The biggest fan

By Lara1DFan

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Hello ;) My name is Lara and this is my first book or something! Umm a book is about a girl who didn't give... More

Travelling to London!
Talk with Niall
Night trip
Music awards
Football match
Happy/Bad day
Movie night
Back on the stage...
The late late show
Ex boyfriend
Bad blood
Step by step
Secret of Simon's company
I love you and hate you
New beginning
Reborn love
Secret revealed

Plan B

30 4 2
By Lara1DFan

Hailey's p.o.v

I was walking toward the factory. Various thoughts were crossing my mind.
I saw a guy standing in front. "You must be Hailey?"
"Is anyone with you?"
"No! I came alone!"
He nodded "Follow me!"

Harry's p.o.v
So I am here sitting on the couch with Niall. Lossing my mind. I don't know what to do! Love of my life is kidnapped and I can't help her! She must be so scared right now.

It's so funny how fast can people fall in love and how fast they can lose a person! Kendall where have you been all my life?
I finally found my princess and lost her.

Louis' p.o.v
I was still hiding in the car and texting to Niall "She left 15min ago!"

Someone knocked on the window. I looked up. Fuck!

"Get out of the car!!" a man yelled. I slowly opened the door.
He had a gun in his hand "Put your hands up!"
I put my hands up.
He pushed me against the car and pressed the gun on my head. "Okay man, slow down a little!"
"Why are you here?" he asked.
He was taller then me for about 5 inches.
"I don't know!" I responded.
That was the most stupid answer I have ever heard. Cmon Louis you can do better!
"Don't piss me off!" he yelled.
"Oh I don't want to!"
"Why are you here?" he asked again.
"I am here because of your boss, Walter, he called me!"
He wasn't sure if I am lying or not. "What's your name?"
"Ohh do you fucking know who I am! Do you?" I yelled.
"No!" he asked confusing.
"Ohh I see, Walter didn't tell you!" I said.
"Didn't tell me what?" he asked and he moved away his gun.
"I am his brother!!" I lied.

"I didn't know he has a brother! I am sorry. My name is Bruce by the way" he said.
He started to walk against the factory. He turned around when he realized that I am not following him "Are you going? Walter is waiting for you!"
Oh I am dead if Walter see me.
"Cmon man what are you waiting for?"
"Damn!" I said and followed him.
We reached the factory.
It was cold in there and very dirty. What's that smell? Did someone died here? It's smells like rats! I was about to throw up.
He stoped walking "You will find him in the room on the left"
I can't just walk in the room and say 'Oh hey Walter how ya doing!' I need a plan.

"Hey Bruce, I really need a toilet."
"Yeah sure, It's on your right!"
"Thanks mate, I will be right back. Oh and don't tell Walter that I am here, I want to surprise him!"
He nodded and left.
I didn't acully go on the toilet I started looking for Kendall and Hailey.

Walter's p.o.v
Bruce walked into the room.
"Hey Walter, guess what?"
"What?" I said.
"Your brother is here, but don't tell him that I told you, he wanted to surprise you!" he responded.
"Bruice I am not in a good mood for jokes right now!"
"But your brother is here!"
Ahh he is so annoying with his stupid jokes. He thinks his jokes are acully funny, but he sucks.
"I don't have a fucking brother Bruce!" I said angrily. "That's funny, because a guy outside said that he is your brother"
Wait a minute!?! Hailey didn't come alone. She lied! "It's time for a plan B." I said "We have a plan B?" said Bruce. I looked at him "Why are you so stupid?"

Kendall's p.o.v
I was alone in the room.I gave up, I will be here forever! I didn't eat anything since I am here. "I am here, starving! This is not a big deal nah! Just leave me here! Fuck you all!" I yelled even in fact nobody heard me. I hate all of them so much!!

"Kendall?" said a mistery voice behind the door. "Who is this?"
Louis slowly walked into the room. "Louis? Oh my god what are you doing here?"
He ran up to me and he took a knife out of his pocket and started cutting the ropes. I huged him "Have you seen Hailey?"
"No, is she here too?" I responded.
"Yes she is here,but I can't find her!"
I huged him "I am so happy to see you!"
"Cmon let's go out of here, we have to find Hailey!"

