Heavy Wears The Crown

By ObsceneIrrationality

2.9M 146K 25.8K

Carter Reid is looking for only one thing when she meets drug addicted, womanizer, lead singer Nolan Doufer... More

Heavy Wears the Crown
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
A/N Chapter Forty Nine
Special Thanks


48.7K 2.6K 448
By ObsceneIrrationality

  "Hey-o here comes the danger up in this club when we get started and we ain't gonna stop, we gonna turn it out till it gets too hot, everybody sing, Hey-O "

------- Courtesy Call - Thousand Foot Krutch -------


-This chapter is written in Nolan's POV, that is all (: -


I was wrong. There was not an easy busty woman in the bar, there was at least twenty of them. And yet my eyes kept wandering back to Carter. So far for the entire night she'd sat at the bar stacking cards on the counter. Where in fȕcks name she'd even got a deck of cards I had no clue.

What a freak.

Always full of stupid, surprising, adorable, lame shit.

In any case, she wasn't dancing, or singing, or drinking, or even mingling. Maybe she was just a prude, maybe she was really that boring and even more of a social reject than I had originally assume, or maybe she was still just looking to challenge me at every angle. You know, because I told her to do something she couldn't do it not, just to be spiteful. I'd do the same.

Looking at the busty blonde one sashay away from a nip slip grinding all against me, it should be difficult to remember that Carter had just rejected me so not very long ago tonight. Should be.

I glanced to her direction again, she wasn't in her seat. She wouldn't have left, even if I begged her to, especially if I begged her to. She'd be much to paranoid to leave me "unsupervised." My eyes scanned the room quickly until I found her.

"Well I'll be dámned." I muttered.

"What's that honey?" They blonde asked hanging on my every breath. We didn't talk much. There was no need to talk much, I found these conversations always went the same.

"Like, oh my God. You're him aren't you? You're Nolan, right? Nolan Doufer! Oh my God my friends and I love you sooo much. I have all your CD's! That song Hold My Line is like so deep." Blah blah blah. They would oh and ah over their favorite song, or favorite outfit, gush about how many songs they'd bought on iTunes and man, the one's who had seen me in concert before acted so proud you'd swear they were the famous ones!

In the end they'd make comments like I can't believe NOLAN DOUFER is kissing ME right now! Or constant reminders I don't usually do this. I mean I don't just hook up with people.

I played my part too of course. Playing along, pretending that I believed them. When they'd insist they didn't hook up with guys often I would of course agree. No baby I know, I know. You classy. HA! Most of the time they didn't even bother pretending I would call them, but rather asking if they could take a picture or get an autograph, gushing about how their friends would so never believe this happened to them and so on and so forth.

The ones who thought I would fall so mystically in love with them were always a thrill too. You know the ones. Lingering a little longer. Playing hard to get for an extra 20 seconds before taking their clothes off. Dreaming of being the imaginary creature capable of taming the beast, teaching the bad boy to love, convincing the player to quit his game. They fȕcked like you wouldn't believe but when I thanked them and started out they always seemed stunned.

I'd left my fair share of women in my dressing room who had down right refused to leave.

Don't want to leave? Fine. Stay. I have a bus to catch, you go ahead and make yourself comfortable.

But yeah, talking wasn't exactly my priority at this stage. Unnecessary is what it was.

"I said I'd be dámned." I repeated and motioned to the bar. "My stick in the mud assistant actually got up."

"Oh." She seemed to have literally deflated for a moment but then plastered on another ruby lipped smile. "Don't worry so much about her."

I snorted. "If you knew her you'd be worried too. Worried she's going to burst a blood vessel, worried she'd crawled on the floor and died at such lewd behavior around here, worried she'd lectured the wrong person about their life style and gotten herself smacked, worried about that stick up her áss shifting and going up too far and puncturing her internal organs-"

"What are you even talking about?"

"If you knew Carter you'd understand it." I sighed. I glanced past her again. "Oh shít. She's dancing with someone." Now I really was worried. Mostly that she'd lost her mind. What if she had had a brain aneurism or a stroke and had no idea what she was doing?

"So are you." She reminded putting her arms around my neck to try to grab my attention back.

"Yeah, yeah. Sorry."

Since when did Carter socialize? Or listen to me? Or doing something actually fun? She must really fancy this guy. Or, she must be really determined to not provoke me into doing this every hotel stay like I threatened. I tilted my head to see past my dance partner who after a moment let out a huff.

Her back was to him and with hands on her hips he pulled her áss back against him.

"Hm...never would've picked her as the grinding type." I muttered slowly.

My busty friend said something I wasn't paying attention to and I glanced at her for a moment before looking back to Carter muttering a "yeah sure" in response to her unheard comments.

