Miss.Leather Jacket

By BadboynFighterLovers

19.2K 613 57

Who is Ivy Sophia Hunter? Well, isn't that the question everyone seems to be asking? And, they get their answ... More

Miss.Leather Jacket
Coming Home
New Girl In Town
Time To Blow Minds
I Bet She Is Gonna Hijack A Car
You're Spicy!
Authors' note
Who name's their kid Uriah?
Sorry, not sorry gurlfriend.
To PLAY and go CRAZY!
It's secret telling time
Stop slapping me!
Shove YOUR words up where HIS sun doesn't shine.
Miss. Leather Jacket

You're My Bitch For A Week

950 32 1
By BadboynFighterLovers



            FRIDAY NIGHT.

"Cute bunny rabbit stripper or a Greek goddess?" Asked Amelia while holding up two costumes. Right now we are chilling at my place and getting ready for the party tonight "Sweetheart, bunny and rabbit are the same thing." I tell Amelia "your too cute and pretty to be a rabbit stripper" Emily tells Amelia while she was coloring my hair red. "Fine Greek goddess it is, but why can't I wear a sexy leather body suite like Ivy?" Amelia said in a sad tone while jumping on the bed "cause you're not hot enough..Duh" *Sexy hair flip*.

She makes this weird sad face, you know that face kids make when they want something, that innocent face which I hate, but she looks so cute right now... "JUST KIDDING!" I scream at her while jumping on her "BODY SANDWICH!" I scream and with that Emily comes and jumps on me while I lie on top of Amelia "we are diet bread...GO HEALTHY!" Emily screams on top of me that just made me laugh. "REALLY? Diet bread? Out of all the things in the world you said diet bread.. Tusk tusk I'm really disappointed in you Emily." I tell her "BOTH OF YOU ELEPHANTS GET OFF ME, I CAN'T BREATH I SWEAR TO GOD IF I DIE HERE I'M GOING TO HAUNT YOU FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIVES!" Amelia screams under us, Emily immediately jumps off me and I just roll off Amelia who is now red as a tomato "I HATE YOU TWO...I HOPE YOU DIE OF PERIODS!" and with that she just stomps to the bathroom leaving me and Emily grasping for air since we are laughing too hard.

I Did my make up for tonight, I'm going for a nude-ish look and I have highlighted some parts of my face to look more thin like Black Widow, AND YES I'M GOING AS SUPER HOT, BUTT KICKING CHICK WHO ROCKS A LEATHER BODYSUIT AND BOOTS! *mental high five* Once I was done, I helped Emily who also doing a nude look cause come on it's Pocahontas for god sake, she left her hair down and well for Amelia she had this beach look you know the shiny goddess makeup and her hair had this wave look which made her look different and more pretty, and well my hair which is now red and is pinned up  in like a bun kinda thing to complete my look.

Sexy leather bodysuit which showers bit extra cleavage than usual CHECK.
 Black high boots CHECK.
 Red hair CHECK.
 Big ass. CHECK.

I know I don't well have a small backside, it is pretty big I could easy pass off as a Kardashian. I mean my butt is award winning people. "And the award for the best ass goes too... Drum roll please.... IVY SOPHIA HUNTER".

CHECK, Gurl you gonna kill *does sexy hair flip*.

"OKAY! Listen up! Since it's your first high  school party, there are some rules:
RULE NUMBER 1: Don't take a drink from any one besides me.
RULE NUMBER 2: If a guy force's you into sleeping with him, kick in the nuts and run.
RULE NUMBER 3: Don't be the cause of the fight or in the middle of one cause gurl I could tell you some stories.
RULE NUMBER 4: If one of us gets drunk, it's your duty as a friend to hold our hair back while we puke our guts out.
RULE NUMBER 5: If you are going home with a guy, we need to be told and we need details.
RULE NUMBER 6: Always use protection.
RULE NUMBER 7: Don't eat any food over there cause people drug them."

