By moonmuuse

1.8K 67 48

(Sans x reader) !~**~! "How did you get down here anyway?" Sans asked, turning to me with a raised eyebrow. D... More

~!* Chapter 1 *!~
~!* Chapter 2 *!~
~!* Chapter 3 *!~
~!* Chapter 4 *!~
~!* Chapter 5 *!~
~!* Chapter 6 *!~
~!* Chapter 8 *!~
~!* Chapter 9 *!
~!* Chapter 10 *!~
~!* Chapter 11 *!~

~!*Chapter 7*!~

150 4 6
By moonmuuse

I stirred, hearing only the soft sizzling of the fireplace. It was so calming, I felt like I could sleep forever. Was this how heaven feels like? Is everything so fuzzy..

Wait...fuzzy? I popped open one eye and quickly sat up, clutching on the blanket for dear life. The room was dark, the place softly illuminated by the fireplace. I looked left and right, but nothing was there and this was definitely not heaven. Where am I? Last time I checked, I was freezing to death outside. How did I get here?

I took in a sharp breath as I heard someone's footsteps lazily drag across the carpet. I quickly lied down and pulled the blanket over my head. Maybe they'll think I'm still sleeping and leave me alone? The footsteps stopped and silence fell onto the room. I breathed steadily, waiting for who ever it was to go away.

"I know you're awake."

This voice...I'm sure I've heard it before. But...I can't seem to remember. "You don't have to pretend." The dark figure made its way toward me, I could feel it. It's gaze boring at me. "Please...don't hurt me. I didn't do anything." I know, I'm a coward, but what else am I supposed to do? Attack them? I think not.

"Psh. If I wanted you dead, then I wouldn't have saved you from the cold." I slowly dragged the blanket away from my face and my eyes widened at the fact that before me stood Sans. I sat up once again. "Geez, kid, what's with that look? You look like you've seen a ghost." He chuckled. "Where am I? Why did you bring me here? Are you planning on torturing me?" I questioned, without thinking the questions through.

Sans sighed. "You're in my house. Because you were going to freeze to death. And I'm not going to." He stated it as facts. I nodded a little, then took the blanket off myself. "Okay...can I leave now?" I asked and stood up. It's not like I wanted to go outside anymore, but I couldn't just stay here and be a burden now can I?

"Oh no," Sans put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me back down on the couch in a sitting position. "You'll stay here while I'll make you some hot chocolate." He shoved the blanked in my hands and walked off. I followed him with my gaze until he was out of sight. I don't get minute he's acting like he hates my guts because he thinks I'm lying to his brother, but the next minute he's being nice to me. What's he playing at?

Soon enough, Sans returned with a mug and handed it to me. "Here." He simply said and sat down on the couch as well. I moved away from him, eyeing the mug suspiciously. Who knows, maybe that's poison? "Relax, kid, it's not going to bite." He sighed. "Why didn't you let me freeze to death out there? I mean, after the fight, you seemed like that's the only thing you wanted; for me to be dead." I looked sideways at him, then returned the gaze at the steaming hot chocolate.

" much as I hate to admit it, Papyrus was cheered up..a little bit. And I felt like saving you was the least I can do since you were the one who made him happier." He said and continued as soon as he saw a small smile make its way to my lips. "But don't count on it again. I've returned the favor for Papyrus and now you and I are even." He crossed his arms and looked away from me. I sighed, what else did I expect? He only saved me because I did make Papyrus feel better. "Thanks.." I muttered and took a sip of the hot chocolate, which was very good. "I owe you one." I said. "No. You don't owe me anything. We're even, you got that?" He stated. I only nodded and sank deeper into the couch.

"Thanks for your hospitality, Sans, but I should leave." I set the hot chocolate down once I was finished. "Do you really want to go out there again? I know you don't have anywhere to stay." He said, staring into the fireplace. "So? I can't just...stay here. I'll be fine out there. Why would you care anyway?" I said, a little too harsh. I gulped, not wanting to anger him.

"Listen, kid. Asgore and his little minions are out to get you. He will be searching high and low. You won't be able to hide." He said. Asgore is after me? But..I didn't do anything wrong. "He wants human souls. It's the only way we can break the barrier and get back up at the surface." That explains it. "But...haven't he stolen some human souls before I..well..appeared here?" I asked.

"Of course he has taken some. But that's not enough. You see, he needs pure souls. Strong ones. It's hard to explain." Sans yawned. "But I gave up trying to get back a long time ago." What he said made me think. What did he mean by that? Was he from up there as well? But...why is he a skeleton? "Don't think about it too much. Asgore won't find you here." He added.

"But why are you protecting me.." I asked. Sans thought for a second before replying. "Because you're not the human I want to get revenge on. You're...different. And you're not evil. If you were, then you would have killed Pap and Toriel without thinking twice." He shrugged. "Why would someone kill them..they're nice monsters. Especially Toriel. Wait how would you know about Toriel?" I sighed, remembering how she doesn't want me to return to the ruins. "Because I talked to her yesterday. And exactly. Only an evil soul could kill them." Sans added.

"How did you get down here anyway?" Sans asked, turning to me with a raised eyebrow. Do skeletons even have eyebrows? Huh. "I...don't know. I don't remember falling, I don't remember anything. Everything's just a blank page." I shrugged. "Where is this "Underground" anyway?"  I asked, turning to him as well.

"Mount Ebott. That's what humans named it and we kind of went with that. And I'm surprised you don't remember anything. Usually humans remember who they are and how they got here. Strange.." He said in a curious tone, more to himself than me.

