You Belong With Me

By Rosaleaa

339 1 1


You Belong With Me
Long Distance
Back Home
The Incident
THE Night
The Truth
Love Can Do That To You

The Date

11 1 1
By Rosaleaa

My phone rang and it was Justin ‘Hey I’m here ‘ ‘Okay I’ll be right out, bye’ I hugged my sister goodbye and flew out the door. I saw a black range rover and knew it was him. At the moment it hit me and I knew I had to make a good impression and not say anything stupid. ‘Wow you have a nice car.’’Its not mine hah its a friends, you know so paparazzi won’t see me’ ‘Oooh yeah i completely forgot you were famous haha’ ‘Really? People seem like they can’t forget that’ ‘Anyways where are we going?’ ‘It’s a surprise’ when he said that he did this really cute half grin that I swear made me dizzy. The whole car ride was nice we mostly joked and laughed about the stupidest things. He made everything easy and not awkward. We got to a big building and then I realized it was the mall, I asked him how was he gonna escape the paparazzi by being here and he just smirked and took my hand and ran into the entrance. The building was empty but all the stores and food court was open. Then he said ‘I closed it down so it could just be us and nobody else’ ‘Wow you really know how to impress a girl’ He took my hand again and made me follow him upstairs. We ran all around the mall trying on clothes, chasing each other, and mostly playing around. We sat down at the ice cream place and shared a big bowl of different kind of ice creams. I put some on his nose and he just looked at me and grabbed a handful of ice cream and threw it at me but missed. I surrendered and we were laying down next to the water fountain. He broke the peaceful silence by saying ‘I had a lot of fun today’ ‘Me too but what was this exactly ? Like why did you wanna hang out I’m nobody’ ‘It’s just last night I felt something, I know it sounds stupid but I feel like you’re different’ ‘Wait so you felt it too cause I thought I was going crazy or imagining something’ ‘Hah no I felt it too well I have to leave tonight but I wanna keep talking to you.’ He wasn’t just a celebrity anymore , he was a guy that was more than amazing and I couldn’t help but have this huge real crush on him.

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