I point at all the rules that I have written on a whiteboard, I really don't get why we have a whiteboard but "WE BEEZ RICH WITH A WHITEBOARD.. LIKE WHAT WHAT!" and gangsta pose. "If you follow these rules, you will have the best time of your life!" I tell them and they both nod with enthusiasm.

We pull up at Damien's house and the music was blasting, it legit could be heard from like a block away. "Are his neighbors deaf, cause clearly this music could walk up the dead... Oh hey look my great grandmother, see the music woke her up." I just turn to Emily who was looking quite annoyed already and burst into laughter.

I told William to come and pick us up later before heading in.

"Who cares? Now let's get this party STARTED!" I scream over the music while jumping in excitement. We walk up to the front door and I wasn't surprised to find drunk teenagers lying on the lawn, horny teens doing each other everywhere. I pull open the door and walk in. Amelia and Emily follow me, it looks like a pretty good party, as I stand there I move my hips to the beat. "Let's get something to drink." And to get to the kitchen was like a maze. I feel like Teresa from the maze runner..like where do I go?

We reach the kitchen in one piece. "HALLELUJAH!" I scream. One thing I hate about parties are the sweaty horny teens. While I waited for my turn to fill my cup, a guy tried to hit on me. "Your name must be Daniel, cause DAMN DANIEL!" This guy dressed as a zombie said from behind me while coming too close for my liking and his friends laugh behind him like he used the best pick up line in the world. "And your name must be Felicia cause BYE FELICIA!" I tell him with a wave and take a step in the beer line. "Aww come on babe, just cause I'm a zombie it doesn't mean I only eat brain. I like trying new things" he whispers to me while holding my hand.

Before I could tell him off, a huge wall of muscles came in front of me. A huge wall who was dressed as a fireman with an amazing ass and muscles. "She said bye Felicia"......omg I was just drooling over Sydney... "Snap out of it. You're not that weak." I whisper to myself.

I look around Sydney to see those boys walking . I turn around with a smile and take a step in the line, I'm next yes. I heard some clear their throat, I'm surprised I heard him clear his throat over this insanely loud music. "You're welcome!" he tells me with this proud look and I just rolled my eyes at him, making him laugh. "I can take care of myself, thank you very much." He just laughs. "Yeah sure, princess." He whispers in my ear.

Being called princess by him was kinda nice. It's like he said it in another language like French.

I am a out of my daydream and bend down to fill my glass letting everyone enjoy the view. *wink wink* Once I filled my cup, I moved out of the way so MR.SYDNEY could fill his and I decided to go look for the other guys and beat someone at beer pong but before I could walk out of the kitchen, someone pulled me into his chest and guess who it was? That's right you guessed it, it's your one and only MR.SYDNEY.

"You look better than Black Widow herself, and that ass..." His words making me blush for some unknown reason. "Don't forget to save a dance for me princess." He said and walked away but before he walked away, he tapped my ass....that dick, I will get my revenge later but now lets PARTY!

With that, I gulp down my drink and head to the dance floor. I found Kenny flirting with some chick so I decided to go up to him and slap him. "How could you? Like call me over here but flirt with someone else?... How could you?" I finish and turn to look at the girl who decides to leave. "What the hell? Why would you do that?" "Cause you're my friend and I love you and that girl isn't good enough for you." I smile at him and his angry face immediately changed into a smile.

"Where is Damien, I wanna kick his ass in beer pong." Kenny just laughs and told me to follow him.

"Damien, sweetheart let's go, I got some ass kicking to do." I tell him as I walk in to a  room where he, and the rest of the boy group were chilling. they all looked pretty hot, you know those guys from the fireman calender.

Ryan was dressed as a doctor, Damien was captain hook, Noah was the guy from Greece you know the main guy, Kenny was an army guy I guess, well he is wearing camouflage pants and a vest and has black paint on his face so yeah he is an army guy and last but not least Mr.Sydney is dressed as a fireman.

