Found Girl (peter pan ouat x...

By Myfroststory

55.3K 1.5K 228

After Peter died in front of your eyes you devastated. You were supposed to live your life moving on from it... More

What Happened?
Dark One
What Now?
Welcome Back to Neverland Part 1
Welcome Back to Neverland Part 2
Together Again
The Game
The Begining
Yin and Yang
Grow Up


999 32 3
By Myfroststory

The both you just stayed right there, holding each other. He was so warm and gentle. His scent so familiar. You didn't feel like crying at all. You were just happy he still there. He was still there through everything and probably for when you were in the Enchanted Forest.
"Where did you go?" He asked, breaking the peaceful silence. You looked at him, sitting up a little.
"I went back in time," you said. He raised is eyebrows in shock. "It was by accident though. I met my mom and the apprentice met me for for the first time."
"How did you do that?"
"Well, I can travel between worlds, so I can also travel between time also, I just can't control it as well." You rested your head back on his chest and listened for his heart beat. "How long was I gone Peter?"
"A week," he said. "I tried searching for you in the farm while the witch was busy with Snow White. I saw Rumple, he just laughed at me and gave me riddles." He let out a long breathe. "Today was the last day I would search for you, I gave up on you."
"It's okay Peter, because I'm here now, I'll always be here, even when I'm not." He put his hand on your head and started stroking your hair. "How much do you remember from the Enchanted Forest?" You asked.
"Not much," he hesitated. "I remember you turning into a dark one. I remember the apprentice binding us in Neverland. Then, there's just a big blur until it's me telling the apprentice to do something."
"You told him to make sure I didn't remember," you said. Peter stopped stroking your hair and squeezed your head slightly. "It's okay Peter, you didn't want me to remember me being a dark one so I would be good." He released your head. "I would do the same."
"I think you actually did though, you made forget something, I even saw it in the apprentice's eyes when I confronted him."
"You saw him? When? Where? How?" You sitting up on him now.
"Woah, slow down. He's in a mansion in the woods." He said, with a hint of laughter. He smiled at you. "You want to go to him don't you?" You nodded and smiled. "Okay, but we're walking." You leaned down and kissed him.
"I love you," you whispered to him and smiled.
"I love you too." He wrapped your arms around your back. It felt so right being with him again, like a the last piece of a puzzle. "We better go before we get carried away." He let go of you and you stood up. The both of you helps hands and walked down to the diner.
"We should bring the apprentice some food," you said to Peter.
"I'll pay for it," he responded. You gave a confused face. "He gave me some money and I started working at the docks."
"Why though?"
"I want to stay here longer," he said. He let go of you and walked to the counter to order. He stayed there waiting while Granny went into the back to tell the chef.
Peter's actions confused you. Why did he want to stay here? There's nothing good he can do besides work at the docks for eternity. Didn't he want to go to Neverland? You saw it in a memory, surely he knows that it's still there, that they stayed at it longer than the binding.
The chef came out with a big brown bag. Peter payed for the food and thanked Granny. He returned to you and grabbed your hand. "What's the matter?" He asked. You looked at him. "You have your thinking face on right now."
"Why do you like it here?"
"Well, there's plumbing here, the houses are well built, and people don't give you death threats every single day." He was avoiding the question.
"Peter, is it because you don't want me to go dark?"
"I don't want either of to go dark, this the best place for it. Once that witch is gone, we'll be normal-ish."

A/n Sorry for a shorter chapter. I wanted to give you something to read. I haven't able to post because I just had finals and I'm still trying to catch up on a few classes. But, I hope you enjoy!

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