Why can't I give up on YOU!

By catwithpencils

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They use to be great friends but, after a confession, some heart break and a lot of avoiding they grew apart... More

Chapter 1: Luck where are you?
Chapter 2: Reunited
Chapter 3: The NON date
Chapter 4: Sleep over anybody?
Chapter 5 : The Club of Disappointment
Chapter 6: The aftermath
Chapter 8: Awkward
Chapter 9: Tangled emotions
Chapter 10: It's All revealed
Chapter 11: Secret's
Chapter 12: Laughter and Mystery
Chapter 13 : Shelter from the coming storm
Chapter 14 : A helping hand
Chapter 15: A plan on the rise
Chapter 16: Unlocked Thoughts
Chapter 17: Get in and Get out
Chapter 18: Fight
Chapter 19: Fight Part 2
Chapter 20: A Chilling Farewell
Chapter 21: Tormented Mind
Chapter 22: Preparations
Chapter 23: Turn of Events
Chapter 24: Emergency Rescue
Chapter 25: Clarity and Trust
Chapter 26: As long as i have you
Love i found you
Authors note

Chapter 7: Forgive but don't forget

3.1K 96 141
By catwithpencils

The sun's light began to dull, marking the end of the day and the beginning of the evening. His body screamed for sleep but his mind was wide awake. There was nothing to do no where to go, his friends were probably all out doing things and enjoying there lives. But where was he? curled up in his bed, staring at the ceiling, alone. Maybe he'd turn on the tv and catch up on some shows he'd missed or play another round of call of duty on his play station. Or maybe he'd attempt to cook something healthily for once, ramen sounded good but for some reason these days it had lost that special touch, like something was missing.

Even though these thoughts had crossed his mind his body still refused to move from its spot as if it was glued there. He gave in and let out a frustrated sigh, it was no use he was stuck in a funk. This apartment had always been lonely, people rarely came to visit, it was dark, cramp and the place was a few more storms away from falling apart. But he had always found a way to make light of it, he'd stay out for a as long as he could to avoid coming home and when he was here by himself he'd invite people over to liven the place up.

  So why was it so hard to do that now? Why now had he let himself be swallowed by the depths of loneliness that he had pushed away for so many years. Naruto looked across his room and out the window for an answer. That's when something caught his eye, there on the table next to the windowsill a picture sat, a picture of someone in particular. His questions were answered. Now he understood everything, it wasn't loneliness he was feeling it was longing. He missed her.

How long had it been since their fight? a few days? weeks? It was like she was a drug or something the withdrawal was killing him. Every time he'd go to work and see her it was like silent torture. He'd greet her and thankfully, she remained polite just as she had always been and responded, but that was as far as any conversation between them went. They'd work side by side not exchanging a single word, occasionally he'd catch her staring at him with this look in her eyes and for a second he'd believed she felt the same way that she missed him as well. But once there eyes met, her face would tighten and she'd look away.

Naruto rolled over on his side and frowned, there had to be more to the reason why Hinata was acting this way, sure he had been wrong for what he did, but to have a response like this? Something else must be up. In fact now that he thought about it, this situation kinda reminded him of what happened in high school. She distanced herself and then soon no one heard from her and then before he had a chance to figure out what was wrong she was gone. And to make it even more confusing no one questioned it and no one was questioning it now like he was the only one who didn't know what was going on.

He Hated it, why was he the only one left in the shadows, Hinata was his friend too. He needed to find out what was going on, he hadn't pressed the subject out of respect and to spare feelings, but he couldn't do it anymore. If Hinata and he were to ever fully repair their relationship he needed to know all the facts. He needed to find out the real reason why Hinata had left all those years ago and while he was at it, figure out what exactly cause this change in her. Naruto sprung up from his bed and moved quickly out of his room.
He needed to know now! and he knew exactly who to go to. He looked around his apartment for his favorite orange hoodie he wore for good luck but couldn't find it. It had been missing for a while actually. He gave up and settled for a black jacket before heading out the door. He was about to open his car door when a buzzing in his front pocket  caught his attention. It was a text message.


" One venti Americano and a straight black coffee for the Gentlemen." Hinata said playfully curtsying, causing her guest to burst out in laughter. " Why thank you milady, come now sit sit" Kiba said extending his hands to the seat across from him. Hinata giggled as she sat down.

