Spiritual Ascend (Book 1 of t...

By _allyondra_

9.5K 407 263

Leah Sparks thought her life was just normal. That is, until she finds out the reason why she was beginning t... More

1.) Spiritual Ascend
2.) Spiritual Ascend
3.) Spiritual Ascend
4.) Spiritual Ascend
5.) Spiritual Ascend
6.) Spiritual Ascend
7.) Spiritual Ascend
8.) Spiritual Ascend
9.) Spiritual Ascend
10.) Spiritual Ascend
12.) Spiritual Ascend
13.) Spiritual Ascend
14.) Spiritual Ascend
15.) Spiritual Ascend
16.) Spiritual Ascend
17.) Spiritual Ascend
18.) Spiritual Ascend
19.) Spiritual Ascend
20.) Spiritual Ascend
21.) Spiritual Ascend
22.) Spiritual Ascend

11.) Spiritual Ascend

304 17 8
By _allyondra_

Here's chapter eleven guys !!! :)) And this is dedicated to KaminaStone for all the support from Chapter One :D ..... 

Please read the Author's Note at the end.



Chapter eleven:

“Yes!” Tori exclaimed as she jumped over a knotted trunk that was sticking out of the ground. “We’re finally gonna get our weapons today! Finally!”

“Shh,” Julie chided her softly. “Someone might hear you, dummy, and then our secret’s out.”

“Oops,” she gave a sheepish smile but then she straightened up and continued walking. “But I can’t help it! Aren’t you guys excited and happy that we’re finally gonna getting them?”

Elaine, Julie, Sophie and I nodded our heads. We were now on our way to the training camp. It was already Sunday and the long wait for getting our weapons was over.

Thursday and Friday afternoon trainings passed in a blur. Saturday was much more exciting. It was time to scale the rocky wall and guess, from the five of us, who got to top first.

It was Sophie.

Don’t worry; I wasn’t the only one surprised. She didn’t look that athletic but she got to top first anyway. She was already halfway there when we were just a few feet off the ground. She was really fast. And the other thing was, she did it without any gear—okay, all of us didn’t use gear as well but we didn’t need it since the Spirits were there along with a big cushion (and I do mean BIG) at the base of the wall.

They told us if we lose our grip on one of the rocks, they would catch us. And they did, in a very unique fashion.

Elaine lost her grip of one of the rocks near the top. Her foot slipped and her hand wasn’t able to get a hold on one of the upper rocks. We all shouted as she fell. And the other thing that happened as she fell was that she want heading for the big cushion; she was heading straight for the ground.

But when her head was inches away from getting smashed, a soft silver light engulfed her and she stopped. We instantly knew it was the Spirits.

Their eyes glowed like the time when they gave us the boost. Their arms were raised and were all pointing at Elaine. It was so cool if it wasn’t that horrifying on Elaine’s life.

They righted her and the next thing that came out of Elaine’s mouth was, “That was amazing! Let’s do it again!”

And that boost really helped us. We didn’t need the rope to climb that stupid hill anymore since we noticed that we could walk more freely with shorts on and we didn’t have to worry about the scrapes we received as we trudged through the forest.

We arrived in front of the big marble columns and went straight in. Everything was in place and ready to be used for training.

The Spirits were waiting for us in the middle, near the big white tent. We headed straight for it and formed our line in front of them.

“Hello, girls,” Rose gave us a warmed smile. “You’re early today. Anything on your minds that’s making you feel so excited?”

“Oh, Rose,” Faye said as she rolled her brown eyes. “Quit keeping the girls stuck in that position. They’ve practically been waiting for two whole days to receive their weapons. Let’s give it to them, now.”

“But first, we must give them a test,” Megan said as she cocked her hips to one side. “Are you girls up for a little obstacle race?”

We watched their little exchange in silence. But when Megan asked that question, our attention snapped to her.


“Um…” Elaine trailed off as she looked uncertainly at all of us. She was waiting for an answer. Her eyes landed on me and I knew that the final decision was up to me. Ugh. I nodded. “Yes, we want to prove ourselves even more.”

