Cureless (h.s)

By doersandbelievers

3.4K 191 39

"The worst part of loving a girl who is cureless isn't dealing with the hospital visits and the medication, b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Authors Note
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 32

52 1 1
By doersandbelievers

Chapter 32: 

Emily's POV

After our seven hour flight, which was actually quite luxurious thanks to my lovely boyfriend, we end up waiting for our baggage in the Hawaii airport. I'm utterly tired and feel pretty uncomfortable being that planes don't like me and I don't like planes. My skin always gets so dry and my hair feels disgusting once I get off of the flight. Flying itself isn't that bad, but the feeling afterwards is always unsettling. 

Harry purchased us first class seats which I was oh so grateful for. I could actually recline my seat back to sleep normally. We watched a few movies as we cuddled with each other. We had some really nice champagne as well. 

Back in the UK, it's at least twenty degrees colder than it is here, so I'm almost sweating in my jeans and jumper as we wait for our luggage. A man with a cart thing is here to wait for our bags to take them for us and to our hotel. Apparently, there's also a car waiting outside for the two of us to bring us where we're staying as well. 

Finally, I see our bags and struggle to pull mine off of the conveyor belt. The man with the trolley thing puts a hand on my shoulder and grabs it for me. I thank him and wait for our bags to be piled up on the cart, and then follow Harry out of the airport and to the car. 

It's weird to not have to wear sunglasses only because people might recognize you. For once, we're wearing them because we're in a sunny place. There aren't even any fans in the airport that try to stop us, nor are there any outside. 

I breathe in a breath of fresh air once we exit the building, and smile to myself at the sun hitting my face. Even though I'm sweating at the heat, it feels great. It's winter here too which makes me think it should be colder, but it's at least 35 degrees Celsius. Er... like 95 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Once we enter the car, I'm relieved at the cold air conditioning and relax into the leather seating. As soon as Harry closes his door, the driver is off and our destination is set. 

After a good twenty minutes of the two of us sitting in silence and holding each other's hand, we started driving out of the city and towards the more rural area of the island. I frown in confusion at the lack of civilization, even though everything is beautiful out here, and turn to Harry, "I thought we were just getting a hotel room?" 

"Well," he begins, smirking to himself, "you just wait and see," he sends me a mischievous wink. I hate it when he keeps secrets from me, but I might as well not ask any further or else I'll be shut down even more. 

So I wait patiently, taking in the amazing scenery, and we finally take a right hand turn up a different road. My jaw drops open at the what I'm seeing. This isn't any hotel, this is a three story beach house with a copious amount of windows that look out on the white sand beach and the crystal blue ocean. It's incredible, words can't describe how astonishing it all is. 

As soon as we exit the car and Harry tips the driver, I jump into his arms and pepper his face with kisses, "This is incredible, Haz. Thank you soooo much!" I'm ecstatic. Who wouldn't be? 

He chuckles, kissing me briefly, "That's alright. Let's go and explore the house." 

Hand in hand, I follow him as we explore all of the floors. There's a winding staircase up and down the house. In the basement, there's a pool, and a gym which are both equally massive. The main floor has a lovely white and several shades of blue theme with the furniture in the den, the kitchen, the bathroom, and the dining room. Finally, the top floor has all of the bedrooms (surprisingly, there are only three) and a few bathrooms. The master bed and bath is amazing, I can't wait to use the jacuzzi tub to be honest. All of the windows are the ones where you can see out, but people can't see in, so I can dance around in my underwear all I want without people seeing me. 

"I couldn't thank you enough, H. This is pretty much the best day of my life," I say to my lovely boyfriend as we gaze out on the beach from the stone patio. He's hugging me around my torso with his chin resting on the top of my head. This is basically the definition of perfect to be honest. I couldn't ask for anything more. 

"Don't thank me, you've already done it enough." He chuckles pressing feathery kisses to the crown of my head. I flush, but he doesn't seem to notice. 

"What's planned for today?" I ask, breathing in the scent of the salt water and sand. It's quite pungent, but it's a pleasant smell. 

He shrugs, "I was just thinking of sleeping and ordering food, yeah? Jet lag is my adversary at the moment." 

"Ah, big words that Emily doesn't understand." I tease him. 

He huffs, "Adversary means enemy. It's not my fault that I'm really posh and use large words," he crosses his arms and steps away from me with a pout, faking as if he's really upset. 

I giggle at him, pulling his arms back around me, "And that's why I love you, you smartass." 

He rolls his eyes but chuckles nonetheless. Our relationship is strange, but it's a good strange. He's one of the most sweet and caring people I've ever met, and I don't know what I'd do without this goofball. 

Suddenly, an enormous yawn escapes me and I put my hand over my mouth because that's like a normal reaction to a yawn. I mean, how else would I describe it?

"How about we get some sleep, it's at least midnight over in the UK." He suggests, pulling me back into the house. 

I let him drag me all the way upstairs, well, basically carry me because of how tired I feel all of a sudden. My jet lag is just hitting me now like a boulder to the head. At least if I sleep now, I'll be energized for tomorrow. 

Once Harry lays me down, I feel like I could sleep almost immediately. I wait for Harry though, because why not? The duvet and sheets feel so fresh and are as soft as silk. I watch the boy as he shuts the curtains, darkening the room. Dang, he has a great back. I grin to him as he turns around and walks towards the bed. He gets tucked in beside me and kisses my forehead before wrapping his arms around me. 

"Night, love," 

I sigh out of content, "Night," 


"Em, wake up baby," I regain consciousness at the deep voice of Harry and my eyes flutter open. He smiles down at me and I grin back. Kissing my lips, he chuckles lightly. This is such a wonderful way to wake up. 