I bet he is the reason why everything is on fire cause he is so DAMN hot.

"Okay Ivy snap out of it." I whisper to myself again and gulp down the liquid in my cup, clap my hand and point at Damien and signal him to come with me. He does the same with his drink and follows me and so do the rest of the group. "Let's do this shit!" I scream over the loud music while jumping in excitement. " I hope you are ready to lose princess cause I'm kicking your ass back home!" he smiles, poor Damien I feel sorry for him cause he thinks he can beat ME! At beer pong! "Darling, the only ass that is getting kicked tonight will be yours." I wink at him "Oh it's ONNN!"
 Noah decided to be our referee "OKAY! People I went a clean fight you know the rules, I don't have to repeat them for you cause I don't remember them but just don't do things you won't do in beer pong...Okay" he blow a whistle and the game  begins, I go for first and BOOM! Straight in now it's Damien turn and well he did put it in so yea....who cares?... It's my turn again and BOOM! Hole in one again, too bad for Damien he missed. While Damien missed like 5 shots, I on the other hand have one cup remaining and...

"BOOM SNAP CLAP, I won YES!" While I did a victory dance, Damien was crying for a rematch. "Darling, it's okay to suck a thing or two. People are not perfect " I tell him while giving him a hug "well unless your me, I WON!" I scream and everyone was laughing at me now but I didn't really care.

We head in to the kitchen to get something to drink and I was hungry so I decided to look for food and I found a packet of Cheetos. Just what I need. I pull myself up in the counter and began eating.. "The moment she beat you, your face was priceless!" We all laugh when Ryan was bullying Damien about him losing.

"What is the trash doing here?" Isabella say as she enters the kitchen. She heads straight to Sydney and kisses him. Isabelle is dressed up as wounded woman and OMG she is wearing a butt enhancer, you know those underwear with that padding to make your butt bigger, the moment I saw that I told Amelia and Emily who were standing next to me and we instantly burst out in to laughter. We were laughing so hard we couldn't breath. "Should I call the mental institute?" Noah said as tried we calmed ourselves down.

"Geez Ivy, didn't you look in the mirror before leaving?" I had to play along. "Why? Is something wrong with my look?" I ask her in an innocent voice "Yeah, you look like shit." she stated and then started doing that fake-horny laugh with her minions. "Oh thank God! I was actually trying to look like you." I wink at her and her defaulted Barbie dolls and then flip down, gulp the remaining of my drink and head to the dance floor.

I was now grinding with some guy who was really hot when I notice Sydney was glaring at me while I danced and so was queen bee. Ryan comes and casually starts dancing with me leading that guy to go find someone else to grind with. "And to what do I owe this dance?" I ask Ryan as we both dance to the beat, "Aww, can't I dance with my favorite, badass, super hot, super hero... I'm heart broken now. Thanks Ivy!" says Ryan while whipping a fake tear. I just laughed and so did Ryan, we dance for a while longer, it was kinda fun dancing with Ryan.

We decided to go get something to drink but before we could, I saw a guy holding on to Emily's hand and not letting her go. Ryan was going to beat that guy up. "Beating him up is plan B, but first lets mess with him." I tell him "Fine but if he hurts her or you, I'm going to kick him so hard he will miss his great grandmother." said Ryan with his fists clenched so I just smile at him and head towards Emily.

"Babe, what are you doing here? I have been looking all over for you... Why are you with this guy?...Are you cheating?" Emily had a confused look but then I winked at her and she understood what was happening and played along. "Babe, I would never cheat on you, at least not with this guy, and besides you are the best lover I had, have and will always be my best lover!" says Emily as she walks over to me. I put both my hands on the side of her face and now for the moment you all been waiting for ladies and gentlemen hold on to your seats cause "WE KISS" like legit make out,but no tongue though.

