Who dares disturb Magnus Bane...

By barely_adulting

1M 31.1K 21K

Maaaalec babes!! I ship it hard so I decided to write a story about it. More

Im taking down this story.
Mister Cat Eyes
Do you have a belly button?
How may I grovel at the feet of your superior race?
Will you go out with me?
I have a date with Mister Blue Eyes
The Date (Part 1)
The Date (Part 2)
The Aftermath
1 years later
Mario Cart
I love you Alexander
I think its going to rain
Take me back
Youre dating a warlock?!
Happy Birthday Magnus
Snow day
Mister Cat Eyes
Welcome Back
Authors note
What next?
Wine and babies
A Day with Magnus

The End

20.7K 893 337
By barely_adulting

*10 years later*

Magnus's POV

I was desperately pacing the floor. My anxious hands were laced with blue fire and my eyes were no doubt rely glowing bright in the darkened room. Little Dewi was on the phone on the couch nodding and rubbing her forehead. I glanced at the clock to see the minutes fly by. It was nearly 2 in the morning.

"Ok. Thank you uncle Jace" Dewi finally said breaking the silence. I looked down at my 11 year old daughter to see her sniffling. I covered my mouth and scooped her up. "Th-they don't know where he is! Daddy I'm so scared"

I nodded and rubbed her back gently as we sat on the couch. "I know baby I am too hush now sweetheart" I breathed closing my eyes and kissing her cheek. All u wanted to do was take away the pain so I did the second best thing and sent her into a peaceful sleep. She went limp and I picked her up carrying her to her bedroom laying her down.

I wish Alec was here.

I sat down by her bed staring blankly at the wall. Worry was clawing at me until I bled in tears. I wanted him back in my arms where I could protect him but of course that idiot had to go on "one more" mission. He said that last time and now he was missing. I barely registered the front door opening until I heard I grunt of pain.


I sprang up faster than should have been possible and sprinted out. "A-Alexander G-Gideon-" I didn't even get his last name out when he collapsed on the couch. I ran over cupping his cheeks softly. "ALEC!!"

He hushed me by putting a hand on my lips. "Hey Mags..." I cursed him in seven different languages. He merely laughed which made me angrier until I noticed the arm clutched to his stomach. I tried to peel it away but he hissed out in pain. "That bugger had a nasty bite" he growled trying to brush off the gapping hole in his stomach.


"I'm fine I just need my stele" he whispered looking up at me with those big blue eyes that always made me melt. They were dark with age now and when I stared into them I lost it. My head hit his shoulder and I could only sob.

"Magnus my stele-OW!" He groaned and I sat up wide eyed. He crunched up in pain gritting his teeth then gasped for air. I scrambled up and ran into our bedroom. His stele sat by the lamp but under it was a piece a paper. I'd been saving this but it seemed appropriate now so I grabbed it too.

"Alec Alec I'm here" I said kneeling by him and taking his hands. I placed both objects in his hand and his brows pulled together in confusion. "Please..."

He looked at it then me then back obviously debating his options. My heart began to sink with the passing seconds. What would he chose?

Death or forever.

"Magnus... Help me with my shirt" he finally said looking up at me with determination and wisdom. He knew what he was doing.

I nodded and slowly tugged it over his head careful of his sore muscles. His whimpers pierced my heart but I knew that soon he would be better. Whichever he chose I would sit by him through it all.

I watched as he slowly placed the stele over his heart and his eyes betrayed his fear. I reached over and took his hand gently. "I'm here Alexander... I'll always be here..."

He looked in my eyes and nodded slowly turning back to the trembling stele on his heart. I felt his heart beat in his finger tips and the rapid breathing but suddenly the room went deadly silent. All adrenaline began to slow leaving me incredibly tired and scared and-

And slowly his hand began to move.

The world held its breath and all I could do was close my eyes. He could chose to heal himself and live a few more years or he could chose me... Forever.

The room was filed with light in a snap of s finger and suddenly Alec's screams hit my ears. I was thrown back by an invisible force and I hit the coffee table sharply. I hissed in pain and fell onto my back dazed. The light faded just as quickly as it came and I tried to get my bearings.

Quick as lightning I sat up to stare at the most beautiful sight I could have ever seen in my life. My Alexander. My awkward 21 year old Alec sitting right in front of me.

Alec's POV

The pain was almost unbearable. I felt my self scream but didn't have control over it at all. My head slammed into the pillow behind me as I arched my back and the wound began prying itself shut. I could feel myself glowing but soon it all faded away and I was left half awake on the couch. Magnus's warm hand had disappeared from my grasp which caused a flutter of panic. My body was suddenly filled with unmeasurable energy as I sprang up whirling around to find him. He was sitting on the ground staring up at me in complete awe and wonder. My cheeks heated up and my eyes flew down bashfully. "What?" I muttered looking up but in that instant he tackled me back to the couch knocking all air out of my lungs.

His legs went around my waist and his face was pressed to my heart over the glowing rune. His tears tickled my skin but I ignored it and sat up pulling him as close as humanly possible. I never wanted to be separated from him ever again. I never wanted him to feel scared or to worry I wanted to protect him from everything.

Magnus sat up and threw his arms around my neck kissing all over my face with tear stained lips. It tickled but I was too concerned to laugh. Instead I placed a hand on his cheek pulling him away to wipe away the tears gently. His breathing was so rough and shallow I thought he would pass out so I kissed him hoping to give him some of my air.

Everything faded as Magnus relaxed hands moving to my chest. I sighed as he pulled away looking up into his bright amber eyes. His chin quivered a little as he brushed hair out of my eyes.

"Hey" I whispered putting a hand under his chin.

"Hi" he whispered back looking into my eyes. Suddenly his sad face burst into a watery smile. "Look at you... You lost like.. 10 years" he laughed softly touching all over my face. "If only I could"

I laughed shaking my head and pulling him into another kiss. His warm lips moved with mine. I nearly cried with joy.

"You chose me..." He whispered pulling away again.

I shook my head and pulled him back.

"Oh Magnus" I whispered against his lips. "I will always chose you"


Hello my dears... Well this is goodbye!! AGHH I'm actually crying!! Anyways thank you for all the support and love and please remember I love you all!!


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