Prison Chic #1st book of the...

By RedNos

578K 12.5K 1.9K

#26 in Action on 7/3/2016 Joanna Blake is a reckless girl who wished to be normal all her twenty-one years bu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 10-2
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Frienship... Forever?
Chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
A dark, dark Past
chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 21
I Guess I'm Stuck With You
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Death.. and Love
Chapter 25
Chapter 26- part 1
Chapter 26- part 2
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Loyalty is... hard to get
Over and over, your son.
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Final Chapter 55 (Part 1)
Final Chapter 55 (Part 2)

BONUS Ending

1.2K 51 9
By RedNos

Shi*! I forgot how much I love writing this. I had so much fun doing this chapter for you people! I really hope you enjoy it... love you.


Aldobrandeno sat straight on his armchair, his eyes assessing, his face impassive as he watched the FBI team raiding his residence.

The only person who can tell his blood was boiling inside was his right hand man, Fernando.

Aiden and his brother Brad were positioned on either side of the seating arrangements. Their eyes like hawks on the suited men around the house.

"Boss..." Fernando muttered next to Aldo. They were both setting in the front hall of the house on the couches the men who were searching around moved. The whole place looked a mess, all for the name of 'searching for evidence'.

"Boss," Fernando said again, and Aldo finally looked his way. "Please, wait in the office. Those shitheads will be in here for a while."

Aldo shook his head, "it's alright, Nando. Let's see if these idiots can find something."

He wasn't happy, that much was clear. But this situation was nothing compared to the fury he felt for another situation.


That granddaughter of him was going to be the death of him, he could feel it.

"Anything yet?" he muttered and heard Fernando exhale loudly next to him.

"I am sorry." He finally replied.

Aldo cursed softly and threw a glare in the direction of one of the men who was knocking stupidly on the walls. His eyes widened frighteningly before he scurried away like a fucking retarded mouse.

Aldo wanted to hurl at them. Shit, he wanted to grab his gun and drill it against their heads.

"Mr. Baneno." Suddenly, a full suited man emerged from the front double door. "I am sorry I'm late."

Fernando sprung to action and was in front of Aldo in seconds.

"What's the meaning of this?" he threw the search warrant paper at the new guy in a distasteful way.

"Calm down, Fernando." The guy smiled brightly at them, reaching his hand to touch Fernando's shoulder. Aldo wanted to rip the man's head off with his bare hands. This guy was responsible for everything.

"Don't you dare lay your fucking hands on me, Harrison." Fernando said in his deepest, lowest voice, which only indicated how much he was holding his anger. Harrison would be an idiot to test him.

It was probably the reason for the two giant bodyguards behind him.

Fucking coward.

"Pack it up guys. We're done here." Harrison called around and his men scurried to the door hurriedly, trying to not meet Aldo's glare as they went outside.

"Your tactics are getting old. Don't you think, agent Harrison?" Fernando spat at the guy.

"Really?" Harrison shrugged, "I quite like my touches around here!" he looked around gesturing to the mess his men left.

"Fuck you." Fernando took a step towards him but Aldo stopped him, grabbing his arm back and standing up in the process.

"You're done here?" Aldo looked down at Harrison with cold, murderous eyes.

"Done?" Harrison chuckled, taking a few steps back, "Are you kidding?"

"Leave!" Fernando gritted out. Aldo's hand on his arm the only restrain on him from lunching on Harrison and tearing him apart.

"Not until I get a location on Drake." Harrison finally dropped his cheery act.

"We don't know where he is." Aldo said coolly, "But you already know that."

"I know. I know." Harrison raised both hands in front of him, "But I also know lill' miss Cage would want to visit grand-pappy eventually." He smirked, "we just don't want to miss the reunion."

Aldo was in front of Fernando, his gun pressed on Harrison's head in a flash. The two guards behind the FBI agent had their guns pointed at Aldo in a second but not before Fernando, Aiden and Brad had their own guns out.

"Leave, Harrison. And hope for another safe day." Aldo muttered darkly, pressing the gun harder against the man's forehead before pulling back and walking away, leaving Fernando and the other two to make sure the fuckers left.

"How long has it been, Nando?" Aldo's grieve voice asked when Fernando reached the office room. Aldo was sitting on the chair behind the desk, turning it so he was facing the large window, watching the FBIs leaving.

"Uh..." Fernando sagged down the chair in front of Aldo's desk, "Six months now."

Aldo let out a long breath. "Do you think she's alright?"

Fernando pinched the bridge of his nose as he laid his head back, "I don't know, boss." He took a long breath and let it out, "But I believe Drake would kill himself before anything happens to her."

"We put too much trust in that lad, don't we?" Aldo turned around to face Fernando, "let's hope he meets our expectations. Don't stop searching for her."

"Of coarse." Fernando sat up, "Never."