They were moving according to the music. Well, he was. Carter moved in less than graceful grinds against him, almost like he had to physically move her himself. I let out a snort and rolled my eyes. Of course she couldn't dance either.

She put her hands on top of his as one started traveling further up, under the hem of her shirt, onto the bare skin of her stomach. The same skin I'd put my hands on today before she'd pushed me away. She leaned forward. Dámn. I was surprised. She must really be grinding on him now, never picked her as the type to let some feel her up in public either.

Hell, she wouldn't even let me kiss her in private.

I couldn't pull my eyes away from the two, wondering where his hands were going. Would the ever so prim and proper Carter actually let someone have his way with her? Could she even? She claimed not to be a virgin, I hadn't seen a chastity belt when we'd gone into the river, and yet I still couldn't wrap my mind around it. Around Carter being like that, being carefree and wild, throwing her head back in ecstasy? Letting go of control? Pfft. As if.

"Excuse me." My partner huffed her patience wearing thin.

"You're excused." I let her go immediately and started walking away, towards the bar keeping my gaze on them. They turned a bit, and I caught a glimpse of her expression. I stopped abruptly.

She looked terrified.

It was almost comical.

But not really at all.

Their backs turned to me and I kept walking through the packed club. Bumping shoulders and pushing through trying to keep my view from being blocked by bodies.

"Let GO!" She ground it.

"What's wrong with you?" Came a frustrated reply.

"Please just let me go." This time a plea.

"What? You think you're too good for me huh? You come out dressed like this, tease all us boys and try to play coy? Nuh uh honey."

"I'm not playing-" Grunt and frustrated sigh as upon closer inspection her hands weren't on top of his, weren't holding him, dancing along, she was trying to pry him off of her. "-anything. Get off."

He laughed coldly. "Alright baby, if you insist. I'll get off alright." He made it only a few steps off the dance floor, dragging her with him.

I didn't realize how quickly I'd moved, how I had snapped. I didn't realize I had pulled him backwards, that Carter had fallen forward and onto the ground, I didn't even realize I had hit him at all let alone as many times as I may have until I heard her yell.


I snapped back to reality and let go of the collar of his shirt. He fell onto the ground immediately. Everyone was staring at us a circle had formed around. Words were finally registering on me. Someone had yelled call the police another had screamed he's going to kill him and another someone stop them. Only her yell, a single word...my name, had brought me back to life. I didn't remember hitting him, but my hand sure as hell seemed to remember. I shook it out several times, hurt like a bítch, but definitely not as bad as his face if I had to guess.

I looked down to her, she hadn't even moved from the ground, didn't try to get up. The Carter I knew would have been concerned about the germs, or complaining it was sticky from spilled drinks and dropped food. Hell, I wouldn't have been surprised if she'd asked for a mop and started cleaning it herself. But this Carter just sat on the floor staring at me with wide eyes. When I offered her my hand though she did accept it.

"What were you thinking?" I demanded as she came back to her feet.


"Why didn't you call for me? Why didn't you yell? Why didn't you throw a drink or something in his face?" I was screaming at her, hands flailing furiously. How could she have been so stupid? Why didn't she grab someone's attention, they have bouncers for this shit, she has me for this shít. He could have dragged her out, or hurt her and she would have been as quiet as a mouse! "Jesus Carter."

"You could have killed him." She breathed.

"You think I give a shít about that right now? You think I won't turn around and do so right fȕcking now for what he was going to do to you."

Her wide eyes glossed over and I cursed.

"What he wanted to do to you." I corrected myself as to not panic her. "Don't you know what he wanted to do to you?" I said in a low voice and cupped her cheeks. "What if I hadn't seen? What if I wasn't here? Would you have just let him drag you out?"

"Probably." She breathed and I believed her. She shut down when it was too much. Give her stress, sure she did her best work under a bit of pressure, give her a time crunch and she'd work at impeccable speed with ridiculous precision, I don't think I'd ever seen her do anything without some kind of pressure. But she was like a computer. You could open a ton of windows, start hundreds of processes, but when it got to be too much she wasn't going to give you the chance to close a few windows or put her on rest mode, no. She would just freeze or shut down completely.

Like on the train tracks, rather than get up and move, she froze. Like when I was going to kiss her and rather than move she just stood there waiting for it. Information overload, she snapped.

"Nolan-" She grabbed my arm her eyes widening.

"Fȕcking idiot." I bit out just before registering someone in the crowd yelling he's got a knife.


Your surprise is a chapter written in Nolan's pov! I known how much wattpadians love these kinds of chapters so YAY! It's kind of fun to get into his mind from tiGot it out a lot faster than anticipated as well.

I'm still having a little bit of cover issues, as in I can't seem to decide on which one I like the most so don't be alarmed by it changing a lot over the next few weeks until I find one I really fall in love with! (:

Don't forget to vote and comment!

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