“Perfect,” Megan beamed her thousand-watt smile at us and snapped her fingers. You may have thought that was nothing and was just a simple snap of the fingers, then you were never more wrong in your whole life that you are now.

At that precise moment, the race track that ran around the clearing sprouted more obstacles. Five machines that spat out fire were stationed outside the track and just after the five hurdles. Then the five sand traps that were found right after the machines came.

Then the ground a few meters after the sand traps suddenly caved in, forming a ditch that filled the five tracks. It was big and it blocked our way. It was about fifteen meters in diameter. Then bras suddenly appeared out of nowhere and connected above the ditch, forming five ladders that were laid horizontally on top of twenty different poles that formed the letter V. To sum it all up, it was a very dangerous set of monkey bars ‘cause of the ditch.

Our jaws dropped as we took in the newly enhanced race track. I can’t believe the Spirits had that much power. It was awesome!

“Girls,” Megan called for our attention. We snapped our eyes to her and waited for her to continue. “Take your places on the track.”

We did as we were told. Tori took the first track followed by Elaine on the second, then me on the third. Julie was on the fourth and Sophie on the fifth.

“Ready,” Rose said with a smile.

“Get set,” Faye said as she moved to Rose’s side in the middle of the field.

“Go!” Lily shouted.


What made me almost stop on my tracks and drop on the floor laughing, was Megan. She had her hand shaped into a gun using her thumb, index and middle fingers. So when Lily shouted ‘go’, a silver ball shot out of her index and middle fingers, creating the bang. It was so funny!

But I didn’t stop, I continued running as fast as I can. Tori was in the lead with Elaine right at her heels. I ran past Julie and Sophie and took third place. Whoa, these girls were fast…especially Elaine. She was now in line with Tori.

We were now approaching the hurdles. I jumped as high as I could in the little distance between them. My foot almost caught the last one but I managed to stay on my two feet.

Tori was still in the lead but then she started to slow down. She noticed Elaine had caught up with her so she went even faster, advancing a few more feet. Damn, those girls were fast.

Now we were heading for those fire-spitting machines. When Tori neared the first one, the machine suddenly spat out a fireball that was low to the ground. She narrowly missed it by jumping as high as she could. It was obvious she had forgotten about the machines.

Elaine, on the other hand, was much luckier. She was able to dodge the fireball by doing a cartwheel over it. The ball passed under her as she did her gymnastics. Then she continued running.

Now I was crossing paths with that damn fireball. I did the only thing possible for someone like me; I jumped. As I was in the air, I felt and heard the fireball whoosh under me. I landed on the balls of my feet and continued running.

I did the same thing with the other machines but on the last one, I wanted a little fun. As usual, I jumped but this time, I did a little somersault. I felt adrenaline rush through my veins as I landed on the balls of my feet.

I quickly dashed after Elaine and Tori who were now getting closer to the sand traps. They weaved in and out of those things and on the last one, they jumped. I followed suit.

Now it was for the monkey bars: my specialty since forever.

The two were already swinging like monkeys halfway through the ditch when I reached it. I quickly jumped and had my hands outstretched towards the fourth rod. I started swinging and caught the momentum of it. Now I was in line with Tori and Elaine.

But as I reached for the next rod, a bright light appeared out of nowhere, momentarily blinding me. It was so painful to the eyes that I badly wanted to rub them. In the end, I touched my eyes with both my hands and realized the mistake I had made.

I felt the whoosh of the wind underneath me as I plummeted to my doom.

Damn that bright light.


I'm sorry but I had to cut this chapter short. When I looked over at my plot, I noticed I had been mashing too many events on each chapter so I definitely had to minimize it or else, in the end, there will be no more events left.

Sorry for the cliffie.....Anyway...I need your thoughts.

What caused that bright light? Why did it happen? What creature/history does it bring?

Find out next chapter :D And I totally want you guys to comment more....I wanna know what are your thoughts....THANK YOU !!! :D

FB page on the external link :)

Song at the side is by Lemonade Mouth...one of my fave movies!! xD It's awesome.

So now please....




P.S: Haven't done any proofreading yet....hehehe

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