It was a regular Wednesday evening, Hinata had been slaving at work when she received an unexpected visit from two of her close friends Kiba and Shino. It wasn't that she wasn't happy to see them again, it was just things were still kinda weird, after all it had been a while since they spoke. But they didn't let her feel awkward at all, laughing and joking with her just as they always did. Hinata was really happy to have them, so she treated them to some coffee, on her since they traveled such a distance to visit. Plus her shift was almost done and there was barely any one in the cafe, so she had some time to kill.

" So how have you've been missy" Kiba said siping his coffee. " We haven't heard from you in what...a month or so."

Hinata's smile slightly faded, " Oh... Uh fine, I just needed some time to think.. I'm sorry if I hurt you guys." She said looking down at her cup of coffee. Shino shook his head, dismissing her comment " There's no need to feel bad Hinata we understood the circumstances." Kiba nodded his head in agreement " Yeah Naruto's a giant buffoon, I can't believe him" he growled.

" No no you guys stop it, it's not his fault.... it's mine, Naruto was just looking out for me,       I just got my feelings mixed up in the situation and lashed out. I guess I was never able to accept the fact he and I were just friends " Hinata said lifting her coffee up towards her lips. " But don't you guys worry I won't make that same mistake again" she took a long sip of her coffee with out a stitch of emotion, concerning the two men.

" So what your just gonna give up? T-That's it? no more Naruto-kun this and Naruto-kun that?" Kiba questioned. Hinata slouched back in her seat and let out a sigh, " Well yes....what else is there left to do? I've been chasing after him for years, he has shown no sign of having any romantic feelings towards me and he made it very clear years ago that the very thought of us being together was weird."

Hinata met kiba's gaze sorrowfully " I can't go on living like this, going after something that I will never have, i think it's better for the both of us if Iet him go and move on, after all before I fell in love with Naruto he was just my best friend and I'd like for us to at least salvage our friendship."

Kiba raked both his hands through his hair in frustration " But Hinata, you don't need to give up, there's no doubt in my mine that that idiot loves you... You just need to give him more time" Kiba challenged. Hinata's face soften " You all say that, but when has Naruto ever confided that to you or even hinted at that, face it Kiba-kun he, doesn't love me."

Kiba turned to Shino in defeat. " Shino help me out here."

Shino sighed " Hinata-San kiba's right, though Naruto hasn't expressed it in words, we all can clearly see that he's deeply in love with you, he treats you differently from the rest of us even down to the way he looks at you, please just give it some time, he's a little slow when it comes to these things but I'm sure he will get it eventually" Shino pleaded.

Hinata let out a chuckle " You know I'm starting to feel like you guys only came to vist me specifically for this reason, fine I won't make any promises but I'll keep an open mind...are you happy now.?" Both Kiba and Shino nodded there heads causing Hinata to smile.

" Well good, but I'm still not speaking to him" she said unvaryingly. Both Kiba and Shino made an UGH sound to express there displeasure, to that in which Hinata laughed yet again. " I'm sorry guys but I think me and Naruto-kun should keep our distance for a while I don't want to fall back into old habits" Hinata said. A smirk grew on kiba's face " You said Naruto-kun" Kiba said teasingly.

" N-No I didn't " Hinata stuttered becoming irritated.

" Yes you did, just give in already, your not gonna be able to give up on Naruto and you won't be able to avoid him... Ugh why are girls so difficult, look just go up to him tell him you love him and..uh run off into the sun set holding hands or something." Kiba said resting his head in his hand.

Hinata's face became red with frustration, why wasn't anyone able to understand the position she was in, you can't just ask someone who's heart has been broken several times to forget it and try to make it work again. Thats Crazy and even if she could make it work she had no confidence who's to say she wouldn't  just get hurt again.

" Whatever I don't care what you say " Hinata said brushing off kiba's words. " I have a Cupid on my side now." Kiba raised an eyebrow and began to question her " What do you mean a Cupid?" He said leaning forward, intrigued. Hinata smiled mischievously. " Oh he's just a guy that is trying to help me find love in this cruel cruel world."

Kiba wrinkled his eyebrows in confusion," Are you sleeping around with some man who wears diapers?"  He questioned. Hinata's eyes nearly pop out of her head at kiba's question " What? N-No!!!! my friend is just helping me find a boyfriend I swe-" Kiba held his sides as he died in laughter " I was just kidding Hinata, man your face was priceless ." He continued laughing obnoxiously causing Shino to even chuckle a bit.

