Wearing A Sign

By authorofolympus

29.3K 901 108

The day it all went wrong is when the gods took away the mist. Mortals could see monsters and demigod power n... More

Chapter 1: Percy POV
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 15

1.2K 41 3
By authorofolympus

Piper POV

I'm was woken up by loud bangs coming from a few cabins down. I layed there thinking, 'loud bangs sound like...like... Gun shots! Wait few cabins down, Poseidon cabin!' I have never jumped out of bed so fast, I ran out the door lipstick in hand. "JASON!" I screamed searching for him I'm the crowd of half-bloods. "Uh little busy Piper!" Jason yelled from the proch of cabin 3. He was dodging bullets, literally. Army soldiers were spread out everywhere trying to keep the order but the problem was there was no order to keep. We were done with this crap and the army guys knew it. "We need our swords!" Someone yelled from the crowd. "Covered!" An Ares cabin member yelled back. Coming out from behind him were blankets and blankets full of deadly weapons. Within seconds almost all of the weapons were gone, Camp Half-blood had broken out in a full blown war. Percy was fighting his way threw the crowd, but something didn't look right with him. I ran over go help him "Hey are you okay?" I asked. He shook his head, the tears in his eyes were ready to spill over. Something definitely was up. "I-I need Will" he breathed. "What? Heard my name!" Will yelled from a few feet away. "Will! Annabeth, she's hurt. Shot. Come now!" Percy yelled grabbing him by the wrist. Annabeth was hurt? She was shot! I had to do something, so I followed Percy back to him cabin. Jason and General Bradshaw had moved from the porch to the ground, they had both resulted to kick boxing now. Percy pushed his cabin door open to reveal Annabeth laying helplessly on his bed, red was still coming threw the blanket. Will rushed to her side, carefully pulling away the make-shift bandage. "Percy I told you to go fight! And you brought Piper! I'm embarrassed now" Annabeth sighed. "I'm not leaving you and Piper followed me, I had nothing to do with it." Percy said. Annabeth winced as Will touched her stomach "Uh, well its not in there anymore, went right threw" Will said. "Wait but she jump in front of me, shouldn't it have hit me when it went threw?" Percy asked.
"That's what I thought, but Annabeth has an exit wound on her left side. The bullet must had curved some how, believe me I'm shocked too" Will replied.
"Can you fix her?" I asked
"Yeah with stitches. Lots and lots of stitches"
"Can you do it now?" Percy asked more pressing.
"Well we are going to have to or else she'll bleed out"
I saw Percy's grip tighten on Annabeth's hand. I could only imagine the whirl wind of emotions he must have been feeling. His girlfriend was dying, his best friend was missing and his camp was under attack. Pretty rotten way too spend a weekend. Will ran out of the cabin to get his medical stuff, I walked over and sat next to Percy on the floor. "Hey are you sure you're okay?" I asked him.
"You want the honest answer or my fluffed one?" He laughed
"The honest one"
"Then no, no I'm not okay. I'm probably the farthest away from okay, its really hard when everyone depends on you to save the day, depends on you to know the answer, depends on you to make the best choice in a life or death situation. Things like that beat up on you a lot, and look at me 4 broken fingers and a knee brace all because I opened my mouth and made a stupid decision. So to tell you the truth Piper no" he turned his head and shook Annabeth's shoulder lightly"Annabeth, honey, you need to stay a wake."
"Nothing I could say would probably make you feel better, I couldn't imagine the stress you're put under but I can tell you this. If you ever need help you have 7 people you can turn too, 7 people to share with weight, 7 people to support you."
"Thanks Piper. Oh and Malcolm found Grover"
"Seriously?! That's great!"
"Yeah, him and everyone else is in this underground prison somewhere"
"We'll find them, they couldn't have gotten to far." Right as we finished our conversation Will ran in with his stuff. "Okay, Annabeth focus on Percy and Piper" Will said turning towards us "her nerves should still be shot but this will hurt so keep her attention off of me" he whispered loud enough for just Percy and I to hear. "Annabeth you need to stay a wake" Percy said gently. "Trying but I'm just so-"
"Nope, stay a wake" Percy tried again. "Annabeth what's the capitol of Michigan?" I asked.
"Lancing" she mumbled
"The dictator in Germany during World War II was...."
She winced before answering "Adolf Hitler"
"Name 3 countries that are in the Northern Hemisphere"
"North America, Mexico, and Canada"
I was running out if questions to ask her. "And done" Will said. "Will you couldn't have been done at a better time" I smiled. "Let her sleep, she lost a lot of blood and she needs her rest" Will said walking out of the cabin right into the chaos again. "Well now that that's done, shall we go kick some army butt?" Percy said. "Percy wait let me help" Annabeth croaked trying to sit up. "Oh no you don't" Percy said helping her back down "you have done enough, lay back down and I'll be back here later"
"But I want too help" Annabeth pushed again attempting to sit up once more.
"Annabeth you're very sleepy, listen to Percy and sleep" I said with a little bit of charmspeak in my voice. She layed back down, closed her eyes and slept. "You know I hate it when you do that" Percy laughed walking back over to me. "It was either that or wrestling her to the ground because you know she would do that and win you" I smiled
We were just about to walk out of his cabin when Katie Gardener rushed in with a panicked look on her face. "Percy, i-we think we may have found Grover's cell"

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