"Now," Aldo pushed his phone towards Fernando, "Cal Boyed. They will come for him next."


"For the millionth time, Harrison." Mark huffed in annoyance, "I haven't seen her or Drake. Any more visits from you and I'll fucking sue you."

"Sue me?" Harrison laughed, "Seriously. You know the position you are in. You are lucky there's no enough evidence against you related to her fraud and escape from prison."

"Well, isn't life filled of disappointment?" Mark beamed at him. Harrison didn't share his enthusiasm, "It's been seven years already, let it go." Mark rolled his eyes and stood up, walking to the front door; "I am being a gentleman here and walk you out myself. One minute more and I'll drag you out."

"One day, Boyed, you're going to crack." Harrison scrunched his face distastefully.

"Yeah," Mark chucked, "Maybe in another seven years, you know, when unicorns decides to come out."

Harrison buttoned his suit in an agitated way as he moved to the door. Once he was in front of Mark he spat, "One day, Boyed, you'll be out of luck."

"Yeah, yeah. Good day to you too." he pushed him out and slammed the door before he muttered, "Fucker."

Mark made his way back to his living room. "Where are you, Jo?" he breathed out and sagged down the floor.

Ever since Julian's latest stunt with the FBI, they've been looking for him non-stop, and since Joanna was his weak link, they've been raiding him non-stop on an attempt to find her.

And of coarse, it was since then when they both disappeared.

"Did you have to release those information, Drake?" Mark lay down on the floor. He felt the most hopeless when Joanna disappeared. He was supposed to be her guardian. His mother's voice rang inside of his head.

He promised he'd take care of Joanna, but how could he, when he couldn't see her anymore?

"Please..." Mark covered his eyes with his arm as he lay on the carpeted floor, "Be safe."


"Fuuuck! Damn it!"

"Shut up and set still, will ya?!"

Joanna glared down at Julian warningly before her eyes softened and she bent to kiss the scar on his forehead, "I'll finish in a bet, ok?"

"Fine." Julian exhaled in defeat and laid his head back on the pillow, "Does it look bad?"

Joanna averted her eyes from his and focused at the task on hand, "am I allowed to lie?" She mused.



The wound on his side stopped bleeding, but it was so wide and Joanna tried her best to stitch it up. "So what? Next time, am I going to stitch your lung in?" she asked grumbly as she tied the last stitch, "there."

"Don't be dramatic, babe." Julian smirked and attempted to stretch both arms above his head but soon stopped himself when the wound gave him a wave of pain.

Joanna leveled him with a look before she eased herself from above him and down the bed. She walked to put the first aid kit away but swayed before she fell.

"Shit. Hold up!" Julian groaned as he pulled himself up and was beside Joanna in seconds, "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine." Joanna bit out before she looked up and gave him a tight smile, "I'm fine."

"You keep saying that." He said grimly.

"Well," Joanna pulled away from his hold, "I am." She shrugged and placed the kit inside one of the drawer.


"Just... try not to die on me soon." She said, her back to him, "I... won't know what to do if that happened."

When she turned back at him she almost laughed at his stubborn face. He exhaled and his posture loosened, "I'm sorry."

"So what happened tonight?" she gestured to his side where the new wound glistened. She walked back carefully to the bed. "Who shot you?"

"It's not important." He walked to her and carefully laid next to her, "come here."

She laid her head on his shoulder and snuggled to his good side. Closing her eyes in content.

"How're you feeling, Anna?" Julian asked, nuzzling his nose against her forehead.

"I'm fi..."


"Weak." She huffed, "well, weaker."

She felt him stiffen next to her.

"Don't worry about it. Probably just a symptom. It'll go away." She tried to assure him.

"How can you tell?" he asked softly.

She was quiet for a long moment, "I'm sorry, Lian." She finally said.

"For what? If you remember correctly, this time, it's entirely my fault." He said, pulling her closer, "I'm so sorry, baby."

"It's all so... fucked up." She mumbled.

"I'll figure it out." Julian said.


Julian was thoughtful for a minute. "I met a girl tonight." He said.

Joanna froze in his arms before she said, "You may continue if you want your d!ck chopped."

Julian burst out laughing before groaning loudly at the pain it cause him, "Fuuuuck."

"Are you ok?" Joanna jumped beside him quickly touching around for his wound.

"Oh, Anna." He pulled her down and bit her shoulder, making her gasp. "The girl is way too young."

Joanna gav him a flat look.

"And..." he made a face, "she have a huge red curly mass on her head. Totally not my type."

"Oh." She mumbled. "Fine. Continue."

Julian smile faltered a little, "She was sleeping in Hank's store."

"The electronic store?" she frowned, "how come? Wait! Did she see you? Was she the one who..."

"She did see me." Julian interrupted her, "I was about to shoot her but Hank stopped me. Said she was alright."

