Just Like Old Times ~LietPol~

By Hetalian-Nations

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Just a little LietPol story~ More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four

Chapter Two

640 36 6
By Hetalian-Nations

     Suddenly, Ivan knocked the sword out of Toris's hand and pressed his own to his throat.

     "Looks like it's the end for you too," He said.

     "Toris! Catch!" Feliks called out, tossing the sword, which had landed next to him, to Toris. He caught it and before Ivan could react, Toris thrust the sword into Ivan's side. He knew it wouldn't be a lethal wound, but it would be enough to let him and Feliks escape. Ivan fell to the ground, he was in shock that Toris would do this.

     Toris quickly sheathed his sword and ran over to Feliks. He picked him up bridle style and started to run before Ivan could recover from the wound and come after them. Neither said a word, as if that if they stopped for a split second they would fall enough behind for Ivan to catch them. But Toris could feel Feliks's breathing slowly growing more shallow. He was shaking too, causing the welling worry in Toris's chest to increase by the minute.

     They stopped fleeing almost two hour later, around sunset. Toris had found a small cave in a forest. He carefully set Feliks down, who had long ago passed out from blood loss, in fact, the only time he had stopped before that was to messily bandage Feliks's wounds. Toris collapsed onto the floor of the cave, he was exhausted, sore, and worried. But, he was happy he hadn't bother to take off his bag earlier, as it had some water, food,and some other supplies.

     It was cold in the cave, so he figured he would start a fire so they wouldn't freeze to death during the night. He took off his jacket and draped it over Feliks, whose coat had been terribly torn during the battle. Then he reluctantly got up.

     "I'll be right back," He said, even though he knew Feliks couldn't hear him, before walking out to gather wood.

     Feliks woke up in a cave, at first he was scared that Toris had abandoned him and started to panic. Until he noticed that Toris's coat was draped over him. This let him calm down a bit. He sat up as a cold gust of wind blew into the cave, making him pull the jacket tight around him. He soon heard footsteps coming towards the cave and froze, fearing it would be an enemy. Then Toris walked in and Feliks relaxed

     "Hey, you're awake!" Toris said with a smile, then set down the wood he was carrying and started to arrange it in a way to start a fire.

     "Yeah..." Feliks said, shivering from the cold.

     "How are you feeling?" Toris asked, as he pulled a lighter out of his pocket, starting the fire, the sitting down next to Feliks.

     "Cold, and really sore," Feliks answered honestly, "Aren't you cold?"

     "A bit, but the fire will warm it up in here soon," Toris replied, to be honest, he was freezing, but he wouldn't admit it, "You want food or water? I have some in my bag."

     Feliks nodded, when Toris turned around and started rummaging through the bag he noticed a few lightly bloodied tears in Toris's clothes, he assumed it was from the fight with Ivan.

     "Toris, you're hurt!"

     "Hm? Oh. I'll be fine, and to be honest I'm more worried about your wounds. You took quite a beating back there," Toris commented, turning back around and handing Feliks a small cup of water and an apple. Feliks smiled and took a sip of the water. He tried to stay as still as possible, any movement would cause pain. When they were finished eating Toris sighed, then took a first aid kit out of his bag.

     "Here, I can dress your wounds better now that we're safe," He offered.

     "Only if you let me take care of yours first!" Feliks demanded, though he did want to move, it was the least he could do to thank Toris for saving him, plus he was a bit worried, "Poland rule!"

     Toris sighed and laughed a bit, knowing he would never get Feliks to let him help him first. Once Feliks put forth the "Poland rule" there was no getting him to budge. Toris handed the first aid kit to Feliks and then slipped off his shirt so Feliks could bandage his wounds. Then he suddenly remembered the scars on his back from years under the control of Ivan and prayed that Feliks wouldn't ask about them.

     Feliks noticed the scars, in fact, this wasn't the first time he had caught a glimpse of them. He knew Toris wouldn't want him to ask, but he couldn't help it.

