Immortal Hearts 2

By Jack__Gilinsky

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"Some secrets can kill your closest friends/loved ones" More

Chapter 1: New Years and Christmas Rolled Into One
Chapter 2: Hickeys
Chapter 3: Sweet Kisses
Chapter 4: On the phone with a vampire
Chapter 5: Trip to the hairdresser
Chapter 6: Schedule Changes
Chapter 7: NightMares
Chapter 8: Unease
Chapter 9:A Promise in the Dark....Sealed with a Kiss
Chapter 10: Pretty close
Chapter 11: Blood
Chapter 12: Spending the night
Chapter 13: Best Day Ever
Chapter 14: Cupid's Chokehold
Chapter 15: Misery Loves Company
Chapter 16: Many Times You've Been Close To Breaking
Chapter 17: Catching Up
Chapter 18: Spin the bottle
Chapter 19: Fighting Dirty
Chapter 20: Fighting it out
Chapter 21: Detention Buddies
Chapter 22: My girl
Chapter 23: Feeling
Chapter 24: Crushes?
Chapter 25: Clean Hands
Chapter 26: Fun in the Shower
Chapter 27: Ex-Girlfriend
Chapter 28: Torn
Chapter 30: Were You Weak, Was I Strong?
Chapter 31:Rumours and Therapy
Chapter 32: Happy Valentine's Day
Chapter 33: Love and Loss

Chapter 34; Final Chapter: Changes

2.4K 73 3
By Jack__Gilinsky

-Carmen Silvers POV-

“Wake up,” someone whispered in my ear, cool breath tickling my skin.

I groaned, shifting my weight slowly as I took a deep breath. The familiar deep scent made something in my brain snap to attention I bolted upright, eyes flashing open.

“Whoa,” a familiar voice said, “What’s wrong?”

I looked down and saw Austin lying next to me, propped up on his elbows, looking puzzled.

It took me a moment to process the image before I rolled on top of him, eyes winding around his neck tightly while I buried my face in his neck, “You’re still here,” I breathed.

“Of course I’m still here,” he said, sounding confused, “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“I thought…I thought last night was a dream,” I said, squeezing my eyes shut, “I thought maybe none of it was real…that I just dreamed it up and that he had….he was still here.”

I heard him let out a slow breath, arms winding around me tightly, “He’s gone,” he whispered, “And he’s not coming back.”

I pulled away sharply, “What?”

His liquid silver eyes searched mine as he brushed the hair off my face, “Caleb’s gone. For good.”

“He’s not coming back?” I asked incredulously, “How do you know?”

He hesitated a moment before he sat up, pulling me up so I was straddling him as he leaned back against my headboard, hand passing over his eyes, “I have a lot of explaining to do,” he said quietly.

I waited patiently for him to continue.

“I…I don’t know how to start,” he admitted.

“Start with how do you know he’s gone for good?” I asked, hands on his chest. I dropped my gaze to his silent chest, “And then explain to me why your heart isn’t beating.”

He nodded, eyes tight, “I know he’s gone because he told me so…well, not intentionally.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, frowning.

“When he was…in me…we could hear each other’s thoughts,” he shuddered, “And see each other’s memories and fears and secrets. Everything. It was impossible to hide anything from each other. And I knew how to get rid of him because he let it slip.”

Anger flared up and I pulled away from him, “You know how to kill him? All this time you knew and you didn’t tell me?” I asked, betrayal piercing me.

“You don’t understand,” he said desperately, shaking his head as he reached for me, hurt and guilt on his face, “I couldn’t tell you. As soon as he realized I found out he told me if I told anybody he’d kill them.”

“But had you told me we could have gotten rid of him before he could come back,” I said, teeth grinding together, “We could have stopped this earlier. You almost died!”

“I know and I’m sorry; I wanted to tell you, I really did, but as soon as I started planning it he would have known about it and turned around and killed you,” he said, wide eyed, “I couldn’t let him do it. I didn’t want him to even lay a hand on you.”

I watched him for a moment before I crawled back to him, swallowing hard as I cupped his face, “Just…continue, okay?” I said, biting my lip.

He nodded slowly, “In order to save a person from possession that person would have to die…before the last moon. As for if they would be able to survive after being killed is a different story. The reason the demon dies, for good, that way is because they haven’t finished bringing back all the parts of their soul yet so when they leave the body they’re trying to possess they can’t survive because they’re incomplete.”

“So…they use the soul of the person they possessed as a…substitute? Until they get the rest of their soul back?” I frowned, trying to understand.

“Yeah,” he shuddered, “Anyways, once they die the person who had been possessed could die if the way they had been ‘killed’ was severe and they couldn’t survive through the treatment of fixing their wounds.”

“But I slashed right through your chest, your heart…” I took a shaky breath, his scent flying up my nose, seeming much stronger than before. I frowned, my hand going up to his chest, tracing the scars I made on it thoughtfully for a moment before I looked up, head snapping up, “You Changed.”