Hinata crossed her arms and rolled her eyes, she was embarrassed but she wasn't about to let Kiba know that. " So who is this Cupid guy, do I know him?" Kiba asked. Hinata became weary and hesitated before answering " I don't know maybe " she said trying to avoid the question. Shino and Kiba looked at each other as if they came to the same conclusion, " Please don't tell us it's that white hair fella from that club" Kiba said annoyed. Hinata remained silent and the boys had their answer.

Kiba squeezed the bridge of his nose, " look Hinata I've heard a lot of things, I don't know too much about this guy and I don't want to seem like I'm bossing you around or anything so all I will say is this... just be careful." Hinata looked at Kiba with so much skepticism that his eyes began to sting. " He's not a bad guy you know, don't listen to what the others are telling you"  She said.

" Telling me what? that he's a creep, pervert, stalker....possibly  a convicted felon, no no no  I have no reason to believe that stuff at all, after all I know so much about this guy" kiba said sarcastically.

Hinata frowned " I've known him for a while, since the beginning of the semester, he's nice, polite and he's pretty smart " Hinata replied.

" Sounds like the perfect cover up, soon he'll be so kind that he will invite you over to his house for "tea" and then in his bedroom to look at his  "teapot collection " and then the next thing you know you'll be waking up in his bed butt naked because he slipped something in your "tea" " Kiba said.

" Kiba stop" Hinata said rubbing her temples.

" It's true, hey men are pigs, just because he smiles to your face doesn't mean he doesn't have a motive" Kiba said smirking. " You should just listen to us, and whatever you do don't even think of falling for this guy ...I've gotta bad feeling that's all the advice I can give you." 

Hinata rolled her eyes," Sure what ever you say daddy " she said jokingly. Kiba smirked, " Oooo daddy I like that, call me that from now on." The three busted out laughing, a spark of happiness washed over her, she valued their friendship deeply. Just their presence was almost therapeutic to her, she really needed this, a time to just relax, joke around and try and ease up on the drama. Hinata sighed with contentment, it was a nice feeling.

Sadly a feeling that wouldn't last for long, the door of the cafe swung open starling the three. But who was at the door was even more frightening in Hinata's case. The cold air from out side filled the room as the person walked in, tracking what appeared to be snow in the store with each step. " Man it's really coming down out there " he said attempting to clear the snow from his blond hair. Hinata's eyes met the person's and the smile she was once wearing faded instantly. " Hinata... What-" Naruto started before turning around and narrowing his eyes at Kiba." Kiba what the hell is going on?...I thought you needed to talk." It was then Hinata's turn to look at the wolf like boy with suspicion  and once she put the pieces together her glare sharpened.

Kiba and Shino looked at each other and nodded " Well we did our part... see ya guys." The two boys stood up from their booth and began to exit. Hinata started to panic, " W-Wait... If you guys are going I'm going too I certainly don't need to be here." Kiba and Shino stopped in their tracks and turn towards her " But your shift is not officially over RIGHT HINATA HYUGA!" Kiba said loud enough for her manager to hear. It must have worked because the manager came running around the corner and gave Hinata a look that screamed " Get back to work."

Hinata was fuming, What traitors, this was their plan all along wasn't it, oooo they were going to pay for this later! Hinata  whipped around to confront the two just to catch them out the door and sprinting down the street, leaving her alone with Naruto. Well that was just great...now she was stuck. The two stood awkwardly facing one another greeted by nothing but utter silence. Naruto played with his jacket collar and scratched the back of his neck, while Hinata crossed her arms and shifted her gaze through out the cafe. There actions continued like that for a while before Naruto could no longer stand it  "uh.. Ahem.. Hinata I-I had no idea,  they were going to do this...I swear" he explained meekly.

Though she believed him, Hinata didn't even dare to look into his eyes, she was not willing to even let him think they were on good terms for a second.  There was yet again silence, " Whatever" she mumbled blankly before turning away from him.  Her actions brought pain to his chest but  Naruto still remained composed, he watched her stomp over to the table across from him and begin scrubbing it violently with a wet rag from her apron. Well here was his chance to properly talk to her again and try to put at least a little of their relationship back together again, it was worth a shot. He cautiously walk  towards her until he stood right behind her. " Hey...Hinata?" He started. Hinata shrieked in surprise and spun around to face to him " W-what is it... what do you want?" She questioned shakily, Her hands gripping the the table behind her.

