Black Butler: Why Did I have...

By BoredNHyperBadCombo

21.8K 310 57


Black Butler: Why Did I have To Fall In Love With Ciel Ch.1
Black Butler: Why Did I Have To Fall In Love With Ciel Ch.3
Black Butler: Why Did I Have To Fall In Love With Ciel Ch. 4
Black Butler: Why Did I have To Fall In Love With Ciel Ch.5
Black Butler: Why Did I have To Fall In Love With Ciel Ch.6
Black Butler: Why Did I have To Fall In Love With Ciel Ch.7
Black Butler: Why Did I Have To Fall In Love With Ciel Ch.8
Black Butler: Why Did I Have To Fall In Love With Ciel Ch.9
Black Butler: Why Did I Have To Fall In Love With Ciel Ch.10
Black Butler: Why Did I Have To Fall In Love With Ciel Ch.11
Black Butler: Why Did I Have To Fall In Love With Ciel Ch.12
Black Butler: Why Did I have To Fall In Love With Ciel Ch.13
Black Butler: Why Did I have To Fall In Love With Ciel Ch.14
Black Butler: Why Did I have To Fall In Love With Ciel Ch.15
Black Butler: Why Did I have To Fall In Love With Ciel Ch.16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Black Butler: Why Did I Have To Fall In Love With Ciel Ch.2

1.5K 23 1
By BoredNHyperBadCombo

I raced up and down hallways when I finally ended up running into my brother.

"What's the rush Sheena?" Sebastian groaned

"Guess what! Guess what!" I yelled jumping up and down again.


"I get to stay here with you and the young master in this huge house."

I giggled when I watched Sebastian's face pale.

"Hey who's that really hot chick talking to Sebastian?" someone asked

It was a tall blonde guy smoking with a wide smile. I giggled and walked over to him while licking my lips.

I walked circles around the guy before I felt Sebastian pull me back to his side.

"This hot chick as you put it would be my younger sister. You will not touch her at all and that means you have to leave him alone as well Sheena." Sebastian growled.

"But that's not fare I haven't even asked him his name." I pouted.

"Knowing you that's not all your going to ask for, is it?" Sebastian whispered into my ear.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa are you calling me a slut." I growled as Sebastian set me down.

"No and you know what I mean. You need to control yourself a little bit better."

I growled at his statement and crossed my arms.

"Anyway Brad this is Sheena, my little sister. She well be staying with us for a while." Sebastian sigh while shaking his head.

"Soooo your names Brad then." I smiled.

Brad smiled back and winked at me, although Sebastian saw him wink and smacked the back of his head.

"Do not wink at my sister in sexual manner." Sebastian growled.

"Okay I'm sorry jeez."

"Man this was goin to be super fun staying here, wait, a minute I don't know what room or where I'm staying." I thought to myself before racing off back to young masters office. I knocked on the door and then walked in.

"It's you again? What do you want?" Ciel growled.

"Oh young master please do not be mad at me it's my first day here." I pouted.

"What do you want? You're wasting my time."

"Young master I just wanted to know where I would be sleeping tonight." I smiled as sat on his desk.

"Get off my desk Sheena."

"Fine." I said standing back up and walking over to him. He wasn't much taller than me I noticed as he stood up from his chair. Also his eyes were a very beautiful blue, well his one eye anyway.

"Sheena are you all right?" Ciel asked placing a hand on my forehead.

"Yeah I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" I snorted swatting his hand away

"Well your face is burning up." He snorted

"It does that at times. Well only when I'm with boys." I said saying the last part to myself.

"Anyway Sheena you will be sleeping in the room across from mine and next door to Sebastian."

"Okay thanks Ciel you're the best." I said.

I started toward the door but stopped.

"What is it now?" Ciel growled.

"Young lord, may I ask you something?"

"You've been asking a lot so don't go for another one then."

Ciel rolled his eyes as he spoke with venom on every word.

"How did you come by my brother? He normally wouldn't be a butler for a kid like you."

"That's none of your business and you're about the same age I am, so you're still a kid yourself."

"You wish I was still a kid like you." I growled.

"Humph, at least I don't have a temper like yours. It's your first day here and I can already tell the type of person you are. How pathetic."

"Oh yeah what kind of person am I in your eyes young master." I spat with poison on my tongue.

"You're a spoiled little brat that thinks she can have whatever she wants in the world. It just so sickening to see it."

"Grr if I was spoiled little brat I would be just like you. A bossy basterd like you."

"Alright that's enough you two. Sheena you know better not to get into fights right." Someone growled while yanking me up in the air.

I turned my head to see Sebastian. His lips twitched with angry causing me to flinch.

"I'm very sorry about her young lord." Sebastian said bowing his head.

"Get her out of my sight Sebastian." Ciel snorted.

"Oh that's so attractive, to snort in front of a lady." I snapped before Sebastian slapped his hand over my mouth once again.

Sebastian sighed and started to walk out and jut before we left I heard Ciel say.

"You're not much of a lady Sheena."

The doors closed behind us and I wiggled out of Sebastian's grasp.

"Sheena you need to behave. This place isn't like home."

"It is like home because you're here. Home wasn't home without you." I said before running to front door and heading to town.

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