He smiled wryly, flashing his fangs, “Yeah. And it hurt like hell.”

“But how did you Change…? Caleb was in control so how…?” I sat back on my butt, struggling to understand all of this information I was getting and was sure I was going to continue to receive.

“Like I said we share thoughts…while he’s in control I could see through his eyes, hear what he hears and know what he’s thinking but I can’t feel anything. But I knew what was going on,” he shuddered again, fists clenching, “It was like watching a movie only it wasn’t nearly as enjoyable.”

“When I saw what he was doing to you last night, all those lies he told you, how much in pain you seemed, hearing you scream and seeing you bleed and how much he enjoyed it…” he shook his head, jaw tight, “I just got so mad that I couldn’t do anything to stop it, to help you and since I still had some little control over my body I started to Change just as you were coming to after you finished Changing.”

“That’s why Caleb was screaming, you shared the pain of Changing,” I murmured thoughtfully.

“Yeah, that was definitely an upside; at least I put him through some hell before he left,” he said, chuckling darkly as he relaxed again.

“And what about last night? You said you were mad at him for this and what he was going to do,” I peered up at him, “What was he going to do?”

The same furious look came back on his face, “He was going to kill you. Just before he took over completely he was going to bite you and suck your blood and kill you while I was still around so I could hurt.”

I bit my lip, chewing it anxiously.

He shook his head, “He wanted to do a lot of other things but I rather not talk about it,” he said, picking up my hands before he laced our fingers together.

We were silent for a moment and I thought through the past month without saying a word until a sudden thought made me sick.

“Austin, all those times we were together…Caleb was watching us?” I asked, horrified.

He nodded, jaw tight and eyes hard.

“Even in the shower…and bed…and?” my stomach twisted uncomfortably while rage shot up inside; he looked in on our private moments.

“He was always there,” he said grimly, “Why do you think I was always so reluctant to do anything with you? I didn’t want him to see you like that but I couldn’t not be with you…I needed you or else I’d die.”

I buried my face in his neck, taking big deep breaths to calm myself down. Once I was sufficiently calmed I sighed and kissed his neck.

“So what now?” I asked, sliding under the covers again while he joined me.

He started playing with my bra strap, “What do you mean?”

“I mean…us. Your Coven. My Pack. Us being Changed. How the hell do we explain all of this?” I asked, eyebrows raised.

“I don’t really want to think about them,” he said, grinning impishly as he rolled on top of me and kissed me, bracing all his weight on his hands on either side of my head, “We’ll deal with that later. Right now all I want to do is be with you.”

“But you are with me,” I pointed out, grinning.

“You know what I mean,” he said, kissing my throat.

“Boy do I ever and I agree whole heartedly,” I said, bringing my hands up into his hair before I shoved him off of me and scrambled on top of him.

“Hmmm I quite enjoy having the extra strength,” I mused, “It’s definitely a perk.”

“I’m still as strong as you are, if not stronger,” he said, smirking at me from his place pinned beneath me.

“Is that a challenge?” I arched an eyebrow.

He lifted his head and kissed me, “Of course,” he said against my lips slowly, before he grasped my shoulders and rolled us over. I fought against him for dominance and we wrestled for several minutes, rolling over and laughing all over my bed before I finally gave in and let him pin me.

“Ha! Told you I was stronger,” he said victoriously, is hair all over the place and messy as he grinned down at me.

I sniffed, “Maybe…but I’m smarter,” I said, pulling him down to me so I could kiss him gently. Just as he started to kiss me back I slid down from his lips down his jaw.

“Tease,” he muttered.

I grinned as I skimmed down to his throat, “You’d think after all this time you’d be used to it,” I mused, kissing the underside of his jaw before I moved down to the side of his neck and bit down on his spot.

He inhaled sharply, hips jerking against me. I smirked and bit down again, making him moan before I slid my hands down his bare back, digging my nails in before I rolled us over so I was on top, straddling his waist. I felt him between my legs and I couldn’t help but snicker.

“Victory is mine!” I said victoriously, “Sucker.”

“Wha—hey! That’s not fair!” he whined, folding his arms over his chest.

“It’s plenty fair; you said you were stronger…which you aren’t, you’re just more persistent…” I said, flicking his nose, “But I’m smarter. I used your weakness against you.”

“My weakness? What’s my weakness?” he asked, sliding his hands up on my thighs, thumbs rubbing circles against my skin.

I lay down on top of him, arms folded over his chest with my legs still on either side of him and grinned at him.


He contemplated this for a moment, “Can’t argue with that,” he grinned, running his finger along my bare back, following the line of my spine.

“Of course you can’t,” I said matter-of-factly, “It’s a cold hard fact.

He rolled his eyes, “Good thing we’re the only two who know about this weakness of mine.”

