Immortal Hearts 2

Por Jack__Gilinsky

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"Some secrets can kill your closest friends/loved ones" Más

Chapter 1: New Years and Christmas Rolled Into One
Chapter 2: Hickeys
Chapter 3: Sweet Kisses
Chapter 4: On the phone with a vampire
Chapter 5: Trip to the hairdresser
Chapter 6: Schedule Changes
Chapter 7: NightMares
Chapter 8: Unease
Chapter 9:A Promise in the Dark....Sealed with a Kiss
Chapter 10: Pretty close
Chapter 11: Blood
Chapter 12: Spending the night
Chapter 13: Best Day Ever
Chapter 14: Cupid's Chokehold
Chapter 15: Misery Loves Company
Chapter 16: Many Times You've Been Close To Breaking
Chapter 17: Catching Up
Chapter 18: Spin the bottle
Chapter 19: Fighting Dirty
Chapter 20: Fighting it out
Chapter 21: Detention Buddies
Chapter 22: My girl
Chapter 23: Feeling
Chapter 24: Crushes?
Chapter 25: Clean Hands
Chapter 26: Fun in the Shower
Chapter 27: Ex-Girlfriend
Chapter 28: Torn
Chapter 30: Were You Weak, Was I Strong?
Chapter 32: Happy Valentine's Day
Chapter 33: Love and Loss
Chapter 34; Final Chapter: Changes

Chapter 31:Rumours and Therapy

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Por Jack__Gilinsky

-Carmen Silvers POV-

"You bastard!" I cried, lunging at him.

He didn't have enough time to react and I knocked him right off the bed, both of us going flying onto the floor. He snapped out of his shock and rolled me off of him.

But I was so angry that I rolled us over easily, jamming my knee right in his gut as I grabbed his wrists and pinned them above his head.

"You killed her!" I cried, "You killed her!"

"Killed who?" he asked, annoyed and confused.

"Demi! Van's second-in-command!" I said, lifting his upper body off the ground only to slam him back into the hardwood floor, "You killed her and left Seth with her dead body!"

"Who the hell is Demi? And Seth?" he snapped at me, looking at me crossly.

My chest heaved and my vision cleared slowly as I took slow deep breaths. He really didn't know who they were.

"You killed her," I breathed, "And they killed him because he lost his mind when you killed his mate. They put him down like a dog."

"I don't know who you are talking about," he said, struggling to get me off him but surprisingly he couldn't manage it.

"The soul mates!" I exclaimed, slamming him into the floor again, "When Natasha left you!"

His glare deepened at the mention of Natasha before it cleared.

"Her name was Demi?" he asked, "And his was Seth?"

"Yes," I hissed.

"Huh, I never knew that," he shrugged, looking as casual as if we were discussing weather and not the lives and deaths of the previous Pack and Coven's second-in-commands.

"You bastard," I hissed at him again, "How can you not care?"

"I just don't," he said seriously, "I was too distracted by Natasha to care about a pair of weak werewolves and vampires."

"So what? You say you never loved her but you were distracted by her?" I challenged, "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Nothing," he snarled, thrashing underneath me to get me off of him, "Imagine the only person you kept around for several centuries suddenly takes off on you. Even if you don't love them that doesn't mean you don't want to know what the hell happened."

"Oh really? Now imagine if you actually loved the person," I spat at him, "Imagine that person didn't run away, but got taken away."

He glared, "If you're here to guilt me about killing that bitch and taking away your mate then you're wasting your time."

"I'm not here to guilt you about anything," I said venomously, leaning my head down to his, "I'm here because I'm mad. You broke Van's Pack and Sally's Coven all because you were selfish. You couldn't even have the decency to put Seth out of his misery and instead left him to be killed by guards."

"I was going to kill him," he growled, "By the time I got back he was already dead. I only wanted him to be tortured for a little while. Do you honestly think I wanted those humans to get their dirty hands on him? Humans have no right to interfere in our kinds affairs."

"Our kinds? I hope you don't mean werewolves, vampires and demons together," I said, disgusted by the thought of being lumped in the same category as him.

The sinister smile was back, "You may not like to hear it, my dear, but our three kinds go way back, always mingling together. The point is, our type should not be stepped on or bothered by humans. They have no right to do so."