Thomas' p.o.v
Hailey walked into the room. "So how is my favourite girl?"
"Don't talk to me like that Thomas, we are not friends!"
"We aren't? Okay!" I said.
"Where is my money?"
She threw two briefcases on the table "I thought this is Walter's money?" she crossed her arms.
"Walter is just my partner in crime!" I said.
"Here is your money, where is Kendall?" she said angrily.
"Ohh why are you even friends?You will see her in a minute!" "We are not just friends, we are best friends forever!" she responded.

Walter came in the room and he said "It's time for plan B Thomas!" and then he left.
I took few steps closer to Hailey I grabbed a bottle and I hit her on her head. She fell down.

Kendall's p.o.v
Me and Louis were running in a hallway. And behind the corner we met Walter. We turned around and we were about to run away from him but he yelled "Stop right now or I will shot you!" We slowly turned around.
Walter came up to us. He punched Louis in the face and then in stomach.
I pushed Walter away from Louis. He grabed me by my hair "Get out of my way you stupid girl!" he yelled and he pushed me, I fell on the ground. He started punching Louis. Louis fell on the ground.
I need to help him.
I jumped on Walter's back "Leave him alone you mother fucker!" He threw me on the ground and started punching me. I heard Thomas' voice "Don't kill them so fast, we need them" Walter stoped punching me. My body was in pain. I closed my eyes.

Hailey's p.o.v

I opened my eyes.
I was in the dark room with no windows, in front of me have been dirty doors.

I was tied up on chair.
On my mouth was peace of tape.
I started crying and shaking.

Where the fuck am I??

I looked around me.
I saw Louis on the flor next to me. He had handcuffs on his hands. Louis why did you come with me? You gona get hurt because of me!

Please Louis wake up! Please!!
Please don't be dead!!

He moved his leg.

Thank you god!

He opened his eyes and he said "Hailey?"

I was looking at him and crying.

"Hailey everything will be okay! Trust me!!" When he said that I got a feeling I already been trought all this. No this is impossible. I have dreamt that! No, this can't be real. NO! My dreams can't be real!
(If you don't remember Hailey has dreamt this scene in 15th part-Beach)

We heard someone coming.

Someone opened the doors!

I was scared.

"Well, well, well you are awake!" said Walter.

He came up to me and he took tape off of my mouth.

I fucking hate him.

"Don't touch her!" Louis sreamed.

"Why are you doing all this?" I yelled at him.

"Because I am having fun when I am doing this!" he said all chill.

"You are not a human! You are a monster! Go in hell!!!" I yelled at him

He slaped me "Shut up bitch!".
My nose started bledding.

"Fuck you!" i yelled.

"Niall will fucking kill you, you fucker!!!" Louis yelled at him.

Walter started laughing.
"He will not, if I kill him first!!"
He took a gun out of his pocket.
He turned his gun on Louis and he said "Maybe last words Louis Tomlinson?!"

Louis looked at me.
"No no no Tommo please!! Don't" I yelled. I knew what will happen next! This is not real! I am dreaming again.

"Please Walter! Please!!!" I was begging him.

My eyes were in tears.

"Hailey please tell the boys that they will always be in my heart and you and Kendall! I love you all!!" he said in tears.

"How sweet! Now say goodbye to your friend!!" said Walter.

"NOO! Please!!! Kill me, not him!!" I sreamed.

He shot him. Louis fell down.

I started crying even more.

"Noo! Nooo!! Louis!! Nooo!!"

This is my fault!! He died because of me!
I couldn't stop crying and sreaming!

"See ya soon!" said Walter and left the room.

"Nooo nooooooo!!" Louis is dead. This is a real nightmare!


"When this shit will be over you will buy me an ice-cream!" said someone. I looked at Louis.
He was looking at me! "You are alive! You are here with me! Oh my god!"

"Yeah, I am lucky that Walter don't know how to use a gun! He shot me in my shoulder!"
Louis stood up and he cut the ropes around my wrist and ankle. "You are bleedinig! Press on your shoulder! We have to find first aid."
"So let's go!" he said.
"Where? We are locked in the room!"

