Stranger Danger

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First off thank you Kayla for the Mucas name. Now onto the story.
{Melissa's Point Of View}
I woke up in a dark room then I had a massive headache. I start to remember what happened then i thought the headache is probably from when I fell and hit my head. I can hear someone coming and I don't wanna know who it is or what he will do. So I pretend to still be sleeping. He turns on the light so I peek my eyes open a drop to see who It was. I didn't recognize him.
"Great she's not awake yet" he says sarcastically.
I decided to open my eyes and thats when I realized I wasn't tied up or anything. Even I'm not that supid to not tie up someone they are kidnapping.
"Are you okay" he asks worried.
"I'm fine" I say as I get up "but why do you care".
"I'm here to help you and don't get up you got hit on your head bad"
"Help me. How?"
"I work with your dad"
"M-My dad" I stutter.
"Yes you know he's a police officer right"
"Of course duh he's my dad"
"Haha I see you get your attitude from him"
"Wait don't change the subject so how" I say.
"Well someone has been after you to get to your dad. So if he gets you he holds you for ransom and I don't know stuff like that to get to your dad. He can also bad things thats why we are worried."
"Oh" I say looking down at the floor.
"Yeah so we tracked him to your school we don't know what he looks like but his name is Daimon"
"I don't know anyone by that name" I answered.
"Well stay away from him. And i know you have a boyfriend right"
"Yes but he's not my boyfriend"
"Oh please I've been watching you two"
"Wow ya creep"
"It was for your safety Daimon almost got to you this time so I had to warn you"
"I don't know who he is"
"Well be alert. So will you stay with him"
"Your boyfriend"
"Not my boyfriend again and his name is Lucas and he is my student supervisor so I have to stay with him"
"Whats so funny
"It's just that your mom had one to"
"Really who"
"I don't remember they never dated but I was close to your parents when we were younger and even now to" he said
"So whats your name" I asked
"It's Marcus"
"Oh ok. And don't worry I'll stay with him but can I tell him about what you told me"
"Yes only him"
"Ok well I better bring you back"
"Can you just take me home" I asked
"Sure but I will tell you when I'm watching you and when I'm not so when you want me to watch you text me I'll give you my number. Here"
"No problem"
"Wait how did you find me"I asked puzzled
"Well you have a tracking device on your phone your dad put it so yeah"
"Oh ok and thank you" I replied
"Ok lets go but just duck in the back just in case we pass anyone looking for you so they wont be suspicious"
"Ok" I said
We get into the car and drive home. I didn't have my phone still so I asked Marcus if I can use his to text Lucas.
I text Lucas (*means text)
*hey it's Melissa don't tell anyone I'm texting you just go home I'll explain there*
{Lucas's Point Of View}
I ask Mr. Fuller to just drive me home cuz I was tired. I walk through the door and see Melissa sitting on the couch so I run and give her a big hug.
{Melissa's Point Of View}
"I'm fine stop squeezing me" I say
"Okay but are you okay I thought you were gone"
"I'm alright so you wanna know what happened"
I motion to him to sit and I explain everything. Now he's just staring at me.
"So are you okay" he says after a long awquard silence.
"Yeah I mean-" I cut myself off then I started crying my eyes out.
"It's okay I will never leave your side and when you need the bathroom I will wait outside"
"Haha thanks but theres a window you see Marcus got through"
"Yeah so there's private bathrooms to with no window"
"Okay and what about when you get called out of class or you need the bathroom or-"
He shushed me by kissing me. He pulled away then said.
"It's gonna be alright you can come with me to the office or I won't go and I usually don't use the bathroom in school so are you done with your rant"
"Y-Y-Yeah" I stammered as I still thought about the kiss he gave me like a minute ago. Then I thought about the night at the party when he pushed Samuel away and kissed me.
"Why'd you kiss me"
"Why?" He asked
"Yeah and by Delilah's party"
"Well because no one is allowed to kiss you exept me" he smirked at me.
"Oh really" I said smirking
"Yes you are my Monkey and no one else's" he smirked again
"Oh really and why is it that I'm yours"
"Cuz well umm I kinda, you know"
"No I don't know" I answered still smirking.
"I like you okay" he whispered.
"I can't hear you when you whisper Lucas"
"Because I like you" he said "and well I want you to be my girlfriend and no one else's. Okay happy now"
"Yes I am"
"Huh" he looked at me confused "why"
"Because I will be your girlfriend"
"Really?" He asked me unsure.
"Really all you had to do was ask" I said then kissed him.
I hope you enjoyed some of you are probably like yes finally they are together. And others are like meh. So till next time follow on Instagram bye.

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