"Mount Ebott...Mount...Ebott." I repeated, tasting the word in my mouth. Where have I heard this before? Suddenly, a painful headache took over me. White dots danced around my field of vision. I fell forward, but Sans pushed me up by the shoulders. "Kid, are you alright?" What he said seemed like a distant whisper.

The last thing I saw was a dark figure standing in the corner, watching me with that pale face...


Me and Olivia, my best friend, were sitting on a bench near Mount Ebott. That's where my grandmother lives. My mom allowed for Olivia to come along with me for a few weeks, thinking that getting us both away from the Internet would be great.

"Hey, what are we gonna do today?" Olivia flipped her brown hair out of her face, her green-brown eyes twinkling with excitement. "Hah, beats me." I replied, laying back. I heard a pair or three of footsteps coming our way. Olivia sighed. "It's them.."

I looked at the paths end and noticed Regina, Georgia and Courtney. Gosh we hated those three. They think they're all that but in reality, they're nothing more than simple girls with flaws of their own.

"Hey, (Y/n)! Hey, Olivia!" Courtney, the leader of their little club, beamed at us. "I was wondering if you wanted to take a walk with us. We're bored, so we want to spend some time with you!" She said, brushing a strand of bleach blonde hair away from her face. I didn't want to be mean, so I nodded and Olivia agreed as well. What could go wrong?

"Let's go to that hill." Regina spoke up. "You mean Mount Ebott?" I corrected her. "Whatever. There's some paths and my grandpa said it was beautiful there." Of course, her two friends nodded in agreement. I shared a look with Olivia and nodded as well, getting up from the bench.

The five of us walked for a while, until the three chicks came to a full stop, causing me and Olivia to almost bump into them. "Guys, did you see that?" Courtney asked in a hushed voice. I rolled my eyes at her pathetic attempt to scare us. "Yeah, that thing dashed right past us behind that tree." Georgia added, closing up her jacket. "Let's see what it was." Regina said and quickly stumbled through the bushes. "Darn! Stupid thorns." She cursed.

"Regina are you crazy? That, like...could have been a wild animal or something. Let's get back." Olivia added. "Haha! Are you a chicken?" Courtney asked, snickering at my friend. Olivia rubbed the back of her neck, shaking her head. "Just askin'" I watched as Regina circled the tree and gasped. "Guys, you have got to see this." Quickly, we found a way which didn't lead through thorn bushes and soon we all stood behind Regina. My eyes widened at the sight of a hole.

"What the hell is that?" Georgia gasped, stepping closer to the edge. "Get back! You don't want to fall down there." I warned her and she took a step back. The three of them shared a smirk, then turned to me. "Let's see if you're really that brave. I want you to...reach down there and see if it has a bottom." Courtney giggled. "Why in the name of Mount Ebott would I actually do that? If you're curious, then do it yourself." I crossed my arms, not breaking the stare with the leader of the squad.

"Oh my god. She is scared!" Georgia added. "You were right, Regina, she would be scared of a hole." I raised an eyebrow at her. What are they up to? "We found the hole yesterday and we wanted to see if you would be brave enough to see what's down there." Regina said.

"I'm not going to do anything! Do it yourselves. Come on, Olivia, were leaving." I turned to leave, but Courtney grabbed my shoulder. "If you'll leave, I'll tell everyone about how you, Olivia and Frisk sneaked out of the dorms just to explore the surroundings at night." She smirked. How the hell did she know about that!? "I'm sure the headmaster would be pleased to hear that. So what are you waiting for?" If the headmaster finds out, then we're going the be expelled. Yes, the school we go to has extremely strict rules. Whoever disobeys them, will be immediately expelled.

"All I'm asking for you to do is just...stand over the hole. It's not that wide. Regina is doing it." I glanced at Regina, who was easily doing it, jumping over it even. I growled and slapped her hand away. "Alright, fine. I don't get it, this is stupid." I grumbled and pushed Regina aside and stood over the hole. "There are you happy?" I hurled at them. "It's probably just a rabbit hole or an animal dug it." I said.

"Now that wasn't too hard, was it?" Courtney laughed. "We were just messing with you anyway. I know, this was stupid, but the look on your faced was priceless!" She laughed.
Ugh! She is such a brat!

I was just about to get away from the hole but my leg slipped and I fell. I barely managed to catch the edge and hoisted my upper half up. "G-Guys! Help! There isn't any bottom!" I desperately said, trying to keep calm and grab onto something. Olivia vas just about to run and get me, but Regina held her back. "Stop joking. You said it yourself, it was just a rabbits hole." Regina said in a mocking way. "Are you serious!? I WOULDN'T JOKE ABOUT THAT! HELP ME, I CAN'T HOLD ON MUCH LONGER!" I yelled, panic taking over me. I was slipping, I felt it. The mud didn't make this much easier and the fact that my arms grew tired.

"S-Stop joking." Courtney said. Tears threatened to fall as I breathed heavily. "I'm not bloody joking! Help me! Please!" I pleaded, but talking made my hand slip and a thorn painfully sliced my palm. I screamed once I fell deeper, barely holding on. Olivia pushed Regina side and quickly ran towards me. She got down on her knees and grabbed my hand. "Push your legs against the walls of the hole." She tried to stay calm as she pulled.

"There are no walls!" I breathed out, kicking around only to kick air. Olivia's hand was slipping, due to the fact that mine was muddy and wet. "Help me!" I sobbed, tears blurring my vision. Regina, Courtney and Georgia slowly walked towards us. They reached out to grab me, but my hand slipped out of Olivia's.

I fell. Screaming loudly for help.
This was it. This is how I'm gonna die. I looked up at the holes entrance, it getting smaller and smaller as I fell deeper. The desperate sounds of my friend calling me grew distant..

I waited for the last sand piece of my life's hourglass fall to the bottom..

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