We pull  and saw Ryan and that guy both wore shocked expression. I hold Emily's hand and pull Ryan out of the dance floor back in to the kitchen. "I'm confused, are you lesbian or what?" I just start to laugh "What? no I'm straight, I'm not sure about Emily though." Who was now red as a tomato. "I'm straight too" "You  are a lesbian? I knew it, cause lesbians are the hottest DAMN you gayness."

I just laugh at Noah "Babes, I'm straight as the pole your mom danced on and I know right?" Everyone just laughed again. We do that a lot for some reason.

Ryan asked Emily to dance with him and Noah asked . Damien left with some chick and so did Kenny leaving me alone in the kitchen With Mr.fireman who sends me mischievous smirk. "Do you dance?"  I ask Mr.fireman as I pull myself up on to the counter "i mean since I came here, I just saw you walking around and sucking some girl's face." He raises an eyebrow at me. "Is someone jealous?" You got to be kidding me! "Haha! Bless your delusional heart, child. I'm not jealous, more of feel sorry for you." I tell him and I see that he has moved closer to me now. "What is there to feel sorry about?" he says as he comes closer. Someone got to teach about personal space like geez! "You know on how you can't have, or more of how you don't know how to have fun." I tell him and this time I move closer, that's right you butt crack I'm up in your personal space now how do you like it? He just smirked. "Sweetheart I'm the most funniest person you will ever meet." haha sure walking around and sucking face is fun.. "Prove it.. Lets play a game, shall we?" I look around to find a bottle of tequila. Perfect.... "Each of us has to take 6 shots and if you can't, you have to do everything thing the winner says for a week...Deal?" I put my hand out for him to shake "Why just 6? make it 10." "No problem. 10 it is... But first let me get Noah."

I head out to the dance floor to look for Noah.  I couldn't find him so I go to the DJ and ask for a Mike. "Hello party people. We have a small announcement, will Noah please come to the kitchen, I repeat Noah come to the kitchen." I see him and he starts walking towards the kitchen. "Thank you now lets PARTY! " I scream in to the Mike and people scream back.

"Now again, I want a clean game. Got it?" says Noah before blowing the whistle - where did he get a whistle from? - Anyways I pick up the first short, "Cheers" Sydney said before he  chugged it down "wait you have to look me in the eye, idiot remember? Or otherwise bad sex for a year." I tell him and he just rolled his eyes but then he does look at me. Aww... what the hell Ivy snap out of it!

It's my sixth shot now and I'm still not drink or tipsy but Sydney on the other hand is starting to get a little too tipsy. "fine you win" he say "what's wrong? Poor Sydney can't handle a little of alcohol?" I tell him while mastering my best baby voice. I just laugh and finish the rest of my remaining shot.

I pull Sydney to dance it was fun. Drunk Sydney is funny, he cracked some really dumb joking and laughed about it himself and we were now doing the rock and roll and Sydney spines me a bit too hard making me fall and pulling a girl down with me. We both land straight on our asses and instead of the girl getting all mad, she started laughing, making me laugh. Eventually we got up. "hi I'm Jessica." she was pretty. She was dressed as a ballerina and it kinda suited her, we talked for a while before Sydney came. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to spin you that hard" me and Jessica started laughing again and after a while, i said bye to her cause I had to go find Emily and Amelia.

It's almost 3 now and I have no idea where these people are. Sydney is now less drunk which is boring but I found Amelia talking to some guy. And Emily laughing her ass of with Damien and Noah. "Where the hell were you people???" Wow all of them were drunk. "I saw you and mr.fire department all laughey daffey on the dance floor and well didn't wanna ruin it." When she said that I kinda blushed like what the hell Why am I blushing? We heard  a screaming sound. "Stay here" said the boys and went out, they were just smashed drunk and now it was like they were never even tipsy, weird.

