Don't Look Back

By Cheerreader96

68.7K 1.1K 207

Alexa Mercer has the perfect life. She’s the head cheerleader, popular, has the perfect boyfriend and she get... More

Don't Look Back- Chapter 1
Don't Look Back- Chapter 2
Don't Look Back- Chapter 3
Don't Look Back- Chapter 4
Don't Look Back- Chapter 5
Don't Look Back- Chapter 6
Don't Look Back- Chapter 7
Don't Look Back- Chapter 8
Don't Look Back- Chapter 9
Don't look back- Chapter 10
Don't look back- Chapter 11
Don't look back- Chapter 12
Don't look back- Chapter 13
Don't look back- Chapter 14
Don't look back- Chapter 15
Don't look back- Chapter 16
Don't look back- Chapter 17
Don't look back- Chapter 18
Don't look back- Chapter 19
Don't look back -Chapter 20
Don't look back- Chapter 21
Don't look back- Chapter 22
Don't look back- Chapter 23
Don't look back- Chapter 24
Don't look back- Chapter 25
Don't look back- Chapter 26
Don't look back- Chapter 27
Don't look back- Chapter 28
Don't look back- Chapter 29
Don't look back- Chapter 30
Don't Look Back- Chapter 31
Don't Look Back- Chapter 32
Don't Look Back- Chapter 34
Don't Look Back- Chapter 35

Don't Look Back- Chapter 33

1.4K 21 4
By Cheerreader96

~Jessica's POV~

I haven't seen Alexa in while, so I decided to leave Shane and try to

find her. The principal would be announcing homecoming King and Queen

soon, and I wanted her next to me when they announced who won.

Shane agreed with me, and went over to the punch bowl. I walked around

the gym and came up short.

No sign of Alexa here.

Sighing, I made my way over to Shane.

“I can't find Alexa anywhere!” I yelled to him, exasperated. He took a

drink of his punch and set the cup down on the table.

“Let's go ask Justin where she is,” he said, nodding his head to the

corner of the room. Now I got confused: why would Alexa be somewhere

by herself? I followed behind Shane over to Justin, and began biting

my lip.

Something didn't feel right about this.

“Have you seen Alexa?” I asked Justin worriedly.

“She's at some art show for the school.” The tone of his voice made it

seem as if he was upset, but I knew not to ask him.

“Art show?” Shane spoke up for the first time, right when the

principal goes onto the stage. They're starting to confuse me.

Even more than I was before.

“Good evening Carus Valley High! Welcome to homecoming!” the principal

bellowed into the microphone. I didn't know what they where talking

about. Why would Alexa be at an art show when there wasn't one?

Shane and Justin started to argue back and forth, so I tuned them out.

“It's time to announce homecoming King and Queen!” the principal, Ms.

Shannon as she liked to be called, yelled into the microphone. She was

starting to annoy me with her bright and cheery attitude. I started to

think about art and such when she began to announce the winner.

“Your homecoming Queen is . . . Alexa Mercer!”

Cheers and claps filled the gym, but I didn't turn to look at the

stage, knowing Alexa wasn't in here. People started to whisper and

look around the room when they didn't see her.

That's when Aimee’s nasally voice came over the speakers.

I ignored what she had to say, along with the claps and her constant

cry of, “Thank you!” Suddenly, something clicked in my mind.

“Isn't the art teacher Mr. Daniels or whatever?” I said to them. Shane

nodded his head while Justin had this blank, shocked look on his face.

“Maybe we could go to his room and see if he's there? Oh! The art


Shane looked at me in confusion.

Justin was hard to explain. His face went from confusion, to

realization, and then froze on anger. I just stared at him, not

knowing what to do. Ms. Shannon was talking again, but I ignored her.

All of a sudden, Justin pushed the sleeves of his dress shirt up to

his elbows and ran out of the gym. The last thing I heard was Justin’s

name being called over the speakers.

Shane and I exchanged glances before we nodded at each other, and

followed after him, out of the gym.

~Alexa's POV~

Mr. Daniels’ nasty hand was covering my mouth. Part of it was over my

nose, making it harder to breath.

I started to claw at his hands because, little by little, I was

running out of oxygen. We were getting closer and closer to his car

when I got an idea. I started kicking the side of his legs, since I

was in his arms. I did it this way so that my heel was hitting his

bone. He let out a groan and dropped my legs.

I took this to my advantage and kicked him where it hurts. He let out

a scream and feel to his knees, holding his little buddy.