" Let's talk" He answered. His eyes were unwavering, his voice sounded determined, there was nothing that was going to get in his way this time and she could see it. Still Hinata refused to give in, " There's nothing to talk about. " She then turned around and walked away from him. But he was persistent, he followed and ran around her so he was right in front of her, he decided to try a different approach. " Ok then can I order a coffee then?"

Hinata raised an eyebrow, " Make it yourself... you work here too." This time Hinata walked past him and ran behind the front counter, making sure to lock the little entrance employees use to get behind there. She then walked over to him from the other side, turned the coffee machine around and held out a cup from him " Here you go" she said. She was really making this difficult for him, all he wanted to do was talk was that so much? He reached across the counter and took the cup from her hand, then suddenly placed one hand on the counter and leaped over to the the other side. Thank god there was only a few people in the shop or this would look really bad. Hinata's mouth layed agape, as he faced the coffee machine in it's correct direction. " Nope I'm just another one of your customers today remember? I'm not on duty" he said handing her the cup back with this almost taunting smile on his face. " And I think our manager agrees." Hinata turned to look at the manager who was enraged, writing on her note book with so much force, Hinata thought she would drill a hole through it. Well there went her bonus.

This time Hinata looked up to Naruto prepared to give him the biggest glare she could mustered but was surprised to see that same smile. What exactly was he doing? Was this some sort of game he was playing? Did he really think that forcing her to make him some coffee would some how keep her in his presence longer? Or was he trying to get her to just speak to him. Whatever it was she was not going to let him win, it was better for them to stay apart why couldn't he see that?

" Fine I'll make you some coffee if I do will you stop whatever it is that your doing?" Naruto's smile grew wider " Doing what?" He replied playing innocent. Hinata groaned " Never mine." Naruto chuckled he was having way more fun with this then he was supposed to.  He hoped back over the counter and took a seat making sure it was right in front of her. He watched her so intensely that she began to sweat and every time she turned to catch him in the act he'd look away. He was starting to get under her skin ... Just like he wanted.

" Ok is it really necessary to watch me the entire time?" She said growing frustrated. Naruto continued his act, " What do you mean? I've been looking out the window this whole time" He said furrowing his eyebrows to make himself look extra confused. " Your lying, just stop it ok!" She snapped alerting the customers and the Manager. " HINATA! is that any way to treat a customer" the manager yelled across the room.

" But he keeps staring at me and he's not a customer and you know that." Hinata argued back.

" He's not wearing a sweet delight's apron is he? So he's a customer! this is your first warning!" Hinata sighed and gave into the manager's demands. She looked over at Naruto and growled when she saw him placing his hand over his mouth, holding back his laughter.

"'Glad to see you think this is funny" she said in a low icy tone of voice. Naruto still smiled however, " I'm not laughing and your the one who freaked out, you know just because your pretty doesn't mean everyone is staring at you -ttebeyo." Hinata's eyes widened, did he just call her pretty? " What did you just call me?" She asked. Naruto realized his words and soon his cheeks were dusted with pink " Uh t-that came out wrong f-for get It" he said.

He himself was even confused by his words where did that come from? Sure he was just being honest Hinata had always been pretty. She had such an angelic face with those soft lavender eyes, with long delicate eyelashes to accompany them that made you just wanna melt. And that smooth dark hair with just a tint of blue that went all the way down her back like a water fall, it was just mesmerizing. Her body wasn't bad either but that wasn't the point any one would find Hinata at least a little bit attractive, so why did it bother him so much to say it out loud. He couldn't even look at her right now with out blushing. Hinata noticed his sudden discomfort and thought bad to kiba's words. She quickly shook the thoughts away afraid to fall back into the same pattern. " .....ok  then well here's your coffee now you can go right?" She said pushing the coffee towards him looking away.

Naruto looked down at his coffee and back at Hinata before taking a giant sip. His eyes widen and he quickly set the coffee down like it was on fire or something. " W-what is it did I mess it up or something it's a Carmel latte with milk and no sugar...is that not what you get?" Hinata said worried for some odd reason. Naruto stared at her once again with his mouth open, " N-no it's just.... You remembered." His gaze caused Hinata to become uneasy and a familiar feeling warmed her chest.