Louis opened the door and he said "Walter is even a biger idiot as I thought! He didn't lock the door!"
We slowly walked out of the room.
We went upstairs. "This factory is huge!" said Louis.
Louis walked into one of the rooms. I followed him. He sat on the chair. His hand was bloody.
I opened old wordrobe.
"I found a phone Louis!"
"Is it work?" he responded.
"Yeah I think, I will call Niall!"

"Yes, Niall here!"

"Niall? I need you!"

"Hailey? Oh fuck are you okay?"

"Yeah I am okay, but Louis in injured! I need you!

"I am on my way love! Stay exsacly where you are! I am coming! Be careful!"

"Please hurry up! I am so scared!"

"Listen to me Hailey! You have to be brave, for me! And I l-"
I looked at the phone
"Fuck batery is empty!"
"Niall is on his way!" I added.

Niall's p.o.v

I sat on the chair. Harry came up to me "What's wrong with you? You look like you just saw a ghost!"
I looked at him "Give me your car keys!"
"Are we thinking the same thing Niall?" Harry asked.
"Yeah!" I said. "Liaaaam bring your lazy ass in the kitchen!" Harry yelled. Liam came in the kitchen.
"Hailey just called-!" Harry cut me off. "What did she say? Where is Kendall? Is she okay?"
"Calm down Harold!" said Liam.
"So what's the plan?" Liam added "First we need a gun to protect ourself and second any ideas where we can get it?!"
Harry was looking at the table, he looked up and he said "Zayn!"
Zayn is a big lover of guns and that kind of stuff.
"So let's go boys!" I said and grabed car keys.
"I am driving!" said Harry.
"Oh cmon Harry!"
He gave me a serious look "Niall it's my car!" "Ahh catch!" I said and threw him his keys.

We reached Zayn's house.
We knocked. Zayn opened the door "Vas happening boys?" he said smiling.
"Can we come in?" I asked
"Of course!" He led us in the living room. We sat down. "So why are you so sad?" he asked.
I shaked my hair. "And where is Louis?" We were quite. "Guys? What's wrong?"
"Kendall is kidnapped!" said Harry. He started laughing "Yeah right, hahaha I am not that stupid Harry!" I looked at him. He stoped laughing and made serious face "Wait you are serious?" Harry nodded "And that is not all!" Harry responded.

"Hailey and Louis went to rescue her!" I said. "Annnnnnd?" he added. "Hailey called and Louis is injured. We need to help them!"

"And you are telling me this now?!"
"It's complicated Zayn!"
"We need-" he cut me off.
"I know what you need!" and he left the room.
After few minutes in silence Zayn came back with a bag. He put it on the table. He opened it and took a gun in his hand. This is the best gun I have, so be careful.

Then he went in the kitchen and he came back with a black bag.
He put three guns out. "Well you have to practise!" "There is no time for practise Zayn! We have to go!" said Liam.
"So here are your guns boys let's go!" said Zayn.

We jumped in the car and drove away. After 2 hours we finally reached the factory.

Harry's p.o.v
Niall's car was parked in the courtyard. I walked out of the car. Boys followed me.
"Get ready for some action!"
Niall started laughing.
We walked toward the factory.

Someone started shuting at us.
I shot him in his leg and then I walked up to him and punched him. The man fell down.

Zayn, Louis and Niall were just staring at me with open mounth. "Is he dead?" Zayn asked. "No!"

Niall just shot another guy who ran out of the factory.

Niall was in shock "Oh fuck I killed him! I killed a human being. I going in hell!" his hands were shaking. "Boys I killed a man what if he had a family and kids!? I killed him." he was sreaming.
I put my hand on his shoulder "Niall he is not dead!". "He isn't?" he responded. "You shot him in the arm, he will be okay! Look, he is breading!"
Niall took a deep breath. "Cmon boys let's go find Kendall, Hailey and Louis. We walked in the factory.

Kendall's p.o.v
Here we go again. I am locked in the room again. I screw up my life. Well done Kendall.
Walter came in the room, he grabbed me by my hair and he yelled "Cmon let's goooo!"
I sreamed.