I took off running, and made my way into the woods. I was running

faster than I’ve ever ran before. When I felt like I was at a safe

distance away, I slowed down to a jog. I placed my hand to my heart,

and felt it beating erratically. At the rate I was going, I was

probably going to have a heart attack at age 20.

I heard footsteps behind me, and I took off again. That's when my heel

snapped off, and I fell flat on my face.

My nose started throbbing. Lifting my hand up to it, I felt something

warm and sticky. Great, just what I needed--a bloody nose.

I sat down on my bottom and took off my worthless shoes. They where

completely useless now. Stumbling to my feet, I started walking

further into the forest. I bet I’d get lost. With that thought in mind

I made a sharp turn at the next oak tree I saw.

Why didn't I just run back to the school, like a smart person would?

Maybe I was having a strong new attraction to the woods. Last time I

was in trouble, that's where I ran to.

I was such an idiot.

Thankfully my nose stopped bleeding.

Out of nowhere, I felt a pair of strong arms pull me into a strong

chest. I held my breath and started to push myself away. Once I did I

closed my eyes and opened my mouth wide to scream. Suddenly, a hand

slapped over my mouth, and I opened my eyes, getting ready to fight.

That's when saw I was it was Justin. I moved his hand away from my

mouth and glared at him.

I still didn't know what to say about his confession earlier.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I asked him, breathing heavily.

“Shh!” he whispered putting his finger to his lips. I rolled my eyes at him.

“Well?” I asked, more quietly this time.

“Jessica and Shane told me that there wasn't an art show, so I knew

something was up and came looking for you. Honestly, I’m surprised

they knew something like that,” he said with a chuckle.

“We, are actually very smart people you know.” I heard Jessica pant,

coming from behind me. I turned around and saw her out of breath,

Shane coming slowly behind her.

“Why did you idiots follow me?” Justin asked them, crossing his arms

across his chest. Jessica walked over to my side, and frowned when she

noticed my bare feet.

“Where are your shoes?” she asked pointing down.

“Funny story, actually. I was running because I thought Mr. Daniels

was chasing me, and the heel kind of broke off.” I told her, showing

her my broken shoe. “That's not the worst part, though. I fell and hit

my nose on the ground, it was actually bleeding for a while . . .” I

told her. trailing my sentence off and gently touching my nose.

“Why are you two talking so casually? There's a crazy teacher after

you!” Shane told us while placing a hand on Jessica’s shoulder and


I shrugged and turned to look at him while placing a finger on my chin.

“Hmm, I don't know . . .  maybe because there's a crazy teacher after

me!” I yelled at him.

“Where is he? I didn't see him when we followed you, Justin.” Jessica

voiced softly. I turned to look at Justin, and he just shrugged his


“Let's just get back to the school; my feet are getting muddy.” I told

everybody, taking a few steps toward Justin. He grabbed my hand and

interlaced our fingers. I smiled and let him lead the way back,

knowing I’d get everyone lost.

We've been walking for about ten minutes when Jessica suddenly spoke up.

“How come whenever you’re in trouble you run into the woods?” she

asked curiously. I angled my head back to look at her quickly.

“That's what I want to know.” I said to her seriously.

It took us another five minutes to get out of the woods and into the

school parking lot. Justin sent Shane and Jessica into the gym so we

could talk alone.

“I have a few more things to tell you,” he whisperd to me while looking down.

“Not so fast.” That voice sends chills down my spine, and I slowly

turn around to see Mr. Daniels standing there. He doesn't look too

pleased to see me; maybe kicking him where it hurts was a bad idea.

Justin took a step to stand in front of me and I stepped to the side

to get a better look.

“I thought I told you to stay out of this,” Mr. Daniels sneers at

Justin while taking a small step closer to him.

“And I thought I told you I was done with this, and to leave it

alone,” Justin challenged, also taking a step closer to Mr. Daniels.

I was getting scared--I didn't want Justin to get hurt over me!

“What do you want with me?” I decided to speak up, getting in front of Justin.

“What do I want? That's easy to answer. I want you. I’ve wanted you

for four years, but it seems like every time I get close, there's

always somebody standing in my way!” he said to me, his anger growing

as he spoke.

Four years? What was he talking about? This year was the first time

I’ve ever seen him!

“First your mother and now your damn boyfriend!” he yelled loud,

making me flinch away from him a bit. I froze. My mother? Why was he

saying my mother got in his way?

“What are you talking about? You've never even met my mother! She's

dead.” I whispered the last part of it, but he was able to hear me.

He chuckled dryly before advancing a bit closer. I could see Justin

come stand next to me from the corner of my eye.