" W-well yeah you told me that you like caramel lattes but you thought it was kinda girly so when ever I got it for you and we were around our friends I'd say I brought you a black coffee." Hinata began to unknowingly smile as she recalled the story " Haha I'd do that so many times one time I forgot to put sugar in it and you told me that you actually liked it better that way." She slapped her hand over her mouth and blushed wildly  realizing that she was rambling on about old times like they were close again. Hinata looked over to find Naruto smirking and resting his chin in both his hands. " So that's why...why are you still here?" She said snapping back into her foul mood. " I miss this...being here chatting with you..still don't wanna talk?" Naruto said playing with the lid of his coffee.

Hinata hesitated for a moment before turning her back to Naruto. " You take care ok?" She said and began walking away. Naruto watched her every step with longing " So you don't even miss our video game sessions?" He said after her. But she didn't turn around continuing her clean up process. " You know the ones when you'd come over in the middle of the night to release some "tension" as you called it." Hinata stopped wiping the counter for a second in thought but continued, when he worded it like that it sounded kinda- " Oooo my favorite parts were the noises you made when you felt like you were losing...ah it was music to my ears."

The people in the cafe started to turn and look at Hinata with distaste and she began to feel uncomfortable. " I've tried playing with other girls but there never as good as you.. and you last so long too." Hinata had had enough" Naruto st-stop saying it like that it's sounds wrong." She said approaching him once again. But he knew exactly what he was doing smirking with satisfaction " Oh there's no need to be embarrassed, it's ok for people to know about your wild side."

Hinata looked around and noticed the staring had gotten worst. " And I loved it when you felt things were getting too rough and you would grab my joystick to try to slow me down but I still just kept goi-" Hinata reached over the counter and placed her hands over Naruto's mouth. " Ok lets talk!" She yelled her whole face now a crimson red. Naruto smirked between her fingers, he had won.

" Did we really have to come out side to do  this it's kinda....ya know... snowing." Naruto questioned as Hinata dragged him to a section behind the cafe. " Yes.. I don't want to risk you saying any more things that might ruin my reputation." Naruto bursted into laughter, and took the opportunity to tease her some more. He sneakily snaked his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder so he could reach her ear. " Hey don't act all shy now.. you know you liked it" he whispered playfully. Hinata quickly pushed him off her with sternness, " S-stop messing around! you wanted to talk let's talk"  She said once again crossing her arms.

Naruto's smile relaxed and then became serious, " Ok...I get it" he let out a big breath before he continued " How should I put this....I'm sorry."

Hinata raised an eyebrow " About?" She questioned trying to get him to deliberate.

Naruto let out another shaky breath and began to walk back and fourth, he wanted to make sure his words wouldn't be misconstrued, he shivered a bit, the snow was falling harder and though they were sheltered by the mini roof above the back door he could see Hinata was shivering. He needed to think quick.

" Everything...the fights....the jealousy...the exaggeration I'm really really sorry, I messed up and I know sorry can't fix what happened but I  have to try something... I-I miss you Hinata I want to work on this together..like we promised " he said looking off in the distance with regret.

Hinata remained silent this time looking at him, seeing him look so remorseful almost stroke guilt in her heart and made her want to fall back into her usual personality but she quickly brushed it off, she knew she had to remain strong. " How do I know you mean it" she said catching Naruto's attention.

" Huh?" He said in confusion.

She took a few steps towards him, so he could hear her and she could read his face better. " I Said how do I know you mean it?, how do I know your not just saying this because you don't want me hanging out with Toneri-kun or your just trying to make things less awkward between us for our friends?" Hinata leaned forward with a " hmmm?" Waiting for a response.

Naruto scratched his head " Wow your not gonna make this easy for me are you?" he questioned smiling awkwardly. Hinata's face remained still and she shook her head no.

" Huh....ok fine I'll admit you hanging out with that toe naily guy-"

" Toneri" Hinata corrected.

" Same thing, anyway made me uneasy-"

"Jealous" Hinata corrected again.

Naruto sighed " Ok yeah jealous, insane, CRAZY, but if you say he's just your friend and if hanging out with him makes you happy then I suppose I should be happy for you."

