We Sorta Kinda Just Happened...

By lifetimes--ago

358K 16.1K 14.6K

The Wizarding World isn't done with Harry Potter yet. Seventh year had been a mess for the Golden Trio, and w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Not an Update, Sorry
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 24

9.8K 425 243
By lifetimes--ago

The stars twinkled happily above his head, burning a heated snow white. Trees that provided shade during the day blocked out most of them, letting only slivers of light break through. A crescent shaped moon graced the pitch black sky with a graceful smile.

Draco sighed deeply.

His trunk left gauges in the dirt as he dragged it along, clawing its way across the occasional tufts of grass. Barely hanging on by a strap was his tiny blue backpack. Overgrown bushes mangled the edges of the path. You could barely make it out anymore, and he was surprised he managed to apparate to the right spot. It had been around eight years since he trampled his way through here, and it wasn't as if he had become well acquainted with it. He let his gaze glance wishfully ahead of him.

If his memory served him right, which was unlikely, it would not be long until he hit a meadow. If he actually managed to stumble upon it, it would mean a few more minutes of walking. If not, well, he was glad to have the foresight of packing a sleeping bag. He regretted not leaving a little sooner.

A tiny laugh only he could hear bubbled out of his throat.

No, he wished he had arranged to arrive the next day. Because then he wouldn't have had to worry about time and he might've been able to ride the Hogwarts Express. Maybe even sit with Harry. Although, he had ended up going to Hogsmeade with him, so he could manage to make himself be satisfied with his ending.

He turned a bend in the nearly recognizable trail. There was another bend after it, which he couldn't see past. A meadow might be around that corner if luck and memory was on his side. Holding his breath, his knuckles turned white as he hauled all of his things to the corner.

He hadn't gotten a meadow. That isn't to say he hadn't gotten what he wanted.

A grandiose house towered in front of him. Flickering lights illuminated a stone walkway, leading to a simply elegant entrance. The whole building pushed the traditional idea of a house in the countryside, as if someone had started with one, but threw sacks of Galleons at a designer to make sure it felt like more. Tiny new things popped up, like the removal of the daunting gargoyles that really had no business lounging about on the roof. A warm cedar red door replaced the serious black one. Outlines, hushed in the dark, of freshly planted flowers. Standing at the end of the walkway, a regal woman stood with an unhidden glint of affection in her eyes, a glint impossible for any mother to hide.

"Nearly an hour late." She called out to him. "Dragon, surely I raised you to never keep a lady waiting?"

Letting go of his trunk, he walked towards her. Grass rustled underneath his feet as his footsteps began to fall with greater speed. Stone clacked under his shoes, which turned out not to be practical for the walk that became a hike. Soon, he was sprinting towards her with an unedited smile on his face because, Harry must have really influenced him more than he thought. Because, he would have never been this open before. Because, he had left her with a formal handshake and professional farewell. Or maybe because he finally decided that he was going to acknowledge that he had missed his Mother, even though he had routinely sent back her letters unopened when she sent them, choosing not to communicate. So often, that she had stopped trying altogether.

She felt small in his embrace, and caused him to wonder whether he had shoot up in height during the school year. When he had left, he recalled looking straight at her eyes without difficulty, but now he had to lower his chin a few inches to even glance at her forehead.

"Hello, Mother." He said seriously. "I'm fine, thank you for inquiring about my well being before badgering me about my timing."

She snorted in the most un-ladylike way. It was never said that he got humor from the Malfoy side of the family.

"Obviously. Come inside, let me see if I can get a house elf to get together something for you to eat."

The inside of the house really took his breath away. Gone was the slightly dated chandelier that had hung high above him. At least three walls had been knocked down, and a skylight that let the moon shine in glowed above his head. The entire inside of the house was bathed in soft yellow light from ceiling to floor. She turned around to face him.

"Less of a house and more like a home, wouldn't you think?" She pointed out. "Shaflork!"

He thought she had hacked something up and attempted to sneeze, until he saw a pair of wrinkly ears teeter their way over.

