Smart Guy. (Chase Davenport x...

By RandomFandoms821

439K 7.7K 11.5K

You've been on the Bionic Island for the whole time it's been open. You were never on Krane's side. You had a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four [Final]
Author Birthday Special!!

Chapter Two

39.4K 722 946
By RandomFandoms821

You woke up, having forgotten about Chase knowing whilst you slept, you cringed at the thought of missing class again. If you were honest, with your two other forms of mind, you kinda thought you should stay with the mentor of mind, but you still had the other things to worry about.

By now, your moves were robotic. You knew each one, as you had to do them. Get up at 6:30 AM; shower; get dressed; eat breakfast; brush teeth; and by 7:30, you had to be in class. You had accounted that you could get up a half an hour earlier and do a little training in the Bionic classes you didn't have that day.

You practiced your speed by doing laps around the island. You did five in fifty seconds - your new record. All you did in mind was use your molecular kinesis, lifting up random things, doing a bit of cleaning that wasn't done before. You looked at the clock. It read 6:28.

You ran to your capsule and waited for the alarm clock. You always hated the sound of it, though. You braced yourself.


You groaned, as though you had woken up from the stupid alarm.

Simultaneously, the capsules lit up and changed everyone's clothes and everyone got out and went to breakfast.

Once more, you sat with Spin and Bob.

"What's up, dudes?" you asked.

"Nothing much, just that Perry kept waking me and Bob with her ridiculous flashlight," Spin said.

"Has anything gone missing?" You asked.

"As far as we know, no," Bob said.

"That's strange, even for Perry," you reply. Bob got up to get more food.

"(Y/n), what if she found out about your... secret?" Spin asked.

"She'd report me for lying. Spin," you reply. "Chase already found out."

"What?!" Spin yelled, grabbing the attention of the students behind you. You flicked Spin and threw away your breakfast, not really hungry anymore.

Sighing, you finished up what you had to do and went to class.

"Today, we will be battling using our bionics. (Y/n), choose an opponent," Adam said.

"Bob," you said. You and Bob stood out. Everyone knew of your healing and other forms of mind, so you used it.

Bringing a hand up to your temple, you tapped into Bob's brain, controlling him. You made him fall to the ground, not too hard, but not too soft. You left his brain and bowed.

"Wow, how'd you do that?" Adam asked.

"I can tap into other people's minds using my own," you say.

"Alright then. Give it up for our winner!" Adam yelled. Chase then walked in, his eyes meeting yours for a second, making them widen for a second, suddenly remembering that you had to train everything.

"Would you please keep it down?" Chase asked before going back to his lessons in the other room. You silently thanked him for not telling Adam about your power.

Bob stood up, almost falling before you rushed over, being careful not to super-speed, and caught him by his arms.

"That was so cool, (Y/n)!" Bob said. "And it kinda tingled."

You shook your head and let Bob go, this time he kept his balance.


Alarms blared through the academy as a drill happened. You cringed, as the noise was heightened due to your bionic hearing from mind.

"MOVE MOVE MOVE!" Adam yelled, indicating to do what would happen in this scenario. You had all practiced this scenario a million times over, so once more, everyone's moved were robotic. You all had to hide in a certain room, but three randomly chosen students had to keep watch and attack the intruders.

You see, this drill was only for if another unidentified bionic man came or if (somehow) Krane came back to life, but only you of every student (Besides Leo) knew that one detail.

"(Last Name), you're up for watch!" Adam said, filing in with them. You nodded and left, taking the position of where the person from Adam's class would be - by the hydra-loop.

Someone - who you hoped was a fake intruder - cupped your mouth with their hand. You could tell by their build that the person was a male, with the broadness of their shoulders and the size of their hand.

You were about to fight back when they said, "Calm down, there is a real situation, and - god, I can't believe I'm saying this, but - we need your help." You could recognize the voice. It was Chase's.

Your eyes asked him the question: What's going on?

"Some old rebels are back." You knew who they were. It was Sebastian, Tank, and what's-her-face, as you couldn't remember. "And with both Bree and Adam keeping the students safe, I need you in their place, (Y/n)."

His hand was still covering your mouth, so you couldn't really say anything. You licked his hand and he let go.

"Ew, gross!"

"Trust me, licking your hand wasn't exactly a cake-walk for me either," you reply. Chase led you to another end of the hydra-loop tunnel. The familiar faces of the three were unsettling in a way. 

"Where're the others? Too scared to attack?" Sebastian asked. You smirked at him and tapped into his brain. Now, that bionic wasn't the Triton app, before anyone thinks it. It was more like the override app.

You made Sebastian jump out the window and into the sea before going back to your brain.

"SEBASTIAN!" the girl yelled. You sped towards her, locking her against the wall.

"Chase, the rack!" you shouted, looking at the rack to the side. If everything was timed correctly, the two of you could successfully get both of them. He nodded and pushed the rack towards you and the girl.

"Have fun rotting in prison," you growled before letting go. The rack trapped her, the pressure locking her against the column. As Tank was jumping in the way, he ended up landing on the rack. You grabbed some of the handcuffs that blocked bionic signals. You passed one to Chase and you both cuffed them.

"Thanks for helping," Chase said. "You get bumped up a color."

"Thanks, but I like orange. No need to show that I'm any better," you reply.

"All three core bionics and modest," Chase said.

You cocked your head to the side. "Anything wrong with that?"

"No, not at all, just rare to come by," Chase said. You bowed.

"You are welcome," you reply. "but you should really take the lock-down off." You walked away. "See you, Professor Chase." It was a weird nick-name you came up with that no one said you couldn't say.

"See you, (Y/n)," Chase replied, wanting to continue talking to you in the privacy of the empty area.


Word Count: 1,118.

I'll update Phil next week, but this one will be updated the week after - catch my drift?

*So, the Phil x Reader thing didn't work out. Sorry!

I'm considering updating earlier for some weird reason because I know that if I do, I'll most likely run out of chapters and things to update on here.


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