So there was a major fight and right now Ryan is sitting with an ice bag in his head, Emily is helping Damien wrap up his cut hand, Noah is perfectly fine, Kenny has an ice pack on his eye and Sydney has an ice pack on his jaw. Everyone left the moment the fight was over and right now the 8 of us are sitting in Damien kitchen eating pizza.."Lets have a sleep over, right now, my place" they all gave me the you-kidding-me look so I just shook my head. "okay fine, girls get your things, we are leaving in 5 minutes" I tell them, they both get up to get their things. "okay fine we are coming" said Ryan "YAYAYA!!" I started jumping around.


I look around to find everyone lying around my room. Last night was amaze-ballz like after Damien's party, everyone - and by everyone I mean the 5 bad boys who got in to a fight yesterday and my 2 girls - came back to my place and realized we weren't drunk enough so guess what we did? We drank untill we passed out, well I tried but unfortunately I was unsuccessfully to get myself drunk but I wouldn't say the same for everyone else.

I got up and the first thing I did was drink a glass of water cause right now my throat was dry. "I got the Sahara desert desert up in this throat like WHAT WHAT" and gangsta pose.

I take some aspirin and head to the bathroom to shower of all the sweaty teens that had grinded on me. I head out in a pair of my undergarments, let's not forget it's Victoria's Secret, cause I couldn't find my bathrobe and by out I mean my ensuite.

"AHHH! SYDNEY WHAT THE  HELL MAN? CAN'T YOU?" I yelled at him while he just checked me out like what a  perv "hey there is a word know as sorry or my bad"  yet all he did was stare at me...Ugh stupid boys.

I ignore him and walk past him but before I could he pulls me and pins me up against the wall and bends down to my ear and whispers "I'M sorry cupcake, but after all I am a boy and you're a girl and you know what they say: opposites attract" he says with a wink "no shit Sherlock, now if your done, can I go? I have better things to do" he just smiles at me like legit smile and it was, THE most beautiful smile.

 I just roll my eye with annoyance and walk away to put on a pair of give-up-on-life pants and a crop sweatshirt, my hair was now in a messy bun cause I could care less.

I walk back outside to find everyone still dead on my floor. "i so need a picture of this!" Emily foot is in Amelia mouth and Amelia is hugging Emily which is like 69 gone wrong, Ryan and Damien are spooning and I guess Kenny and Noah are the only two sleeping like humans besides Mr.Sydney who is relaxing on my bed.

 I had like a few hours before I got to meet John and James at the library since we didn't get to have a session yesterday because of the party, so we decided to have it today.

 I saw Sydney sneaking looks at me but when I caught , he pretends to be a sleep, "WAKE UP!" I jump on him and scream loud enough, just so he could hear it, "you may look light but you're heavier than a hippopotamus" he said from under me. "aww you're too sweet, so sweet you give me diabetes." "tell me something I don't know princess" "you're a dick, no wait you already know that." he just rolled his eyes "get your ass up we are going out for coffee! I'm starving." "Aww already begging for a date with me" *sarcastic laugh* "Sure honey, whatever helps you sleep at night!" I tell him as I hop off him "chop chop, get dressed".

"Can you take any ?" it's been 20 minutes and he still isn't ready. I mean he is a boy what does he have to do that is taking so long, I just get annoyed "I'm waiting downstairs. Hurry it up." Everyone had gone out for the weekend leaving us home alone with Sam our maid.

I wrote a note for the girls and I told Sam to make everyone breakfast and asked William to drop them home if they want to go, she nods and heads to do laundry.

 After like 5 thousand hours, MR.SYDNEY was finally ready "are you ready your highness?" I said as he walked "What took you so   long?" "One can not rush beauty" he said in a british accent which sucked "you call that beauty" I said pointing at his face "are you done can we go" he says, I just nod and we head out.

We reach the cafe next to my house, Sydney orders himself a cup of coffee with cream and extra slut on it and by slut I mean the girl taking our order, once she was done kissing his ass, it was my turn to order. I order a cool coffee and a chocolate chip cookie with extra chocolate on top.

