Found A New Padawan

Door Ranger_Mage

58.6K 1.3K 172

CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN During the Clone Wars on a trip to the planet, Vanqor Anakin and Mace Windu meet a... Meer

The Beginning: Finally Found
Padawan Of Two Masters
The Hostage Crisis
Going To Illum
The Hunt is On
The Holocron Vault
The Search Is On
Freeing A Monument
Invasion of Rishi Outpost
Destruction of Rishi Outpost
99 Appears With New Friends
Understanding Things
The Plot Against Mandalore
The Voyage Of Betrayal
Before The Senate
The Alter's Ghosts
Healing Old Wounds
Time Alone
Back Again
A Reunion
Unexpected Ally
The Citadel
An Easy Mission
The Good And The Bad
Betrayal On Umbara
A Time For Healing
The Trials of Knighthood
The Curse of Felucia
Hidden Among The Shadows
Having Some Time To Enjoy
The Long Haul
A Deception So Grand
The Challenges Awaiting
The Fight
Shades of Terror
A Battle to Escape
Unexpected Healing and Trouble
Turning Around
Healing Time
Finishing Up

Attack On Kamino

854 28 3
Door Ranger_Mage

Here it is! The Battle of Kamino! This is 6 months after Rishi Outpost and is just over 2 months since Ikoe her arm. So when this takes place, Hevy and Ikoe have been approved to move about for a week. Also, she'll be fully in her age 16 outfit. Anyways, Enjoy!

Ikoe smiled at Hevy as they walked down the ramp just behind Obi-Wan and Anakin. She didn't particularly care about protocol at that moment as she let Hevy and his batchmates use her presence as comfort as they entered Kamino. Blue was walking beside Cody as the rest of the men unloaded after them. "Masters Kenobi and Skywalker, Padawan Kryze, welcome to Kamino," Master Ti greeted as she approached them with one of the lead Kaminoan scientists.

"Greetings, Generals," the Kaminoan said.

"I wish our arrival wasn't under such circumstances. We believe Grievous is planning a Separatist attack on Kamino," Obi-Wan said regretfully.

"But the Republic blockade is far too strong. They would not dare," the Kaminoan argued and Ikoe sighed as Obi-Wan waved them off. She followed after Fives, Echo, and Hevy.

"You know, it feels like yesterday we were here," Echo said as they watched a group of cadets walk past and Ikoe had a smile at that as three of the cadets nodded faintly with smiles at them.

"I mean, we were just here not that long ago," Fives argued, earning nods from his brothers. As they walked, they came across 99 holding some blaster rifles that he eventually dropped. An older cadet glanced back toward 99 but continued on, earning a frown from Ikoe as their small group made their way over. "Hey, 99!" Fives called.

"Ha, Echo. Fives. Hevy. Ikoe," 99 said with a smile that the group returned.

"It's good to see you again, 99" Hevy said and 99 nodded at that.

"So, why have you returned to Kamino?" 99 asked.

"The Generals received word of an impending attack here," Fives said softly and 99 straightened up as best he could.

"Well, how can I help?" 99 asked.

"It is unlikely they would reach the surface but..." Ikoe started but trailed off in thought as a siren started through the building. "Make sure the cadets are safe," she said and 99 nodded before rushing past. Red lights took over and she nodded to the men as a comm came through requesting the three. "Go, I have a feeling I'm needed elsewhere," she said and they both rushed toward the hangers. While she went to the men getting into position, the three went over to one of the Commander's that was directing the men. She stood in front of the men as an assault craft punched through the doors. Seeing one of its extension arms moving, she pulled the troopers about to be hit out of the way before rushing forward.

With a shout, she quickly got to work cutting down the droids popping out of the first craft before another two joined. Grunting, she divides her attention before using her lightsaber and throwing the droids into the men's line of fire. "Kill them all!" a rough-sounding voice called out.

"More like, we kill you!" she called out and the cyborg paused, looking at her intently even as his droids were quickly dwindling in numbers. "Commander, spread your men out elsewhere. I've got this," she called, however, she paused when the cyborg pulled out two lightsabers. "So you must be Grievous," she growled out and Grievous laughed but it soon turned to coughing. "Sounds like you shouldn't be battling," she taunted.

"Your blade will make a fine addition to my collection," Grievous said, turning on his lightsabers, smug at seeing her pause.

"I will get those lightsabers back and honor those you've murdered," she said before rushing forward. She could only grunt as she blocked his attacks before turning towards dodging instead. She didn't want to risk her mechanical arm being damaged from Grievous's devastating blows. She quickly tapped her commlink to send out a message to Obi-Wan. "Master, I've found Grievous," she said quickly before cutting it off to focus.