Hinata nodded her head smiling a bit with satisfaction, he was really starting to get it.
" But if this Friend of yours does anything to hurt  you he's dead you hear me and no body will be able to find the body." Hinata simply rolled her eyes and nodded her head, well at least he was getting the just friend part.

"And oh another thing,  I'm not just doing this for the sake of our friends I'm doing it because I'm a selfish idiot and I don't want my Hinata to hate me."

Naruto peered down at Hinata, to his surprised her cheeks were stained pink again, he wondered why.

" So what do you say are you willing to trust and forgive this big idiot..again?"

Hinata remained quiet thinking about her decision. Yeah he was kinda dense and unreliable and an over all goof ball but she kinda liked those things about him. Yeah he broke her heart several times, but she too played a big part in that and he was again dense so he didn't know. Plus he did in a way help her to become stronger. And she was really trying to get over him this time so she didn't have to worry too much about feelings, this would be like exposure therapy almost. And she was also a sucker for those sad adorable looks he gave her. So what the heck. " well I guess...so."

Naruto however was not convinced he decided to recant Hinata's actions " I don't believe you I'm gonna need some proof."

" Naruto come on I need to get back to work and it's cold ou-.....what are you doing."

Naruto stood straight up with his arms extended outwards " If your not mad at me then give me a hug." Hinata scoffed, the old her would have jumped into his arms in a second but the her right now hesitated. " N-No why can't you just take my word for it " Hinata argued her face growing redder.

" It's better to be safe than sorry, it's fine if you don't want to I guess I'll just have to keep visiting you during your shifts to make sure " He said smirking.

" F-fine," Hinata awkwardly scooted towards him slowly, before Naruto impatiently took her by the waist and pulled her into his chest. Hinata fell silent, her heart was beating so hard she swore it would burst through her chest. Her mind was hazily filled with panicked  thoughts, " Push him off, Don't trust him" it screamed but her body wasn't willing to comply. It enjoyed that wonderful intoxicating woodsy scent his body was giving off, it was soothing, refreshing, almost as if she would drift off to sleep if she continued to stay like this.

The cold only made it worst, despite the freezing weather he was oddly warm, so her body gravitated toward him. Hinata unconsciously pushed closer into him, burying her face into his chest. Naruto welcomed her and tighten the grip. She felt him begin to play with her hair, his fingers raked through her long traces, while his others stroked her back. She almost hummed with delight at the wonderful feeling. But she wouldn't fall victim to his affection, this was exactly what she misunderstood last time there is no feelings in his actions.
Naruto's head lowered towards Hinata's now burning red ear, his mouth opened and her ears awaited his words " So you don't hate me? " He whispered. Hinata wrapped her arms tightly around Naruto " I've never hated you Naruto-kun how many times must I say it...you.. idiot." Naruto buried his face into the crook of her neck in response to her words and Hinata lost all sense of reality.

Her hand instantly went to the back of his head pulling him closer, turning her head so he could sink deeper into her neck. She never wanted him to feel hated, he was one of the people she cared about most. It was just this internal battle she was fighting, that had caused her to lash out at him. Her desire to rid her self of this infatuation with him took over her and the fact that he got jealous over a friend she had, just added fuel to the flame.

How dare he get so defensive about her hanging out with other men she thought. They weren't even in that sort of relationship but yet he had the audacity to for bid her from seeing a guy he knew nothing about. And to add to the wound he didn't even want to be with her, she got mad, said and did somethings she was not proud of and avoided him.

Of course he would be hurt, in his mind he was trying to help but Hinata was to angry too look at that. She was still running from her problems and hurting people along the way. Well no more. She was going to a find a way to deal with this THING her and Naruto had been going through in a clean, healthy way. No more avoiding, No more anger, just peace.

" I'm sorry too Naruto-kun I over reacted " Hinata whispered to him stroking his head. " Your my Best Friend in the whole entire world you know that."

Naruto stirred in her grasp, for some reason those words stung him more than soothed him. He removed his head from her neck and stared down at her, there were tears in her eyes.

" Hey why are you crying?" He questioned as he lifted a hand to her face to wipe the tears away.

Hinata's eyes widened, she didn't even realize it " Oh I am aren't I.. Don't mind me I'm just getting emotional."

