The Hidden Maiden

By wischerandrea

258K 8.4K 427

"Stop struggling and submit to me. Or I'll make you," he whispered beside my ear with a deadly tone. "I will... More

Author's Note (please read!)
Chapter 1 - Victoria Dunham
Chapter 2 - The girl in the shadows
Chapter 3 - What our hearts desire
Chapter 4 - The girl of your dreams
Chapter 5 - The birthday party
Chapter 6 - A mistaken encounter
Chapter 7 - The Victim
Chapter 8 - Conflicting Feelings
Chapter 9 - Training to be pack warrior
Chapter 11 - Crimson butterflies
Chapter 12 - Jumpy heart
Chapter 13 - Young love
Chapter 14 - Fate is fickle-minded
Chapter 15 - The Nest
Chapter 16 - The Revelation
Chapter 17 - Reborn
Chapter 18 - She's gone
Chapter 19 - Dia
Chapter 20 - The Outsider
Chapter 21 - Tomorrow
Chapter 22 - Half Brothers
Chapter 23 - The strange wolf
Chapter 24 - Something to fight for
Chapter 25 - Back to square one
Not an update
Chapter 26 - Black of hair
Chapter 27 - His destiny
Chapter 28 - You're mine
Chapter 29 - Stay with me
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 10 - Shed new light

8.4K 261 6
By wischerandrea

Victoria's POV
I continued my archery practices as per usual with Keith by my side. It was currently my third month here and I'd made more friends here than I initially thought possible. We had so much fun and training became less of a chore for all of us.

Sometimes Keith would leave me with them since I've managed to convince him that he don't have to babysit me every time. I could take care of myself. Not that I don't appreciate him but I always felt guilty to take up his time while his father needed his assistance as one of the pack warriors.

As a high ranked pack warrior, he frequently leads pack training by groups, strategies battle plans and gather enemy information for the royal pack. Their system is different from our pack obviously as they were responsible for more wolves and also the fact that they have their duties to protect the royal family.

Therefore, I was glad that I had integrated myself more or less here with the archers and so I need not depend on Keith all the time.

Lewis kept his words and sent me home every night after my practices, even when I tried to turn him down. I didn't wanted to trouble him and make it look like I was clingy and taking advantage of him, but he always insisted I do as he say. Since he's the Alpha..

Keith objected at first but I told him I was okay. I guess the relationship between him and Lewis would continue to be this hostile for a while.

On the other hand, Megan and Heather was more supportive of the idea.
"Maybe it's time for you to forgive him?" Megan said one night, when we were talking on my bed. But a small part of me is still fidgety and unsure. I can't just forgot everything he'd done to hurt me, can I?

Although I can't deny the fact that I grew more comfortable with his presence near me. The car rides were mostly silent.. He did not bothered himself to make small talks.

We hadn't brought up the Oliver incident either and I honestly couldn't tell who's pissed off with who already. I did talked to Oliver some times in the royal pack when I see him. He seemed quite enthusiastic about asking me out again.

Well I don't dislike him and he wasn't utterly dreadful so I was okay with it. Lewis coincidentally saw us talking a few times, while I waited for him to drive me home. His grumpiness was intact all the way during the drive.

. . . . .

School finished early today. Keith and I thought it a good idea to head down to his pack earlier. He promised me that I could take a better look around their premise before my archery practice.

I was in my favourite skinny jeans today with a sleeveless peplum blouse as the weather was considerably warmer now that summer's nearing. I parted ways with Keith and walked aimlessly around the first floor to see their semi-outdoor running track. It was quite crowded already by now.

I stood at one side admiring the view before heading upstairs. Their gym covered the entire level here. Every kind of equipment you can think of, they have it. The gym was so extensive and enormous with the free sparring area and boxing arena dedicated for the pack.

I took a peek into the sparring area and it was really loud with the guys cheering and shouting excitedly while many of them were sparring one on one. Some were in their wolf forms while some in human forms. I spotted a few female warriors among them and they looked well built and intimidating as well.

I walked over to the boxing club on the other side that comprises the arena. Again, a lot of guys were occupying this section as well, practicing their boxing techniques on their punching bags and some were on skipping ropes.

I slowly scanned the area, very much interested in their training. Maybe I should tell Keith to introduce me to boxing. I chuckled lightly to myself, on the thought of boxing for real.