Julian pulled a deep breath in. "I did a little research on her when I was in Hank's basement."

"Yeah?" Joanna probed, "what did you get?"

"Interesting stuff."

"How interesting?"

"I'm not so sure yet. But..." Julian traced his figures around Joanna's stomach. "remember White?"

Joanna groaned.

"Well, apparently, not all his men died that day in the explosion."

"You mean the day you almost killed yourself."

"Yes. that day." Julian continued, "one of the men who worked for him before is leading a new gang. This girl... well, she's hiding herself pretty well. Her situation is pretty messy. Lots of names are thrown in around her. She might be a good key to solve our problem."

"Is it risky?" Joanna looked up at him.

"If Hank's and my theories are on point about her, I'd say very risky. But it's worth a shot." He frowned down at his fingers on her belly, as if he didn't know how they got there and quickly retracted them. "I'm so sorry, Anna." He looked down at her eyes, his expression uncharacteristically grieve.


"I am sorry I made you sick." He touched the back of his hand over her pale cheeks.

"Lian, come on!" Joanna frowned at him, "It's not your fault."

"This wasn't supposed to happen." He muttered and pulled himself up, setting back against the headboard of the bed, "I was suppose to keep you safe and now... I can't even get you to a hospital to figure out what this... this thing is doing to you!" he threw his hand at the direction of her stomach.

"It's not a thing!" Joanna frowned at him, "And... I'm not that sick." She looked away as she said the last bet.

"You are throwing up every day. You barely eat anything. Shit! You know how useless I feel!?" he stood up, mindless to the pain his wound caused him at the movement.

"Lian!" Joanna started to say but he continued.

"You are getting paler and paler. This isn't normal!" he threw at her.

"It's all normal symptoms. You know that! We read about it together. It's not uncommon!" Joanna tried to sooth him but he didn't seem convinced. She wobbled on her feat but he quickly caught her arms.

"Anna, you can barely walk! Fuck, you've passed out twice since it all started." He tightened his grip on her, "this. Is. Not. Normal."

"Julian. I'll be fine." Joanna looked up at him, welling him to calm down with her eyes. He pressed his forehead against hers.

"If any thing happens to you because of this thing, I'll never forgive myself. It was a mistake."

Joanna smiled, "It's a cute mistake."

"Now you're just missing with me."

"And please, stop calling him a thing." She chuckled.

He gave her an annoyed look, "him? Since when it's a him?"

"I dunno." Joanna shrugged, "I don't have the energy to call him he/she."

Julian didn't even crack a smile.

"Plus I want a 'him' that looks just like you. Well, minus the scar." She beamed at him and pulled away, moving back to the bed.

"What? What's wrong with my scar?" he asked incredulously, "you said it made me look like a badass!"

"Yeah, well. That was seven years ago." Joanna shrugged as she pulled the bed covers over her, "Now you look like a creepy old daddy." She laughed when she saw him visibly palling.

"Please don't call me that." He shivered.

"What? Daddy?" Joanna bit her lower lip to stop herself from laughing. "But you'll be."

Julian made a gagging noise and Joanna laughed harder. He finally smiled as he watched her.

"Come now." Joanna patted the space next to her, "No work tonight. You need sleep to recover."

"I need other things too." Julian gave her a devilish smile, jumping on the bed and caging her under him, "I love you, baby."

She reached up and touched his jaw, "I love you too." she bit back the tears. "I love you too much." She hated these moment, when she felt she'd loose him at any moment, "Don't you dare die on me, Lian." She warned, pulling him down, her arms around his neck, "Or I'll follow you the next hour."

"You're crazy." He chuckled.

"But you already know that." She smiled against his neck.

He buried his face in the knock of her shoulder; "I promise I'll get you out of this safe."

"Us." She said, "together."

Julian pulled just enough to look at her, "Always."

"Or else..." Joanna smiled softly at him.

"We'll tear the world apart." He beamed at her, giving her his most devilish smile, which she loved so much.





Ooooooooh I can't believe how much I missed writing about those two crazy heads.

Now, let's get serious.

The next book of the CHICs series will NOT be about JULIAN and JOANNA. It'll have entirely new main leads.

However the next story, Tutor chic, will eventually give you all the closure you'll need for our double Js.

It's only a spin off this story; I repeat, IT IS NOT PART-TWO OF PC!



In fact, people who didn't read PC can actually read Tutor chic by itself without needing to come back o this one.

Tutor Chic will have some of the characters from this story, tho. Nothing will be cantered over them, but they'll be mingling around.

So, if you are interested, check out Tutor Chic.

And finally,

Thank you all for sticking by me and reading my shit! I am so happy a lot of people liked it. You guys are awesome. No I'm not tearing up *Wiping my eyes with the back of my hand*

Just go on, beautifuls, and have a great day/ afternoon/ night.


*end of emotional breakdown*



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