She tried turning her face away, but Naruto held it it in place with both hands. He delicately wiped her tears away with his sleeve. " It's ok you can be as emotional as you want around me."

Hinata smiled as more tears leeked from her eyes, this was one of the reasons she fell for him when they were together she could be herself all her barriers were broken down. " Your emotional too...are those tears I see in your eyes?" Hinata teased.

Naruto wiped his eyes with he's sleeves " Me?..No it's the snow I must have gotten some on my face" Naruto argued.

Hinata bodly took Naruto's face in her hands surprising the blond. " Liar you were crying .." Hinata used her thumbs to wipe away the tears from his eyes. " See all better" Hinata said giggling.

Naruto said nothing, he simply continued to stare down at the smiling bluenette before him as his own cheeks turned red. Her hair was slightly messy from the snow and the hug the two shared moments before but it  some how complimented her, the cold had also caused her cheeks to have this alluring rosy glow to them and along with that beautiful smile she was wearing ;her eyes relaxed and her teeth peeking out from under her lips, Naruto's insides were melting. He couldn't tell if the temperature was starting to effect his mind or he was going crazy but an over powering urge to kiss those perfect lips of hers washed over him.

Hinata's eyebrows crinkled in concerned " Naruto-kun what's wrong you look like a tomato..maybe we should go back inside " she said pressing a hand against his forehead.

Naruto jumped backwards in response to the contact and fell on the ground into the snow. Hinata  quickly rushed to his side " Oh my god are you ok " she said hovering over him.

Naruto sat up and scratched the back of his neck " uh yeah must have lost my footing or something." Hinata laughed and extended her hand " Here let me help you Mr clumsy." Naruto gently took her hand and his heart began racing. " There's that feeling again" he thought.

" Well I guess it's time for us to part ways I'll let you get back to work" Naruto said once back on his feet. " Huh...really you sure you don't want to come back inside and warm up a bit? " Hinata questioned. " I can make you another cup of coffee."

Naruto shook his head " Nah I got  other plans don't miss me too much ok ." Hinata scoffed and rolled her eyes " I'm dying already " she said sarcastically.

Naruto smiled his foxy grin and waved. Hinata waved back and began opening the door " Oh and Naruto-kun."

Naruto turned towards her " Yeah?"

Hinata smiled " I Missed you too." She then closed the door behind her the before he could respond. Naruto was once again speechless, he could do nothing but stare at the spot where she once stood. How was it possible that just a few words could touch his soul so much? No how was it possible that one girl could change his whole entire being.

Naruto began jogging to his car and once inside quickly started the engine. He was still heavily confused, there was so many questions running through his mind and he knew only one other person who could help him. He sped out of his parking spot and down the road towards a place where he hoped to find some answers.

Hinata watched him through the window of the cafe until he was out of sight.  A smile adored her face even as the manager hounded her for her extra long break.  She happily went on her merry way cleaning the floors letting nothing kill her good mood. Because she was finally at peace with Naruto and for the  first time ever...there was  no yearning for him.


Naruto pounded on the door " Come on open up I know your in there!" Suddenly the door swung open and slammed against the wall next to it. " What the the Hell do you want Naruto!.... I should rip your arms off for banging on my door like that!" a very pist Sakura Haruno stood in the door way of her apartment building, fuming. Naruto however ignored her and walk past her into the room. " Wait a seco-"

" I need to ask you something " Naruto said cutting her off and taking a seat in one of her chairs. " Naruto you need to leave can't this wait till later, I'm b-"

" Did you lie to me when you said you didn't know why Hinata had left all those years ago?" He questioned leaving Sakura speechless. Sakura avoided Naruto's gaze " where is this coming from?"

" What's going on? " Sasuke Uchiha emerged from what appear to be the kitchen with no expression. Sakura cursed under her breath " Didn't I tell you to stay put." Sasuke shrugged his shoulders. " Teme's here too!?" Naruto said shocked looking between the two. " Naruto it's not what it looks like" Sakura said trying to defuse the situation. " Naruto cringed and held up a hand "  Look It doesn't matter at this point, do you or do you not know why Hinata left all those years ago?" 

" Yes" Sasuke answered for her. Sakura shot him a look that said "what are you doing", as he took a seat adjacent to Naruto. " We both do actually.. So enough of the lies I'll tell you exactly what you need to know."

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