 We sat down near the window while he complained about how sleepy he is and that he should be sleeping and not hanging out with me. "Stop complaining you donkey, you're my bitch for a week remember, and you have to do what ever I saw when ever I say so just accept the fact and move on." "I HATE YOU" "AWWW I LOVE YOU TOO" he just rolled his eyes while holding back a chuckle. "it could be blue" "no that would look so ugly, we don't what it to look like you" "oh please I'm the hottest thing alive" "in your dreams" "oh please sweetheart I know you want this" he said gesturing to his body "ring ring hello, yeah sure I will tell him, ugly duckling called he said he wants his face back" he just stared at me like I just grew another head and then burst in to laughter making me laugh too.

After coffee Sydney dropped me at the library since he had some work to do, well he did say he would pick me up later and take me somewhere for dinner.

"You always have to show the workings remember that, other than that you two will easily get an A" I tell John and James and they both did this weird bro high five thing "so see you two next week then", we say bye and go are separate ways.

 I got a text from Sydney earlier saying 'I'm caught at work and won't be able to make it I promise to take you tomorrow'. I didn't really care, it was now 6:00 in the evening and its already dark, the girls called earlier to say thanks for everything, these people are too sweet.

 I decided to walk home as it was so beautiful tonight, I stop at a drug store to pick up a packet of Oreos, to accompany me on my journey home.

  "Tell me where it is otherwise your boss will lose his favorite ass kissers" said someone from this dark ally "cliche much, and I'm going to be the sweet innocent girl who goes sees what happens and tries to save the people and gets killed instead, this is my jam, I was born for this" I shout and I was just talking to myself while walking towards this mysterious alley.

I hide behind the trash can, there were a group of guys that were on their knees, bleeding really bad who were being held back by other guys dressed in black. "Are you going to be a good boy and tell me or do I have to beat you up some more?" Asked a short guy wearing a white button down shirt leaving the first 3 buttons open, he also had a gold chain on and a bunch of diamond rings on and I'm guessing hundreds of tattoos.

 The short guy looked really familiar if only I could see him . "Over my dead body, you dick" said the boy who was on his knees. He sounds familiar, the boy gets punched in the stomach causing him to puke up blood. "Ouch that got to hurt." I strain my eyes  to see who those boys that were getting beaten up were and who is this Smurf gone wrong. "HOLY COW! It's the Badboy group and no way is that CHARLES!"

 With that, I stand up and head towards the group of people "HEY BOYS." I say as I walk towards them and everyone turned to look at me. "Little girl, leave before it's too late." said the stupid Oompa Loompa, i just laugh.
 "Aww forgot me so soon CHARLES, boy have you gotten taller, I guess Someone has been drinking their milk." "Ohh isn't it little ivy, all grown in to a lovely girl, and to what do I owe this ?" he said "well you see those boys that you got there are my friends and well if you don't let them go, I will have to beat your sorry little ass again." I bend down to him and whisper,"And you know I can..." he gets closer to me and puts his hand on my face.

"you have gotten prettier just like they . It will be a shame if anything happened to it" with that he pats my ass and sends me a smile, big mistake you dick. Before he could say Jack, I had him flat on the floor.

 "now if you try to move, your head will go pop sending your dumb ass straight to where you can from, so now this is what you going to : you are going to tell your men to leave my friends and go back to your HQ or else..." "Or else what princess?" really dude, your getting whipped by a girl and yet you being a dick. I pity you. "Or else I will pop your neck and then all these men of yours will be mine simple, easy peasy lemon squeezey. Now tell them" with that I step on his hand making him scream in pain "FINE FINE, EVERYONE OUT NOW!" all his men left in a blink of an eye, i leave this
dumb ass while he tries to stand up "next time want something go ask my uncle him self, oh wait you can't he will kill you, now get out of my sight before I change my mind" with that he runs away I walk over to the guys, "who has a car" they need to go to the hospital "no one" says Noah, just great.

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