“Ah, you’re forgetting Alex,” I wagged my finger at him.

He lifted his head and bit my finger, “Don’t wag your finger at me missy; I bite. Besides, like I said before I don’t even want to think about anything outside this room.”

“I feel special,” I teased.

“You should; I’m not even concerned about my parents since I’m so hooked on you,” he informed me.

“Oh my God you’re parents! Won’t they be mad if you just disappeared?” I asked worriedly.

“Easy, they went on a Valentine’s vacation. They’re only coming back on Monday so I have absolutely nowhere to be,” he said, grinning lazily, “Which means plenty of time for me to catch up with you.”

“Perfect,” I relaxed again as I heard my sister groan in the other room. I cocked my head to the side, hearing her mattress creak as she shifted position. “Okay, the strength is cool. The hearing…makes me feel like a stalker or something.”

Austin chuckled, “You’ll get used to it eventually,” he said, hooking his finger around the back of my bra.

“Austin,” I growled, “Don’t you dare.”

“What?” he asked innocently.

“You know what,” I narrowed my eyes at him.

“I’m not going to do anything, relax,” he rolled his eyes again at me, “Although I do believe you’re being unfair.”

“How am I being unfair?” I frowned.

“Well, I’m only wearing one item of clothing and you’re wearing two, so to be fair you should lose one item so we can be even,” he said, looking serious.

“Actually, I’m being completely fair. You have nothing to hide up here,” I tapped his chest with my fingertip, “So technically I’m justified in wearing two items of clothing instead of just one like you.”

He sighed, “And here I thought you’d take pity on me.”

“I do take pity on you…but I have other ways of showing you,” I grinned wickedly.

He smirked, “Humour me.”


“Hey Dad!” I said cheerily as I went down for a late breakfast, “Good morning Lily! Hello Grandma!”

The three of them gaped at me as I skipped into the kitchen and poured myself a glance of orange juice. Seriously. They all froze and their eyes were wide and their mouths were hanging wide open.

“What?” I asked, frowning.

“Nothing,” Lily said, still giving me a shocked look.

“Did you have fun last night?” Dad asked, gaping at me, spatula in his hand.

I snorted with laughter, “You could say that.”

He frowned while my stomach growled, “Okay, I’m starving. Did you guys have breakfast yet?”

“No we were waiting for you but since you’re here I can start making breakfast,” Dad said, shaking himself out of his shock.

“Oh thank God, I’m dying of hunger,” I said.

Grandma eyed me sceptically, “But you’ve barely been eating anything for the past three weeks. Why the sudden change in…appetite?” she frowned.

I grinned, “Let’s just say things went extremely well last night.”

“Oh Carmen’s got a boyfriend!” Lily cried excitedly, blue eyes bright.

I flushed, “Nope,” I’ve got something better than that, I thought, “Things are just looking up.”

“Uh-huh,” Lily said, giving me ‘the look’, “I know there’s a guy involved.”

I shrugged, unable to hide my wide grin, “Maybe,” I said, “But you’ll never know.”

“Now wait here just one minute, if you have a boyfriend or a guy you’re involved with or what ever you kids call it these days then I—”

“Jerry,” Grandma interrupted my Dad, rolling her eyes, “Leave the girl be. She’s happy so don’t be such a buzz kill.”

“Thank you Grandma,” I said, bouncing out of my seat to give her a kiss on the cheek.

“No problem, pup,” Grandma said, patting my hand.

Oh Grandma, if you only knew. This pup grew up, I thought, hardly able to hide my excitement. I couldn’t wait to get outside, Change and actually experience being a wolf since the last time I was a wolf…well…I had other things on my mind besides testing out my new body.

I was definitely looking forward to exploring the new me, as well as my future with Austin which seemed quite bright now that Caleb was gone for good. Sure there will definitely be issues with my Pack and his Coven but we can deal with that when we get there. For now I just wanted to enjoy this high I was running on and take advantage of my time with Austin, since even though we were both immortal that didn’t mean we’d last forever. Anything could happen and the past few months with Caleb proved that. So I wasn’t about to waste another minute of my time with Austin, my Pack, and attempting to figure out how the hell we were going to get them and Austin’s Coven to get along together.

Sure, things were starting to look up on that front but there were still many issues about that that we’re going to have to deal with. But that was for later.

Right now I was enjoying myself.

Until Monday came around and everyone realized what happened of course.


Alright, I know it says Final Chapter...but just like with Werewolves and Vampires there WILL BE AN EPILOGUE.

But it may take a while to get it out since I'm going to do the same thing I did for Love Bites :)

So this has been a fun ride my little marshmellow peeps! Fortunately, it's not over quite yet! There's still more adventures for Austin and Carmen for you guys to enjoy so sit tight okay? I'll try to write the  first chapter as fast as I can! :D







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