Niall's p.o.v

Harry was looking for Kendall in the first floor. I went in the second flor. Where is Walter? All I care in this moment is Hailey. And Louis of course.

"Hailey?" "Hailey where are you?" I said little louder.

I opened the door of another room "Hailey?"

My blue eyes met her brown.
I was so happy to see her.
She ran in my arms. "Where have you been?" she said.
I huged here so thight and whispered on her ear "I hate you!"
She laughed "Why?"
"Why?! I got a milion heart attacks today, I shot a man outside and then you ask why!"
She hugged me again "I was so scared! But you are here now! My hero!"
I smiled, she called me 'her hero'.

I lifted her chin "I missed you so much!" then I kissed her gently on her lips.

Louis couched. "Oh Louis I didn't see you!"
"No, just take your time, I am just bleeding here, not a big deal!" said Louis.

"You are bleeding?" I ran up to him.
"Don't worry, I am okay." he responded.
"Thanks mate for protecting her! As I can see you took your 'bodyguard job' too serious!" I looked at his injured arm.
He smiled "Well, I've done my best!"

Harry's p.o.v
I was checking all rooms. I didn't find her. Kendall where are you?
I started sreaming "Kendaaaaaal?"

"Harry? I am here!!!" she sreamed.
I started running. I reached the last room in a hallway.
I opened the door.

I saw Walter holding her around her neck and presing his gun on Kendall's head.

"Put your gun down and she will live!" Walter yelled.
I put my gun on the flor.

"Leave her alone, you want me right?"
"Harry Styles I want to kill you so badly."
"So what are you waiting for? I am here!"

I looked at Kendall's eyes. She wasn't scared. She smiled and I knew what I have to do.

Next second she punched Walter in his stomach with the elbow. He droped the gun and left Kendall. I fastly grabbed my gun on the flor and Kendall took Walter's.
I call this team work.

I was so angry. I pressed a gun on Walter's head "It's over Walter!"
"Are you going to kill me?" he laughed.
"You think it's funny ha?" I said angrily.
"You are so weak, you can't kill me!" he responded.

Kendall put hand on my shoulder "Leave him Harry, he is not worth it!"

"Give me the keys of this room!" I said.
He reached in his pocket and gave me a key.

"I knew it! You can't kill a man, because you are weak!" said Walter.
"No, I am not a murderer."

I was about to leave a room, but Walter said "Yeah just run away with your slut!"

Oh no he didn't!! He called love of my life a 'slut'?
I turned around and punched him in his nose, Walter fell on the ground.
Kendall and me left the room and locked Walter in.

I looked at Kendall, she smiled and she hugged me "You broke his nose just because he called me a slut?"
"Nobody will call you a slut!"

She pressed a kiss on my lips.
I looked at her and I pushed her against the wall and kissed her.

Louis' p.o.v
I was looking at Niall. He really loves her. He have never been in love so badly.

Someone opened the door. Two mans with a gun were standing in front of us "Party is over!"

Next moment somone shot them and they fell on the flor. Liam and Zayn walked in the room.
I started laughing "Thanks for saving our asses."

"No problem!" said Zayn.

We heard a sound of the gun and Zayn fell down.
Hailey ran up to him. Thomas was standing behind Zayn, he was holding a gun in his hand.

She started crying "You shot him! Why have you done that Thomas?"

Thomas shot him in the chest.

"He is not breading!! Niall give me your jacket he is lossing blood so fast!" Niall gave her his jacket.

Thomas was just standing there and his hands were shaking.

Hailey started resuscitationing Zayn.

Thomas ran out of the room. Liam ran after him.

"Niall call an emergency!" Hailey yelled.

To be continued...

I am really really sorry for a late update. I hope this chapter made up for the waite. Ahahaha so what will happen with Zayn? Will Niall finally tell Hailey how he really feels? HENDALL WILL RISE!<3 You will see in next chapter! Comment and vote if you like my book! ;)
I didn't knew this book will go that far omfg didn't expected at all! All I have to say is THANK YOU! Thank you so much, means a world to me!
Stay gold! Luv u!

Have a lovely day-L xx

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