"Yes, Madame Black," A house elf greeted, "I have already prepared Master Draco a snack in preparation for his arrival."

His Mother nodded.

"Very well. I'm sure Georgina can manage in the kitchen by herself, set the food on the table and retire for the night."

The tips of his waggly ears touched the ground as he bowed.

"Of course, Madame Black."

He led them to a simple dining room, the table laden with snack foods. Shaflork disappeared wordlessly as Mother pulled out the bench. She waved at the food, encouraging him to take anything he'd like. Sitting down and grabbing the first thing he saw, he bit into a crisp green apple.

"Madame Black?"

She shot him a deadpan look.

"Would you have preferred Mistress Black?" Folding her hands across the table, she spoke with quiet authority. "It has been awhile, Draco."

A flush creeped up his neck, feeling guilty at his cold dismissals of her. He set down his apple.

"About that, I apologize-"

"Do not apologize," she interrupted firmly, "I never said you needed to apologize for anything. Just let us ignore for the time being. I take it you enjoyed your time at Hogwarts?" She said, trying to lift the mood.

Draco's head nodded, shoulders shrugging, and a satisfied sound came from his mouth. Inclining her head, she smiled with an unreadable look in her eyes.

"You really have grown up, haven't you." She stated to her son. "You seem, not more grounded, but more...sure. Much surer, Draco, of everything."

He laughed, wondering how she could glean that from him, when he hasn't even been here for half an hour.

"Now you seem to be very sure of yourself, Mother. How would you know?"

Humming low in her throat, she answered fondly.

"The same way us Mothers know everything, but I will attempt to explain the complexity of a woman's thinking to you. You actually broke your habit of not showing outward affection by hugging me, so you are no longer holding a grudge against me-"

"I was not holding a grudge!" He started, but was silenced with a indifferent stare, which he inherited from both sides of the familial tree.

"Speaking to me after several long months signified you somewhat know you want to make amends," She added after he raised an eyebrow, "or wanted to strengthen a forgotten relationship. All things considered, Dragon, you seem remarkably happier then when I've last seen you. There is something in a person's face that is easy to see but harder to name, that lets you know that, while it might not be perfect, life has been more enjoyable than usual of the late..."

Draco's thoughts traitorously turned to Harry, how enjoyable his friend's company was, then felt an odd twisting sensation in his throat at the thought of him last, staring and seeing the plain longing in his eyes that he was sure was just a reflection of his own, warm hands holding him close...

"...Usually caused by growing up or finding a significant other. Or both. I'm sure I would be aware if..." She was saying.

His reverie vanished quickly and he coughed.

"No-of course, there's no one, just good friends. Good school." He yawned theatrically, checking the time. "Its around ten, I should really get to bed."

"It's barely past a quarter till ten and we both know you're a night owl." She pointed out.

He shook his head.

"Learned my lesson this year. Hey, do I still have the same room?" A tiny part of him knew he was deflecting because...not here. He forced himself to stop thinking, promising to ruminate on this later.

If his Mother noticed this amateur attempt at changing the subject, she didn't challenge it. Calling for Georgina from the kitchen and telling her to get some rest, she led him up a familiar spiral staircase into a even more so room. The same sparse decorations he had picked remained, still acceptable after eight years to his taste. His feet wouldn't dangle off of the same king sized bed, still with fluffy white sheets on top and a thin grey quilt he knew would reside under them. Pillows whose covers looked freshly cleaned lay on top of each other in a neat pile at the headboard.

"Still the same," he remarked, running a hand along a mahogany desk.

His trunk and backpack had somehow made it into a corner of the room.

"There was no need to change it."

He wasn't sure what to say to that.


Taking the hint, she turned away.


She closed the door with a soft click after. He let himself sigh quietly, and sift through the clothes in his bag, before giving up and stripping down to his boxers. Feet aching and head pounding to the same beat as his heart, he drew in a calming breath.

