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Peter POV
It's been two hours since (y/n) left the room and I was no worried. Did find out what happened? Was she kidnapped? Questions rushed through my every minute. I tried asking Granny downstairs if she had shown up. She didn't have an answer for me. I asked around the diner, but no one knew who she was. She had kept herself a secret from everyone while she was here. It pained me a little.
I decided to ask for directions to the mayor's office. Granny gave me map and started walking out to the office. I got there and saw the Charmings and the Queen. They were discussing about the witch. It me, (y/n) was with the vile woman.

Your POV
You smelled dirt and cold metal. You couldn't see anything, but you heard low speaking from two familiar voices. You tried moving your arms and legs, they were tied down.
Loud footsteps started coming your way. You barely pried your eyes open when you saw the woman from earlier.
"Ah, well you're awake," she spoke with delight.
"Wh-what do you want from me," your spoke with your voice straining.
"Well, Rumple has unfinished business with Mr. Boytoy." You shook the chains even more. They tightened even more.
"He won't fall for it," you said through gritted teeth.
"Rumple knows that." She held up your phone. "That's why you are going to tell him that you knows what happened in the forest." She pulled up Peter's number and pressed the phone to your ear. The phone rang once when he picked it up.
"Oh my gosh, where are you, I've been worried sick," there was panic in his voice. You wanted tell him that you were being held captive.
"I-I know what happened in the forest," you throat was ached from not crying. There was a pause with him breathing deeply. He let out a loud sigh.
"Look I can explain, meet me at the well." Why would he meet there. It's where Felix died. The woman pulled the phone away from your ear.
"She'll meet you there tonight at midnight." With that she ended the call.
"What are you going to do next?" You moved your arms and legs more. The pain was almost unbearable.
"We are going to make Peter dark again, of course."

Peter's POV
My phone started ringing and I picked it up. "Oh my gosh, where are you, I've been worried sick," I said, my heart was racing. I could hear her straining her voice before she spoke.
"I-I know what happened in the forest," her voice was stranded, like she was in pain. My heart beating faster than ever and breathes getting louder. My whole world was collapsing. I let out a big sigh to help.
"Look I can explain. Meet me at the well." I heard movement on the other end.
"She'll meet you there tonight at midnight," a strange woman's voice spoke on the other end. I was about to talk back, but the call stopped. I put the phone in my pocket and ran my hands through my hair, letting out a long sigh.
I went back into Granny's to try to collect my thoughts. I had no idea how she is going to react. Will she want revenge, make me slip back to bad Peter, or something worse.

A/n Sorry for the long break. It was the holidays and I have a ton of family. Also short chapter because I really want to get back to the enchanted forest scenes. Enjoy the picture of Robbie that I drew myself!

Found Girl (peter pan ouat x reader)(sequel to The Lost Girl)Where stories live. Discover now