“Do you want to know what happened?” he asked me, in a low,

threatening voice. I nodded my head and gulped. “Your parents where in

debt, and they really needed money. You see, I knew your father from

back when I was in college. I had lots of money. Tons of money. Your

father came and asked me for a loan. Being the business man and friend

I am, I lent it to him, since he had a family to take care of.”

I was entranced by his story, and when he said family, I knew he was

talking about my mom and I.

“The problem was, he didn't have any collateral. He was behind on the

house and car payments, he had to pay for your schooling, and his

business was almost broke. So what did he have to give to me in

return?” He let the question sink in for a moment. I honestly had no

idea what the answer was, but I didn't think I was going to like it.

For some other strange reason, I had the urge to raise my hand to

answer him.

“You. You where only thirteen at the time I saw your picture, but I

wanted you. Reluctantly, your father agreed. I wasn't going to get you

till you where fifteen, but your mother messed it all up. She found

out about our deal, and tried to put a stop at it. Sadly, she and your

father got into a car crash, which killed her.” He gave me this slow,

devilish sneer, and I gasped. Would he really kill my mother just to

get me?


I stumbled back a few steps, letting out another gasp. Do you know

what he did about it? He laughed! He was laughing about killing my


“You’re sick.” I told Mr. Daniels as I held back my tears. This man

touched me. My mother’s killer touched me. A question popped into my


“My mother was dead for four years, why didn't you come get me then?”

I asked him, my voice sounding strong to my ears.

“Simple. I thought you went off wherever your dad did. It took me a

while to track him down, but I finally did. I found out you weren't

with him and I came back here to find you. I sent my nephew to your

school to track you down. To gain your trust.”

My eyes couldn't have gotten any wider as I looked over to Justin.

He was related to Mr. Daniels. Mr. Daniels was the crazy uncle he was

talking about. I suddenly felt very lightheaded.

“J-Justin?” I whispered as my voice finally manages to return to me.

He opened his mouth to say something, but Mr. Daniels stopped him.

“Enough talking, I’ve waited long enough.” Mr. Daniels hand sneaks

around to the back of his pants. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

Why's his hand behind him?

It all becomes clear when he brought his hands out in front of him to

produce a gun. A big silver gun. I watch motionlessly as he cocked it.

“Now, Alexa, come with me,” he orders firmly.

“No!” Justin yelled stepping in front of me protectively.

“She's coming with me,” I hear Mr. Daniels growl to Justin. I’m still

frozen in place. My mind can't keep up with what's happening. It's all

too much to process in one day.

“No, she's not,” Justin warned, before he lunged at Mr. Daniels. I

closed my eyes, not wanting to see the fight, but I could hear their

grunts and groans.

“Stop fighting!” I yelled at them loudly, with my eyes still closed.

That's when I heard a shot go off.

Time seemed to stand still. I opened my eyes slowly to see Mr. Daniels

looking at the gun in his hands, before over at me. He backed away

slowly and ran away to his car, jumping into it and speeding out of

the lot.

I heard a groan. I looked down to see Justin, clutching his side

tightly. There was blood everywhere and I fell to my knees beside him.

His eyes were squeezed shut in pain. My hands where trembling and I

was breathing hard.

Oh my god. Oh my god! He was shot! I moved his hand away from his side

to see the damage. I gasped and placed his hand back on his side. He

was bleeding profusely.

“Justin,” I whispered quietly, leaning my face closely to his. I

grabbed onto his free hand and used my other to get my phone. The

tears are falling freely down my face. He was shot. He was shot

because of me.

I was sobbing--big, hard, sobs. I didn't know what to do and he wasn't

talking to me. The click of heels startled me as I saw Jessica sit

next to me from the corner of my eye.

“Alexa, what happened?” she asked me worriedly.

“H-He was s-shot, and I-I don't know what t-to do-o.” I said, sobs

shaking in my voice. She took the phone from my hand and tossed it to

somebody behind her. She moved me out of the way and ripped the sleeve

of Justin’s shirt off.

Carefully, she moved his hand from his side and placed the shirt

there, keeping a firm hold on it. I placed Justin’s head in my lap and

gently rubbed his face, soothing him. All the while my mind was

racing. The only thing keeping me slightly sane was listening to his

short, ragged breaths.

His hand squeezed mine tightly and his eyes scrunched up in pain.

“Alexa, it hurts,” he whimpered to me. I’ve never heard him this

vulnerable and weak before. It made me worry even more.

“I'm sorry. I’m so, so sorry Justin.” I whispered to him, running my

fingers through his hair.

I felt broken. Looking at Justin while he was this hurt made me feel

weak, helpless, and scared. What if he died? I didn't want to think

like that but it was on my mind. If he died, that would be the second

person I loved that Mr. Daniels took away from me.