The guys I passed by gave me a once over and quickly returned with bored glances. Well, sorry if I'm not some Victoria Secret angel walking around. I strode towards the door out. The guys began to gather around the boxing arena and I heard cheering and some howling from them. As the noise grew, I got hooked in by the commotion and found myself gravitating towards the arena to watch the fight.

Two guys walked up the arena on opposite sides and the cheering shot up by another octave. And I saw why. Lewis was there on the arena, in his white training shorts and black boxing gloves, just like his opponent. His ankles had the boxing protective wraps on.

Ding ding! They started circling in their boxing stances. He threw punches, and the other jabbed. The fight was fierce and intense. The guys around me jokingly placed bets that passed around, laughing loudly while I focused on the ring.

Lewis was fully concentrated, watching his opponent's every move like an eagle does his prey. His body shone with sweat beads, triceps showing with every strike. His six pack seemed more defined whenever he strain his muscles and I couldn't quit staring in awe. His physique was lean yet muscular and sturdy, it was obvious he had been rather athletic.

His techniques were very experienced and trained, he must have done this for years. Every movement was graceful, and powerful. I never saw him fight before in human form and this really was an eye-opener for me.

He was different, up there on the arena, focused and determined. The final hook to the jaw sent the other guy to the ground. Lewis was panting heavily while the crowd cheered his victory.

He took off his boxing gloves and offered his hands to the other guy on the arena. He took them and Lewis pulled him up before they pat each other on the back. He then jumped off the ring.

I didn't knew he had this kind of relationship with his pack. I always imaged him as the privileged snob who only knew how to shout and give command just because of his birth rights. Now I saw why his peers had high regards for him. And he returned the same respect to them by fighting fairly and not looking down upon his defeated opponent. Just like a band of brothers.

I have yet to see the rest of the pack - their trackers, hunters and patrols, granted. Witnessing this only made me more determined to become a pack warrior. I wish one day my heart would burn with the same pride and passion for my fellow warriors as these guys did for one another.

The guys celebrated the win happily and the one who lost the fight didn't seem upset at all. Their faces glowed, and their friendship were undeniable.

The crowd eventually dispersed and their laughter died down slowly after. I smiled and turned around to leave, only to bump into Lewis. He appears to be wearing a clean navy blue shirt.

I looked up and stared at him for a moment too long and he frowned at me, confused. I looked at him, there was a cut on his left eyebrow. At that moment I wanted to touch it. I wanted to know him.

"What are you doing here?" He said harshly. I came out of my thoughts quickly.

"I eh.. I was looking around." I replied vaguely. He raised one eyebrow, unconvinced of my explanation.

"You've got no business here. From what I recall you should be on the second floor." Once again, that underlying tone of hostility. What did I do? It seemed almost like he's holding a grudge against me. It's like seeing me instantly caused his rotten mood. He crossed his arms impatiently, waiting for my response.

"Can't I be here?" My tone matching his, tilting my chin up and met his eyes. He gave me an unreadable expression for a long time, which was peculiar since I thought he would be angry as usual.

He just kept staring at me without saying a word and I squirmed uneasily under him. He moved his hands to the side of my face and I instinctively shut my eyes tight and braced myself for the pain. But all I felt was his long slender fingers gliding across my cheeks.

"You got something on your face."

I snapped open my eyes. And he already was walking away. The only thing I remember was the lingering warmth on my cheeks. Was it from his touch or my blush..?

. . . .

Last night after practice, Lewis had told me that he couldn't drive me, so I had taken the bus home. Fortunately, practice ended earlier than usual.

The three of us were at lunch munching away before the period starts, and Keith couldn't join us today.

"Heather, why haven't I seen Dawson around lately?" Megan asked. Dawson is Heather's elder brother, who's also our pack's future Delta.

"He went on some pack business trip with my dad to Seattle for a week. And the poor bunch of us have to stay in school for exams..." Heather sighed tiredly. She had a fork in one hand and our Lycan history book in another. She could hardly pay any attention to us.

"I second that Heather." Our major exams were coming in less than a month before our summer vacay and I can't wait to get the hell out of school. Megan and I were already brainstorming about the places we can go during the summer break.

"How 'bout Italy? We can totally go to Venice! Oh oh let's just travel around Europe. Ah there's so many places I can't choose!!" Megan pulled her hair.