"What's up?" I ask him once he's pulled away. I sit up tiredly and stretch my arm over my head which still seems awkward without its partner. 

Harry sits down next to me and lets out a breath, pouting slightly as he fixes his hair over his head like he usually does. I find it quite attractive as he pushes his hair across his scalp, just saying. 

"It's the next day," he mentions, clicking the home button on his phone briefly and glancing down at it, "eight in the morning actually. Thought we could maybe sit on the beach for a bit and have a picnic breakfast, yeah?" 

I nod, reaching up to trace along his tattoos on his arm because he's shirtless at the moment (I'm not complaining), "Sounds great! Let me get my swimsuit on and then we'll pack some food or something," I say, swinging my legs over the side of the bed and standing up. 

"Already ahead of you," Harry says from behind me, and then I see the picnic basket sitting near the door with a blanket on top of it. I mumble in awe and shake my head at the boy. He's too kind. 

Next, I go over to my suitcase that I should probably unpack and pull out my new bikini I bought specifically for this occasion. I bought a few actually because I never really went swimming much back home. It's sort of an Aztec-y print that's pretty colorful. 

I also brush my teeth, wash my face, put in some dry shampoo, and do all the works to freshen up before we go. I also have a little light cardigan as a cover-up type thing to wear. I also wear some sunglasses because it's very bright outside. 

"You look hot, thought I'd let you know," Harry tells me once I emerge from the bathroom. His eyes are raking up and down my body and I blush at the sudden attention, crossing my arms over my chest out of insecurity. 

His gaze softens and he comes over to me. He takes my hand in his tenderly and looks down at how his clasp over mine. By the way his face seems scrunched up in thought, I can tell he's thinking really hard about something. He seems concerned as he looks into my eyes and kisses my knuckles lightly. 

"Have I ever told you how stunning you are?" He tells me quietly, eyes scanning over my face. 

I bite my lip and grin a bit as I nod. Of course he has, he always does. Sometimes I don't believe him, but recently I have because I've decided not to care that much about what other people think with the whole dying thing and stuff. I just feel a little objectified under his gaze sometimes. It's completely natural. 

He pecks my forehead, "You are the most beautiful girl I've ever met, Emily. Inside and out, you're alluring. I admire your personality and how courageous you are. I don't know what I'd ever do without you to be honest. I love you, so much," he explains, hugging me to his chest. 

"Thank you, H, I love you too," I pull him into a massive hug because what he just said really made me feel good. I really appreciate how he always seems to think of others' feelings. I wish I was as thoughtful as he, it's a really great trait to have. 

After our bit of a heart-to-heart moment, Harry changes into a black swimsuit and we end up sitting on the beach not long after. The sand is warm, but not too hot, and the ocean makes the air seem more cool that it actually is. 

Harry looks great at the moment. I'm glad we went somewhere where I would get to see him shirtless quite often, because he is a very handsome man with an extraordinary body. He isn't even trying to look that good as he lays in the sun with his sunglasses over him eyes and his arms folded behind his head, but whatever he's doing is right. I love his hair as well. It's even more enjoyable when he lets me braid it. 

"What did you pack for us to eat?" I question him, opening up the basket he packed. I'm starving because I haven't eaten ever since I received some peanuts and crackers on the flight. I glance down back at the boy who simply shrugs before opening the basket and peeking inside. I gasp and pull out something that immediately caught my eye. 

"I can't believe you," I mutter, holding the jar of pickles in front of his face. He pushes his sunglasses up onto his head to hold his hair back as he sits up, and he pulls a goofy grin at my excitement. I search through the wicker basket once again after setting the jar of my favorite food down onto the soft quilt, and pull out several other foods such as sandwiches, various berries, champagne, and some candy bars. 

"And this is why I love you," I tell him, munching on a pickle. 

He laughs, "Definitely the only reason." 

I giggle, holding the jar of pickles. I love pickles, almost as much as I love Harry in fact. 

He pours us both glasses of champagne in some fancy looking wine glasses and hands me mine. I love the taste of champagne almost as much as dill pickles. I love a lot of various things it seems. I don't hate that many either. 

Harry leans on his elbow and looks out at the ocean with his glass of champagne, squinting his eyes even though he's wearing sunglasses. He looks good. His arms are so toned as well as his abs, even though he has a little bit of side chub, I adore pinching it and the sound of him squealing because of it. It's adorable, I hope he isn't self conscious about it. 

His tattoos are also so exquisite and even I don't know the story behind all of them. They all really suit him. It gives him some sort of a badass vibe, but he's truly so kitten like at heart. One of my personal favorites is the rose on his left arm. It's only my favorite because it was the first gift he brought me the first time he saw me in the hospital after meeting me. It was sort of an inside joke between us as well before having to do with Valentine's Day and how we would celebrate it unlike others would. It's sort of hard to explain, so I'd rather not. 

"Today is absolutely perfect," Harry says, sipping his champagne and sighing in content. I nod in agreement, feeling the cool sea breeze on my back and smelling the ocean that's nearby. I've never experienced anything like this before and it's absolutely luxurious. 

As he sits up and picks through the food, eating some berries, I ask him, "What else are we doing today?" 

He pops a raspberry in his mouth, shrugging, "Just sit out here all day and enjoy the weather. I got some plans for dinner as well, but that's at around six." 

"Sounds like a plan, and quite a good one," I tell him, pressing a kiss to his collarbone and snuggling into his side momentarily. For some reason, he seemed a bit suspicious when he mentioned dinner, almost as if he was nervous about something. I have no idea what he'd have to be nervous about, I mean, it's just dinner. 


ooh what do you think he's worrying about ? 

ten more chapters ? maybe ?

it's ending soon :( 


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