“The ambulance is on it's way.” I heard Shane say, noticing for the

first time that he was here. When I looked up at him, I saw tears in

his eyes. Every now and then Justin would make a noise, making me cry

a bit harder.

I hated being like this.

“Alexa . . .” I heard him whisper my name. I bent my head down close

to him, waiting to hear what he had to say. “Stop . . . crying over

me.” He took a deep breath after he got done talking.

If he wasn't hurt so bad, I think I would have hit him. He was

seriously hurt! How could I do anything but cry?

“Shut up, you idiot.” I told him quietly, resting my forehead on his.

I could hear sirens in the background and breathed a sigh of relief.

That was until I felt his grip on my hand slacken. I began to panic


Where the hell were they at? This was a life or death situation, and

they haven't even arrived yet! Jessica was still putting the pressure

onto his side. I didn't how or why, but I knew it was helping him. I

could see the lights of the ambulance pull into the parking lot, and

the sight put a smile on my face.

Justin’s hand was almost completely limp in mine, and I was pulled

away from him roughly by one of the EMT's as they rushed over to us. I

found Jessica standing a few feet away and I wrapped my arms around

her, needing her support.

She reciprocated the action, and I turned around to see the EMT's

loading Justin up on a stretcher. He had a mask on his face to help

him breath. I felt like I should get one of those masks; it felt like

I couldn't breath.

They slammed the doors shut and rushed out of the school lot. I turned

to Shane and asked him for my phone. I don't know if he understood me

because I sure didn't. I knew I had to tell Jennifer. Calling her was

out of the question since I was too busy panicking and crying.

So instead, I decided to text her.

To: Jenifer

Justin’s been shot, meet me at the hospital.

It's serious.


After sending the text message, I wiped my eyes and turned to Shane.

“Take me to the hospital, now.” I demanded. He nodded his head and

started to walk to his car,  then he suddenly stopped. There was

something blocking the way to the car. That's when I noticed the whole

school was outside, and staring at me. I ignored them and made my way

to Shane’s car quickly, not caring that I pushed people out of my way

to do so. They didn't matter to me.

Justin did.

And I was going to be there for him. I didn't care that it was just

now starting to rain, and I didn't care that I was in a dress, and had

no shoes on.

I was going to that hospital if it was the last thing I ever did.

Shane got into the driver’s seat and Jessica climbed in the back seat,

comforting me. I was wet, cold and shaking. Not just from the rain

either. I was grateful to have Jessica holding me because if she

wasn't, I might have started freaking out, even more than I already


I was still crying, just not as loudly, and it was a quiet ride to the

hospital; with the exception of my sobs, and Jessica whispering

soothing words in my ear. I hated being like this, feeling like this.

This wasn't how tonight was supposed to have happened. This wasn't

ever how it was supposed to be.

We finally arrived in the emergency room parking lot, and I opened the

door and jumped out of the car. It was pouring down rain: big, fat

droplets of rain. By the time I got to the entrance for the hospital I

was soaked.

I ran to the receptionist and pounded on the window to get her

attention. She looked up, startled. I must have been a mess, because

she gasped, and looked at me as if I escaped from a mental

institution. Her curly black hair was pinned up in a tight bun.

“What can I do for you, hun?” she asked me sweetly.

I wiped my eyes quickly before placing my hands down on the table. “My

friend was just brought here. He was shot, and I need to know what's

going on.” I told her hurriedly.

She looked me up and down, nodding, and rotated her chair so she was

facing her computer.

“Okay, honey, what's his name?” she asked as she positioned her

fingers over the keys.

“Justin Michaels,” I answered her quickly. She began to type and click

on her computer, moving around her mouse. I began to get impatient

when she finally turned to look at me. She smiled sadly at me and my

breathing picked up.

“Are you a family member?” she asked me softly. I shook my head and

opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. “Only family members

can know at this time. I’m sorry.”

She looked at me pityingly. I didn't like that look; it made me feel

like something bad was happening to him.

“Please, you have to tell me what's going on!” I pleaded.

“It's against hospital rule. I’ll lose my job if I tell you,” she told

me kindly.

“Just tell me!” I said a little too loudly, and letting out a small

sob. A few people turned to look at me before going back to whatever

they where doing. The lady behind the desk got up and walked out the

door, coming over to me.

She grabbed my shoulders and steered me into the waiting room. I

complied and sat down in a chair that allowed me to see the reception

desk, and rubbed my arms, finally feeling the coldness from the rain.