     "Hey, Toris, what's with the scars on your back?" He asked and he disinfected the biggest wound, a large scratch on Toris's side.

     "... It's nothing..." Toris replied, slightly flinching from the sting of the disinfectant.

     "Toris, please," Feliks insisted as he bandaged the wounds.

     "Fine, let's just say my relationship with Ivan was a little... rocky. I'd rather not talk about it," Toris said. Feliks decided it was best not to pressure him any further. The two remained silent for the rest of the time until Feliks finished. Toris put his shirt back on happy to not be exposed to the cold.

     "Your turn," He told Feliks, "Let my see your arm first."

     Feliks held out his wounded arm, it was bruised and had a bloodied piece of torn cloth tied around a wound. Toris gently unwrapped the make-shift bandage. He examined the wound and found something stuck in the gash. It looked kind of like a splinter, except it was much, much larger and made of metal.

     "What is it?" Feliks asked, Toris turned around and started searching for something in the first aid kit.

     "I need you to hold still, you have a metal shard in your arm," Toris said then turned back around with disinfectant and a pair of tweezers, "It looks like it has some really sharp edges. I need you to hold still, it'll probably hurt like hell, but if you move it'll make it worse."

     Feliks wasn't so sure about all of this.

     "Are you, like,  sure you know what you're doing?"

     "Just trust me."

     Feliks hesitated a bit, then once again held out is arm. He shut his eyes, honestly not wanting to see the blood. He felt a pain shoot up his arm and it took all of his strength not to flinch and pull his arm back. He whimpered a bit, he hated to admit it but his pain tolerance was a bit low. The pain subsided a bit a few seconds later. Then he felt the sting of disinfectant. Feliks opened his eyes a second later. Toris was carefully wrapping bandages around the wound.

     "Is it too tight?" He asked. Feliks shook his head, then took off his shirt so Toris could care for his other wounds. Toris helped, knowing that it hurt him to move.

     As he was cleaning the smaller man's wounds, Toris noticed something. There were many, older bandages scattered around Feliks's back and sides. It was obvious the years of war against Ivan had taken a toll on him. Toris sighed and started unwrapping them.

     "H-hey! What are you doing?!" Feliks asked, surprised.

     "The bandages were old, if you left them on any longer you would be at risk of getting your wounds infected," Toris said. Unlike Feliks, he was used to treating wounds, as he would also help the other Baltics with their injuries. Soon, a good portion of Feliks's torso was covered in bandages.

     "There, much better," Toris yawned, exhausted. He helped Feliks with his shirt once more.

     "Wow, I, like, didn't notice how late it is.... We should probably get some sleep," Feliks suggested, Toris nodded. He rummaged through the bag once more and pulled out a simple sleeping bag. He rolled it out.

     "Here, this should keep you warm. I'll just sleep near the fire and I should be fine."

     "What? No!" Feliks said as he slipped into the sleeping bag,"There's enough room for both of us!"

     Toris looked up at the polish man and their eyes were locked in a silent debate. He eventually sighed and crawled in the bag next to Feliks, who was smiling triumphantly.

     Toris found it quite hard to sleep that night. His worries, mixed with Feliks's constant stirring, kept him up. He simply stared up at the cave ceiling. That was, until he heard a small whimper. He turned around to his side to see the other man's face twisted into what looked like fear, along with indecipherable mumbling. Toris gently shook Feliks, just enough to wake him up. His green eyes were wet with tears. Toris motioned with his arms, offering a hug, and Feliks complied. Feliks's face was buried in Toris's chest, soaking his shirt with tears, but he didn't mind. In fact he tried his best to calm him down, by lightly stroking his hair(he knew Feliks loved that) and whispering reassurances. From what he could tell from Feliks's muffled whimpering, he had apparently had a dream where Toris had left him for dead. Toris found this amazingly ironic, but he had long ago forgiven him so Toris did his best to comfort his companion.

     "Shhh... It's okay..." He whispered. Eventually Feliks fell back asleep and Toris relaxed enough to fall asleep, his arms wrapped around Feliks protectively.

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