He started pushing her back into the city and she felt men gathering to help her keep Grievous back even as the city shook under their feet. It was disorienting to see the usually blindingly white city bathed in red. She couldn't even think about where she was in the city to tell Obi-Wan but at least she had the men at her back as droids came in front elsewhere to start shooting.

She gritted her teeth together as she heard men going down and felt them blinking from existence. A snarl formed on her lips as she managed to pull one of Grievous' stolen lightsabers away and used it to help, the green blade singing into the Force to be away from Grievous. Sweat was beading on her forehead as the battle started to get hard. She felt a familiar presence and glanced to the side when she jumped back to see Commander Colt by her side shooting down the B1s that had joined. Nodding to him she turned back to Grievous.

"Commander, isn't?" she called but didn't finish as she grunted to block an attack.

"Yes, Commander," Colt replied with his own grunt.

"Pull back and protect them, Obi-Wan should be arriving soon," she called and heard some men leaving but saw Colt staying. "Commander!"

"I'm not leaving you behind, Commander," Colt said defiantly as he and one other man stayed back to defeat the B1s while she fought Grievous. Flipping back, she threw her hand out at Grievous and watched happily as the man flew back. When he stood up his arms split in two and Ikoe paled as she was forced to jump away to avoid them.

"Ikoe!" Obi-Wan shouted and that distracted her long enough for Grievous to grab her and throw her. She grunted out in pain and watched as Obi-Wan dove forward to block an incoming attack aiming for her. "Colt, get her out of here," Obi-Wan called, barely looking to see Colt pulling Ikoe to her feet while he battled Grievous.

"C'mon. They'll need us in the barracks," Colt said, glancing at Ikoe who watched as Obi-Wan threw Grievous back down the hall and rushed after him.

"Of course," she agreed and they ran there. They could hear the sounds of battle and gave each other grim nods. Rushing down the hall, they saw a few of Colt's men down and saw droids entering the barracks. Dashing forward, she cut off the guns of the aqua droids before throwing them back into the wall where Colt quickly shot them before Ikoe used the force to use one of the blasters to impale the droids. Going into the barracks, they saw cadets shooting at the droids from behind while the men shot their fronts. "Help has arrived!" she shouted which had the droids all looking at her.

With a smirk, she watched as immediately three went down thanks to their distraction. Rushing forward, she leaned back and slid across the floor with her left gliding against to keep her up while with her right, she swung her lightsaber and cut through half of the droid's legs causing them to fall. Standing up she turned toward the downed droids and hacked them to bits. Turning toward the remaining ones, with the men's help they easily cut them down.

"99!" Hevy shouted and Ikoe whipped around to see Hevy cradling 99 in his arms. She rushed over to him while Colt and the others checked on the cadets.

"What happened?" she asked as she kneeled down next to them.

"A stray bolt hit his back," Hevy whispered and Ikoe frowned as she pressed her fingers to his temple.

"I'm going to try healing you, 99. So just relax," she whispered and 99 nodded roughly with a gasp. Pressing into his shining presence, then navigated to the hurt cells. She felt the pain of the cells crying out and did what Obi-Wan, Anakin, Iri, and the various Healers in the Temple taught her while she was healing. She started to heal the cells slowly before doing a thorough look to make sure she didn't miss anything else. Pulling away, she smiled at 99 who was beaming at her.

"Thank you," 99 said and she patted his shoulder.

"It was nothing. Now, I would suggest making sure a medic clears you. While I did heal you, it's better to be safe than sorry," she said and he nodded.

"Alright," 99 said and she turned to see the cadets staring at her in awe while the men chuckled softly.

"You can heal?" Jax asked and she smiled at that with a nod.

"Sort of. I only know the basics. I'll start learning more when I'm 16," she said and the cadets smiled at that.


"Let's get you guys back with the others. No doubt your buddies are worried," Colt said and directed them out with his remaining men. Cody and Rex nodded to them before heading out themselves, most likely to take care of their men and see to work being done. They lead 99 to the MedBay on Kamino before heading out with the knowledge that they would be updated.

"Ikoe, are you there?" Obi-Wan's voice cracked over her comlink and a sigh left them in relief.

"I'm here, Master. I'm glad to hear your voice," Ikoe admitted and Obi-Wan chuckled softly.

"So am I. Anakin is as well. How are you after all of that?" Obi-Wan asked and Ikoe winced in response to that.

"She's in one piece if that's what you're asking, General," Hevy reported and Obi-Wan chuckled at that.

"I assumed as such when I took over the fight," Obi-Wan replied.

"Yes, Master. I'm fine. Sore...but I imagine everyone is," she replied and could only imagine Obi-Wan was nodding.

