored sometimes. I was also a prankster" he says chuckling a little
"Yeah so I'm guessing you just pulled a prank got in trouble and thats your student supervisor looking for you" Mike says
"Wow how'd you know"
"Magic" he says while doing jazz hands.
"Haha well I got to go to class so I'll see you around" I say
"Okay and sometimes I can give you some ideas for epic pranks" he said
"Wow cool thanks bye"
I walk out and get to class. He was nice. I get to class and 10 minutes later Lucas walks in. Crap. He sits a few seats down from me thank god. All of a sudden there was an announcement on the intercom.
"Will Melissa Smith report to the office please thank you"
The teacher looks at me and says you may leave.
"It's fine I'll go after class"
"Okay" she said
We learn for a little more before the period ends. I didn't go after class. I get through more boring classes and school ends. I walk out of class and Lucas is standing by the door
"You didn't go to Mr. Fuller did you"
"No why do you care"
"Cuz the water that spilled on him is probably boiling now"
"Huh?" I look at him confused.
"Cuz he's steaming mad"
"Ha that's actually funny"
"But anyways your prank was funny he sent me out to get you and when I walked out I laughed"
"Ha it was funny wasn't it" I say looking up and sighing. I start to move away slowly so he won't notice but he did.
"Not this time" he grabs me. We get to Mr. Fuller's office and he's pissed.
"Howcome you didn't come when I called you"
"Didn't think it was-" I got cut off by my phone buzzing from Marcus.
*if your in school get out*
"Umm hello focus Melissa" Mr. Fuller said waving his hand
"Wait I just gotta answer this it's important"
"Who is it"
It buzzed again.
*get out of the principals office NOW*
"Mr. Fuller we need to go"
"No we are gonna stay here"
"You can give me detention talk to my mother i dont care but lets get out" I say worried
"Whats the matter" he looks at me funny
"Melissa whats wrong" Lucas says standing next to Mr. Fuller.
My phone buzzed again
And again it buzzed but this time it was unknown.
*you look pretty*
What the hell who is this. I look out the window behind Mr. Fuller and Lucas and see Daimon.
"SHIT lets go now"
"Melissa tell me now what's wrong"
My phone buzzed.
*dont you dare say who it is*
I see him pull out a gun and point it behind Lucas.
"What" he says.
I see Daimon pull the trigger and it missed Lucas and hit my stomach.
I collapsed.
Dun dun dunnnnn. I hope you enjoyed. Sorry it's out late at night. Well it is for me but whatever.
What will happen?
Will Melissa be okay?
How did Daimon get out?
All these questions will be answered next time exept how he got out. Bye follow me on Instagram.

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