"I was going to kill that vampire, I came back but he was already dead. I didn't want them to do that since they cost me a kill that I so desperately needed. Natasha pissed me off and I needed to let it out and was going to take pity on that leech but somebody beat me to it," he said, eyes locked on mine, "So don't say I'm complete heartless. I do feel remorse for leeches and mongrels like you and your mate; we're like family that goes way back."

I let go of him and walked back as he stood, "Don't ever say we're anything alike or that we are related in any way. And don't you dare say you feel remorse. Look at what hell you're doing right now and tell me that doesn't just contradict what you just told me."

"My dear, this needed to be done," he said, stepping forward, arms winding around my waist, "He was the best one around for the job and besides, that had been my plan all along if you hadn't figured it out by now."

"What do you mean?" I asked, heart beating faster.

"Remember when I told you when I had you chained up about what I had been planning to do? And how I told you the rest would be a surprise?" he asked, gleeful.

"Yeah, so?" I asked, tired of his games.

He stepped back; arms spread wide and a huge creepy smile on his face, "Surprise!"

I gasped, "No! You little-"

He wagged his finger at me, "Ah, ah, ah," he said condescendingly, "Watch your language, my dear. It's horribly unlady like."

"Screw being unlady like," I snarled, swinging my fist out. He caught it easily and squeezed my fist so hard I thought he'd break all the bones in my hand. But I didn't scream. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing he could hurt me.

"Toughening up, aren't we, pup?" he taunted before he pushed on my fist hard, sending me flying backwards onto the floor.

There was a knock on the door and Caleb froze just as he crouched down.

"Wyatt? Is everything okay in there?" I heard Wyatt's mom ask, concerned and slightly suspicious.

"Everything's fine," he called, his voice and tone sounding like Wyatt's again, reassuring, "I just knocked something over."

"Okay," his mom said doubtfully, "But keep it down okay? You've got school and some of us are trying to sleep."

We heard her footsteps recede until a door opened and closed.

"You heard her," he smirked, "Now leave."

"I'd be glad too," I hissed before I turned and stomped to the window. I leapt sideways just as Caleb went sailing past me, catching himself neatly on his feet like a cat.

"Hmm, Natasha taught you well," he commented, looking vaguely annoyed about that fact.

"I'll be sure to pass on the compliment," I retorted before I jumped out of the open window.

I went straight back to my house without once looking back, still fuming.


14 Days Till V-Day (OMG)

School was hard. Caleb was back for the better part of the day, taunting me and annoying me in every way he possibly could. The first way was hearing the rumours. Ah, rumours. Lovely little things, aren't they?

Note sarcasm.

The rumour was basically that Austin and I were in relationship before, then I cheated on him with Alex and Matt, we broke up, and he wanted to make me mad so he hooked up with Caroline, and I apparently begged for his forgiveness and he dumped Caroline to get back with me before he realized I was a total whore and dumped me again before hooking up with Caroline.


The truth? We were in a relationship before, during, and after, Caleb wanted to make me mad so he hooked up with her, Austin dumped her after he apologized to me, and now Caleb got back with her to yet again, make me angry.

But everyone believed what they wanted too and no amount of saying otherwise was going to change their minds. So instead I shut my mouth and kept my head held high while everyone stared and pointed at me in the halls.

I was thankful when school was over because then I was free to curl up in a ball and what ever. Hide from the world and my problems. Immerse myself in Van's journal, in another time far, far away from now.

Instead, I came home to find my Dad and Grandma waiting for me. Carmen was sent to her room until we finished talking.


That sounds just as good as rumours.

"Carmen, sit down," my Dad said, pushing a glass of water my way.

I wrapped my hands around it but didn't feel up to drinking it. I didn't even feel like eating. Or going out. Or socializing. I just wanted to go to my room, read, and pretend that there was nothing wrong in my life, if even for a few hours.

"What's wrong, pup?" Grandma asked softly, her blue eyes worried.

"Nothing," I mumbled, rubbing my thumb along the side of my cup, keeping my eyes down and focused on the glass of water as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. Anything to keep from looking up and seeing the worried expressions on their faces.

"Are you sure? Is there someone bothering you at school? Are you feeling sick?" My Dad prodded.

I shook my head, not saying a word. What could I say?