She walked away and came back with a blanket; I took it gratefully and

hugged it around my body tightly. The nurse looked down, then looked

up quickly.

“Honey, where in the world are your shoes?” she asked me, bewildered.

I gave a light smile before looking down at my dirty feet.

“They broke,” I said simply, a small blush covering my face. She shook

her head before walking away and over to her desk. Not even five

minutes later I heard hurried footsteps and saw a familiar looking

blonde at the reception desk.

She was fidgeting around with her hands and talking to the

receptionist hurriedly. I had the strong urge to go talk to her, but I

resisted it. Right when I finally decided I didn't want to wait, she

came walking over to me. I stood up to meet her.

She wasn't crying, but she did look disheveled. She suddenly stopped

and looked at me curiously.

“Alexa, where are your shoes?”

“That doesn’t matter; tell me what happened,” I said, moving my arms

around in exasperation. She sighed and took a seat down next to me,

rubbing her forehead.

“They just took him into surgery.” Jennifer spoke quietly, looking

down at her hands.

Surgery? Was that a good thing or a bad thing?

When is surgery ever good, you idiot? Okay, now was not the time for

my inner voice to be yelling crazy things at me.

I let the news sink in for a moment before, I started to cry all over

again. Jennifer’s arms were around me in a instant, holding me close

to her.

“Shh . . . it's alright,” she soothed while stroking my damp hair.

When I was settled down enough, she pulled away and looked at me.

“Now tell me what happened,” she asked calmly, tears glistening in her

eyes. I opened my mouth to tell her when Jessica and Shane came into

the waiting room, both in normal, dry clothes. Jessica had a bag in

her hands and held it out to me.

“Go change,” she ordered, pointing to the bathroom down the hall. I

nodded and made my way over to it. Once inside, I went to the mirror,

and almost jumped back in shock. I was a mess. Make-up was streaked

down my face, my hair was in knots, and my eyes where red and swollen.

I washed my face quickly and dried it with one of the towels.

The make-up was gone, which was good, since it made me look less

crazy. Now time to change. Looking into the bag, I saw a pair of sweat

pants and an old cheerleading shirt. I put them on quickly and started

to stuff my dress in the bag when I saw something fall out of the


It was a folded up piece of paper that looked like a note. My heart

started beating widely in my chest. How did this note get here? Who

was it from? Why was it in my dress?

Slowly, I unfolded the note and began to read it.


I just wanted to start off by saying I’m sorry. So, so, sorry. I can

understand if you never want to see me again, and I can understand if

you hate me.

I’m writing this letter to try to explain myself. My uncle was paying

me money to gain your trust, but you know that already, that's why you

have this letter. I wanted the money so I could pay off my car and

start saving up for my own apartment.

He offered me the job and my first thought was, 'Hey, I get to flirt

with a girl and get to paid to do it.' I was wrong, though. It turned

out to be way more than that. I admit, at first it was about the money

and maybe even getting some other things in return, but as it went on,

it changed.

This is going to be easier to say in a letter than it should be in

person. The reason why it all changed is because I fell in love with


I didn't mean for it to happen, but it just did. I’ve known it for a

while now, but I just couldn't tell you knowing I was keeping that


I hope you’re not mad at me.


I heard something hit the floor hard, and then realized it was me. I

saw tiny water droplets land on the letter and raised a shaky hand up

to my check. I was crying again--great. I folded the letter and put it

into the pocket of my sweat pants. Right when I did that, I heard a

knock on the door.

“Alexa, what's taking you so long?” I heard Jessica’s worried voice

ask me through the door. I slowly stood up and wiped the tears off my

face. My heart was beating fast and I was more afraid now than I was

before. Thanks to that damn letter, I couldn't stop thinking.

Why didn't I tell him sooner? What am I going to do if something

happens to him and I never have the chance to tell him that I love


I picked up the bag, opened the door to the restroom, and walked out.

Jessica said she and Shane had to go, so I nodded and hugged her

good-bye, then went to sit next to Jennifer. She asked me how this all

happened and I began to tell her the long story behind it. By the time

I was done I was crying again. I could still hear the sound of the gun

going off in my mind.

I had my head in Jennifer’s lap, about to fall asleep when I felt the

need to tell her something. She was leaning back in the chair with her

arm resting across my stomach. I could tell from her breathing she was

about to fall asleep.

“Jennifer?” I mumbled softly with my eyes closed.

“Hmm?” she muttered quietly.

“I'm so sorry,” I whispered, before finally falling asleep.

[A/N: No long A/N, I just kind of give up, next upload 4-7 days. Comment, Vote, Fan.]

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