Little Lady

By trashu_otaku

3.4K 107 27

This fanfiction follows the manga. I advise you to read the Kuroshitsuji manga before reading or watching the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
A/N: Notes
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
30 Days of Black Butler (Tagged)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 4

283 11 0
By trashu_otaku

In the end, Yvette still had to re-curl my hair and put it into looped pigtails after, and Paula let me wear a dress pink and white frills at the top, long sleeves that match the frills, lace that match with it, and a pink puffy skirt with lace that ties a bow on my waistline, the skirt also has a frilly extra white extension that match the frills and sleeves. My shoes were white knee-high boots and black buttons with black low-heels. My hair bows matched with the white frills on my dress. The dress from earlier got stained, and Paula wouldn't let me wear it.

Yvette and Paula went to their rooms and I went downstairs. Ciel should be here by now, after all, the Earl's son wouldn't be late for training! I looked around the room for a blue haired boy.

I found him! There he is, dressed in a summer sailor suit with a black chestplate and boots. My mother was there too, wearing a long sleeved black dress with white shorts reaching until her knees, she was also ready to fence.

"You're late Elizabeth." Mother scolded.

Ciel kept quiet this time, knowing he'll cause more trouble if he talks back.

"Sorry mother. There was a slight delay in my room." I looked down

"It's fine. Just remember, a lady always has to be with her Lord to cheer him on. Now let's go." Mother said walking to the training room, me and Ciel trailing behind.

The training room was in a good condition. It's where my family and I fence, mother and I usually fence here because father is always out on business and Edward is always at Weston. We got to the training room and I sat on one of the chairs.

There were two chairs across each other, seperated by the table. It looked like a dining table more than anything. On the table, there were two glasses of water and two towels, for Ciel and my mother. There was an extra glass of water for me as well.

Ciel and mother kept a distance between each other before fencing. Ciel looked terrified, wooden sword in hand, trembling in fear. My mother looks confident and blood thirsty with great stance and posture. She might be blood thirsty, but of course she's not getting her blood satisfaction from my fiance!

It just started, mother hit Ciel in the stomach with the wooden practice sword, and Ciel didn't hit back or defend himself. He lacks a lot when it comes to any physical activity.

"You lost again! Like last time! Get up!" Mother scolded.

Ciel got up and didn't dare face her. He looked like he was holding obvious tears from running down his face.

They started fencing again. Mother hit Ciel with the sword, making the first move, Ciel failed to dodge the attack and got hit. He tried to hit her, but Mother instantly dodged it going behind him. Ciel was instantly hit in the stomach, he tried to counter her attack by kicking her before she made her next move. As expected and without a doubt, Ciel lost again.

"Your footwork is weak Ciel! Train harder next time!" Mother said again grabbing glass of water and instantly drank it all. She took a towel and wiped her almost non-existent sweat.

She defeats Ciel without sweating. Defeating Ciel in physical activities is a kind of routine for my mother. She gets used to it and instantly defeats him, having to exert no effort whatsoever.

"I want you to train harder for the next time we fence, can you do that Ciel?" Mother looked back at him before leaving.

"I-I can do better... n-next time Aunt Frances." Ciel said in between heavy panting.

"I'll leave Lizzie to you for now Ciel. I have some important matters to deal with." Mother said walking away, in perfect posture as usual.

After my mother left us, Ciel lazily fell on the chair across mine, breathing heavily.

I stood up and took a towel from the table.

"Hah... That was scary..." Ciel panted before drinking a glass of water.

"It's because Mother is so strict!" I laughed and handed him the towel.

"Well, Aunt Frances is pretty, but..." He paused for a second.

"Such a strong wife! I'm so glad that you're the one marrying me Lizzie." He smiled and scratched his head.

Ciel doesn't know about my training and my combat skills. Like Aunt Ann said, a Lady must be cute and naive in front of her Lord. A Lady should always be the one her Lord can protect.

At that time it was decided, that I would become a wife that Ciel would protect.

There was a knock on the door and a voice called out.

"May I come in?" Paula's voice was heard from the other side of the door.

I opened the door and Paula and a butler came in. The butler was holding a tray with lots of assorted cookies and a chocolate shortcake, and Paula was holding a tray with grape juice.

"Here are some snacks for you both." Paula said as the butler placed his tray on the table, Paula's tray following after.

"Thank you." I said with a smile as I took some cookies into my mouth.

Ciel wasn't eating, he was just watching me. I realized and I stopped stuffing my face.

"Ciel? Is there something in my face?" I asked. What was he looking at?

"N-no! I just thought of something!" He stopped looking at me but looked at the opposite direction.

"A penny for your thoughts?" I asked him and laughed. He laughed with me.

After the laughter, it was silent. I continued to stuff my face with cookies. I'm not very fond of chocolate shortcake. I wonder why the servants prepared this.

"You want to know what I was thinking of?" He asked.

"What?" I replied, maybe asked.

"Give me your hand." He said.

I brushed my hands and wiped the remnants of the sugar and cookie bits on a napkin and showed him my hands. He held my hand, and with his hand holding mine, he took the siver knife next to shortcake. Gently and slowly, he cut the cake.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Can't you see? I'm cutting the cake." He said focused on cutting the cake with his hand on mine.

"I see, but is it necessary to hold my hand while cutting the cake?" I asked again, watching our hands cut the cake.

"N-not really, but I wanted to cut the cake together..." He blushed a light red and continued cutting.

Will we get to cut cakes together when we get married? I wonder if Ciel would look as cute as he is now cutting the cake. I smiled at the thought.

We finished cutting the cake.

"Want some?" Ciel calmed his expression down and asked.

"W-well, the thing is... I don't really like chocolate shortcake..." I looked down.

Ciel looked sad for a moment and suddenly smiled.

"Suits you! More for me then!" He laughed and messily ate the cake.

We continued to eat our snacks and drink grape juice until it was all gone! The aftermath was a mess, but it was nice eating with Ciel!

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