"That is true. I'm proud of you for holding your own against Grievous. That was not an easy task," he said and Ikoe nodded reflexively.

"It wasn't," she agreed with a sigh. "I...I was worried," she admitted.

"I was as well. I'm glad I found you when I did. Let's hope you don't have to face off against Grievous anytime soon," Obi-Wan said.


"Now, are the Dominoes with you?" he asked.

"Yes. We just took 99 to the MedBay. Colt is taking some cadets they found back to the others," she reported.

"Indeed, Cody and Rex told me about that. They're asking for them on the hanger," he said.

"We'll be there soon," she answered.

"Of course, I'll let them know your on your way," Obi-Wan answered.

"Hey," Hevy started before they headed out and Ikoe glanced over at him.

"What's up?" she asked and Hevy glanced down before looking around the damaged halls.

"W..what-do you think Omega, Tech, and Wrecker are ok?" he asked and Ikoe smiled at that.

"I'm sure they're fine. I can ask Master Ti about them if you want?" she asked and Hevy nodded.

"Ok, I will," she said and they started walking toward the hanger. "Master Ti?" she asked after tapping her commlink.

"Yes, Padawan Kryze?" Master Ti answered.

"My men were wondering about a few people here. Are Omega, Tech, and Wrecker ok?" she asked and heard a hum.

"I'm glad you asked that," Master Ti said and it sounded like she was smiling in that serene way of hers. "Omega is safe. She was with me during the attack. Tech and Wrecker were involved with destroying many of the attack crafts," she replied and the three men around her sighed in relief.

"That's good to hear," Ikoe said.

"Could...could we speak with Omega?" Fives asked this time when it seemed like Hevy wasn't going to ask.

"Of course," Master Ti agreed.

"Hevy! Fives! Echo! It's so good to hear your safe!" Omega said and the men smiled.

"We're glad to hear that you're safe too," Hevy said. "After we talk with the Commander and Captain, we'll go see you in person," he promised and Omega laughed happily at that.

"Ok, I'll hold you to that," Omega said.

"Thank you, Master Ti. May the Force be with you," Ikoe said as they arrived outside the hangar.

"May the Force be with you as well," Master Ti said and then the commlink turned off. Entering the hanger, the three made a beeline toward Cody and Rex while Ikoe stayed back and watched them as Obi-Wan stood beside her.

"Master," she greeted and felt as he placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Padawan," he said with a gentle smile.

"What do you think they're talking about?" she asked, feeling excitement filling the Force.

"I believe they're getting some good news," Obi-Wan said and watched as the five made their way over to them. "So?" he asked when they stopped in front of them.

"I'm having these three officially become ARC Troopers, General," Cody said with a smile and the three men couldn't stop smiling. Obi-Wan shared a smile with Ikoe before looking at the three.

"Good. You will be great ARCs men. How long will they be gone? I imagine Captain Blue will want to know as he is taking them on as his personal squad when on missions with Ikoe," Obi-Wan asked.

"ARC training will take at least 16 weeks but if they're up to it," Cody began, glancing down at Hevy's leg, "I could get them to do all their training in 8 weeks," he said and the three shared a look.

"We can do it," Hevy said with a grin.

"I don't doubt it. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to tell Commander Colt. He'll make sure you have anything you need to finish the training, even if it means getting a new leg," Cody said and the three smiled at that.

"Of course. Thank you Commander. You won't regret it," Hevy said as they saluted the two once more.

"I know I won't," Cody said, giving his own salute.

"I'm proud of you three. I know you'll do great things as ARCs. I look forward to working with you again in 8 weeks," Ikoe said with a smile as she saluted them, earning a soft chuckle from Obi-Wan.

"I see great things ahead of you three. I'm proud to call you members of the 212th Battalion," Obi-Wan said, bowing his head. "Now, I have no doubt Captain Blue will want to hear the news from you directly before Commander Colt takes you to Alpha-17 for training," he said and the three nodded.

"Sir, yes, sir!" the three called out before turning to find Blue.

"Now for you, young one. Let's have Anakin check out your arm," Obi-Wan said and Ikoe nodded.

"Yes, Master," she said with a smile as she trailed after Obi-Wan.

Ok, here it is! BTW, Fives did give his rousing speech like he did in Canon. 99% of the time, if I don't show something, assume it's the same unless I say otherwise. I hope you guys enjoyed the chap! Next chap, we will be seeing Iri! Iri and Ikoe will be doing something reckless LOL. Also, would you guys be interested in a group chat fic? I've been thinking about doing one that follows this story but is more of the happy/fun moments. Tell me if that would interest you! Now, I hope you guys enjoyed this! Until next time! ~Love Willa<3<3<3

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