"Significant other..." He murmured to himself. "Leaving..."

His eyelids started to droop against their will as soon as be climbed under the covers and his head hit the cloud like pillow. The back of his neck prickled as he surrendered himself to sleep.

Somewhere, somehow, he heard a garbled version of a name, the name actually, of the person whose face had swum up from the depth of his thoughts, and tried to ignore it, but heard it just the same.


The feeling coiled like a lazy dragon in bottom of his stomach. It burned deep inside of Harry, caressing him with its flames. Overwhelming him, enveloping him, he could still feel the ghost of Draco's desperately warm touch. His body refused to turn away for a long minute, eyes lingering over the spot were he had just been, and now gone.

He had seen reluctance to leave, he was sure of it. The hesitancy in his steps to walk away must have been there, he hadn't been imagining it all.

Suddenly, words had started to spiral out of his mouth, and had caused Draco to look at him.

"You know I..." But he had disappeared and left Harry hanging with his mouth open.

He had promptly shut it, and now sentenced himself to gazing blankly in front of him. He knew what he had wanted to convey to Draco. The absolutely overwhelming feeling that had just flooded into his veins when Draco had turned back, quickly covered with a smile. Knowing he had to get moving, to move on, he towed his own trunk to the same apparation spot. It would be around ten at night in Romania if he just went now. Hermione had suggested he go to the capital, Bucharest, and find out from the locals where the mysterious reserve may be.

No one was there to hear the pop as he vanished.

Luckily, when he landed, he found that he had kept most of his body parts attached. It might have just been his imagination, but both his eyebrows felt shorter than they used to be when he ran his fingers across them.

Barely any lights illuminated the streets, but he choose to wander around anyway. After meandering around several side streets, he came across a pub that was called The Maiden. Its lights were still on. He gulped down an aging potion Hermione had made him. He felt a coarse beard speckle his face and his vantage point grew a few inches. His clothes still fit him, even though they were tighter than before. The potion should have only aged him to the point where he would be more of an adult than a graduate. Brushing down his hair, which would apparently be longer and even more of a mess when he gets this old, he covered his forehead and his scar with his bangs.

When he walked in, friendly girl greeted him.

"Hey. Just you?"

She looked to be around his real age, with auburn hair cut short in a bob. Just looking at her, he couldn't tell if she was a witch or not, but guessed she probably was a Muggle. He wasn't sure how anyone could remain that peppy this late.

"Hm? Yeah, it's just me." He replied.

Giving him a polite nod, she led him to a table.

"I'll be your server, too, by the way. Do you want a list of what's on tap?" She offered.

Harry shook his head.

"I'm fine," he said, not knowing what the drinking age was here and didn't want to unintentionally break a law, "just some food would be great."

His stomach growled in response. Feeling his heart plummet, he realized he didn't have any Muggle money on him.

"Actually, no, not that either. Just some water will work."

She raised an eyebrow.

"Your appetite doesn't seem to agree."

Shrugging, he leaned back against the chair.

"Well, my wallet does, so that overrules anything."

Winking, she turned towards the kitchen.

"Whatever you say, sir. I'll see if the cook has any leftovers for ya."

His brain wanted to turn down the free meal, but his stomach took the reins this time. Looking around, he noticed he was the only person at a table, and the other occupants were limited to a man who looked around the age the potion had turned him, snoring fitfully on a bar stool. When she came back, her arms steadily held a tall glass of water and a plate laden with french fries topped with chili and cheese. It still sizzled on the plate and he could tell it wasn't leftovers.

"I can't take this," He half heartedly protested, embarrassed when his stomach growled even louder. "I really shouldn't."

She shrugged. "Most of the locals wouldn't order it, so it's served mainly for tourists. It's not that season quite yet, do we still have surplus supplies." She glanced at him as she carefully set it down.

"Yeah, I guess I kinda am a tourist. Don't know why I choose such a late time to get here," he rambled, then saw an opportunity to fish for information. "Hey, do you know a place where a lot of weird things happen here?"