My soul mate is possessed, and is going to very well die because no one can think of a way to save him, and it's going to happen exactly two weeks from now.

"Lily told us what some of the kids were saying about you at school," Grandma said seriously, "What's going on with you and that boy?"

That boy. She said it as if she were disgusted just by the thought of Austin. But it wasn't Austin. It was Caleb. It was always him.

"Nothing," I mumbled again. And that's what it appeared to be; nothing. Caleb was coming around more and more and Austin was struggling to keep in control, even with the tricks Natasha taught him. Caleb was getting stronger.

"There must be something going on for people to start talking," my Dad encouraged.

I didn't say anything.

"Carmen, you can talk to us," Grandma said, touching my hand.

Again I stayed silent. I couldn't talk to them. They wouldn't understand. How could they? I'm a werewolf, my friends are werewolves and vampires, I'm in love with a vampire who's possessed by a demon who is apparently trying to kill me as well as the guy I love. Try explaining that without getting locked up in an asylum.

"If you don't want to talk to us we can find somebody else," my Dad suggested quietly.

My head snapped up, irritation flaring up, "Like who? A social worker? A therapist?" I snapped.

They both frowned at me, "Carmen, if there's something bothering you you should really talk to someone-"

"So what? I should spill my guts to a person who's getting paid to listen to me but doesn't care about me? What the hell is the point?" I said, letting go of the cup to curl my fists.

"It was just a suggestion, but you don't have to talk to them, pup," Grandma said soothingly, "Just talk to us. What's going on at school? In your life? You just don't seem like the same girl anymore."

"You're always so down, you never eat, eat, go out with your friends, nothing. You spend all your time in your room and when you're not in your room you're either ticked off, exhausted or no feeling at all," my Dad said, his face serious but still concerned.

I looked away before I looked up again, "This thing at school is a big misunderstanding. The kids are stupid and they make up things just so they can start a problem."

"But there must be a reason why they picked on you and that boy," Grandma coaxed.

"Stop calling him 'that boy!'" I snapped at her, furious, "His name is Austin for God's sake! And stop sounding so digested by him! He did absolutely nothing wrong."

"But Lily said she heard you two were dating but broke up and he got with another girl before you two got together again," my Dad said, "And don't use that tone with your Grandmother."

"It's okay Jerry," Grandma assured him, "Let her vent."

"Yes, Austin was with another girl. Yes, he dumped her. And yes, they got back together again. But we were never together, are not together and never will be together," I said, nearly spitting the words out through my gritted teeth, "People only think we were together because we talk during class. He's having a hard time right now and I'm trying my best to help him out but people misinterpreted it."

"What kind of hard times? Help him out how?" Dad asked, confused.

"It's none of your business!" I slammed my fists on the table, "If I wanted to talk to someone about it, I would have already. Now just leave it alone."

My Dad glared at me and I thought he was going to chew me out for sure for snapping at him and Grandma but he didn't.

"You're going to the doctor tomorrow," he said icily, eyes narrowed at me.

"No," I said immediately. No way in hell was I going to the doctor. The results of any test performed by a doctor will be strange and I refuse to be a lab rat because my body works differently because I'm a werewolf.

"Yes you are. You haven't been since last year and something is wrong with you," he said sternly, "Don't bother arguing; you're going whether you want to or not."

"Something is wrong with me?" I echoed, feeling like something just punched me in the gut.

"Jerry," Grandma scolded him, "There's nothing wrong with her. She has problems any normal teenager would have at her age."

Normal teenager? Ha! If only she knew how far from normal I was.

"Look at her Victoria!" my Dad said, gesturing with a pointed finger at me, "Does she look okay to you? She's pale, she's moody, she has bruises under her eyes, and it seems almost everyday she has some new injury that has no explanation as to why it's there."

"So she's going through a rough time, is that a crime? Let the girl be, if she wants to talk to us she would," Grandma said, leaping to my defence.

I slammed my hands on the table and stood, both of them abruptly stopping their argument before they jerked their heads to look at me.

"Stop arguing. This is my issue, this is my life so don't you start about what's wrong or not. Last time I checked I was responsible enough to take care of myself so stay out of it," I hissed before I spun on my heel and left, leaving Dad and Grandma open mouthed and shocked.



So question for you cunts :)

"New covery? like?"




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