"You really got to sort your priorities Meg.." I laughed as she fiddled with her earrings, a nervous tick of hers. "Gotta go to the washroom!" I said and then sped walk out and turn around the corner at the end of the corridor.

"Here you are Victoria... I have yet to return your kind gestures.." I flipped my head around to find Jason towering above me with two of his side kicks behind. Seriously him again.

"You see I wanted to return the slap you gave me but I thought of a better way."

Pfft. "I'm surprised you held a grudge for something so petty for three months."

"Oh if it's you, I'll make sure to remember," He grinned. "Mike here, needs your help." He nudged his head forward as a cue and "Mike" cornered me quickly with a sinister smile on his face. Then he covered my mouth and wrapped his dirty hand around my waist.

I squeaked, shocked that they'd dare to try anything in school. Jason laughed in the backdrop.

"How is it Victoria? You could even be enjoying it for all we know. Don't worry we still have Nick over here waiting for his turn!" He cackled out loud with his friend. I tried hitting Mike but he just won't budge and I felt him touching me.

"Jason you didn't told me she's quite the catch under her clothes." Mike's voice were hoarse as he stared at my body. His hand moved up to my chest and I managed to give a hard kick to his shin. He grunted in pain and I went for his nose with my palms.

I pushed past them and ran like my life was on the line. They shouted loudly behind me and I knew they were hot on my heels. The corridor was sparse with people but they all paid us no attention. I cursed them in my head and turned a few corners to shake them off, but to no avail.

I was busy looking back and then I accidentally tripped over and fell flat down. I tried to regain myself quickly, and right there down the corridor I saw Lewis, back facing me. I screamed out his name on an impulse. Before I could register anything, someone jerked my ankles backwards and Jason cupped his hands on my mouth and sat on my back.

"Shut up! You liked it didn't you? Don't deny it." He spoke in a hushed tone. I shook my head violently as a reply. He pulled me upwards by my hair and dragged me to a secluded corner. Then Jason signalled Nick who smirked back and unbuckled his belt.

"Is that so?" Jason said, his breath next to my ears. Before his pants came off, I saw another pair of legs standing behind him. Nick turned his head around only to have it whipped back from a powerful punch. He stumbled to the side, revealing a black-faced Lewis, and a deadly pair of eyes.

He spared me a quick glance before roughly grabbing Jason by his collar and I was released. I fell to the side weakly, the horror of what could have happened hitting me in waves.

"How dare you lay your hands on her." He seethed in Jason's face while he froze up, petrified. Lewis looked extremely terrifying right now that even I shivered a little just by watching at one side.

He landed a hard punch to his stomach. Jason collapsed coughing loudly but the menace on Lewis's face didn't change one bit. He kicked him and pounded Jason's face ruthlessly. In less than a minute, it was swollen and covered in his own blood.

He pulled his hair upwards just like how he did to me so he could speak close to his ears. My heart cringed at how badly Jason was beaten up.

"If I see you or your friends near her. I will come for you. Do you understand?" Jason gathered the last of his strength and weakly nodded. Lewis let go of him and stared at me, then strolled off.

"Wait!" I caught up with him and took his hands. I could feel him froze momentarily. His knuckles was bruised and there were several cuts as well. Judging by the strength he exerted, it was no surprise. I took a first aid kit from the storage room I knew of to bandage up his wounds. Students were free to use them but because of their healing abilities, usually nobody touches them. Except for me.

I quickly wiped the wound, poured the saline solution over it, then applied a thin layer of antiseptic. I bandaged up his knuckles in no time and thought this was the least I could do for him. While I packed up, he stood up to leave.

"You didn't have to do it, y'know." I said back facing him, not sure whether he was still listening. I knew he didn't had to. "But, thank you."
Back then, I didn't knew if my voice had reached him.. but I knew deep inside me I wanted his help..

Bam! The first aid kit laid splattered on the floor.

He slammed his hands onto the wall behind me. His face was close to mine and I could see the confusion in his eyes too. He breathed heavily and I was shaken by his proximity.

"I heard you." My eyes grew wide.
"I had to come." He drew my face in with his hands on my chin. Oh no...! I didn't knew what to do!

Just as we were about to kiss, he stopped. I could see the hesitance. He shook his head and walked away.

My jelly feets finally caved. What was that..?

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