Setting down the water, she crossed her arms.

"Like people getting lost, weird lights, ghosts, that sort of thing?"

The description reminded Harry of Hogwarts.

"Yeah, exactly."

She looked around and pointed at the man snoozing.

"Everyone around here knows about Hoia Baciu Forest." She whispered, as if scared someone would overhear, "Its freaky. Near Cluj-Napoca, some strange things happen there. I would ask him, over there. Spends all his time around there, I think it made him," she twirled her finger near her head, "if you know what I mean."

Harry nodded.

"Thanks, for everything."

She smiled.

"No problem. All of that's on the house, don't even think about coming back and paying for it. When you're done, just leave the stuff on the table and I'll take care out it, okay?"

He nodded, and she left to go inside the kitchens.

Gathering up his nerves, he sat down next to the man on a bar stool.

"Excuse me." He asked, but there was no response. He tried again.

"Sir, excuse me." The man continued to snore. Impatient, he poked him firmly.

"Sir I really-" He started, but was interrupted by the man suddenly leaping up and pulling his wand out from his holster.

"What do you want?" He grumbled, but then noticed the surprised look on Harry's face and the wand in his own hand. "Shucks," he mumbled, "gonna have to Obliviate another one, Rebecca's gonna kill me..."

Stopping him, Harry pulled out his own wand.

"It's fine, I'm not a Muggle. See?" He gestured with his wand, making the man look impressed.

"Hmph. Never see a wizard tourist usually. Now, what do you want?" The man said.

Harry holstered his wand again, slightly nervous when the other wizard didn't do the same.

"I'm looking for a dragon reserve. I heard there was some forest around here that had weird things going on in it, and that you spend most of your time there. Do you work at the reserve?"

He nodded his head.

"Right on the nose, kid. Your aging potion has worn off already, by the way. Right now I'm supposed to be guarding camp and strengthening the anti-Muggle wards, but I got some poor other guy to take my shift. You need to hitch a ride?"

Harry thanked the Harry Potter good luck gene.

"That would be great, thanks."

"What's the password then?" The wizard shot back.

Harry barely had to think. "Hungarian. Just the fact that I know it existed should have been enough."

Shrugging, the man took out a worn down pocket watch.

"My Portkey leaves in three minutes, so gulp down that water and get a box for those fries."

He called into the kitchen. "Rebecca!"

A yell came back. "What Dad?"

"Get a box for these fries!"

Rebecca bustled back in, holding a box and flipping her bob over her shoulder. She appraised Harry.

"That potion sure didn't last long." She handed the box to him. "Have a nice night."

Quickly scraping the fries into the box, he couldn't resist popping one of them in his mouth. It was gooey and crunchy at the same time and he wanted to stop and scarf down the rest of them.

"Couple a seconds till I leave!" He heard. "Get your hand on this watch or else I'm not back until next week!"

His fingers had barely touched the watch when the world started to blur around him and he felt a sensation similar to apparation hit him.

"Welcome to the National Dragon Reserve of Romania." The man proudly uttered.

Spinning around, he couldn't see everything that stretched around him. Dragons flew and walked around. They might seem tamed, but they walked around with a stride that spoke of power and danger.

"Hey!" A tall redhead called. "You, over next to Reginald!"

Harry looked up and nodded to Charlie.

"This," he stated, "this is pretty wicked."


What? What is this? Is this actually an update? After, what, about a month?

Yes, my friend, it is. I made my update schedule, multiplied by two...

Just a quick shout out, though, to anyone one who has viewed, voted on, and commented thoughtfully on WSKJH! You might think, dang, I've only ever done any of these a handful of times, she couldn't possibly mean me. But yes, yes I do. So after 24 chapters of you all putting up with me, that was a sincere heartfelt author's note. They are far and wide in between, so enjoy it.


What has been your favorite moment/scenes/thought so far?

Don't think I'm going to suddenly end this on you all, I'm just curious.

Let's hope for a sooner update next time!

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